Natural alternatives to living a botox and wrinkle free lifestyle. — Beauty Ecology

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Natural alternatives to living a botox and wrinkle free lifestyle.

Think organically!Natural alternatives to anti-aging, wrinkles, toxins and modalities as we uniquely age.

One of the most difficult signs of aging to 'correct', wrinkles begin appearing on our faces in our 20s, and continue to deepen and multiply right through the rest of our lives. The fight against the innocent wrinkle has caused the rise of the Botox phenomenon ... but the insanity of injecting the world's most lethal disease into our body purposefully has given rise to the organic wrinkle-treatment ideology! If you like the idea of looking younger and healthier, but don’t like the idea of paralyzing your face for it, read on. We examine the natural alternatives to Botox for a smooth, glowing, radiant complexion ... and for Beautiful Health.

What planet do wrinkles come from?

Unfortunately, we can’t just send them back where they came from! Wrinkles are caused by several factors. Some of these are beyond our control, and some we can have an effect on. The following are the main causes of wrinkles:

Aging - The middle layer of skin, the dermis, begins to thin with age. The structural proteins that bind the dermis to the epidermis loosen and unravel, meaning that the epidermis sags away from the dermis. The extent to which your skin wrinkles as you age is determined genetically.

As you age, your skin also loses some of its ability to retain moisture, declines in elasticity, produces less oil, and takes longer to heal. All of these factors have an impact on how much your skin wrinkles.

Sun Damage - Up to 80% of the wrinkles that appear on our faces have been shown to be caused by sun damage. UV light can damage collagen fibers in the skin, as well as causing excessive elastin production. Wrinkles from sun damage basically form when your skin has to heal the damage produced by the sun over and over again, resulting in minute scarring.

Contraction of the facial muscles - Habitual expressions, such as frowning, squinting, and even smiling, can cause your skin to droop and wrinkle.

How the Sun Damages Skin

The skin gets its shape and firmness from a network of proteins outside our cells, made up of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans. Collagen gives the skin its basic structure, and elastin creates flexibility. The sun damages these proteins by triggering our skin’s DNA to act in abnormal ways.[1][2][3] The sun’s rays degrade the collagen and elastin proteins that our skin cells produce in future [4]. These degraded cells are less elastic and have a less-youthful appearance than cells which are not exposed to the sun [8].

What is Botox?

Botox is derived from the botulinum toxin, the most lethal naturally occurring substances in the world. It is used to correct wrinkles The popularity of injecting your face with a lethal disease seems to indicate some sort of mass insanity, but in 2007, Botox injections to smooth wrinkles were the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Botox will correct wrinkles such as:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow's Feet
  • Frown lines

Botox does not work on wrinkles caused by sun damage or by gravity. Its mechanism of action is to block the nerve signals from the brain to the muscle, causing it to relax and soften, rather than contract.

The side effects of Botox include:

  • The inability to control the muscles which were injected. You won’t be able to frown or raise your eyebrows.
  • Having your eyelids uncontrollably dropping for up to three weeks after the procedure
  • Temporary facial bruising
  • Possible neurological or fetal effects in patients who are pregnant, or have a neurological disorder.

How to prevent wrinkles - Fighting off the invaders

Prevention is far more practical than a magic pill or ‘quick cure'. In the case of creeping crows feet, in the early stages you should use nutrient rich skin care, sun care, and abundant hydration . These are the only ways to avoid these creepy invaders. Let’s take a closer look at some things you can do to prevent wrinkles forming, and for beautiful health!

  • Wear a sunscreen every day. Choose a physical block and chemical free brand, so that you minimize the amount of chemical you absorb through your skin.
  • Don't take up smoking, or give it up as soon as possible. Smoking reduces the collagen production of your skin cells.
  • Drink your daily allowance of water. Water is necessary to help the skin stay 'plumped'. Dehydrated skin sags noticeably more than well-hydrated skin.
  • Try to include polyunsaturated fats, plenty of omega-3 and omega-6, and a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables in your diet. The free radical theory of aging is one of the most widely accepted (although it does have its detractors!). The theory states that oxidative stress is one of the main causes of aging and related conditions - such as wrinkles. Oxidative stress is thought to be caused by free radicals, which can be reduced in your body by eating foods rich in antioxidants. Blueberries, papaya and whole grains are good examples.
  • Exercise regularly, to help ensure maximum vitamin and mineral flow to your skin as well as increase oxygen content.

Lifestyle choices to help reduce wrinkles

The preventive measures above are all lifestyle factors that can help reduce the number and intensity of your wrinkles, as well as helping prevent new ones forming. Here are some other choices you can make that will reduce the appearance of current wrinkles, and prevent new ones forming. Don’t wash your face with tap water more than twice a day. Your skin needs its natural oils to prevent wrinkling, and washing (especially with soaps), strips them away. Avoid alkaline soaps and deodorants. Ask your beauty therapist about which organic soaps will clean your skin, while allowing it to retain moisture.

Even if you will only be outside for short periods of time, apply sunscreen every day. Use moisturizers and cosmetic products such as minerals with sunscreen included. Don’t drink alcohol before you go to bed. Alcohol increase capillary leakage, which ultimately makes your skin look saggy and puffy. This leakage is also exacerbated when you lie down.

Get results with natural products and procedures for wrinkle reduction

Antioxidant products - So popular it has almost become a meaningless buzzword, 'antioxidants' are a critical component of an anti-wrinkle skincare regimen. However, to reverse the affects of oxidation organic or all-natural products are recommended - many antioxidant products contain a wealth of additional chemicals that actually destroy your skin's health, rather than promote it.

Glycolic peels - These can be very effective at removing fine lines, scarring and discoloration from skin. Seek salon and spas that use a natural system of an 8% exfoliate formulation of the facial peel, which basically strips away dead skin cells and the outermost layer of skin, taking away lines to reveal new, fresh cells beneath.

You can expect improvement in:

  • Elasticity and firmness
  • Tone, color and texture
  • Moisture balance
  • Fine line and wrinkle appearance
  • Acne scarring and reduction of future acne

Moisture serums - Top organic salons recommend using a nightly treatment that combines highly effective fruit acids, also known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) made from organic sources.

Heal your skin while you slumber by using products formulated with natural fruit acids and light moisturizing to minimize wrinkles, acne, and age spots, and help improve many other skin conditions. Enzyme enhanced products also strengthens the skin's barrier against outside chemicals. You will notice much smoother skin after using this product.

A Beautiful Health Lifestyle: What to remember

Remember to focus on the prevention end of the wrinkle reduction scale, by stopping smoking, applying sunscreen every day, eating a healthy, varied diet, and exercising daily, even if it is only for a short period. When looking for wrinkle-reduction and skin improvement products, seek ingredients, think “long term", and go natural! Nature has provided all of the solutions you need to stay looking like your kids (or kid cousins!) ... ask your skin care professional for solutions unique to you!

[1] Uitto J, Olsen DR, Fazio MJ. Extracellular matrix of the skin: 50 years of progress, J Invest Dermatol 1989; 92:61S-77S.

[2] Uitto J, Fazio MJ, Olsen DR. Molecular mechanisms of cutaneous aging: age-associated connective tissue alterations in the dermis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989; 21:614-622.

[3] Timpl R. Structure and biological activity of basement membrane proteins. Eur J Biochem 1989; 180:487-502.

[4] Ryynanen M, Knowlton RG, Parente MG, et al. Human type VII collagen: genetic linkage of the gene (COL7A1) on chromosome 3 to dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Am J Hum Genet 1991; 49:797-803.

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