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The Progesterone and Hair Loss Connection

At Kasia Organic Salon, we focus on the direct correlation of our inner health to the outside appearance.  Hair loss is one area we have a specialty in.  We help our guests by problem solving the internal issue, offer supplementation (including progesterone, etc) if needed, and by referring our "Informed Beauties" to the right professionals to obtain testing.  There are many alternative treatments that acclaim solving the treatment of hair loss, including progesterone therapy.

Basic:  Causes of Hair Loss

The most common form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or baldness. Skin disease is a major contributor of hair loss on the scalp, the integument of the head and sometimes elsewhere on the body. Premature baldness can be caused by inadequate nutrition. Nutrient deficiencies can cause sudden increase in hair fall. The condition of hair loss could also result from certain health problems, such as thyroid disease. Since hormones stimulate hair growth and hair fall, fluctuations in hormone levels have much impact on hair loss.


What causes hair loss in menopause?

The most common reason for menopausal hair loss is hormonal. The menopause is a time of massive hormonal changes and imbalance which affect the entire body, including hair growth. During a woman’s childbearing years, her body produces high levels of estrogen, the ‘female hormone’;  when the body reaches menopause, the production rate of this hormone is slowed down dramatically.

What Causes Hair Loss in Menopause?

As a result testosterone in the bloodstream is more easily converted into the potent dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which is the key catalyst in female pattern hair loss. DHT clings to hair follicles, causing them to shrink and ultimately stop growing. In women, this manifests as a general thinning of the hair across the crown of the head.

The hormonal process which can cause female hair loss begins in perimenopause, the pre-menopausal stage. This can begin as early as the late thirties, although the early forties are more common. Consequently, it is not uncommon to experience some thinning of the hair, even before the end of your life’s menstrual cycle and the official onset of menopause.

It has been noted that menopausal women are also more likely to be subject to external stress factors which may further increase the risk of hair loss, such as the death of a parent. In some cases, the menopause can also mask hair loss caused by a thyroid condition. The symptoms of menopause and thyroid are remarkably similar and those concerned should seek medical advice from their GP to ensure they are receiving the correct treatment for the right condition.


HORMONE KING:  Progesterone

Progesterone is a female steroid sex hormone. It is secreted by the female reproductive system, chiefly by the ovaries in the second two weeks of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is crucial to the health of everyone regardless of sex or age. It regulates menstrual cycle in women. In fact, progesterone can be used to correct physiological changes that occur in menstrual cycle.


Significance of Progesterone in Hair Loss

Progesterone is an important hormone produced by the female body. Progesterone also serves as a precursor in the production of other important hormones, including estrogen and cortisone. Progesterone-based hormone therapies can also be effective in treating hair loss. Progesterone inhibits an enzyme, 5-alpha reductase. Progesterone prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT that is a biologically active metabolite in the body. DHT is considered to be responsible for damaging hair follicles and an important factor in hair loss.


DHT Blocker  (cause of hair loss is the abundance of DHT) dht

Progesterone is a natural inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme in steroid metabolism. A rich source of 5aR or 5-alpha reductase is found in human scalp hair follicles. Progesterone works by reducing dihydrotestosterone or DHT through blocking 5-alpha-reductase. The hormone must consistently fight against the 5-alpha-reductase. The production of DHT can be resumed, if the treatment discontinues.

Progesterone Cream

A variety of hair loss products are available at pharmacies, health food stores and online that incorporate progesterone as the main ingredient. Progesterone cream is an effective treatment for hair loss.  Progesterone cream is easy to use and a good remedy for hair loss and quick hair growth. Men can also get benefit from progesterone cream.


How To Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Menopause is a term used for the stage when a woman stops menstruating. There are many types of side effects associated with menopause and hair loss is one of them. About 60-70% of women report hair loss when they enter menopause stage.

Loss of hairs during menopause occurs largely due to hormonal changes occurring in the body of a female. For example, when a woman enters menopause, levels of estrogen hormone decrease in body whereas levels of testosterone, which is a male hormone, increases in the body.

Due to excessive levels of testosterone in the body, hair follicles are affected considerably and as a result, hair loss occurs. Apart from hormonal changes, there can be other changes also which aggravate hair loss. For example, a woman in menopause may lose hairs as side effects of certain medications. Similarly, stress can also be a reason for hair loss. Whatever is the reason, loss of hairs destroy looks badly. Most of the women also report about lower self-esteem due to loss of hairs.

How To Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

There are certain ways in which loss of hairs during menopause can be prevented. First of all, a woman must try to take healthy diet, as poor nutrition has been cited as one of the major reasons for loss of hairs.


A woman must ensure that she is taking adequate quantities of essential vitamins, proteins and minerals, which are very important for staying healthy. For example, her diet must include rich sources of calcium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and copper. Omega-3 fatty acids are also considered as important for having a healthy body. Deficiency of any of these nutrients can lead to loss of hairs.

There are some food substances that affect the body adversely and thus, their consumption must be checked. For example, consumption of excessive quantities of processed and refined carbohydrates leads to production of large quantities of insulin in the body. In the presence of increased insulin levels, testosterone hormone is also secreted in large quantities and as a result, loss of hairs occurs. Thus, a woman must check consumption of refined carbohydrates.

It has been noticed that for reducing weight, many women go for crash dieting. Though crash dieting can help in reducing weight, it also leads to deficiency of certain nutrients in the body. For example, if a woman does not consume enough quantities of proteins in her diet, loss of hairs may get aggravated.

On the other side, diet rich in protein helps in checking loss of hairs. If a woman is already experiencing problem of thinning hairs, she must not go for crash dieting, as it can lead to increased loss of hairs. Rather, she should consume healthy diet and should carry out regular exercises.


Contact Kassandra today to discuss the benefits of Gesterone and Pregnenolone - 2 KING hormonal balancing products for overall women's health, as well as the health of your SKIN AND HAIR!    YOUTHIIFY @ 612.824.7611



THANK YOU!  Reference:  By Jennifer McVey RD, LD