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Cosmetic Changes That Don’t Require Surgery

There is nothing that feels quite as good as having the utmost confidence in your appearance. Your appearance is one of the most important factors that impacts how you make first impressions, and how you present yourself outwards to the world. But if you don’t have confidence in your appearance, you may try to hide yourself from the spotlight, stay in the background, and blend in. But the appearance you have always wanted is right within your reach, in fact, there are even things that don’t require surgery. Here are three cosmetic changes you can make that don’t require surgery.

Laser Therapy

The first cosmetic change that you can make that doesn’t require surgery is laser therapy for wrinkles and acne scars. If you have wrinkled skin or acne scars dimpling your face, you may feel like no matter how hard you try, your face doesn’t reflect how you feel inside. But with laser therapy, you can finally help get rid of unwanted wrinkles and pesky acne scarring once and for all. Laser therapy is a non-surgical treatment option that uses lasers to heal your skin, and make it supple, soft, and elastic once again. Laser therapy may be right for you, make sure to talk to your dermatologist.

Fixing Your Crooked Teeth

The next cosmetic change that you can make that doesn’t require surgery is fixing your crooked teeth. Teeth play an important role in your appearance and being self-conscious about crooked teeth can keep you from smiling, which can make you come across as closed off, unhappy, and standoff-ish. But luckily, you can get these teeth straightened, and you don’t need braces. Invisalign is a great option for people who want straight teeth without the attention that braces can draw. Not only is Invisalign less noticeable, but you won’t have to deal with food restrictions. Talk to your orthodontist about Invisalign.

Getting a Haircut

Your hair is another important part of your outward appearance that can easily be changed without surgery. By dying your hair, cutting your hair, or even doing something as simple as changing the way you style your hair can completely transform the way you look. If you don’t feel good about the way your hair looks, then you have literally hundreds of simple options to find the right hair for you.

Your appearance is important. And if you have areas of your appearance that you want to change, you may feel stuck between a rock and hard place. But there are tons of cosmetic changes you can make that don’t require invasive surgery. Give any of these three options a try and transform into a whole new you.

Read this next: Why You Need to Take Better Care of Your Skin

Why You Need to Take Better Care of Your Skin

Taking care of your skin is important for more than just your appearance. As the largest organ in your body, skin is essential to your general health. Taking care of your skin makes it possible for your skin to take care of you. This article will discuss why you need to take better care of your skin and suggestions for how you can be successful.

Feel More Confident 

While beauty exists on the inside, it also exists on the outside. Your face is the first part of your body that others look at. Everyone wants to make a good first impression. A first impression of beautiful skin will increase the confidence you have in yourself. When you have clear skin, you don’t feel the need to hide from others. This naturally increases confidence and your ability to succeed. A regular skincare routine will keep your skin looking great all year. No matter what kind of day you are having, you can feel confident that your skin is clear and glowing. When your skin looks better, you’ll feel better about yourself and have more self-confidence.

Make Yourself Look Younger 

It is no secret that as you get older, your skin will age. As you age, skin cells turn over more slowly. This makes your skin look duller and less radiant. Using a quality skin care routine can help remove dead skin cells and help your body replace them with newer, more youthful cells. With the faster turnover and additional nutrients, you will make your skin look youthful. Protein like collagen holds the body together. When taking collagen, it provides extra support for the connective tissues in your skin. This will make your skin more elastic and consequently younger.

Take a Holistic Approach to Health 

Making time to take care of your skin makes you more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day. Following a simple skincare routine will communicate to your mind that your body is important and worth taking care of. As a result, you will make healthier food choices and be more physically active. Skincare is a result of a holistic approach to health. Healthy skin starts with a good diet, plenty of water, fruits, and vegetables. Your skin needs vitamins and moisture to remain supple. Take care of your body and your skin by being well rounded with your health routines.

Prevent Skin Cancer 

Preventing skin problems is easier than trying to fix them in the future. It is important to take care of your skin daily. Rays from the sun can be very damaging to your skin. Sunlight will dry out, burn, and age your skin. Skin cancer is common with individuals that do not protect themselves when outside.

Regular activities, like working, can cause harm to your skin. For example, construction and outside careers can quickly age and harm your skin. If you work outside, consider ways to protect yourself from the sun. While operating a vehicle, a canopy can reduce risk of skin cancer.

Illness Prevention 

Your skin is the primary barrier between the outside world and your vital organs. Consequently, your skin blocks germs, illness, and other harmful elements from entering your body. Taking care of your skin creates a stronger barrier of protection. Healthy skin keeps the body clean from germs and elements that could be harmful. Your skin also contains nerve endings that let you feel when an object is too hot or sharp. This lets you quickly pull away and protect your body from harm. Skin that is healthy does a better job at protecting the rest of your body and preventing illness.

Faster Healing 

Regardless of the care you give your skin, at some point your skin will be exposed to elements and subject to injury. Whether it is a scrape from playing outside, or a cut from cooking in the kitchen, the layers of your skin are bound to be damaged. Skin that is healthy is better able to regenerate and heal itself. This acts as an extra layer of protection from infection. Taking care of your skin prevents disease from penetrating the body and stimulates faster healing.

Manage Stress 

When your skin has a reaction, it is a sign that something is wrong with your body. Sometimes it can be an allergic reaction to products, signs of a poor diet, or lack of water. Skin reactions can also be a sign of stress. Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. The appearance of your skin is your body’s way of communicating with you. To encourage healthy skin, cultivate ways you can have a healthy state of mind. Develop coping strategies to help manage stress, see a therapist, set reasonable limits, and scale back your to-do list to help manage stress and keep your skin healthy.

Everyone’s Skin is Different 

Everyone’s skin is unique and requires a different regimen. Some can splash water on their face and call it good, others cannot. Everyone is different and most people need a different regime to keep their skin looking healthy. If you are frustrated with your skin and the way it is currently reacting, try a new skincare regimen. Your skin might need distinct oils, better cleanser, and a different serum. Consult with a dermatologist to identify your skin's unique needs and which products are best. Your face is the first part of your body that others look at. Stay consistent with a routine and vary it when your skin needs change.

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to keep it clean and avoid irritants. Irritants include harsh chemicals, overexposure to the sun, and anything that makes your skin react negatively. Your skin's reactions are a sign that the body does not like what it is being exposed to. Pay attention to the state of your skin and consult a doctor when needed to avoid any complications.

Read this next: Skin Barrier 101: How to Repair It and Glow Up with Seed Oils

How Does the Health of My Skin Impact the Rest of Me?

The skin is the largest organ on your body. It provides an important role in acting as a barrier to keep things out, and keep things in. The health of your skin plays an important role in your general health.

Your First Line of Defense

Skin is the body’s first line of defense. It acts as a barrier to keep out harmful bacteria, pathogens, and dirt which negatively affect your health. Because this is such an important organ, it is important that it be taken care of properly. There are many skin conditions which are not necessarily a problem (like dryness, sun damage, or sensitivity) until they become severe. Daily steps to take to have healthy skin are using gentle cleansers and avoiding harsh chemicals, protecting from UV rays, and using a moisturizer that adds another protective layer.   

Your Mental Health

Skin problems can negatively affect your mental health. A common skin condition, atopic dermatitis can take a significant toll on mental health, especially if it isn’t adequately controlled. This causes red and itchy skin that can become painful and raw. These symptoms affect how you feel physically and how you feel about yourself. This can lead to withdrawal from social settings and poor self-image. Stress and anxiety can also cause flare ups in this condition, which can add to the physical pain as well as further mental health decline.

Signal for Health

The skin can impact your health, and it can also give valuable health information. Changes in skin can help you know if there are underlying issues. Skin imperfections may arise, but chronic conditions become concerning. Rashes and other patches on the skin, especially when symptoms like a fever are involved, can signal infections or allergies. Yellowing skin can signal liver failure. New growths on the skin could signal cancer internal disease such as high triglycerides or diabetes. Acne along the jawline can signal PCOS. Watching the skin can help you to know when to seek a doctor, which will help to improve your overall health.

Because the skin is so important, you should do what you can to take care of it. If anything is abnormal or chronic you should always seek the help of a qualified professional to help treat and control any conditions. Taking the necessary steps to have healthy skin will help you to increase your overall health.

Read this next: Skin Barrier 101: How to Repair It and Glow Up with Seed Oils

Items That Can Complement Your New Hairstyle


For most people, their hair is a defining characteristic of who they are and what they look like. When looking to reinvent yourself, it’s a great idea to make a change with a new hairstyle. A bold color or unique cut provides a great opportunity to redefine your style and how you present yourself. But it is just the first step to starting anew and changing how you express yourself. Here are a few of the best items to compliment you and your amazing new hairstyle! 

Gel or Mousse 

Once you’ve left the salon, it can be difficult to style your hair just how your stylist did it. Baby hairs and fly-a-ways can be frustrating to work with and even more difficult to hide. Consider investing in some high-quality gel or mousse to keep your hair looking good, options which can be found at the very salon that gave you your new style. Gel is a clear, jelly-like material that is great for styling. As it is exposed to the sun and air it will harden to keep your hairstyle in place all day. Hair mousse is a styling foam that often contains smoothing agents. These agents and other ingredients help create a shiny, frizz free, voluminous effect. Depending on the look you are going for and your individual needs will determine whether gel or mousse is a better option for you.


With a new hairstyle comes the need for a new makeup look. Different hairstyles let you pull off different looks. For example, darker hair can handle brighter makeup and still look fresh, while bright colors on light haired individuals can make them look washed out. Knowing how to do your makeup with your new hairstyle takes practice. Changing your foundation color and what eyeshadows you use will take some time, but you will find your satisfaction with your hairstyle increases if you use makeup complimentary to your hair. Don’t forget to change your brows to match your new color. If you have dark hair, the same color of brow is complimentary while blondes should aim for 2-3 shades darker. It’s a good idea to ask your stylist for advice and tips on what will go best with your new style as well.

A New Outfit 

The difference a new outfit can make is significant, but especially with a new hairstyle. Of course, body shape, size, color, and hairstyle all make a big impact on what clothing styles will look flattering on you or not. Ultimately you need to choose an outfit that you can feel confident and comfortable in. A casual denim skirt can give you confidence when going out at night with friends, and a new blouse that compliments your color pallet can help you feel flirty and outgoing. Regardless of any fashion expert’s advice, don’t buy something unless you absolutely love it or you risk not wearing it and wasting your money. The right new outfit, however, can cement this fresh, new outlook and chapter in your life.

Hair Accessories 

With a new hairstyle there will be various opportunities for you to play with how you want it styled. Part of styling your hair and enhancing your new look can be done with hair accessories. Fancy clips, bobby pins, scrunchies, ribbons, and headbands can go a long way in helping you accentuate and frame your face. If you are bored of wearing the same look or need fresh ideas for how to style your hair, know that there are a variety of ways you can accessorize and compliment your outfit with hair accessories.


Different face shapes call for different ways of styling, and this is even more true when it comes to sunglasses and haircuts. With a new hairstyle, your face may be framed differently to accentuate different features on your face. There are a variety of sunglass shapes that can enhance or distract from certain facial features. For example, round faces and cuts are complementary to almost any style of frames. However, narrow faces need to avoid big round frames because they can overpower the individual wearing them. Keeping your face shape, hair style, and personal aesthetic in mind, choose sunglasses that will compliment all areas.

A New Handbag

Though it may not be the first item you’d think of, changing your appearance with a new hairstyle can open the door to updating more things about yourself, such as a new handbag. Some hairstyles have a slimming effect on individuals, while others accentuate the curvature of their face. You may find handbags have a similar effect on your person. Petite bags often look best with smaller figures or wide hips, which helps the attention be distributed evenly throughout the person’s body rather than just focusing on your mid-section. Handbag color can also compliment or distract from the rest of your aesthetic. Don’t pass up the opportunity to find a handbag that compliments your style and personalizes your aesthetic with your new hairstyle.

Flattering Jewelry 

Like your hair, jewelry is a great way to accentuate the beauty of your body and express your personality. The pieces you wear tell a lot about who you are, where you come from, and what is most important to you. Depending on your hair color and skin tone, different metals will compliment your overall aesthetic, and with a new hairstyle, you may want to add some extra bling to draw attention specifically to your face. A difference in hair color may also require different colored jewelry to ensure harmony with your new look. Look for pieces that will complement each other and not distract from your inner beauty.

The way you cut, style, part, and color your hair can make a dramatic impact on the way you look and feel. Even a slightly different hair color from what you currently have can be the ticket to feeling brand new. Similarly, you can complete your new look with something as simple as an accessory or new shade of eye shadow. Pick items that compliment you, and you’ll have that much more confidence on your next night out!
Read this next: Skin Barrier 101: How to Repair It and Glow Up with Seed Oils

Autumn Chinese Principles & Shifting Inner Health & Outer Beauty

Autumn Ancient Chinese Principle to Shift our Inner + Outer Being


In traditional Chinese medicine we recognize that humans, like animals and plants, are affected by seasonal changes.

Anything done to the body has equal consequence for the mind and spirit also. If you feel good physically, you will be more balanced emotionally, mentally and spiritually”

Autumn is a time of establishing a rhythmic order and turning inward.  The softer calm and re-centering energy ground us from a restless mind and body.

As Women, we innately “nest” in the fall as we prepare our hearts and home with comfort foods brimming with sensational scents of garlic, fennel and sustaining broths.

Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine

Fall corresponds to the lungs, skin, and large intestine.  The lungs and large intestine are in charge of digestion and elimination.  Fall is the best time to focus on digestive health by integrating a light cleanse.


Full of Inspiration

The fall element consists of metal and is our source of new ideas and is where new emotions take shape, since it’s our inhalation-connection (lung) to the universe.  


“The Large Intestine ‘lets go’ of what is no longer necessary. A healthy balance between the Lung and Large Intestine is demonstrated by a person that can honor commitments, but then let go of a relationship when it is over.”

It’s a time to let go of old ideas, beliefs, and attachments, leaving room for new space to grow and evolve.

Autumn + Skin Health

Skin is our largest organ, but it is the LAST to receive essential building blocks from your daily food choices.  

Essentially the ability to convert the energy and metabolism from the inner intestinal track throughout the rest of the body - is key.  

Why are Dry Skin + Pesky Breakouts are at their worst during Fall?

Frequent dry spots, skin irritation and ailments like blemishes and psoriasis can be at their worst during Autumn months.

Warm and cool air trap the skin’s cellular turn over, met with the natural shifts biorhythm cause inconsistency and much-needed exfoliation and rich oils to replenish the deep layers of the skin.

Your dry, brittle hair and sun-worshipped skin will thank you for it.

Yin + Yang = Cause + Affect

The inability to eliminate through regular bowel movements or continue to move the lymphatic system (we have more lymph than blood).   

If the Lungs are strong, the skin will be more clear, vibrant and firm.


Shopping List Love

Add nourishing {yin foods} to your diet to promote body fluid, soothe the lungs and protect you from dryness.


The taste associated with metal is pungent or spicy.


Wild rice, raw onions, garlic, radish, turnip, kohlrabi, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, scallions, cloves, fennel, anise, dill, mustard greens, horseradish, mustard, basil, nutmeg are considered metal foods.  


Restore your skin and spirit with our leading Evoq Signature Skin Care home rituals brimming with rich oils and minerals.  All essential for restoring the root - to dewy, firm and plump skin - and bright.


Skin Barrier 101: How to Repair It and Glow Up with Seed Oils

Hello Beautiful,

Great skin doesn't happen by chance.

Modern-day lifestyle shifts have undermined this ecosystem, making it less diverse and leaving us more susceptible to many challenges including sensitivity, irritation and other skin problems.

To reverse this, we need to embrace the skin for the living ecosystem it is and help it reconnect with the balanced state that it once had.

 This is why it's my mission to create products that enhance and protect the biorhythms of the dermis and the skin biome. I believe restoring and maintaining is the answer to healthy skin and a great first step to healthier aging.

It's also critical to understand the core needs of the skin and the most efficient path of delivery - so starting at the very top layer of the skin -

Were going to discuss how to improve hydration by providing it with lipids.

Basically, lipids help strengthen the skin’s protective barrier which helps it retain moisture and keep out impurities. Lipids also play an important role in protecting skin from environmental stressors and free radical damage that can lead to premature aging.  


It may not look like it on the surface, but your skin is constantly hard at work; the toughest job, though, is of the uppermost layer, the skin barrier.

 Much like a security guard for your skin, the barrier is there to stop potential problems passing through and to protect what lies within - and it’s the weakness of this shield that is the underlying cause of aging and sensitive skin. 

A thin, weak or damaged skin barrier allows irritants in, deepens fine lines and small micro-tears, so building up this surface layer is key to reducing degradation- long term.

Here’s Some Quick Facts on Your Skin’s Makeup

The stratum corneum is the outermost part of our epidermis

It’s a vital front-line, protecting us against the perils of the environment
Your skin barrier weakens with age. 

We’re born with a body composed of 75% water, and we dry up as we get older. 

50% of your cell membranes are made up of fats or lipids

This outermost layer consists of dead skin cells called corneocytes.

These corneocytes are embedded in a lipid mixture consisting of ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids. 

So NET NET:   A lack of oils results in dry, unbalanced, dull looking skin.

Imagine the image of a dehydrated raisin versus a plump grape 


Keep it simple for effective, nurturing skincare. Take a long, hard look at your beauty practices –and products by pairing your routine.

Get rid of products with astringents, like alcohol and witch hazel. And avoid foaming cleansers, which leach away our Natural Moisturising Factor.

The number of clients I see that have a rise in sensitivities is growing so I created a scent free and surfactant free cleanser brimming full of omegas, skin-brightening vitamin C-esters, healing plant hydrosols, and botanicals to help gently purify the skin and stimulate cellular turnover to deliver brighter skin

+Evoq Gentle Cleanser 


I recommend cutting right back on physical exfoliation – so many women are using brushes and cleansing cloths too harsh for their skin-type and developing problems as a consequence.  

In addition, be aware that as you age, the skin's regenerative production decreases, so over use of retinol and harsh procedures do more harm than good long term.

I figured I would support women in their multi tasking abilities with our sea pearl cleansing mask which has Exfoliating Pearls to Renew skin clarity by gently lifting and removing stagnant skin cells.

Then following up with Laminaria + Spirulina which Strengthens connective tissue while hydrating with Omega-3 Fatty Acids and amino acids to help reduce dark spots and soothe inflamed skin conditions.

+ Evoq Sea Pearl 3 in 1 Exfoliation


As always with aging or sensitive skin issues, reading the labels of your products is a must to make sure you’re getting the building blocks you need. 

All Evoq moisturizers include cold pressed oils and Vitamin C Ester, which is a biomimetic liposome to help boost collagen and  ceramide production, thereby improving lipid barrier function. .

This is key  because we can’t manufacture essential fatty acids ourselves, so we must obtain it through diet or topical application. 


Detergents (eg. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) are my biggest no-no.  

They strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving the barrier dry, exposed and susceptible to irritation. 

They also have an alkalising effect on the skin, throwing off pH balance and disrupting the skin's natural processes. 

“Active” acids, like salicylic acid for example, should also be avoided because they  remove the top layers of skin.

  • Evoq Enliven Sea Mist Toner - Encompasses Purified Sea Water which Immediately infuses skin with essential minerals and trace elements that provide soft, glowing, and healthy skin.


Cleanse with tepid water and don’t put your face under the shower - hot water will only strip the skin, just like it does to your hair.


It’s not just about building the barrier up - you also need the ingredients that will minimize any incoming stressors to look after it in the long run. 

Protecting against free radical damage can help maintain a strong skin barrier, so at Evoq, I've studied with the leading experts on how to energize certain antioxidants to 10x their effects which you can find in the Evoq Ultra Hydrating Oil.


Our clinically-studied complex brings advanced free radical squelching abilities with enzymatic help to prevent and repair damage to DNA and proteins (like collagen and elastin), allowing skin cells to live a longer, healthier, more beautiful life. 

I’ve addressed both intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors with THIS Matchmaker oil. 

By using biomimetic cold-pressed oils, your skin is infused with vital vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids that act both as protectants from extrinsic aging but also work to slow down and prevent intrinsic aging factors by stimulating collagen production and rehydrating skin.


Building up your barrier is not as simple as using the right skincare; think of it in the same way as you do your immune system - you need to feed its strength from all angles, mentally and physically. 

Your skin is your biggest organ and needs to be looked after from the inside and out.

AS WITHIN - SO WITHOUT…. Stress is proven to slow down the skin healing process, including skin barrier recovery. 

So, daily stress or poor stress management can leave the skin barrier in a permanently weakened state and accelerated aging. 


Essential fatty acids or omegas are essential as a supplement.  

They’re anti-inflammatory and help calm the skin or soothe aggravating conditions from the inside out. 

Odds are most people are abundant in omega 6 which can actually be pro inflammatory so you want to look for a 3 to 1 ratio of omega 3.

Omega fatty acids also help prevent water loss that can lead to irritation and discomfort. I take an oil form straight from the spoon, and always store mine in the fridge to keep it at its best. EFAs are very fragile and prone to oxidizing.


The healthier you are generally, the better your skin will be.

Tying into supplementation - eating omega-rich foods such as cold-water fish, flaxseed and walnuts will eventually find their way to the surface of the skin. 

It’s about making every cell in the body as healthy as possible. 


90 percent of aging is from uv damage - therefore one of the easiest ways to protect your skin’s barrier is by wearing a daily SPF - but just like the rest of your skincare, it should be full of those antioxidants too so that as well as defending your skin against the sun’s damaging rays, it also adds protection from other environmental stressors.

Not only did I formulate the Evoq Day Lite UV protect SPF tinted moisturizer  with antioxidants,  I also included an active form of Vitamin D, which is a needed cofactor hormone for health and immunity

++Evoq Day Lite UV Primer

In conclusion :


We now know that Free radicals accelerate the aging process and we encounter them everyday through sun exposure, air pollution, and stress. 

By feeding skin essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and other skin-supportive nutrients, you prevent and repair free radical damage, so your skin stays firm, smooth, and bright.

Therefore I highly suggest internal health supplementation and the antioxidant topical ultra Hydrating oil to negate the inevitable Dehydration due to a slowly degrading lipid layer and outer aggressors that accentuate aging signs of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots.

Evoq Beauty Relaunch is LIVE

Hey Love!

Did you know that women spend over $300K in their lifetime on beauty products?

Yet, only 3% of women “feel beautiful.”

Connecting the dots, something is OBVIOUSLY not right here.

ENTER: EVOQ “High-Vibrational” Beauty 2.0 for the WHOLE WOMAN.

After 2 years of rebranding, revising, and rebirthing EVOQ BEAUTY - it's HERE!


A High Vibe  Mission

My mission behind Evoq (evoke and AWAKEN) is to come alongside women and empow-HER to cultivate a deeper relationship with all aspects of 4-D (Brain, Beauty, Body, Bioenergetic)  as a journey of self discovery -allowing her to unleash the inner-outer vibrant energy through personal beauty and mindfulness rituals. 


EVOQ gives you a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL approach that COMBINES THE POWER and SYNERGY of your  brain, body and bioenergy to help you build AUTHENTIC, INSIDE-OUT BEAUTY USING CLEAN and ORGANIC PRODUCTS WITH easy habits that liberate you to live in your truth - every day of your life.


Unlike conventional skin products that contain 80% water, Evoq Beauty works synergistically with the body, not against it by supporting the skin and hairs cellular function and delivering exceptional clinically proven performance.

The foundational truth that the body is self healing and regenerative - given the right environment.

The Sea and Stars and Everything In-between ...3 BILLION YEARS AGO.

The first living cells that energized our most outer “cosmos” were from a single cell - blue algae. The sea is where life on our planet began. In fact, seawater is similar to human cell liquid - containing all the essential minerals and trace elements needed for optimal self-rejuvenating skin health.

I resorted to deliver an opportunity to Unlock the power of deep sea along with potent landlocked ingredient actives to support the foundation at the root level that bring harmony and influence to your individual DNA.

Drops of Evoq skin care contains life-force origins of Pure ingredients offering powerful re-hydration and re-mineralization, provides skin with all of the essential immune-building block benefits of trace elements, peptides, enzymes, vitamins and proteins

High Vibe Skin Care Deep Dive

We know from physics that life is comprised of magnetically charged particles of energy, known as atoms, that literally vibrate in constant motion.

We can experience this vibration through our senses as sound (when we literally hear the vibration), color, light or smell.

Every living thing is comprised of atoms that vibrate at a different frequency. The organs in our body have a healthy frequency at which they vibrate. These frequencies help create the blueprint of the body, guiding stem cells to renew (every 90 days) and develop into different organs.

There is also extensive research on the ability of quantum elements like magnetic fields, light, and sound waves to affect the body, right down to the DNA.

The new and revolutionary approach in health care is founded on the idea of assessing the state of the Human Body-Field, focusing on why someone is struggling with their energy levels or overall health, rather than diagnosing people based on symptoms.

The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself, if only it has the energy and information to do so and it is moving that energy correctly.

Is this woo woo - or does this really work?
Do you remember being in college or having colleagues that work together had a sync on your monthly cycles over time?

We see this in nature as crickets that chirp coherently or fireflies that flash in unison. The same is true in how our mind, body and the aging process can flow in sync - or out of sync. It's all about coherence.

Your High Vibe Beauty Blueprint:

The principle of resonance and it is a foundation to how energy medicine works.

My Story is Your Story  -It’s the SUM OF US

I believe in the power of  truth seekers who value making informed choices by being pro-active versus re-active, because it is the true path to taking back control and being the boss of our health, beauty and quality of life. We talk about putting strategy back into our lives that serve us to be better,  to feel inspired and connected to something greater.

So welcome to a community of truth-seekers creating a new conversation and  -  new paradigms- a NEW way of beauty.





Your Guide to Support the Signs of Skin Aging

Skin aging. It happens to all of us…

We age. So does our skin. Yes, skin ages. Causes run the gamut from dehydration, gravity, stress, sun damage, diet, smoking, excessive alcohol, genetics and the list goes on. The sooner we start caring for our skin with a daily (and nightly!) beauty routine, staying out of the sun, monitoring our diet and making our skin a priority, the longer we keep it healthier and younger-looking and slow the aging process.

Sun. One of the Leading Causes of Skin Aging.

This is the single most important lifestyle change you can make to prevent or diminish the signs of skin aging. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature aging. We all need to get in the routine of wearing sunscreen everyday to protect our skin. Just a quick walk on the beach (even if it’s cloudy) exposes skin to environmental effects – sun, wind, dehydration. Repeated exposure and sunburn can result in dark and age spots or discoloration. It’s also enough to damage the DNA in your skin, predisposing you to skin cancer and premature skin aging.

Use sunscreens that protect against both UVA and UVB rays (labeled with Broad-Spectrum). The vast majority of the sun’s radiation that reaches the earth is actually UVA. Use sunscreens that contain zinc or titanium dioxide and silicones (listed as dimethicone, orcyclomethicone, or cyclomethicone). These ingredients are less likely to irritate your skin and provide the best overall coverage and protection.

For more protection or if you aren’t able to reapply sunscreen repeatedly throughout the day, try UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing lines such as Coolibar, Mott50, Naviskin, etc. These brands create light weight shirts, pants, shorts, swimsuits, wraps, dresses, and skirts to protect your skin from the summer sun.

Wear a wide brimmed hat whenever you are outside (even for a quick walk). Always wear your sunscreen as well because light reflects off the ground and can cause damage, even with a hat on.

UVA rays come right through most house and car windows, so consider installing UV blocking film on your car and home windows. Consider purchasing blue light blocking films for your electronics as more and more studies are showing detrimental effects of blue light on skin.

Avoid exposure and activities outside during the sun’s peak hours: 10am to 5pm in the summertime and 11am to 2pm in the wintertime and definitely stop any and all tanning bed use. Tanned skin may look good, but it is a sure sign of damage (often permanent) to your skin.

Consult a Skin Pro

Consider seeing a dermatologist who can discuss available options to prevent and treat signs of skin aging including:

  • Prescription strength chemical peels to reduce signs of photoaging including fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots.

  • Lasers Treatments to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots.

  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) that can prevent formation of wrinkles if you start it early enough (in your 20’s or 30’s) and can diminish the appearance existing wrinkles at later ages.

  • Pointing out that we lose elastin as we age, causing sagging in skin. Fillers in different areas of the face and neck can make you look younger and can also stimulate collagen growth to prevent signs of aging in the future.

  • Recommended customized and personalized skincare products that would be perfect for your specific skin type, issues and needs while promoting a more youthful appearance. Skincare with retinoids, vitamin a, vitamin c, hyaluronic acids or glycolic acids may be recommended to brighten skin while promoting cell turnover and collagen production.

Practice self-care. Take care of your mind and body.

When you take care of your physical and mental self, you are taking care of your skin.

  • Try to reduce stress in your life. Take time out of your day just for you, spend time with friends, go for a calming walk, or consider meditation. If you are unable to deal with your stress on your own, consider speaking with a close friend, a psychiatrist, or a psychologist.

  • Eat right. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Avoid processed foods. Eat plenty of vegetables, especially leafy greens.

  • Getting enough sleep reduces stress. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

  • Get rid of any lights that are on in your bedroom while sleeping, including lights from chargers, night lights, phones, television, and even your alarm clock. Try black out curtains and eye shades.

  • Limit noise in your bedroom. Put your phone on silent. Try a white noise machine, a fan, or ear plugs to block out noise you can’t control.

  • Avoid stimulants including nicotine, caffeine (this includes coffee, tea, and chocolate), and soda within 8 hours of your bedtime.

  • Avoid eating two hours before bedtime to avoid symptoms of reflux.

  • Get outside during the day to exposure yourself to natural sunlight to maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

  • Limit alcohol intake to 1 to 2 servings. However, even this amount can disrupt sleep.

  • Make your bed comfortable. Make sure you have the right kind of mattress with comfortable sheets. Keep your bedroom cool.

  • Don’t do anything in your bedroom except sleep and sex. If you work or study in your bedroom, you are more likely to think about these things when you are trying to fall asleep.

  • Read quietly for 10 minutes before going to bed to let your mind unwind.

  • If you can’t fall asleep because thoughts are running wild, try meditation to clear your mind.

  • If you absolutely cannot fall asleep, don’t stay in bed. Get up and read a book. Try not to get on your phone or watch TV.


Make your skin a priority with a personalized skincare regimen.

We each have a different genetic makeup, a different lifestyle, diet, sensitivities and living environment. There is no one size fits all approach. Identify your skin issues and educate yourself through research or speaking with a board-certified dermatologist as to what personalized regimen would be best for your individual skin type and aging concerns. An anti-aging skincare regimen should consist of:

A gentle daily cleanser to wash away dirt and oil, allowing pores to breathe, lessening redness and irritation. And, with our newest fashion accessory, facial masks, more sweat and dirt will get caught in pores. This can actually affect skin health.

Moisturizers. Skin is losing moisture from interior, dry air, facial masks or change in diets. Apply moisturizer after cleansing. As skin ages, it tends to lose moisture, so a cream, rather than a lotion, may be more effective. Hydrating skin is key. Definitely use a day moisturizer with a Broad-Spectrum SPF and a bedtime moisturizer specifically formulated for nighttime use.

Depending on other wants and needs, and perhaps recommendations from your dermatologists, you may want to add a serum or an eye cream to your routine.

Visit for your skin solutions.


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