Why put Organics in your body and then junk on your face?

La Bella Donna Minerale is the safe, "green", organic alternative to traditional make-up ingredients! There are no talc, cornstarch, extracts, mica or fillers found in the La Bella Donna Loose Mineral Foundation, unlike other foundation or mineral make-up brands. They are simply made of only 4 pure rock ingredients that are jet-milled into a fine dust:

The "Rock Stars"

Iron Oxide: many colorful rocks are blended for pigment instead of chemical dyes.

Bismuth Oxychloride: Anti-inflammatory rock that calms and soothes irritated skin.

Titanium Dioxide: Natural sunscreen from rock.

Zinc Oxide: Waterproofing rock, sunscreen, anti-inflammatory, keeps bacteria off the face, soothes redness and irritation.

Unique Benefits of LBD versus Traditional Make-up or Other Mineral Make-up Brands:

- Rock is insoluble in water and since LBD only uses 4 rock ingredients, by science alone it cannot penetrate the water barrier of skin, hence not be absorbed into the pores or bloodstream to pollute or leave traces in the liver.

- Giving your skin the benefits of all day waterproof sunscreen.

- Make-up for Cystic Acne, Rosacea, Discoloration Auto-Immune Disease, Sun damage.

- Medical Make-up Alternative for those undergoing Chemo Therapy, Post Laser Treatment, Post Facial Surgery, and Post Dermatological Treatments.

- Best make-up alternative to protect skin after a Facial. Not only will it not clog your pores, but the dust will protect renewed, clean skin with a waterproof barrier from pollution, dust mites, dirt, etc for when you leave the spa.

- Does not comes off until you remove it with cleanser at the end of the day.

- Health and Wellness alternative to traditional make-up ingredients.

- Best make-up alternative for pregnant women.

-   Complete Make-up Alternative Line

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