Beauty Ecology

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👩🏻‍🦱 The ONE Test For Hormonal Hair Loss

Hi lovely. Hair loss is a B*tch - and honestly - it’s my forte.

How do we test for hair loss? It’s so confusing for my clients…but there is a path.

No, it’s not serum testosterone.

No, its not your thyroid.

And No, its not DHT - the androgenic hormone alone.

Hair loss is generally pointing back to so called androgenic alopecia; essentially, this is just a fancy way to talk about hair loss caused by high levels of androgens (especially one hormone, a metabolite of testosterone, called dihydrotestosterone or DHT).

When women have imbalanced levels of androgenic hormones (like DHT), they can bind to the hormone receptors of our hair follicles and put them in their “rest-phase”. 

DHT can also suffocate the follicle closing up the follicle - causing miniaturization and hair thinning.

NET NET: hormonal hair loss is the result of our hair follicles being told to stop growing and to go to sleep instead.


How Do You Fix Hormonal Hair Loss?

The plethora of blogs on hair loss are written for men, and their common hair loss issue goes back to DHT.

Or you may have heard that you have high levels of androgenic hormones like testosterone or DHT are the issue from your doctor?

TO GET TO THE ROOT, we need to test, not guess.

To fix something we need to know how it broke in the first place.

I suggest working with a Functional Medicine doctor to get an accurate diagnosis, the next step is to ask ….

“What are the root-causes behind my symptoms?” and “How did I get here?”.

When my clients come with hair concerns, I find that there is a denial or disconnect between the habits and results of nutrition, detoxification, exercise or activity levels, stress, sleep, or any combination of these lifestyle factors that have contributed to their hair health entanglement.

Remember, THESE ARE THE FIVE main foundations of hormonal health because we really need all of them to be inline before we can achieve our long-term health and wellness goals.

ONE TEST to get a BIG CLUE to the Root-Cause of Hormonal Hair Loss

To get to the root-cause, I suggest adding in or singling out a test for hormonal hair loss with FASTING INSULIN.

Here's why. Insulin is a hormone that our body uses to carry glucose to our cells so that they can use it for energy. What we want to be is insulin-sensitive – meaning that the insulin our body produces will be able to take care of the glucose we ingest.

But we can become ‘insulin resistant’ and that means that what used to be enough insulin to carry the glucose is now not enough.

This is what is happening when we get fasting insulin levels checked at our doctor’s office and see that it is high.

Over time, it’s possible that our body won’t be able to maintain that high level of insulin output to take care of our glucose.

You'll see this in your fasting glucose levels or HbA1c test and when they are HIGH.

IT IS THE 👉🏼 Connection of Insulin + Hormonal Hair Loss 👉🏼 The connection between insulin and hormonal hair loss is clear: When our insulin levels are high, it can push hormones down the 👉🏼 androgen pathway.

NOW we’re talking androgens and DHT. But notice the step prior.


Managing our blood glucose levels and maintaining a healthy insulin response is foundational to our hormone health.

It’s worth talking to your doctor about having your fasting insulin (and fasting glucose) levels tested. I also believe now more than ever in a stress-full world, that TOPICAL support is essential to help the follicle regenerate.

Botanicals wont do it alone. Castor oil won’t do it alone.

AND……..Insulin resistance and hormone imbalances don’t happen in a vacuum.

Remember, the other critical pieces link back to your nutrition, detoxification, exercise, stress, and sleep.

You need a 360 approach.

Please let me help! Hair loss is my jam!

Check out our Root Revival Hair Activating Tonic 👉🏼 @evoqbeauty #hairloss #hairgrowth

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