Beauty Ecology

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HILARIOUS! Stylist + Client Convo Must Read!


I found this to be hilarious and just HAD to share with you beaute' ........


Woman in chair next to me: “Well, I need to get home and figure out what I am doing for dinner. Jim is out-of-town, so it’s just me.”

Her hair stylist:” Oh, I love when my husband is out-of-town. I can eat whatever I want…no pressure to fix anything. It is funny before I married my husband he would have cereal at night for dinner, now he expects full meals.”

Woman in chair next to me: “ I know…I love when my husband is gone too…I can eat what I want, watch what I want on tv, go to bed when I want, read in bed for as long as I want, I don’t get pestered for sex (massive giggles from every woman in the salon)…so much more relaxing with him gone. Like tonight I will probably just boil some eggs and have a salad. He would never eat anything like that for dinner.”

Her hair stylist: “Sometimes I get so tired of trying to figure out what to feed him so I just come home and say we are having sandwiches for dinner tonight. I will go fix my sandwich and flop down on the couch and he just stares at me like I have set the house on fire. So I say, “What?” He actually says, “Well, aren’t you going to fix one for me?”

I look up at my hairdresser and say, “I am so damn glad I never got married.”

She looks down at me and says, “ And I am so glad my divorce was finalized in February.”


-Thank you