hair health

Does the hair need protein? The telltale signs!

Have you ever thought, “HMmm…. my hair definitely has a protein deficiency!”

🤷🏻‍♀️ - said no client ever.

From hard water to toxic hair products - women often think that when they have dry, damaged hair, they immediately think they only need a moisturizing treatment to address the hair health issue.

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Protein and How It Affects the Hair

Our hair is primarily made up of chains of amino acids and proteins called keratin. Think of the hair as a building with keratin as the bricks. Because of overstyling, chemical treatments, and environmental stressors, keratins become worn out, creating gaps in the hair which eventually leads to leaking out your color, moisture barrier protection scales - and damage and breakage.


Here are some blatant signs your hair is in dire need of protein and my number one expert recommendation of a Beauty Ecology Client Cult Favorite PROTECTANT SPRAY with equal parts moisture and protein.

Warning, too much protein can also make your hair feel brittle and dry - your cuticle is too FULL and it will break. To avoid this curveball from the confusion on the market- Repair and Protect Spray is for YOU (all hair types).

Does the hair need protein?

Fact: Hair is super porous.

Does your hair always look frazzled, coarse, and dry? Highly porous strands have tears and gaps in the hair, exposing the cortex to stressors. This causes the hair to absorb and release moisture faster than normal, leading to frizzy, tangled hair.

Hair looks limp and stringy.

Is the hair not as full and bouncy as it used to? Dull and limp hair is a sign of protein deficiency. Most women think it just needs a bit of hair styling product to bring it back to life, but this action actually compromises the health of the hair significantly. Layering more products on already weak hair will weigh it down, causing it to look stringy.

Hair has low elasticity.

Perform the a wet stretch test. Take about 10 strands and spray some water. Make sure to hold the hair tight then gently pull the hair. If the hair stretches and bounces back to its normal length without breaking, it means the hair is healthy. If it stretches and doesn’t return or stretches and breaks, then chances are your hair is missing protein.

Hair has been colored recently.

Hair color, bleach, and treatments contain chemicals that alter the bonds of the hair, leading to damage. These chemicals elevate the pH of the hair and causes the cuticles to rise. The longer the cuticles are raised up, the longer the cortex of the hair is exposed and, therefore, makes the hair more susceptible to protein loss and breakage.

There’s increased shedding and breakage.

We normally lose up to 100 strands a day. But if you are losing more hair that doesn’t come from the root, then it is a protein issue and needs to be addressed immediately.

Note: increased hair loss could be caused by many things: a hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, stress, autoimmune disorders, medications, chemotherapy and more.

It’s important to thoroughly consult and analyze the scalp and hair before deciding a lack of protein is the culprit. If you suspect hair loss, then I suggest looking at the Evoq Root Revival Hair Growth Dream Team is two times more powerful than drug based Minoxidil. Really!

Hair feels gummy.

Does the hair feel mushy and sticky? This could mean your hair’s support system is weak and has been over-moisturized, causing the texture to change and feel funny. Or worse, the hair has suffered from far too much lightening, causing it to feel like bubblegum.

While protein deficiency can be treated by simply changing your diet and lifestyle, there are several in-salon treatments you can do to replenish lost proteins in the hair.

Evoq Repair and Protect Spray is great at restoring chemically damaged hair by repairing it from the inside out to give the hair the moisture and minerals it needs to remain healthy.

Get the deets here…

The Weightless Great Defender 

This Organic (96%), weightless spray locks in gorgeous color, enhances style, blocks out humidity, and protects from premature color fading. It’s an essential first step of your styling routine and provides instant, weightless protection. 

The nutrient-rich vitamins in this spray provide an extra dose of antioxidants for smooth, healthy-looking hair. And amino acids protect the hair from thermal damage, UV rays, and daily washing all while speeding up drying time and strengthening strands.

Aloe Vera - Protects and moisturizes hair as an emollient and antioxidant. Its composition of 18 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals impart hair with a fortified moisture for healthy, smooth strands. Water is locked into strands due to its polysaccharide and sterol content.

Kelp Extract - A highly concentrated seaweed extract rich in minerals, trace elements, and vitamins for strand and scalp health. The rich iodine content helps treat and prevent dandruff.

Vitamin B - This active form of vitamin B is an emollient that instantly binds to the hair shaft and seals it, giving locks a healthy shine and reducing breakage and split ends.

Quinoa Protein - Rich in amino acids to promote hair and scalp follicle strength, fullness and softness while protecting hair from environmental damage.

Seed Oil Complex (Meadowfoam, Avocado & Shea) - Keeps hair feeling smooth and silky while antioxidant properties protect strands from free radical damage. Hair is imparted with a healthy shine and is easy to comb. 


Lastly, address one of the ROOT CAUSES - SALON HAIR COLOR

Choosing less aggressive hair color and lighteners like BEAUTY ECOLOGY’S ZERO AMMONIA AND ENZYME (VERSUS PEROXIDE) ammonia-free and PROTEIN BASED CLAY ENLIGHTENER is also a great way to protect the hair from damage.

They DO NOT contain chemicals that put a lot of physical stress on the hair, which is often the reason strands become prone to split ends, breakage and protein loss.


Please reach out if I can help you repair your hair! xo - Kassandra

What Causes Knots in your Hair, and how to untangle!

We all want beautiful, silky-smooth hair. Unfortunately for most of us, though, knots and tangles are an inevitable part of life.

You can have gorgeous, knot-free hair! All it takes is some TLC to get those pesky knots out. And with a few tips on how to prevent them altogether, your hair will be looking better than ever.

To naturally prevent and unknot your locks, head over to and receive 25% off your first purchase!

Full Show Notes:

We all want beautiful, silky-smooth hair. Unfortunately for most of us, though, knots and tangles are an inevitable part of life.

You can have gorgeous, knot-free hair! All it takes is some TLC to get those pesky knots out. And with a few tips on how to prevent them altogether, your hair will be looking better than ever.

What Causes Knots In Hair?

Hydrate your hair for knot-free living.

You may have noticed that certain types of hair seem to be more prone to knots and tangles than others. But what is it that actually causes your hair to knot?

Tangles are caused by the exterior layer of your hair, which is known as the cuticle, getting damaged. This means that instead of laying flat and closed, your cuticles are open and get caught on each other, causing knots.

Another way that tangles are caused is by your hair not being sufficiently hydrated. Always make sure to keep your hair properly hydrated by using the right shampoos, conditioners and hair care products for your specific type of hair.

Top 3 Ways To Undo Knots In Hair

1. Undoing Knots While Brushing

Brushing your hair the right way can help keep it smooth.

If you have knots in your hair and you don’t want to end up looking like a frizz-ball, try applying a small amount of oil based or silica based serum to your hair before brushing it.

This will help the brush go through your hair more easily, which will help detangle your tresses. Otherwise, you can opt to use a regular detangler. Start from the ends of your hair and work your way up, then brush out your hair gently.

2. Undoing Knots Caused By Products

Olive oil can help smooth your hair.

Yes, you use products to make your hair better. Sometimes, though, you may have applied more product than intended, especially when it comes to hairspray. It’s so easy to spray too much or to spray too close to your hair. This can often lead to unwanted tangles.

If that’s the case, your best bet is probably a bit of oil. Use a natural oil, such as argan oil or olive oil, or a serum, and apply it around halfway down your hair. You don’t want your roots to look like an oil bath. Work the oil through your hair until the tips, and then brush it gently. The oil will break down the product and help add moisture to your hair, making it softer and more manageable.

3. Undoing Knots In Wet Hair

Wet hair doesn’t have to be knotty.

After coloring your hair, you want to be careful on untangling the hair. Its just gone through a chemical process and is fragile. Same with hard water, these are ph imbalances in the hair that you want to be careful - as they build up over time, dry the hair and can cause it to snap.

If wet, knotty hair is your struggle, apply a good conditioner and use a wide-toothed comb to work it through your tangles. When drying your hair, blot or squeeze it dry rather than rubbing it. Rubbing your hair dry can cause it to tangle, and that’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid here.

How To Prevent Knots In Hair

But as the old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This rings true when it comes to knots in your hair as well. I mean, rather than having to deal with knots, it’s even better to prevent them in the first place, right?

Change Your Hairstyle

Shake up your hairstyle to reduce knotting.

The same hairdo day in, day out, was actually contributing to my knots and tangles. When you tie your hair in the same place all the time, it causes stress to your hair.

Over time, this can build up and cause hair damage – which you might recognize as knots. So, do yourself a favor and have a few different hairstyles for every day. It’s also best to use a scrunchie that’s covered in material, as these types are softer on your hair than elastic hair ties.

Sleep With Your Hair In Mind

I like to put my hair in a soft bun when I got to bed, not allwoing it to tangle.

Also, while cotton may be cheaper, silk pillowcases are best for hair that is prone to tangling.

Condition, Condition, Condition!

A good conditioner is important for your hair.

Yes, knotty hair is all about conditioner, ladies. Make sure you’re using a good quality conditioner, and use it regularly (at least every time you shampoo) to keep the knots at bay.

You want equal parts moisture and protein. Take care to condition the ends of your hair to keep them healthy and strong. A leave-in or deep conditioning once a week is also a great idea for keeping moisture in your hair and preventing tangles.

Use A Hair Mask

Besides helping to detangle your hair, a weekly hair mask will also help it become shiny and silky and even help it to grow faster. It’s not a huge amount of effort, and it’ll give you some downtime to relax while your hair soaks in all the goodness.

Why not try our Evoq Hair Mask? After you apply it to your hair, leave it under a shower cap to sit. Run yourself a hot bath, turn on some soft music, and just let yourself be. Besides helping to condition your hair and prevent knots, you’re also unwinding and releasing your stress. Win-win!

Brush Those Locks

If your hair is super prone to frizzing (which generally comes along with knotty hair, unfortunately), you may be tempted to skip brushing. Don’t, though! Use a wide-toothed comb to get rid of knots, and brush gently and regularly to achieve (almost) tangle-free hair.

Go Easy On The Heat

Let your hair dry naturally.

Consistent heat is one of the main causes of hair damage – and one of the ways hair damage manifests itself is in the settings on your appliances, so your hair isn’t getting literally fried.


Knots are knot a life sentence! True, you might have to get used to some new hairstyles or pillowcases, or find ways to style your hair without subjecting it to heat all the time.

But in the end, you only stand to gain. Because healthier, shinier hair is not something that just happens.

With a little effort on your part, your knotty struggle can become a thing of the past.

To prevent and unknot your locks, head over to and receive 25% off your first purchase.  Code: "awaken" 

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Call me crazy.

HERE, we start the healthy beauty blessings in great GRATITUDE to you.

Is this YOU?

Most women feel the frustration of

  • thinning hair

  • overly dry ends

  • lack of volume or body

  • color fadage

But WHY?

Due to the integrity of the stem cells deep within the scalp and follicle fabric. Which brings me to my passion - formulating and servicing you - to get to the root so you can have the positive results of….

  • fuller and thicker hair

  • sealed ends

  • more body and bounce

  • locked in color with more shine

There’s only one way there outside of internal health and that’s the right actives, in the right products, used consistently. So this holiday I am bringing you GOOD CHEER to both your hair and your bank account.



Here’s the BIG DEAL. You choose! 

BUY a 32oz VOLUME or REGROWTH SHAMPOO & get it’s better half (Conditioner) for FREE!



Buy ONE 32oz Shampoo for only $64

Get it's better half Conditioner for FREE!

Shampoo + Conditioner Value = $137

Let's do the math: [Total Savings $73 ]


Root Revival Regrowth

LIMITED SUPPLY. Act fast, we have sets of 12 for the Volume/Regrowth Shampoo and Conditioner.

TO PURCHASE: Simply EMAIL us the hair health set you prefer (Volume or Regrowth) and we will inform you with flexible ways to pay via a check, paypal and venmo. *Our 32oz size products are NOT currently on our website.


Committed to enriching your journey to healthy hair. xo

Feel like cheating on your shampoo? Let's de-myth.

 You’ve heard it before:

"It’s important to switch up your hair products every so often."

Could it be true?

Should you break up with your shampoo?     Or just cheat on it from time to time...

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Don’t turn your back on your bottled bestie too fast!  

I want to put a halt on the misnomer that your hair builds a tolerance to a specific shampoo and/or conditioner. 

 It’s a myth that hair gets immune to your cleansing routine.

What is true, however, is that like any other beauty regimen, your hair products should change based on several factors, so let's review.

Before you toss your shampoo and conditioner, consider what the root of your needs are. 

Everyone’s hair is different— if you’re a curly girl, you should reach for a shampoo that helps with curl retention, while  giving great hydration.

A  repair shampoo and conditioner with more keratin is applicable after getting balayage highlights, or a volumising pro-hair growth shampoo if you experience temporary hair loss due to stress, low immunity or post pregnancy.  


But it’s not just your hair type that can be a determining factor for less-than-stellar strands. Perhaps your well water makes your strands go brass - I see this all the time. To counter the brass, flip the color wheel and reach for a violet shampoo. 

Your hair could also alter its response to products due to seasonal changes, a change in the water, swimming in chlorine, age or even a change in hormone levels.

When hair starts to thin or become brittle, it needs something that will help restore its intrinsic strength to help it appear fuller.  Formulas fortified with reparative proteins build up or mend the follicle that’s been damaged by heat, over-processing, or even intense medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation.

Get sheen with dietary changes.

Eating essential fatty acids can give your hair that much-desired shine and gloss. When you get essential fatty acids from red meat or an avocado, you will see more shine and less of a need of repair treatments - over time.  


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 Hair absolutely changes with age.

20s: Hair is at the peak of thickness and strength, with ample sebum and shine.

30s: A slight decline in sebum can cause hair to lose its natural luster.

40s: The diameter of the hair shaft begins to shrink, leaving hair thinner and more fragile. Plus a decline in melanin levels can lead to gray hair.

50s: Most women are 50% gray by the age of 50 due to a steep decline in melanin; follicles continue to shrink and leave hair thinner and even more fine.

60s: Nearly 40% of women experience a degree of hair loss. Hair often appears thin and lackluster.

A Solution + Tip.   

Regardless your Swap in a Clarifying Shampoo Twice a Month

When I start with a new client, I always recommend our Clarifying Scalp Remedy Shampoo. 


Our top selling gentle, yet deep clarifying treatment can get you out of your hair funk by removing buildup that’s developed over time from styling products or heavy silicone laden conditioners.

To review, you can't get immune to your shampoo.  It really comes back to the following factors: 

  • The overall health of your hair and scalp
  • The age and time of your life
  • Residues left behind such as silicones, excessive glycerin, etc. 
  • Seasonal shifts

I leave you with bringing it back to the true ROOT of THE ISSUE around hair health.   

​​​​​​​After 20 years as a stylist, color educator and product formulator,  research and experience have shown me is that great hair starts with a healthy scalp - which determines the quality and condition of your hair and its ability to grow.

If you have any questions on what products are best for your locks - email me!

xo,  Kassandra  

Hair Health's Leading Factors.

Many things can affect the quality and health of your hair, such at what you eat, your stress level,  health, over washing, and a myriad of other factors. But when it comes down to the bottom line your hair needs two things to be healthy:

Protein and Moisture.

If you have any curl or wave to your locks,  you may notice that your hair can "frey" and dry easily. More often times than not,  wavy hair types need that extra bit of care  when it comes to moisture.

Many of our guests try to "get by" with what they may already have at home, but the best thing to do is correctly stock up on some key products.   Our recently launched RESTORE OIL is first in line for hair and scalp salvation!  Restore is filled with cold pressed organic oils fortified  with moisture to enrich the quality of your hair.

If your hair (of any type)  is extremely dry from damage (be it, environmental, heat, or chemical damages), I strongly suggest picking up Kasia Restore Hair Oil, as well as look at our other few options.  Remember, you need very little bit when  done in the right way.

Come in and check out Kasia 'restoring' products  today!


Read more about Restores Benefits HERE

Frazzled?  Your split ends...that is. Read more HERE

Quick recommendations for healthy hair growth

  • Use a shampoo and conditioner which contain no petrochemicals such as lauryl sulfate.
  • If your public water supply uses chlorine to kill bacteria, use a shower filter to reduce chlorine exposure on your scalp (and lungs).
  • Take a probiotic,  multivitamin, Omega 3, and products containing antioxidants to promote general health and micro-circulation.
  • Use essential oils to promote hair health

Two Major Hair Issues

For many men and women, the loss of their hair is a devastating sign of encroaching old age. Male pattern baldness affects 40 million adult males in the United States. But approximately 20 million American women also suffer from some type of hair loss. The causes vary widely - genetics, stress, diet and environmental pollutants. And the solutions are just as plentiful.

For some people, the goal of beautiful, lustrous hair is elusive. The skin is known as the largest organ of the body, yet the surface area of your hair far exceeds that of your skin. You realize this when you return from a place where people are smoking, from a BBQ, or some other event where there are smells in the air.  Your hair needs internal and external protection against everyday assaults from contaminants and pollutants.

What you don't subject your hair and scalp to is potentially more important than what you apply to your hair.  Avoid application of toxic petrochemicals and sterilizing agents to your hair and scalp and you will be on the way to sustained healthy hair growth.

Don't Be Deceived

One thing is clear. Mainstream shampoos and conditioners that claim to be helpful to your hair and scalp are often more marketing claims than scientific or even good sense.  Many even accelerate hair loss.

The skin and the scalp are body organs, actually the largest organ in the body. They absorb the chemicals that are applied to it, which can either have positive or negative effects.

Call us today to schedule a Hair Health Consultation or service!  612 824 7611

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