Suzy Youngquist Bio

Inspired by a real life story of watching her mom's life transform through holistic health care, Dr. Suzy has a passion to teach and equip others on how to re-claim their lives and well-being. Since opening Revolution's doors in 2008, Dr. Suzy has touched thousands of lives through the lifestyle education series Rev it UP! She has hosted nationally renowned authors and speakers such as Jordan Rubin, Dr. Daniel Pompa, and Joseph Cavanaugh. She is an avid teacher and speaker within the community and profession on topics such as Cellular Healing, Gut Health, Hormone Health, and Children's Health. Revolution Wellness Center is a Health Center of the Future, and was nationally recognized in 2014. Dr. Suzy's personal journey through the premature birth of her first baby (Ethan, 28 weeks) ignited a passion within her to be an advocate and voice for this generation of children. She carried her second baby (Eva) full term and presently is the extremely grateful mama of two incredible world changers, and wife to an extremely supportive husband.

Why Beauty Ecology?

Beauty Ecology is a state of the art full service salon that offers both products AND services that align with our core philosophy that what we put on and in our bodies must be nutritious and safe. In a culture so inundated with toxic stress, it is essential to have referral partners such as Beauty Ecology, who bridge the gap and embrace the importance of true health and disease prevention. The EVOQ product line is second to none in its purity and efficacy. I personally have seen my skin come to life and health by incorporating the skin care line. Thank you Kassandra & the BE Team for providing such a unique and essential approach to beauty care.

Elite Offer

First chiropractic visit including X-rays ($250 value).  

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