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Why CBD Oil Is Becoming a Key Factor to Support Exercise Recovery

Why CBD Oil will become a Key Factor
to Exercise Recovery


  • Cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) have been proven to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • CBD is an analgesic, helping to alleviate pain both during and after exercise.

  • CBD has been shown to increase levels of the neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) anandamide – the main cannabinoid that is produced by the human body. By increasing activation of endocannabinoid receptors, anandamide can reduce pain and inflammation.

  • CBD also increases levels of adenosine as well – another neurotransmitter that appears to reduce inflammation. Rich in active cannabinoids can supercharge your recovery.

Superior Antioxidant Support

  • CBD outshines vitamin C and E as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damage that reactive oxygen molecules cause.


  • CBD has the ability to reduce anxiety, research shows it can be a helpful component in improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia.

  • CBD has also been shown to reduce insomnia in people who suffer from chronic pain due to it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

  • CBD stimulates alertness and reduces daytime drowsiness, which is important for daytime performance and for the strength/consistency of the sleep-wake cycle.

Tincture Drops Dosage

  1. A standard starting dose is can start as low as 5-10 mg taken twice daily 12 hours apart and at least an hour and a half before or after any pharmaceuticals.

  2. Immediately post-workout is a great time for a dose. Try this for about 14 days.

  3. If no change occurs within 2 weeks, double the dose and hold that same dose for 3 weeks. Making notes of any change or relief can help you better understand your progress.

  4. If during this three week span relief is noticed, continue with that same dose for a full three weeks. Then, increase the dose based on how you feel.

  5. If you sense no major changes, I suggest dosing 15 drops of Evoq’s Tincture every evening for sustaining a healthy endocannabinoid tone and support for oxidative stress and neuroregenerative benefits. Science proves this.


CBD holds various potential benefits for post-workout and everyday stress recovery:

  • Improved recovery, especially in cases of injury

  • Reduction of inflammation and pain – a common occurrence after hard training

  • Reduction of muscle spasms

  • Improved sleep

  • Neural Pathway health - cell to cell communication

Video and quote on the brain, science and CBD.

“ So, the targets of how cannabis works and an intrinsic set of neuromodulators called endocannabinoids that are released by cells and act at the receptors. So, although the system is distributed throughout the body, I tend to think about the brain and it’s very highly utilized by the brain.

And, as an example of how the brain works with endocannabinoids, a given neuron – a cell within the brain receiving thousands of different inputs – will release endocannabinoids, these small signaling molecules, to fine-tune the strength of their own synaptic inputs.

So the endocannabinoids are signaling molecules that are created and broken down by enzymes in the body.

They act at cell surface receptors that change the activity of cells. And all of this – the signaling molecules, the enzymes that make them and break them down, the receptors that exert the effects of the compounds – are bundled up into what we call the endocannabinoid system.” | Clean, Calm and Connected Organic Tinctures