
Show (your inner mind) what do you really desire. 🔮CBD included.

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Look into your future.

You cannot expect to get where you want to be without knowing where you are going.

One of the most potent lessons of alchemy is that of changing your inner state to affect the world around you.

A simple way to do this is with manifestation practices.

By taking a little time to set your intentions for the short and long term, you are already well on your way to bringing your inner world into outer realization.

Try this journaling exercise with some silence and a pen and paper.

It's crucial that when you venture forward to envision, you remain rooted and calm.

If you don’t have one of our Evoq Clean, Calm and Connected CBD tinctures at home, move forward with this centering voyage - although dropping a few drop of our calming CBD oil, your inner exploration for grounding and clarity with be much easier (calm down monkey brain)!

Grab one of our CBD Hemp Naturopathic Healers HERE. Not sure where to start?

I recommend our 500MG Immune enhancing multi-cannabinoid tincture. Game changer!

I’d like to ask permission to have you find a quiet space when you’re ready to do this powerful exercise!

Let’s begin


In a quiet private, bright place, begin by making a list of 3 things you desire in your life.


These can range from the type of relationships you'd like to the career path you want to follow, and the general lifestyle. This can be anything. Be clear, be complete.


Be as specific as possible, and trust your gut instincts as you make this list. 


If the notion creates excitement and pulls you towards it, put it on the list. 

Notice also, if you feel some resistance to listing all the desires, it means your inner  energy is out of balance and you are in even greater need to reconnect to it - understand it - and shift it.


Once you've completed the list, spend some time with your eyes closed envisioning the elements on the list being a part of your life.

Imagination is the most powerful way we use the mind. It’s how I help evoke change that LASTS with clients in my clinical hypnotherapy clients. If the mind can see what you want, it’s much easier for it to go and find the resources for you - as you go about your day.

This moves from lack to abundance - and all the ways that area on your list CAN become possible - even if it takes time.

Feel those feelings. Step inside this new life.

How does it feel? Where are you? Is there a taste? A smell? A temperature? Is anyone with you?






Repeat this and continue living. You will notice your manifestations are all around you, waiting for you to take action towards them.

Remember, manifestation is not about doing nothing, it is about attracting the best circumstances for you to take action within. Don't forget the action part.


More action=more outcomes. More outcomes=more lessons. More lessons=more progress. 

When you dive into the grounded, relaxing and spiritual lucidity Evoq CBD and become clear on your intentions, doors will begin to open where there were once only walls.


THIS IS KEY: The subconscious mind is there to serve you - it wants to preserve energy, remain safe, and SERVE YOU.

By being clear on what you want your life to be, you make the shift from being the perpetual victim to the creator and champion of your own existence.

Step forward with the confidence of knowing where you are going and the energetic support of the powerful ancient plants with Evoq.

Love and light - and thank you for feeding your soul with me here today. Love you to the moon.


Change Your Frequency, Change your life.

Hi beautiful!

Chances are, you’ve never “thought” about the frequency of your brain and vibes of your thoughts. I’ve found through research and as a passionate hypnotherapist, the different states of mind we experience are quite important to understand how and why we practice exercises like meditation or self hypnosis to feel better and live more consciously.

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We’ve all experienced that magical feeling of being hit with ‘a ah-ha’ vibe. That moment of newfound clarity, a shift in perspective, and/or we just “feel” a certain way as we float through our day. Anyone can ‘train’ their body and brain to access different energetic states—it just takes some dedicated and repeated practice. The outcome? Feeling in the “ right kind of control,” a higher emotional intelligence, living outside of our monkey brain (ego) - and helping others do the same.

ENJOY THE VIBE of this MIND SHIFTING PODCAST as I explain the 4 main brain wave frequencies and how to use them to your advantage. Turn up the sound-waves!


Control Your Brain and Balance your Frequency in 4 Key Steps


Brain waves are generated by the building blocks of your brain -- the individual cells called neurons. Neurons communicate with each other by electrical changes.We can actually see these electrical changes in the form of brain waves as shown in an EEG.

Brain waves are measured in cycles per second (Hertz; Hz is the short form). We also talk about the "frequency" of brain wave activity.

The lower the number of Hz, the slower the brain activity or the slower the frequency of the activity. You’ll see the popularity of “Binaural Beats” of different Hertz, and after you review the following information - you’ll better understand the right Hertz for your current time goals and accomplishments.

Understanding the MIND. There are two main aspects of mind.

The Conscious Mind
This is the analytical and critical part of our brain that governs our awareness or consciousness at any point in time. It is the final processing point for our decisions, actions or reactions in daily life which we are aware that we are making.

The Subconscious Mind
This is the 'deeper' part of the mind that is responsible for processing thousands of things at any one time and for storing everything we have experienced in our lives in differing degrees of importance. It sort of runs on 'Auto Pilot' without us even realizing it is doing so much. In this respect it is much like the hard drive of a computer that stores information that is accessed by the other parts of the computer/mind.

Have You Ever Wondered What Kind Of Brain Waves You Produce?

First off, we don't ever produce only "one" brain wave type. Our overall brain activity is a mix of all the frequencies at the same time, some in greater quantities and strength than others. The meaning of all this? Balance is the key. We don't want to regularly produce too much or too little of any brainwave frequency.

The systems that govern the brain are the most compact and complex on earth. Despite the fact that more has been learned about the brain in the last 30 years than in all of human history, science has not come close to understanding how all the pieces fit together to create human consciousness.

However we do know this: Consciousness is related to communication between the different parts of the brain.

Different levels of consciousness and states of mind are the result of the different areas of the brain communicating with one another at any given time. We also know that the different areas of the brain communicate by sending electrical signals along neurons that connect one area to another. There are more than 100 billion neurons in the brain, each making from hundreds to hundreds of thousand connections which means a total of a hundred trillion connections. These electrical connections are at the heart of how well the brain functions.

How Do We Achieve That Balance?

We need both flexibility and resilience for optimal functioning. Flexibility generally means being able to shift ideas or activities when we need to or when something is just not working.
Well, it means the same thing when we talk about the brain. We need to be able to shift our brain activity to match what we are doing. At work, we need to stay focused and attentive and those beta waves are a Good Thing. But when we get home and want to relax, we want to be able to produce less beta and alpha activity. To get to sleep, we want to be able to slow down even more.

So, we run into illness and trouble when we can't shift to match the demands of our lives.
We're also in trouble when we get stuck in a certain pattern. For example, after injury of some kind to the brain (and that could be physical or emotional), the brain tries to stabilize itself and it purposely slows down.

Flexibility is a key goal for efficient brain functioning.
Resilience generally means stability - being able to bounce back from negative events and to "bend with the wind, not break". Studies show that people who are resilient are healthier and happier than those who are not.

So it comes down to - how can we become more resilient?

The brain needs to be able to "bounce back" from all the unhealthy things we do to it (drinking, smoking, missing sleep, banging it, etc.) And the resilience we all need to stay healthy and happy starts in the brain.

Resilience is critical for your brain to be and stay effective. When something goes wrong, likely it is because our brain is lacking either flexibility or resilience.

How Flexible are you?

We want our brain to be both flexible - able to adjust to whatever we are wanting to do - and resilient - able to go with the flow.

To do this, it needs access to a variety of different brain states. These states are produced by different patterns and types of brain wave frequencies.

The 4 Operating Frequencies of the Mind

These different states are classified according to the speed of the predominant brainwave signals from one neurological point to another at any one point in time.

1. Beta: This is where our mind usually operates in daily life. In such a state we have full conscious awareness and attention of everything around us and usually only one side of brain is operating. Beta is usually typified by brainwave cycles of 15 to 40 Hz (cycles per second) Higher cycles of Beta Frequency usually equate to stress, anxiety and 'over thinking' as the conscious mind becomes misguided or reacts negatively to a given situation. High brainwave beta frequency also equates to hypertension, increased heart rate, increased blood flow, cortisone production and glucose consumption. Generally speaking, you do not want to experience the high beta state too often if you are concerned about your health.

2. Alpha: A mild daydream or light relaxation state. Operating in Alpha can be exemplified to when you are driving a car and just cruising around or when you get captivated into a good book and sort of lose track of what is happening around you. Meditation is usually aimed at achieving Alpha and the brain operates in cycles between 9Hz & 14Hz. Alpha is typified by partial conscious awareness and partial subconscious predominance at the same time. It is useful to absorb information when in Alpha and is considered to be highly desirable for more effective studying. Alpha promotes more of the left side of the brain to be used for processing.

3. Theta: Deep relaxation where the conscious mind is, for the most part, 'switched off', and the subconscious mind is left to flourish. This is usually typified by sleep, dreaming, very deep relaxation and is where most hypnotists aim at taking their clients down to. Theta shows brainwave cycles operating at 5hz to 8hz. Theta is where ideas, visualizations and suggestion are more likely to enter the subconscious mind and consciously we become less aware of what is going on around us.

4. Delta: Extremely deep relaxation/sleep with complete subconscious operation. Delta is experienced in the deepest of sleeps and is interesting because it is proven that the physical body begins to recuperate and recover at a heightened level. You can be in waking delta if you are in an advanced state of meditation. This state is associated with 'kundalini' experiences.
Delta is typified by slow brain waves at 1Hz - 4Hz.

What Stops Our Brain From Being In Balance All The Time?

Here Are The Big 6:

  1. Injury

  2. Medications, including alcohol

  3. Fatigue

  4. Emotional distress

  5. Pain

  6. Stress

These 6 states tend to create a pattern in our brain's activity that is hard to shift.

So how can we optimize these 4 states of frequency through our life for optimizing our vision, to create goals and then live consciously so we can a higher frequency and state of joy?

Turn up and optimize your binaural beats.

  • Delta waves (below 4 hz) occur during sleep

  • Theta waves (4-7 hz) are associated with sleep, deep relaxation (like hypnotic relaxation), and visualization

  • Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm

  • Beta waves (13-38 hz) occur when we are actively thinking, problem-solving, etc.

The decision is yours, use your energy - wisely dear soul. In the minds (spirit) eye.

May the force be with you.

Light and Love - Kassandra

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P.S! Your review is not only paramount in helping others discover the show, but we also read each and every submission personally…and they mean the world to us.

Love and Light! - Kassandra

In the Meantime, STAY IN THE CONVERSATION! @awakenbeautyhq | #awakenbeauty

Additional Support and Proof!

Listen and learn to this video more from leading PHD's from the 12th Annual SSEW Symposium, “The Exposome & Metabolic Health.” Speakers discussed the role of social relationships, chemicals found in everyday items like beauty and hair care products, and our food environments in encouraging negative health outcomes such as obesity and diabetes, breast cancer, and even Alzheimer’s. Listen Here

Limited Belief Meditation to get CLEAR

Welcome to this Mindfulness Meditation on THINKING ABOUT OUR THOUGHTS! 

What you’ll need: Notebook and a Pen 

Thinking about our thoughts.   


Q: What are the things we tell ourselves on a daily basis. 

Q: Are they aligned with what we want? 

Q: Do they align with our inner core values? 

Thoughts create things and things create our reality.  

When we get clearer in our minds - we are better able to see in our mind's eye (our true authentic spirit self) what we truly want - and only then we are able to start to seeing clear actions to close the gaps in what we want that is true and right for us. 

Join me! Tune out and tune in.

Meditation Transcript

Stay inward -  (Its important not to compare our successes). 

What are the stories and limiting beliefs in what we desire?  

So let’s tune out and tune in by taking a moment and think about our thinking.   

 Take a moment with me to sit with yourself to turn inward and identify what may be some limiting beliefs right now that we can shift and get clear on.   

Closing your eyes, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

 Taking the moment to relax and give time and space for your spirits and soul.  Feel your body relax, shoulders and tension in your eyes and jaw to relax. taking this moment for yourself.  opening your breath, even more, breathing out tension and in light through the center of your heart…that’s right.  

Now that you’re relaxed, bring in and allow two thoughts that are loving and true about yourself.  

“I feel calm in the midst of chaos.”

“I’m humorous and don’t take myself too seriously. “   

Great, now thank your true self for them - and now shifting, into 2 things that may be an inner voice that is not kind, to ourselves.  

So bringing up and allowing 2 things that come up now that are not productive or positive mind chatter to yourself.  

“I’m lazy and never get ahead.”  

“Everyone seems ahead of me and I feel behind” 

Great, now thank your truth and having the courage to look at them.  Seeing them side by side in complete neutrality - and understand we are not our thoughts but they are a guide to our inner subconscious.   

 Great….. Waking up from 1 to 5…counting 1. becoming more away, 2 thank you for this time. 3 shifting back into full presence  4 Fully Present 5. Fully awake.    

Now grab a notebook and write the negative thoughts and shit them to a positive one.

 “I dont have enough time” to “ I have all the time I need”   

 For the Positive, this is a sacred space to keep and remember and remind ourselves about our truth.  

This is a bank of love, compassion, and goodness to drink from.  

For more meditations like this, visit the Awaken Beauty Podcast! @awakenbeautyhq

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