
How Removing These Key Food Items Can Offer Clear Skin + More Energy

Hi and welcome back!

Today we shine more light on the potential hidden dark side of certain foods that could be causing a myriad of symptoms we experience every so often, and even daily (fatigue). Miss the intro to nightshades? Get that here, or just review below!

I’m going to pose the possibility that a food reaction may be a culprit of fatigue,  bloating and skin flare ups. One culprit has hit the google stream as of late, so let’s focus on one of the most commons hidden food triggers, nightshades. Let’s explore what happens when the body “perceives” itself being attacked and it’s damage over time.



Have you ever been on an elimination diet?  Even if you haven’t, many have at some point experienced how frustrating it is to figure out skin flare ups or fatigue based food triggers.

I think for many women, we seem to have pinpointed a problem only to discover it’s not what you think or you just opened the outer layer of an onion.

As a natural skincare formulator and having done my share of facials, I see firsthand how the rise of low grade inflammatory conditions affect women’s energy - and their skin.

Many women experience low grade puffiness due to water retention, eczema flareups to name a few, and the nutritional world is now connecting to nightshades as a often underlying factor for people with chronic inflammatory conditions.

In Fact: A very telling study from 2017 found that 52% of psoriasis sufferers saw an improvement by removing nightshades from their diet.

So with a conclusion of 50% of people suffering from really, a inflammatory response in the body, it’s a high enough number to test out what the triggers are by simply removing items from your diet.

  • Tomatoes

  • Tomatillos

  • Chili Peppers

  • Bell Peppers

  • Eggplant

  • Potatoes (not Sweet Potatoes)

  • Gogi berries

  • Huckleberries

  • Chili powders

  • Cayenne pepper

  • Paprika

  • Red Pepper Flakes

  • Tobacco

  • Ashwagandha (an adaptogenic herb)

  • Sorrel

  • Gooseberries (also known as Goldenberries)

  • Belladonna (typically found as a homeopathic remedy)

Circling back, the primary reason that nightshades could trigger skin specific ailments and other symptoms are due to naturally-occurring phytochemicals called Lectins that are there to protect the food from its natural environment and pests.

The problem is, unlike pesticides, we cannot rinse them off because they grow within the plant.   

Other than Lectins, here are three additional tagalongs to look for:

  • Salicylates

  • Histamines

  • Glycoalkaloids (most notably Solanine)

Salicylates can certainly be tricky to identify. Many “prescribed” low-salicylate diets are give to calm eczema or atopic dermatitis. A salicylate sensitivity is a reflection of liver detoxification issues versus relation to the gut.

That means it’s not actually a food issue, but your liver struggling to process salicylates through Phase Two Detox.  For this phase its critically important to support the pathway with healthy fats and protein so the body can convert toxins - out of the liver channel.  

As far as histamine is concerned, nightshade foods can create a higher histamine burden than your body can handle.  For myself, I also found bone broth consumption put me over the edge due to the slow ferment process.
High histamine responses often manifest into hives, itchiness, swelling, nausea, heart palpitations, elevations in blood pressure, anxiety, and other GI symptoms.

If you suspect histamines, I suggest adding support  so you can better breakdown of histamines in your diet by supplementing with the DAO enzyme about 10 minutes before eating every meal.


As far as the Glycoalkaloids like solanine, the information is newer to the nutrition and health community.  Dr. Gundry has done a incredible job of pointing out his one to one findings on all kinds of flares due to phytochemicals.


He notes  glycoalkaloids —  much like lectins, are the plant’s first line of defense against bugs, viruses, bacteria, animals, and even humans, which might even cause digestive issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.

They grip onto cholesterol in your body’s cell membranes. The cholesterol is there to strengthen your cell membranes so they’re less permeable to molecules that may want to pass through and cause damage to the cell.

Without cholesterol, your cell membranes wouldn’t be strong enough to keep out these molecules. It’s the perfect place for glycoalkaloids to strike because once the cholesterol is attacked, your cells could split or leak.

One of the things to note about glycoalkaloid toxins is that they take your body a long time to process — more than a day in some cases.

Removing the Triggers

Just the words “food elimination diet” harbors a feeling of fear and restriction. Suggestions here are meant for exploration so you can heal and feel better.

Removing too many items can lead to both micronutrient and macronutrient deficiencies and nightshades are not a problem for everyone.

Nightshade Reduction

To test out if nightshades and the three tagalongs of salicites, solanines and glycoalkaloids are an issue, try completely excluding them from your diet for 3 weeks. See if you notice any improvement in your health and skin. Nightshades can be hidden in the products, so read labels carefully. One biggy here fiding and staying clear of potato starch and spices.

There are great replacements for these foods, like avocado, Brussels sprouts, and Jerusalem artichokes. Here’s a quick guide on how to replace!


FREE your mind from restriction! Here’s great recipes free of nightshades!

Here’s 31 Quick & Easy Lectin-Free & Nightshade Free Snack Ideas

Tell me!

Have you tried eliminating Nightshades before and what was the result?

If you haven’t given it a try yet, are you considering this elimination?

Till next time ….. Love n’ Light! - Kassandra

Shedding Light on Nightshades + What You Need to Know

Hola Chica!

As naturalista’s, we often already play the role of our own health detectives out of the love for truth.

Have you ever had a trigger response from a food you’ve eaten? I know that when I eat gluten, or too much of one food type over time - I feel it! It may be a pleasure reward in the moment, but boy do I pay for it later.

Sometimes we have no idea where a ‘reaction’ comes from, nor does it always show up in your gut. Other common reactions can be foggy brain, insomnia and commonly - our skin.

There are common foods that cause allergies such as egg and dairy, but one heavy hitter the health industry is starting to recognize more than others are NIGHTSHADES and the active agitator within it called “Lectin.”

Later, I’ll help us connect the dots to how nightshades potentially affect our skin, but today’s dialog is breaking down the basics of new nutritional science I deem highly valuable to know for yourself, or someone you know.


Nightshades are a family of plants known as Solanaceae. The family includes some pretty popular veggies like:

  • Potatoes

  • Tomatoes

  • Eggplant

  • Peppers (including bell, cayenne pepper, and paprika)


Many health experts believe you should avoid the nightshade family altogether. Why? There are a couple of reasons.

I’ve already mentioned an alkaloid called solanine. But nightshades also contain the alkaloids capsaicin and nicotine (yes, nicotine — tobacco is part of the nightshade family, after all). And all of these alkaloids may have irritating effects on the body.

Solanine has been linked to aggravated joint pain and inflammation. Though no scientific studies currently support this finding, The Arthritis Foundation reports that many patients do find this to be the case.

Nicotine is found in tobacco plants (also a nightshade family member) as well as these common nightshade vegetables. Amounts of nicotine in the veggies can range from 2-7 microgram/kg (a cigarette averages about 12 milligrams) but decrease with the fading of “green” coloring. So when a tomato ripens it does decrease in nicotine.

The bottom line with alkaloids is: Though they may not affect everyone, some people are very sensitive to them because they can’t digest them properly.

According to Dr. Gundry, lectins are toxic proteins found in certain plants.

Lectins are part of a plant’s natural defense system. The problem with lectins is:

  • They can bind to cells on your gut wall

  • Damage the gut

  • Preventing you from properly absorbing nutrients.

Lectins are found in their highest concentrations in legumes, grains, and — you guessed it — nightshades.

Research has begun to show that – though some people are more sensitive to lectins than others – lectins are:

  • Toxic, inflammatory, or both

  • Resistant to your digestive enzymes

  • Able to cause major discomfort if consumed in high concentration


If you suffer from a leaky gut, an irritable bowel, or any other gastrointestinal sensitivity you should definitely think about cutting lectin-rich nightshades from your diet to see if you notice any difference.


Nightshade sensitivity can be very similar to a host of other conditions but generally appear as:

  • Diarrhea

  • Heartburn / Reflux

  • Nausea

  • Irritable Bowel

  • Joint Pain and/or swelling



Funny word, I know. Tubers include sweet potatoes, yucca, and taro root. The sweet potato is particularly wonderful with health-promoting antioxidants like β‐carotene and anthocyanins — both of which have been shown to protect against certain health issues.


The following leafy greens are incredibly high in nutrients (like vitamins A, C, E, and K).

  • Romaine

  • Red & green leaf lettuce

  • Kohlrabi

  • Mesclun

  • Spinach

  • Endive

  • Butter lettuce

  • Parsley

  • Fennel

  • Seaweed/sea vegetables


Like leafy greens, cruciferous veggies like the ones below are also high in important carotenoid-antioxidants (like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) as well as vitamins C, E, and K; folate; and fiber.

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Arugula

  • Kale

  • Cabbage

  • Collard greens

  • Bok choy


Hello chipotle or avocado toast (minus the gluten for me). Avocado is actually a fruit, but because it’s a first-class choice when it comes to gut-friendly veggies.

Avocados are full of healthy monounsaturated fats and soluble fiber. As well as plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Research has even found the avocado may also lower “bad” LDL cholesterol which is a huge contributor to cardiovascular diseases.

How to Test for Nightshade Sensitivity

The best way to test for a nightshade sensitivity is to go through an elimination diet. You’ll want to remove all nightshades from your diet (including culinary spices such as red pepper flakes, chili powder, and curry powder) and see if your symptoms resolve. If you do not experience any GI issues, fatigue, or joint pain after successfully removing nightshades from your diet, then you probably have a nightshade sensitivity.

So does that mean you can never eat salsa again? Not at all! The next phase of the elimination diet is the reintroduction phase. One at a time, you will begin to reintroduce each food you removed to test how your body reacts to it.

I suggest waiting two weeks before re-adding. Some people have only a very minor intolerance to nightshades, which means you may be able to tolerate some foods in the nightshade family depending on the amount of glycoalkaloids they contain

That’s it! Whether you sense a sensitivity, brain fog, digestive issues - or not, removing nightshades may be an interesting exploration.

Next I’ll dial in on how nightshades may be causing skin issues of all kinds.

I have to acknowledge just how frustrating it is to figure out triggers that confuse our inner health and outer skin issues.

Though nightshades can be an issue for people with chronic inflammatory conditions, the reason it affects skin isn’t so clear cut.

I’ll cover that in my next dialog with you.

Thanks for informing yourself, beaute! Questions? Contact me at

Love n’ Light,


Addiction + Collagen’s Worst Enemy [must read]

Hello there!
Q: Noticing wrinkles, some deep lines or sagging in your skin?


Sugar may be one of the culprits.

Yes, sugar is classified as America’s top addiction, but you may not realize you have MORE POWER THAN YOU THINK when it' comes to taking control of advanced aging skin.

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What Happens When You Eat Sugar?

Regular cellular hits of all kinds of sugar can trigger a cascade of physiological events that may ultimately cause inflammation, AGE factors from glycation and flare up issues.

Collagen’s Natural Enemy | AGE

Wrinkles and sagging skin are a partial byproduct of the process known as glycation, in which excess sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibers and ultimately cause them to lose their strength and flexibility (we call these bondings AGEs, or advanced glycosylation end products).

The result? Skin becomes less elastic and more vulnerable to sun damage, fine lines and sagging.

Sneaky Sugars are found in high-glycemic carbohydrates such as breads, starches, potatoes, baked goods, pastas, desserts and soda, are rapidly converted to glucose in your bloodstream.

The Effects Are More Than Just Skin Deep

While wrinkled skin is one of the visible signs of AGEs, most degenerative diseases are affected one way or another by disease-producing glycation reactions.

In fact, AGEs lie at the very heart of the aging process—from the skin to the brain—and can be responsible for wrinkles, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more, including age-related memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Simply put, the formation of AGEs is responsible for both internal and external damage to the body…and sugar is the primary culprit.

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With a few nutrition changes, you can get beautiful skin in no time!


Sugar ruins your skin by causing inflammation in the body. Sugar causes blood sugar levels to surge and plummet, which leads to inflammation. All sugars such as white and brown sugar, agave syrup, molasses, maple syrup, and honey, are to be looked for.

Opt in for fresh fruit or the natural sweetener Stevia instead.

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Sugar’s inflammatory properties also lead to wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps your skin looking young and wrinkle-free but sugar attacks collagen, eating it on a cellular level. This dehydrates your skin and makes it look dull. And, of course, dehydration also leads to premature wrinkles.


Whenever you eat foods with a high sugar content, your blood sugar rises rapidly and falls rapidly. When you experience this sugar crash, you often feel hungry, shaky, and moody. Every time this happens, your body experiences internal stress, which often leads to breakouts.

Stabilize your blood sugar levels, eat meals that contain plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.


Free radicals cause inflammation and disease in the body. Studies have linked high-sugar foods and high-sugar diets with creating free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are important fighters in the war against free radicals, and foods with natural sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources.

Avoiding foods with added sweeteners, to boost your antioxidant levels and help your body win its fight against free radicals. H2 water is incredible to squash free radicals.


The inflammatory properties of sugar also cause red, irritated skin. Many people who suffer from rashes or are prone to yeast imbalances can blame their issues on a diet loaded with sugar.

Clear it up by removing refined and added sugars and focus on cruciferous green veggies and fiber-rich foods.


Sugar sucks the water from your body’s cells, leading to dry, puffy skin and those terrible under-eye circles that we all hate.

Invest in H2 rich water to instantly oxygenate your skin.


Sugar is very hard on your digestive tract and creates inflammation and flora imbalances in the gut, and any time food doesn’t digest well, it shows in your skin.

Reducing sugar leads to a better functioning digestive tract, fewer food cravings, and better skin.

So there ya go! If you have any questions about how to set up your skin for success, contact us - and our SKIN PRO’s will help you align a inflammation free skin care regime + matched with your new awareness on sugar and it’s impact on our skin! Email:

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