

HERBAL FORMULAS FOR Hair Loss, Graying, & Acne

We now carry herbal formulas available at the salon for hair loss, early greying, and acne!  Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas have been successfully used by patients for thousands of years to naturally promote beauty from within.

· Colorful Phoenix Pearl Combo (Cai Feng Zhen Zhu An Chuang Wan) is helpful for many forms of acne

·       Silken Tresses (Qi Bao Mei Ren Dan) promotes hair growth, and slows early greying

·       Yin Care is an external herbal tincture that has many uses, including treating acne blemishes, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, scalp dermatitis (including dandruff), as well as several gynecological issues.

These formulas are made by the most highly respected manufacturers, who use stringent quality controls.

Because these medicines have specific effects on the whole body, they should only be taken under the guidance of a licensed practitioner.  Our acupuncturist, Elizabeth Williams, LAc, is well trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and can prescribe formulas based on your own individual symptoms and constitution after an initial herbal consultation. Elizabeth will also help evaluate any dietary or lifestyle changes you can make.

Elizabeth is available Monday, Tuesday, and Friday each week for herbal consultations and acupuncture treatment.  If you are only interested in treating hair loss, early greying, acne, or other beauty concerns, a shortened consultation is available for $25.

An initial full herbal consultation to address health concerns is $50, and takes approximately one hour.

Come in today to naturally enhance your true beauty!

Treat your cold and flu with acupuncture and herbs!

This year, treat your cold and flu with acupuncture and herbs!

Can’t afford to be sick with a cold?

Do your symptoms linger for days or weeks after the flu is “over”?

Does taking cold medicine feel just as debilitating as having the cold itself?

Acupuncture, cupping, and herbal medicine are effective, natural methods of boosting your immune system to prevent getting sick in the first place, as well as minimizing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms once they do occur.

All viruses are not the same!  Elizabeth will diagnose your specific disease pattern, and tailor your treatment to best address your symptoms, whether they be clogged sinuses, head and body aches, sore throat, cough, fever, upset tummy, or fatigue.  You will receive an herbal prescription to take home to help speed recovery, and lessen the possibility of having lingering symptoms that can weaken your system long-term.

Make your appointment with Elizabeth as soon as you feel the “ick” coming on - the earlier you receive treatment, the better chance you have of avoiding getting seriously ill.  From now through the end of February, acupuncture and cupping treatments for colds or flu are just $40, plus the cost of herbs.

If you feel a cold coming on, you can try this home remedy:

•       Make a tea by boiling a few slices of ginger and sliced green onion (white part only) in water for 10 minutes, and drink while warm.

•       Be sure to cover up well after drinking (better yet, get under the covers) and allow your body to sweat out the ick.

•       If you are having diarrhea as well, add in a few tablespoons of grated daikon radish while boiling.  It will not affect the taste much at all.  If you wish, eat the veggies after boiling for greater effect.

•       Most importantly: REST!  Your body is trying to fight something off, and it needs all the energy it can to do that.

Call Kasia Organic Salon at 612.824.7611 or Elizabeth at 612.839.0365 to book your appointment and start feeling better now!

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