Beauty Ecology

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Addiction + Collagen’s Worst Enemy [must read]

Hello there!
Q: Noticing wrinkles, some deep lines or sagging in your skin?

Sugar may be one of the culprits.

Yes, sugar is classified as America’s top addiction, but you may not realize you have MORE POWER THAN YOU THINK when it' comes to taking control of advanced aging skin.

What Happens When You Eat Sugar?

Regular cellular hits of all kinds of sugar can trigger a cascade of physiological events that may ultimately cause inflammation, AGE factors from glycation and flare up issues.

Collagen’s Natural Enemy | AGE

Wrinkles and sagging skin are a partial byproduct of the process known as glycation, in which excess sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibers and ultimately cause them to lose their strength and flexibility (we call these bondings AGEs, or advanced glycosylation end products).

The result? Skin becomes less elastic and more vulnerable to sun damage, fine lines and sagging.

Sneaky Sugars are found in high-glycemic carbohydrates such as breads, starches, potatoes, baked goods, pastas, desserts and soda, are rapidly converted to glucose in your bloodstream.

The Effects Are More Than Just Skin Deep

While wrinkled skin is one of the visible signs of AGEs, most degenerative diseases are affected one way or another by disease-producing glycation reactions.

In fact, AGEs lie at the very heart of the aging process—from the skin to the brain—and can be responsible for wrinkles, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more, including age-related memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Simply put, the formation of AGEs is responsible for both internal and external damage to the body…and sugar is the primary culprit.

With a few nutrition changes, you can get beautiful skin in no time!


Sugar ruins your skin by causing inflammation in the body. Sugar causes blood sugar levels to surge and plummet, which leads to inflammation. All sugars such as white and brown sugar, agave syrup, molasses, maple syrup, and honey, are to be looked for.

Opt in for fresh fruit or the natural sweetener Stevia instead.


Sugar’s inflammatory properties also lead to wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps your skin looking young and wrinkle-free but sugar attacks collagen, eating it on a cellular level. This dehydrates your skin and makes it look dull. And, of course, dehydration also leads to premature wrinkles.


Whenever you eat foods with a high sugar content, your blood sugar rises rapidly and falls rapidly. When you experience this sugar crash, you often feel hungry, shaky, and moody. Every time this happens, your body experiences internal stress, which often leads to breakouts.

Stabilize your blood sugar levels, eat meals that contain plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.


Free radicals cause inflammation and disease in the body. Studies have linked high-sugar foods and high-sugar diets with creating free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are important fighters in the war against free radicals, and foods with natural sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources.

Avoiding foods with added sweeteners, to boost your antioxidant levels and help your body win its fight against free radicals. H2 water is incredible to squash free radicals.


The inflammatory properties of sugar also cause red, irritated skin. Many people who suffer from rashes or are prone to yeast imbalances can blame their issues on a diet loaded with sugar.

Clear it up by removing refined and added sugars and focus on cruciferous green veggies and fiber-rich foods.


Sugar sucks the water from your body’s cells, leading to dry, puffy skin and those terrible under-eye circles that we all hate.

Invest in H2 rich water to instantly oxygenate your skin.


Sugar is very hard on your digestive tract and creates inflammation and flora imbalances in the gut, and any time food doesn’t digest well, it shows in your skin.

Reducing sugar leads to a better functioning digestive tract, fewer food cravings, and better skin.

So there ya go! If you have any questions about how to set up your skin for success, contact us - and our SKIN PRO’s will help you align a inflammation free skin care regime + matched with your new awareness on sugar and it’s impact on our skin! Email: