Shedding Light on Nightshades + What You Need to Know

Hola Chica!

As naturalista’s, we often already play the role of our own health detectives out of the love for truth.

Have you ever had a trigger response from a food you’ve eaten? I know that when I eat gluten, or too much of one food type over time - I feel it! It may be a pleasure reward in the moment, but boy do I pay for it later.

Sometimes we have no idea where a ‘reaction’ comes from, nor does it always show up in your gut. Other common reactions can be foggy brain, insomnia and commonly - our skin.

There are common foods that cause allergies such as egg and dairy, but one heavy hitter the health industry is starting to recognize more than others are NIGHTSHADES and the active agitator within it called “Lectin.”

Later, I’ll help us connect the dots to how nightshades potentially affect our skin, but today’s dialog is breaking down the basics of new nutritional science I deem highly valuable to know for yourself, or someone you know.


Nightshades are a family of plants known as Solanaceae. The family includes some pretty popular veggies like:

  • Potatoes

  • Tomatoes

  • Eggplant

  • Peppers (including bell, cayenne pepper, and paprika)


Many health experts believe you should avoid the nightshade family altogether. Why? There are a couple of reasons.

I’ve already mentioned an alkaloid called solanine. But nightshades also contain the alkaloids capsaicin and nicotine (yes, nicotine — tobacco is part of the nightshade family, after all). And all of these alkaloids may have irritating effects on the body.

Solanine has been linked to aggravated joint pain and inflammation. Though no scientific studies currently support this finding, The Arthritis Foundation reports that many patients do find this to be the case.

Nicotine is found in tobacco plants (also a nightshade family member) as well as these common nightshade vegetables. Amounts of nicotine in the veggies can range from 2-7 microgram/kg (a cigarette averages about 12 milligrams) but decrease with the fading of “green” coloring. So when a tomato ripens it does decrease in nicotine.

The bottom line with alkaloids is: Though they may not affect everyone, some people are very sensitive to them because they can’t digest them properly.

According to Dr. Gundry, lectins are toxic proteins found in certain plants.

Lectins are part of a plant’s natural defense system. The problem with lectins is:

  • They can bind to cells on your gut wall

  • Damage the gut

  • Preventing you from properly absorbing nutrients.

Lectins are found in their highest concentrations in legumes, grains, and — you guessed it — nightshades.

Research has begun to show that – though some people are more sensitive to lectins than others – lectins are:

  • Toxic, inflammatory, or both

  • Resistant to your digestive enzymes

  • Able to cause major discomfort if consumed in high concentration


If you suffer from a leaky gut, an irritable bowel, or any other gastrointestinal sensitivity you should definitely think about cutting lectin-rich nightshades from your diet to see if you notice any difference.


Nightshade sensitivity can be very similar to a host of other conditions but generally appear as:

  • Diarrhea

  • Heartburn / Reflux

  • Nausea

  • Irritable Bowel

  • Joint Pain and/or swelling



Funny word, I know. Tubers include sweet potatoes, yucca, and taro root. The sweet potato is particularly wonderful with health-promoting antioxidants like β‐carotene and anthocyanins — both of which have been shown to protect against certain health issues.


The following leafy greens are incredibly high in nutrients (like vitamins A, C, E, and K).

  • Romaine

  • Red & green leaf lettuce

  • Kohlrabi

  • Mesclun

  • Spinach

  • Endive

  • Butter lettuce

  • Parsley

  • Fennel

  • Seaweed/sea vegetables


Like leafy greens, cruciferous veggies like the ones below are also high in important carotenoid-antioxidants (like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) as well as vitamins C, E, and K; folate; and fiber.

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Arugula

  • Kale

  • Cabbage

  • Collard greens

  • Bok choy


Hello chipotle or avocado toast (minus the gluten for me). Avocado is actually a fruit, but because it’s a first-class choice when it comes to gut-friendly veggies.

Avocados are full of healthy monounsaturated fats and soluble fiber. As well as plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Research has even found the avocado may also lower “bad” LDL cholesterol which is a huge contributor to cardiovascular diseases.

How to Test for Nightshade Sensitivity

The best way to test for a nightshade sensitivity is to go through an elimination diet. You’ll want to remove all nightshades from your diet (including culinary spices such as red pepper flakes, chili powder, and curry powder) and see if your symptoms resolve. If you do not experience any GI issues, fatigue, or joint pain after successfully removing nightshades from your diet, then you probably have a nightshade sensitivity.

So does that mean you can never eat salsa again? Not at all! The next phase of the elimination diet is the reintroduction phase. One at a time, you will begin to reintroduce each food you removed to test how your body reacts to it.

I suggest waiting two weeks before re-adding. Some people have only a very minor intolerance to nightshades, which means you may be able to tolerate some foods in the nightshade family depending on the amount of glycoalkaloids they contain

That’s it! Whether you sense a sensitivity, brain fog, digestive issues - or not, removing nightshades may be an interesting exploration.

Next I’ll dial in on how nightshades may be causing skin issues of all kinds.

I have to acknowledge just how frustrating it is to figure out triggers that confuse our inner health and outer skin issues.

Though nightshades can be an issue for people with chronic inflammatory conditions, the reason it affects skin isn’t so clear cut.

I’ll cover that in my next dialog with you.

Thanks for informing yourself, beaute! Questions? Contact me at

Love n’ Light,


The 7 Top Signs of Omega-3 Deficiency

Hello lovely!

We often hear about healthy fats, for our skin, a better brain and heart health. I also previously wrote about how Omegas are the SINGLE MOST MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS we make our own endocannabinoids from to keep us in balance and optimal health.

If you don't get enough of these key fatty acids in your diet, it can lead to various health concerns including poor sleep, dry skin conditions, and even an increased risk of heart disease.

The 5 Key Triggers of Female Hair Loss (and a natural solution 2x's more powerful than minoxidil).png

So with this in mind, let’s COVER OUR BASES. In most cases, deficiencies can easily be fixed by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. Here are the seven most common signs that you may be lacking in omega-3:

Common symptoms of omega-3 deficiency, plus the healthy fats you should be eating

1. Dry skin

One of the secrets to youthful and hydrated skin is omega-3 fats, which can be found naturally in the cell wall structure. But the more deficient you are, the drier your skin will be. Omega-3 also helps the skin to absorb healthy nutrients and expel waste products that are harmful, resulting in healthy looking, glowing skin.

2. Lifeless hair

The same omega-3s found in the cells of your skin can also be found in hair follicles, making it an important nutrient for lustrous, glossy hair. Omega-3 fats nourish the hair, support hair thickening and also reduce scalp inflammation that can lead to hair loss.

If you are vegetarian or vegan and think you might be deficient in omega-3, eat plenty of nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, beans, soy products and leafy green vegetables, and consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

3. Brittle nails

Soft, peeling and brittle nails are all outward signs something in your body isn't right. It could be an omega-3 deficiency. Many studies have shown that omega-3s from animal sources, such as fish oils are easier for the body to absorb versus plant based ones, so incorporate oily fish into your diet if you can.

4. Insomnia

A study from the University of Oxford found that people with higher levels of omega-3 experienced better quality sleep. However, I always advise people to take omega-3 supplements in the morning, and not at night, as they can keep you awake if taken too close to bedtime!

5. Poor concentration

If you don't eat a lot of oily fish, or take omega-3 supplements, there's good chance you may experience poor concentration. Many people have experienced significant improvements in their concentration by simply ensuring they get a daily dose of omega-3.

6. Fatigue

Regular fatigue can have many causes, but there is no doubt that a deficiency in omega-3 could be one of them. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, fatigue is a common symptom of an underlying omega-3 deficiency, and so boosting your diet with fatty oils could help to increase your energy levels.

7. Joint pain

Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish oils are powerful anti-inflammatory agents - this is what makes them so important for people living with joint pain. Making sure you get enough omega-3 might stop the process that destroys tissues and joints, which causes the initial inflammation.

So there you go! My favorite fats are avocados, white fish and salmon and nuts. What are yours?

Love n’ light - Kassandra

Resource: Harpers Bazaar

​How Your Body Boosts it’s Own Endocannabinoid’s (CBD free calming bio-hack)


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to keeping a health ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM.

Hey Hey!

As you know, I'm all about helping you better connect your beauty + biology.  So to lay the ground work for this important article, I think it's critical we each know how we produce our OWN endocannabinoids. The ”cannabinoids” are the healing support agents from phytocannabinoids in CBD in the market.  

What to know: Cannabinoids do NOT just come from CBD. There's a critical piece for you and your underlying biology to make this mind + body + beauty saving compound. 

From the Beginning

Shortly after the first cannabinoid was isolated from the cannabis plant, scientists discovered that the human body produces similar substances on its own. These substances are now known as “endogenous cannabinoids.” Not only do humans produce their own cannabinoids, but they also have receptors designed specifically to recognize and respond to the endogenous cannabinoids produced. Together, the body's endogenous cannabinoids and the receptors that bind with them form the endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for a number of functions within the human body, such as maintaining homeostasis.

How it Works

The body's endocannabinoid system relies on the natural production of endogenous cannabinoids in order to function properly. In order to produce the proper amount of endogenous cannabinoids, the body requires a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the precursor to endogenous cannabinoids. If they are in short supply, the body will not be able to manufacture the amount of endogenous cannabinoids it needs to maintain a healthy endocannabinoid system. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential to the health of other components in the endocannabinoid system. For example, these compounds facilitate the growth and healing of CB1 receptors, which are required in order to process cannabinoids of any type. Furthermore, Omega-3s are important for the overall health of brain cells in general.

Omega-3 Deficiencies

The 5 Key Triggers of Female Hair Loss (and a natural solution 2x's more powerful than minoxidil) (1).png

If your diet doesn't contain a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, your body may be unable to produce the proper amount of endogenous cannabinoids on its own. In addition, because Omega-3 fatty acids grow and repair your CB1 receptors, the cannabinoids your body does produce may not affect the endocannabinoid system as strongly as they should. For this reason, it is important for everyone to eat a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only are these compounds important for the endocannabinoid system, but they also promote human health in general by boosting fertility, lowering cholesterol, lubricating the joints, protecting vision, improving heart health and providing a number of other important benefits.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome

Unfortunately, modern diets do not always contain the nutrition required to maintain the endocannabinoid system properly. In cases where nutritional deficiencies or other problems are causing the endocannabinoid system to fail, a person may develop a condition known as “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome”. This can lead to a variety of symptoms and related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines and more.

ECS Tone Treatment Options

If you are suffering from Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome, you may be able to improve your condition by increasing the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. This will help to heal your CB1 receptors, facilitate the growth of more receptors and increase the amount of endogenous cannabinoids your body produces.

It may also be helpful to supplement your body's endogenous cannabinoids with cannabinoids from external sources, such as CBD Cannabidiol. Taking a cannabidiol supplement will increase the concentration of cannabinoids in your body, thus leading to a more efficient and effective endocannabinoid system.

Head over to Evoq Beauty and purchase our everyday Clean Calm and Connected CBD oil to give your ECS a boost.

How Your Lifestyle Accelerates Aging & Affects Skin Health [tips + science inside]

In my previous article, I noted that our body’s biological system is influenced by our genetics. In fact - science proves that 80% of our health state is from the daily choices and our direct environment. The other 20% is hard coded. This should come a a great relief (and a little pressure of course).

Why does our skin ages and what we can do about it?

Aging occurs because of two different factors: intrinsic and extrinsic. You don't have much control over intrinsic factors, which are influenced by your genes, ethnicity, and certain medical conditions. But there is a major upside because you can have a huge impact on your extrinsic factors like UV exposure, stress, smoking, nutrition and lifestyle choices, which are major contributors to the aging process.

How do these extrinsic factors contribute to aging? All of them can generate the trifecta of reactions that create fines lines, wrinkles, and skin sag: oxidation, inflammation, and glycation. When you combine these three things, you hit the jackpot for premature aging.

Below we get one to one on terminology, how it affects our fundamental biology, and how to integrate lifestyle and nutritional habits to assist healthy aging and brighter skin.

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Mitochondria are tiny "organelles," thousands of them in each cell, that are the power plants for our metabolisms. Their waste products include oxygen in a form that is super-reactive and therefore toxic. The cell has an effective mechanism for quenching these ROS (reactive oxygen species).

Insulin chemistry


The body gradually loses its ability to respond to insulin, and poisons itself with excess blood sugar.

All the food you eat gets converted into glucose, which is the simplest form of sugar that your body can use for energy. Foods containing more sugar—think packaged cereal, crackers, sauces as well as foods that are more readily converted into sugar like refined carbohydrates—can flood your system with glucose.

Glycation (cross-linking of proteins and sugars)


Skin + Glycation

When sugar combines with protein or fat in the bloodstream, the result is the formation of harmful compounds called advanced glycation end products (also knowns as AGEs). AGEs can be formed spontaneously in the body or they can be formed in foods like fried foods and highly processed products like red meat, margarine, nuts, and butter. Cooking methods using high temperatures—like frying, grilling, and toasting—can also contribute to AGEs formation.

In your skin, AGEs are formed with collagen and elastin causing these fibers, which are integral to a supple and youthful appearance, to become stiff, inflexible, and prone to breakage. Translation: Your skin becomes less elastic, wrinkled, saggy, and more vulnerable to sun damage.



An important tool for fighting infection, but it becomes over-reactive in old age, and the body begins attacking itself. Excessive inflammation plays a central role in cardio disease and in arthritis, and a lesser role in Alzheimer's disease

Skin +Inflammation: Your body is on a roller coaster of high and low blood sugar spikes and labile insulin levels, which can lead to skin sag, inflammation, and chronic disease. Chronic inflammation is at the root of chronic disease systemwide and your skin is no exception. Inflammation can worsen rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema and can also weaken the collagen and elastin in your skin over time, leading to skin laxity, poor wound healing, and uneven tone and texture.



A term for programmed cell suicide. Cells are programmed to die when they are unhealthy or when they become cancerous.

But there is evidence that in old age, healthy cells undergo apoptosis as part of the body's self-destruction program.

Telomeres & Replicative Senescence


All cells have built-in counters called telomeres tacked on to the end of each chromosome. With each time the cell reproduces, the telomere becomes shorter, and eventually the cell to stop reproducing.

Longer telomeres have longer life spans.



With age, DNA loses methyl groups that control gene expression, and as a result genes are expressed in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Let’s recap with some final tips!

Addressing Cellular Health by Eating for a Youthful Glow ….

So in closing, there are a lot of things in our food supply and environment that threaten our skin health, cellular health and our overall mood and appearance. Focusing on certain foods can make a huge ( all the ) difference.

1. Antioxidant-rich foods

Eating foods rich in antioxidants like tomatoes (lycopene), berries (polyphenols), dark leafy greens (Vitamin E), and spinach (carotenoids) can limit damage caused by free radicals and AGEs. Pair your meal with a few cups of green tea (catechins) and coffee (caffeic acid) for an added boost.

2. Anti-inflammatory foods

Adding in foods rich in carotenoid plant compounds like lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon, and guava), lutein (pumpkin, pistachio, dark leafy greens), and zeaxanthin (parsley, kale, egg yolk) will give you an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant jolt. Foods rich in zinc, selenium, and copper like lentils, eggs, dark chocolate and almonds are also vital to the formation of collagen and elastin and help decrease inflammation.

3. Anti-glycation foods

Foods that limit rapid, sharp spikes in blood sugar can help limit AGE formation. So can utilizing cooking methods using low temperatures and water-based moisture like steaming, poaching, and stewing.

Apples, asparagus, figs, celery, green peppers, cauliflower, and onions have been shown to combat the process of glycation as they are rich in phytonutrients, beneficial compounds, including rutin, quercetin, and luteolin.

Adding in high fiber vegetables like artichokes and broccoli, as well as herbs and spices including cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, garlic, sage, thyme, and fenugreek can help keep blood sugar levels steady and block collagen-damaging AGEs.

The best part of all of this is that these foods can be used in so many delicious recipes. Protecting your skin doesn't mean only eating bland, boring food. So bon appetit and cheers to long-term skin health.

Hippocrates is famously quoted for saying, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food," but I would argue that food can be the fountain of youth, too.

Love n Light - Kassandra

The 5 Key Triggers of Female Hair Loss (and a natural solution 2x's more powerful than minoxidil)


Hey lovely!
I wanted to speak with you about a topic and experience many women go through. Even though it's a vanity, it runs emotionally deep.

Been here?
Whether post-baby, post trauma, post-menopause, when your hair becomes noticeably thinner, we freak out and grow (no pun intended) self-conscious and anxious if it will stop.

I've been there. Last year I uncovered I was severely anemic, in which became a catalyst of over 50% hair loss. I remember pulling out handfuls, driving me into deep despair.


Given the right tools, I've successfully regained the loss hair, and I truly believe that with the right information - we can slow loss - and potentially grow back what's been rinsed down the drain with the right testing tools, expertise and safe products.

I know ONE THING. Dissolving the triggers and getting to the ROOT, is the best way to make it stop.

Because if left untreated, over time, thinning can worsen significantly.

Get to the ROOT and invest in understanding why it is happening in the first place.

Take a closer look at the five common reasons women experience hair loss.



Many of the most common causes of hair loss in women center around hormone changes. When the hormones change – either too much or too little occurs – this changes the way the body works. In most people, even slight changes can create shifts in the way the body operates. Hormones can cause hair loss to occur for various reasons. Most commonly, it occurs because the body pulls away hair production to focus on other tasks in the body, such as inflammation. Hormone imbalances can be a good thing, though. Most of the time, they can be improved upon, allowing hair to regrow once your hormone levels are more in balance.



If your diet is not what it should be, it will show in your hair. It is very common for individuals who have a poor diet to struggle with hair loss. Imagine the cells in your follicles needing nutrition. When they do not get the nutrition necessary, this commonly leads to the cells being unable to work properly. When this happens, your body cannot produce the hair you normally have. A key culprit of this is iron deficiency. Iron is critical for the development of healthy and beautiful hair, yet many women do not get enough of it in their diet.



There is no bigger trigger to significant hair loss in a sudden manner than stress. Stress is a form of hormone imbalance. When the body is faced with a stressful situation, it must react. To do so, it must determine where to send nutrients and oxygen. It tends to send this to the cells that need to react fastest. Hair tends to fall out because of a lack of nutrients as a result. It is very common for stressful situations – such as changes in lifestyle or diet or traumatic events – to lead to some level of hair loss. This tends to be very sudden and unexpected.



Some medications can cause hair loss to occur. It is very common in women (as well as men) who are undergoing chemotherapy. Some forms of chemotherapy target the actively growing cells in the body. Since your hair is continuously growing, chemo tends to lead to hair loss. Other medications can do this as well. If you just started a new medication and you are facing this type of symptom, it is time to speak to your doctor about it. Most often, once you stop taking that medication – if your doctor approves – you may see your hair growth return.



The body changes massively during pregnancy. Hair loss tends to be one of the victims of the process. When pregnancy occurs, the body must adjust hormone levels to compensate. As a result of this, the pregnancy can cause women to lose some of their hair, especially two to 4 months after the baby is born. Once your hormones levels are back to normal, hair growth will normalize as well.


Why is your hair loss happening? You’re incredibly unique, and it cannot be said for sure until you visit a functional medicine practitioner or doctor to inquire about your options and your needs. Make sure you check all hormones, including TPO, Thyroid, T3/T4 conversion, iron and nutritional value. Whoofta!

Most importantly, it is essential that you address your concerns right away. Hair loss, especially sudden hair loss, can be cause for underlying health concerns.​

What about scalp topicals? I firmly believe in a multi-purposeful approach. If you’d like to learn how I’ve helped hundreds of women jump start their HAIR GROWTH, then check out our Root Revival Hair Loss Kit and Tonic HERE!

Get on the Evoq Re-growth Plan

It’s a powerful and proven to be 2x's more powerful than minoxidil!


YES - completely chemical free, leaving no grease or weight on the scalp.

Add These Most Influential Foods for Genetic Health and Aging

Hi there!

Genetics, 23 and Me, and MTHR are all phrases you’ve possibly seen in the last year around the discussion of optimizing our genetic health.

I’m also sure you’ve heard of the “80/20” rule. Well, below you’ll learn the importance and how I’ve put a new flare to this concept and relate it to our DNA health.



The truth of the matter is that in relation to genetics - science proves that 80% of our health state is from the daily choices and our direct environment. The other 20% is hard coded. This should come a a great relief (and a little pressure of course).

Did you know our nutrition has a DNA to it as well? It’s how it helps heals us.

Improve Your Longevity and Aging Adding Epigenetic Influence of Foods and Supplements

Learning more about what we eat and what impact it may have on our bodies, especially the potential epigenetic impact it may have on our DNA – the very “code of life” – is just one step on the path to better health.

When’s the last time you really thought about how the foods you eat positively or negatively affect your body, health, and wellbeing?

With more research and an increasing amount of practitioners, we can begin to unravel the mysteries of what may be contributing to our ailments and what could be done to help improve our health with a much more comprehensive understanding.


It’s intriguing to follow the progress of epigenetic testing and the benefits that analyzing the epigenome can have on guiding proper health regimens.

Polyphenols, for example, which are found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, olives, and chocolate, have been shown to be effective in promoting resilience again stress and reducing depression.

The combination of these compounds were found to epigenetically reduce stress and depression by modulating inflammatory responses and synaptic plasticity in the brains of those with depression.

Cool right?

So just for you, here’s the list of the most powerful foods studied to address your genetic health at the cellular level?

To age better. Feel better. To think better.

The Most Influential Foods for Genetic Health and Aging


Broccoli sprouts—Best source of sulforaphane, which prevents brain aging, excess estrogen and lowers cancer risk.


Pomegranate—anti-oxidant which appears also to reduce blood cholesterol count.



Neuroprotection, hearing and memory loss, possible anti-cancer benefits.



anti-inflammatory action via several independent mechanisms



Anti-inflammatory and possibly anti-cancer. Slows Alzheimer's progression.


Green tea.

Anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-Alzheimer's effects


Molecular Hydrogen.

Great for cellular oxygenation and free radical repair


Fish—for omega 3 oils.

The best sources (in order) are mackerel, herrings, sardines, tuna, lake trout, sturgeon, salmon, anchovies, bluefish, halibut, bass, rainbow trout.



For alpha lipoic acid and lycopene


Cruciferous vegetables.

(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale) for vitamins, anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens.


Raw garlic and almonds.

May help reduce arterial plaques and lower homocysteine levels, lowering heart attack risk.



Creates homeostasis and everyday stress resilience



At the beginning of a meal, tempers the body's subsequent spike in blood sugar in response to carbohydrates.


Soy is a mixed blessing.

The phytoestrogens in soy products seem to protect against heart disease and some cancers. But there is a theory afloat that high consumption of soy may contribute to brain aging.

In closing, I hope this list of powerful DNA enhancing nutrients make it onto your shopping list! In return, it’ll protect you from the small daily chronic levels of stress we are exposed to everyday.

CHEERS! xo Love n’ Ligh, Kassandra

Hormonal Frustration? It Could Be Linked to Your Endocannabinoid System.

Hormonal Frustration? It Could Be Linked to Your Endocannabinoid System.

Do you feel like you used to have a lot more energy?

Maybe you could get a good night's sleep, or were more easy going and positive about life.

So what’s causing this and who says what stays and what goes?

Some of us figure we're getting old.

Sometimes, life’s journey is not entirely in our own hands. For example, maybe there was an life event that took something out of you - an illness, or a new baby. After that, you were never the same.

If you don't feel like yourself - if you feel depleted and can't catch up - it is very possible that not only your hormones are out of balance - but your endocannabinoid system which is the largest “endocrine” messenger system in the body - is what we’re now discovering that we need to address first to accurately control the hormone cascade. The ECS is striving to keep us naturally in balance!

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Understanding the LINK between hormones and your endocrine system.

It’s important to have a basic understanding of hormones themselves, the endocrine system, and the relationship between the two.

Hormones are essentially chemical messengers. They are involved in numerous bodily processes, including growth and development, metabolism and appetite, sexual function, reproduction, and mood.

How do cannabinoids affect your hormones?

Studies have shown that the endocannabinoid system is also involved in managing endocrine processes. It does so by activating receptors in the brain and body, which directly influence activity in endocrine glands like the thyroid, pineal, and pituitary glands.

Hence, by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids can directly affect hormone levels in the body.

What does a endocannabinoid deficiency look and feel like?

Depression, anxiety, mood swings, hair loss, mental fog are common symptoms of deficient or imbalanced hormones.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone (the main female and male hormones) have powerful effects on the brain and the body.

Thyroid hormone is a key regulator of body and mind, and low thyroid function is more common than conventional tests can show.

If your adrenal glands are not healthy, you will have many emotional and mental symptoms in addition to body discomforts.

And low or high neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine cause fatigue, anxiety and depression.

OK, enough doom and gloom! That’s not who we are, or called to be.

As women, we may want to just “treat our hormones” to feel better - there’s actually deeper story here. Studies are now discovering our endocannabinoid system MUST be in good working order for a healthy - HORMONES, body, mood, hair growth, …. You name it.


So in closing, with the recent recognition of the critical and complex bidirectional effects of the endocannabinoid system and the dominant female hormone – estradiol – we have entered a new era, a new future filled with many potential opportunities both for the benefit and sometimes the detriment of women.

We must now begin our journey with the attainment of a solid knowledge-base of the endocannabinoid system, and an understanding of its complex role in reproductive, emotional, and immune health in women.

I’m beyond passionate in providing in-depth education for women, to enable them to assess their risk of both the potential for good and for harm from their contraceptive choices, pharmaceuticals used, exposures to endocrine disruptors, and equip them with the ability to make good decisions regarding their use of both CBD and medicinal cannabis.

Cheers to the journey of discovering more about the symphony of our endocannabinoid system and the interplay of these systems and of their implications for mental, hormonal and emotional wellbeing.

If you’d like to hop onto premium clinical grade CBD - curated for potency, bioavailability and fast healing - head on over to the EVOQ SHOP.

Want to learn all about your stress hormones, cannabinoids (CBD) with women and for women only?

Tap Below.

PS: Don’t forget, we host WOMEN and CBD EVENTS every last Sunday of the month so you can have a seat at the round table and learn more about your endocannabinoid system.

xo Love n’ Light - Kassandra

Pain? Anxiety? PMS? Consider getting on the roster.

Pain, anxiety and PMS are common words we know as women.

First off, I believe we need medical doctors in society for the obvious reasons. The thing is, based on reading research and between the lines, doctors tend to dismiss women's complaints about pain, and Big Pharma continues to treat PMS, anxiety and related conditions with ibuprofen, antidepressants and opioids — all of which can have unpleasant and even dangerous side-effects throughout your body.

Women's discomforts have been ignored by the mainstream for too long.

Let’s change that. Now.

You may have heard I’m starting a grass-roots revolution in MN that is
FOR WOMEN ONLY and BY WOMEN ONLY with Ellementa.

Who’s the event for?

If you’re curious about how low-grade chronic stressors break down our body, hormones, memory and mood…..” then this upcoming event’s for YOU!

Please, pull a seat up to our round table with Nichi and Kassandra as we KICK OFF EVENT on MARCH 31st at Beauty Ecology.

No fluff. No hype. No kidding.

Key topics we’ll explore together...

  • knowing how to build resilience for a better body, beauty and mood

  • knowing what CBD and other Cannabinoids are good for

  • knowing what’s in the cannabis plant that causes specific effects

  • knowing how other women are using cannabis to feel better

  • knowing how to separate the CBD hype from reality

  • knowing how to shop for quality, trusted products

  • etcetera, etcetera...

That's a lot of KNOWING.

But I believe knowledge is power - especially when experienced together.

And that knowledge we’ll share together will help you better navigate using phytocannabinoids for your health and wellness.

Not interested? I get it. No hard feelings. We’ll be doing it monthly, so maybe next time around!


<===== PURCHASE TICKET =====>

But if you want to take this journey with us and get clear on alternative ways to heal, RSVP today and join us!

Are you around toxic people?  Or are you sometimes that toxic energy? 

    Sisters in possibility..... 

LISTEN  |  One last thing before you go!
Q: Speaking about community and relationships, how are you engaging?

Have you heard of Lisa Nichols? She’s one powerful woman, and I deeply respect her clarity, strength and TRUTH. 

So in closing, I wanted to invite you to listen to Lisa’s message. This is my hope for all women. That we can show up in our lives, create community of powerful and positive ecosystems for all to BE themselves and THRIVE. I hope to BE this and create space for you. 

So after you grab your ticket to our March 31st gathering, jump into Lisa’s message below and be self empowered so we can turn and give it to others - in the most non-toxic way.  

xo Love n’ Light, Kassandra

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