Beauty Ecology

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Tips for Preparing for Your Spa Day

A spa day is the perfect opportunity to get pampered and relaxed after a stressful workweek. You deserve a little "me time" and a spa is a great place to help you shine both inside and out. A professional massage and facial may be just what you need. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your spa day.

Eat Before, But Not Too Close to the Appointment

It's important to have a small meal before your spa day so you don't suffer with hunger pains and get cranky. However, eating too close to your appointment can mess with your metabolism and make you uncomfortable when you're trying to relax. Massages stimulate your digestion and circulation so you'll want to make sure you eat at least two hours before to prevent bloating and bathroom breaks. It's also not recommended to have a huge meal the night before as you could feel sick before your appointment.

Staying Hydrated

Spas can make you sweat! Water is definitely a necessity before your appointment, whether it's a hot facial or a sit in the sauna. You'll also want to bring your own bottle in case the spa doesn't have any available. Afterward, much like a workout, you'll want to cool down with refreshing water to replenish you. This allows your skin to be as beautiful as possible and for you to have plenty of water to sweat the toxins out. You should aim for over two liters a day. Otherwise, dehydration can set in and make you dizzy during what's supposed to be a relaxing and carefree spa day.

Make the Day Just for You!

You may want to bring a friend to join you on your spa day, so it's necessary you pick a pal with positive energy. If you're going solo, try to de-stress in the morning to prepare for the perfect day. Feel free to research what services you think you'll enjoy the most and don't be afraid to speak to a spa professional about what you like even if you have to speak up during the appointment. Try not to stress too much about your appearance but it's okay to reschedule if you're feeling sick or too nervous to go.

Everyone needs a spa day every once in a while. The key tips to enjoying your spa day is to look forward to it and save some time for a little preparation. Check out reviews and testimonies of fellow spa-goers to see what they recommend and enjoy your visit!