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What’s the Best Way to Treat Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are an unpleasant reality for many women. Once they develop, they don’t go away on their own, which means that treating them is the only way to be rid of them. There are a lot of treatment options out there, which begs the question of which way is the best way to treat varicose veins.


Varicose veins form because the valves within the veins that keep blood from flowing backward weaken and are no longer able to function properly. This causes blood to collect and pool at various points within the veins. If you have high blood pressure, that makes it even harder for your circulatory system to keep your blood moving efficiently. Exercise can help reduce the severity of your varicose veins by lowering your blood pressure and improving circulation in your legs. Low-impact exercises that strengthen your calf muscles are also beneficial. As your calf muscles contract, they massage your veins and help them pump blood back up to the rest of your body. Such exercises include activities such as cycling, walking, swimming, and yoga.

Compression Socks

Sometimes providing your veins with extra support can help improve their structural integrity. As such, you may find wearing compression socks to help reduce your symptoms. Compression socks are specially designed to apply even pressure to your legs to help with a variety of medical conditions. For best results, choose socks that go up to your knees. Compression socks are meant to be worn during the day and are typically removed at night while resting. Different socks will apply different amounts of pressure, so it’s important to make sure that you get a pair that will provide the support you need without overdoing it.

Professional Treatments

Lifestyle changes can help reduce the symptoms you experience as a result of varicose veins. For some people, that may be enough. Such adjustments won’t make them go away though. Medical treatment is necessary if you are to rid yourself of them entirely. There are a variety of treatment options to choose from. Many of these treatments are minimally invasive. You’ll be able to leave the same day and won’t have to deal with any required downtime for most. Such options include sclerotherapy, laser treatments, ambulatory phlebectomy, vein stripping, and catheter-assisted procedures that use radiofrequency or laser energy. In these procedures, the veins are removed or closed off. That may sound somewhat alarming since nearly every part of your body needs a steady supply of blood to function properly. The human body is remarkably adaptable though and will develop new veins as needed to supply your body with the nutrients and oxygen it needs.

Changing Your Diet

There is very little about your body that isn’t impacted by your diet. In regards to your circulatory system and varicose veins in particular, what you eat impacts your blood’s viscosity, how much water you retain, your weight, and constipation. If your blood is thinner, it will flow more easily. Reducing how much water you retain and maintaining a healthy weight also alleviates the strain on your veins. Eating enough fiber keeps your digestive system moving smoothly, reducing the amount of strain you may otherwise do to eliminate waste. Such straining can aggravate and worsen already damaged valves, so the less of it you do, the better.

Altering Your Attire

As much as you love your favorite pair of heels, if you suffer from varicose veins, it may be time to retire them or at least not wear them as frequently or for as long. High heels can restrict blood flow, as do tight-fitting clothing. This increases the strain on veins and worsens the symptoms of varicose veins. Shoes with lower heels work the calf muscles more, which will promote better circulation. Wearing clothing that is loose around your waist, groin area, and legs will also allow for better blood flow.

Elevating Your Legs

Blood has a literal uphill battle when it comes to returning to your heart. It has to fight against gravity to make it back to your heart and lungs. Elevating your legs offers multiple benefits, including improving your circulation by allowing your blood to flow with gravity instead of against it and promoting the smooth flow of blood throughout your circulatory system. It’s best if your legs are elevated to or above where your heart is. This alleviates some of the strain on the veins in your legs and can help reduce the blood pooling in them. If you’ll be sitting for a while or resting, that’s a good time to put your legs up.

Which treatment option is best for addressing varicose veins ultimately depends on you and your circumstances. There are a variety of treatment options available that you can choose from. If you prefer natural, at-home treatments, there are options for that. If your preference is for medical interventions, multiple treatment options exist for that as well. Consult with your doctor before deciding on a treatment plan so you can choose the one that works best for you.

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