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Essential Oils

The 411 on Terpenes [CBD + Terpenes are Better Together]

LET’S CHAT TERPENES! Terp - what? ……

If you’ve been following the hemp revolution, you’ve most likely experienced or read about Terpenes.

The hemp plant is rich in terpenes. In fact, scientists researching the chemical structure of the plant have identified over 150 different types.

So, what are terpenes and why should you care?


The 411 on Terpenes

Terpenes (pronounced TUR-PEENS) are organic compounds that give cannabis varieties their distinct scents; such as pine, citrus, or berry. Just like cannabinoids (THC and CBD), terpenes are found in the resin of cannabis, a sticky oil produced by tiny glands that densely cover the surface of cannabis flowers, and to a lesser extent, their foliage. This why terpenes are often described as essential or aromatic oils.

 Although “terpenes” has become a buzzword amongst cannabis consumers, these organic compounds are not unique to cannabis. In fact, basically all fragrant plants and flowers, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices contain some combination of terpenes. They develop terpenes as a survival mechanism to repel predators and lure pollinators. 

What’s the Difference Between Terpenes and Terpenoids?

You may have heard the words “terpene” and “terpenoid” used interchangeably. Both compounds are related; however, there are some key differences. 

Terpenesare volatile hydrocarbons present in the essential oil (resin) of cannabis. The term “volatile” means that these compounds easily evaporate at room temperature, releasing an aroma. Terpenoids, on the other hand, are derivatives of terpenes that have an additional atom due to the process of drying and curing of the cannabis plant. 

Cannabis contains both terpenes and terpenoids, although terpenes are the primary component found in resin and are of greatest interest to humans. 

What are Terpenes Used For?

Humans have been using terpenes to naturally flavor foods, perfumes, and cosmetics for centuries, and in more recent years, synthetic terpenes have even been created as food additives. 

We have also been reaping the rewards of their therapeutic properties. Have you ever noticed the soothing effect of lavender? Or the energizing sensation of citrus scents? Each terpene has its own unique effect. Some relieve stress and pain, while others promote focus and acuity. But what about the terpenes in cannabis?

Therapeutic Properties of Cannabis Terpenes

The terpenes found in cannabis, in particular, the cannabis flower, have displayed many therapeutic properties. 


Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene in cannabis, and one of the most powerful. Also found in lemongrass, mangos, and basil, it has an earthy aroma with hints of cardamom and cloves. Myrcene, in particular, β-myrcene, is believed to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, enabling cannabinoids to diffuse across the barrier into the central nervous system easily. This is why, strains with a predominance of myrcene are shown to enhance the analgesic and sedative effects of cannabis, and offer potential medical value for chronic pain and insomnia. [1]


Also found in lavender and cinnamon, linalool is perhaps the most recognizable terpene in cannabis. Its soothing floral fragrance is shown to have anti-anxiety and analgesic effects, helping to relieve insomnia and counteract anxiety by calming and relaxing the mind and body. [2]In addition to its calming effect, linalool has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to significantly reduce inflammation within the lungs caused by cigarette smoking, as well as reduce lung irritation associated with inhaling cannabis. [3]


Limonene, as you might have guessed, is found in lemons and has an uplifting citrus aroma that elevates mood and provides stress relief. [4]This powerful terpene has also shown potential as a natural treatment for acne due to its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. [5]Most recently, limonene is being investigated for its immunomodulatory properties, including potential anti-tumor effects. [6]


Pinene has an invigorating woody pine scent, which is shown to reduce inflammation associated with conditions like asthma, chronic pain, and stomach ulcers. Several studies have indicated that alpha-pinene (α-pinene) significantly reduces proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α,  interleukin-6, and nitric oxide. It’s also shown to inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), the same enzyme that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, act on to reduce pain and inflammation. [7]


Also found in black pepper, the terpene beta-caryophyllene (β-caryophyllene) is a strong anti-inflammatory shown to act on CB1 receptors. It was once a common treatment for stomach ulcers in the United Kingdom and has shown great promise as a treatment for other inflammatory conditions, such as contact dermatitis. 

The Entourage Effect

While cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, are primarily responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis, terpenes also play an important role. Cannabinoids and terpenes actually work together to produce complementary or synergistic results in what is known as the “Entourage Effect.”

Terpenes not only provide their own medicinal value, as shown above, but these aromatic oils also mediate the effects of cannabinoids. For example, the floral fragrance of linalool works in harmony with THC to protect against the anxiety that can be experienced with cannabis. In another example, the uplifting aroma of pinene counteracts the negative effects of THC on memory and cognition by increasing alertness and mental clarity. 

Although more research is needed, studies show that terpenes also work together to enhance one another's effects. For example, both pinene and limonene assist with the absorption of other terpenes, ultimately enhancing their potential medicinal value. Due to the complementary properties of cannabinoids and terpenes, scientists are currently investigating the most effective combination in the treatment for a variety of conditions. 

A combination of CBD (the most therapeutic cannabinoid), Myrcene (a natural sedative) and Caryophyllene (a natural pain reliever) are proving to be a safe and effective natural sleep therapy. While a blend of CBD with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial terpenes, like Limonene, Linalool, and Pinene is showing great promise as an acne treatment.  [9]

Bottom Line: Check the Terpene Profile on CBD

Although the scents between different strains of cannabis are subtle, the effects of terpenes are powerful. These organic compounds add great value through their synergistic effects and have opened up a new window of medical potential in the field of cannabis research. Today, cannabis laboratories can test for terpene content, allowing users to read the terpene profile and choose their product accordingly. 











Aging Skin & the Root of it All

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Is inflammation the culprit to all skin inefficiencies?

At Beauty Ecology, we see our clients struggle to pinpoint what results they’re wanting to specifically achieve when getting a facial, let alone have ultimate trust that it’ll work.  

Of course every woman wants to reduce fine lines, wrinkles or pesky adult acne or sun spots.  

 Wouldn’t it nice if there was one trigger to identify and better understand so you could address overall skin health- all at once?!

Hmmmm… Posing that means I’ve got a unicorn answer, right?

Yupper - by the end of this quick read, you’ll mostly likely agree that a skincare routine loaded in anti-inflammatory tactics is the most effective way to treat many skin concerns. As you know, I’m dedicated to always get to the root of the matter.  

Let’s jump in. 


“My face isn’t red or agitated, so what’s this that my skin’s inflamed?”

First off,  each facial at BE is customized for your real time “needs” – and almost 75% of these “needs” are related to reduce fine lines, sun spots, and acne - but what your skin pro is REALLY focusing on …

(1) regenerative cellular health and      (2) calming inflammation.

We associate “inflamed skin” as an allergic reaction, a rash or hives. However, inflammation can take many forms and has many triggers.  The most alarming are the new studies validating that blue light from our tech obsessive lifestyles constantly put the skin into a low grade inflammatory (stressed) state.   In fact, it’s proven that most (if not all) aging stems from inflammation. I review the other key assaults further later.

Inflammation? It’s all good!

Heard it right!  It’s “good” because inflammation is our body’s built-in defense system to protect itself, as well as a great assistant in healing after an injury and is then designed to subside after your body is back to normal.

Here’s the rub.  

However, our modern day hustled and certain environments trigger long-term inflammation to stay constant in the body and contributes to unwanted skin conditions (and other ailments).

Common signs are:

- blotchy redness

- early signs of aging

- uneven hyper-pigmentation  

- stubborn breakouts

- Rosacea

Where could inflammation be coming from?

 | It’s either an external or internal source |

The healing power’s in your hands.  
Besides the obvious external environmental pollutants, external triggers causing chronic inflammation stem from forgetting to apply protective SPF, over-exfoliating and using chemical laden skincare products that don't keep your skin pH balanced.  Others triggers may be from harsh fragrances, essentials oils (80% of oils are adulterated) and using facial room technology or acids that are over abrasive on the skin.

Healing - It’s an inside job.  Let’s start there.

Stress says it all.  Due to the hormone, cortisol being elevated during stressful times, (short term is ok) and can backfire and catalyze long term inflammation. We know stress is hard to control, and ironically engaging in the 5 sensory engaged facial experience, scientifically validates the body is calmed, relaxed and able to reduce these inflammation markers.  In addition to that, the value add in a professional facial are result oriented treatments followed with anti-inflammatory calm-down techniques and home care products to keep the good vibes rolling. We’ll leave a meditation practice up to you!

Aging  and Commitment

We don’t attribute to the “anti-aging” panacea, but realistically age defying products need to be committed to for short and long term skin health.  If inflammation causes a weakened moisture barrier, meaning you skin loses its ability to retain water - you will remain dehydrated, leading to fine lines and thinned skin.   

- Inflammation causes collagen and elastin to break down at faster rates.

- Inflammation is also associated with adult breakout activity and is much more likely to leave behind a darkened spot. Picking those breakouts induces trauma that causes more inflammation,  and a longer healing time.

Self Care + the Ripple Effect on Inflammation


It takes awareness and action within our daily habits to bring true self-care. These efforts fundamentally include getting proper sleep and exercise combined with nourishing the body inside and out will help to keep inflammation at bay.

What we put in our body truly reflects the outer results (good and bad),  so do your best to avoid foods that cause inflammation ( saturated fats, fried foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates). Focus on skincare loaded with antioxidant-rich fruits and botanics, healthy omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, hemp and Vitamins A, C & E.

Anti-inflammatory Recommendations  

CLEANSE: For soothing cleansers, check out Soothing Lavender Milk Cleanser.

TREAT: Our top inflammation-inhibiting treatment booster does more than calm - it's regenerative and antioxidant quenching properties are transformative! 

PROTECT: To protect you skin from damage even further, add a super-charged nutritive moisturizer  that oxygenates and reduces fine lines.    

SHEILD: To top off your routine, it's critical to use a chemical free broad-spectrum   SPF.   To assure you're getting your Vitamin D + Protection,  Evoq's Day Lite Prep & Protect  Moisturizer (SPF 35) is a perfect match and great for evening out most skin tones. 


The IN & OUT of Cannabis Skin Transformation


Several peer-reviewed dermatological studies performed in recent years have suggested that CBD, a cannabis active compound, might have anti-inflammatory or beneficial properties for various skin disorders.

Signs of aging is a result of oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

So hows CBD work?  The dense amount of antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E  bring therapeutic potential for a number of inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.  CBD also sends messages to the CB2 receptors to essentially take a chill pill. 

Bulk up your routine with CBD's protective nutrients from natural sources to prevent inflammation, and you’ll never have to choose which skincare goal you to focus on. You’ll be multitasking for the win!  Here's the OUTER & INNER

In closing,  it's fair to say that inflammation is a major catalyst that needs attention when it comes to optimizing our inner and outer health and and skin health (call it aging if you must).  Awareness, self care and quality ancillary products are all part of the equation. 


Till next time!  xo . Kassandra


Your Guide to the Best Oils for YOUR Scalp and Hair Type

Your Guide to the Best Oils for YOUR Scalp and Hair Type

With the vast amount of incredible attributes to a wide array of oils - it only leaves us in confusion.  There are many components that differentiate oils.  When using in their purest form for the "DIY" informed beauty, it is best to know which will be the most effective and efficient.   Take a quick glance at the suggested list of "BEST" oils for your individual hair, skin, and scalp needs.

Two "Done for You" Guides to Using Essential Oils Everyday! (find your symptom inside!)



The following blog is a FULL house.  I have found two great guides to follow and keep on your bookmarks for just about any symptom you could think of!

Thank you to Abundant Health, LLC for the work on accumulating the great info for all the Informed Beauties! 

Do not forget the QUALITY of OILS is very important.  Our team is happy to help you find and source oils for your needs.  

We have a great list of Organic Essential Oils for you to start with - everyday use.

essential oils


Essential Oil





Basil Antiseptic, especially good for blemishes. Fortifying; stimulating; helpful for depression. Treats digestive aches and pains, chest complaints and travel sickness. Do not use on people with high blood pressure or epilepsy; avoid during pregnancy; not suitable for children.
Bergamot Counteracts oily skin Helpful for depression and anxiety; uplifting; mood enhancer; reviving Treats colds, coughs, sore throats, and travel sickness; acts as an insect repellent Do not use before sunbathing; can irritate sensitive skin
Benzoin Treats chapped, dry skin Calming; eases nervous tension Treats coughs, laryngitis, aching muscles, sluggish circulation and travel sickness Can irritate sensitive skin
Cedarwood Helps balance oily skin Settles nerves Treats aches and pains, water retention; treats scalp problems like dandruff; acts as an insect repellent Avoid during pregnancy; may irritate sensitive skin
Chamomile Soothes inflamed skin Calming; sedating; eases nervous tension Eases pain; treats insomnia (mild enough for babies and children)  
Cinnamon   Combats mental exhaustion Treats chills and improves poor circulation Avoid if pregnant, suffer from high blood pressure, are epileptic, or have sensitive skin; do not use for children.
Citronella Counteracts oily skin Refreshing; combats mental fatigue Treats colds and flu; combats fatigue; acts as an insect repellent  
Clary Sage Helps prevent oily skin Mood enhancer; calming and reassuring Treats muscular aches and pains, throat infections, hormone imbalance Avoid during pregnancy; do not use if alcohol has been consumed
Clove Helps speed recovery from ulcers   Soothes toothache; acts as an insect repellent Always use in weak dilutions; avoid during pregnancy
Cypress Has an astringent effect on oily skin Calms nerves Treats cellulite, haemorrhoids, and poor circulation Avoid during pregnancy
Dill     Treats flatulence (mild enough for nursing mothers); relieves colic and stomach aches in babies  
Eucalyptus   Clears the head; acts as a stimulant; eases mental fatigue Treats colds and flu, muscular aches and pains, wounds, and insect bites Not suitable for small children or during pregnancy
Fennel Brightens oily, dull skin Revitalizes; eases nervous tension Treats constipation and relieves flatulence; stimulates lactation in nursing mothers Avoid during pregnancy
Frankincense Relieves dry skin Deeply calming; aids concentration Treats colds and flu; revives people who are feeling run-down  
Geranium Combats combination skin Mood enhancer Acts as an insect repellent; soothes tender breasts; treats cellulite, head lice, and hormone imbalance Avoid during pregnancy
Ginger   Combats mental exhaustion Treats nausea, fatigue, poor circulation, and indigestion Avoid during pregnancy, if suffering from high blood pressure or epilepsy; do not use with homeopathic medication
Grapefruit Counteracts oily skin Uplifting; mood enhancer Treats cellulite, muscle fatigue, and morning sickness Do not use before sunbathing
Jasmine Treats dry sensitive skin; can be used as a perfume Lifts depression; mood enhancer    
Juniper Combats oily skin Stimulates and boosts mental clarity Treats poor circulation, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, and gout; acts as a diuretic Avoid during pregnancy, if suffering from high blood pressure, or if epileptic
Lavender Useful for all skin types Balances and calms emotions Treats inflammation, wounds, colds and flu, cystitis, headaches, insomnia, and athlete’s foot  
Lemon Treats very oily skin Uplifting, invigorating; clarifies thought Treats warts, cellulite, nausea, poor circulation, colds, sore throats, head lice  
Lemongrass Treats large pores; acts as a scalp conditioner Relieves nerves and eases stress Treats poor circulation, indigestion; breaks a fever; acts as an insect repellent  
Mandarin Reduces stretch marks and scarred oils skin Calms nerves and gently sedates; mood enhancer Eases fluid retention; aids in digestion and quells stomach aches, especially in children  
Marjoram   Deeply relaxing; helpful for anxiety, stress and shock Loosens stiff muscles; eases aches, pains, and arthritis; treats insomnia Avoid during pregnancy; do not use on people with low blood pressure
Melissa   Helps alleviate nervous tension; mood enhancer Aids digestion and circulation, and soothes aches and pains A very expensive oil, comparable to rose – do not be fooled by cheap imitations
Myrrh Helps combat chapped, dry skin Calms and soothes nerves Treats yeast infection, chilblains, athlete’s foot, and coughs; promotes healthy circulation Avoid during pregnancy
Myrtle Counteracts oily skin Eases mental fatigue; promotes calm, even breathing Treats coughs and colds and eases congestion (mild enough for children)  
Neroli Good for sensitive and mature skin; reduces scarring; can be used as a perfume Helps grief; reduces anxiety; helps relieve postnatal and menopausal depression Promotes healthy circulation; eases palpitations; helps prevent and treat stretch marks  
Niaouli Helps relieve oily skin Revives and refreshes Decongestant for colds, flu and bronchial ailments; treats aches and pains; promotes healthy circulation Avoid during pregnancy; do not use for babies and children less than two years old
Orange Helps relieve oily skin Enhances concentration; helps relieve stress and calm nerves Helps reduce and treat cellulite; eases constipation Do not use before sunbathing
Palmarose Beneficial for all skin types Soothes nerves; relieves mental exhaustion Calms stomach disorders; helps to heal wounds  
Parsley     Aids digestion; eases flatulence; treats cellulite Avoid during pregnancy
Patchouli Beneficial for all skin types Helps treat stress and nervous exhaustion Helps to relieve dermatitis, eczema and skin sores; acts as an insect repellent  
Peppermint   Revives and boosts a tired mind; calms nerves Aids digestion and helps relieve nausea; eases headaches, treats colds and flu; soothes muscular pain Do not use with homeopathic medication; avoid during the first three months of pregnancy
Petitgrain Combats oily skin Helps relieve stress and nervous exhaustion; mood enhancer Calms indigestion and muscular tension  
Pine   Helps relieve stress and nervous exhaustion; calms nerves Eases breathing, especially for colds, flu and asthma; eases muscular aches and pains; helps reduce excessive perspiration  
Rose Good for mature, dry, and sensitive skin; can be used as a perfume Helps lift the spirit and enhance moods; helps with grief; promotes sensual feelings Relieves hay fever and asthma; eases PMS, period pain, and menopausal problems, stimulates circulation  A very expensive oil if pure
Rosemary Combats oily skin Stimulates the mind to combat mental exhaustion and fatigue Useful for treating rheumatism; gets rid of head lice; stimulates circulation; relieves colds and flu Avoid during pregnancy; do not use on people suffering from high blood pressure or epilepsy
Rosewood Useful for combination skin Helps calm and relieve stress Helps combat perspiration; soothes headaches; relieves nausea, especially travel sickness; treats skin infections  
Sandalwood Moisturizes dry skin Helps ease depression; can be used to create a sensual atmosphere Calms nausea; eases cystitis  
Tea Tree Treats blemishes and acne   Treats athlete’s foot, plantar warts, cold sores, blemishes, acne, insect bites, yeast infections, colds and flu  
Thyme Helpful for oily skin Strengthens and restores vitality Treats aches and pains, laryngitis, sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and flu; treats cellulite; improves circulation Avoid during pregnancy; do not use on people suffering from high blood pressure or epilepsy
Vetivert Counteracts oily skin Helps lift depression and relaxes the mind Eases arthritis, rheumatism, stiff joints and muscles; soothes aches and pains  
Ylang Ylang Useful for combination skin Acts as a powerful aphrodisiac Eases palpitations Has a very powerful, heady aroma, so use only a little at a time




Abandoned: See EMOTIONS.

Abscess: See ANTI-FUNGAL, ANTI-BACTERIAL, FUNGUS: FUNGAL INFECTION or INFECTION. Bergamot, birch, elemi, frankincense, galbanum, lavender, melaleuca (Tea Tree), myrrh, Roman chamomile, thyme, wintergreen. To reduce swelling, pain, inflammation, and to draw out toxins, it may help to apply the oil(s) with a hot compress.

Absent Minded: See MEMORY. Basil, cardamom, frankincense, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood.

Abundance: Bergamot, cinnamon bark, cypress.

Abuse: Geranium, lavender, melissa, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Accidents: See EMOTIONS.

Aches/Pains: Blue cypress, Idaho balsam fir.

Acidosis: See ALKALINE and pH BALANCE. Lemon, peppermint.

Acne: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE, SCARRING, SKIN, and STRESS. Bergamot, cedarwood, Clary sage, clove, eucalyptus, Eucalyptus radiata, frankincense, geranium, German chamomile, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, melaleuca (Tea Tree), myrtle, patchouly, petitgrain, ravensara, rosemary, rosewood, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, thyme, vetiver, yarrow. Apply one of the above oils on location or try putting about 10 drops of an oil into a small spray bottle and mist your face several times a day.

Acne Rosacea: See ROSACEA.


Adenitis: See LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Garlic, onion, pine, rosemary, sage.

Addictions: Bergamot (helps with over indulgences), calamus (tobacco).

Addison's Disease: See ADRENAL GLANDS. Nutmeg (increases energy; supports adrenal glands), sage (combine with nutmeg).

Adrenal Glands: See ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, LUPUS, THYROID. Nutmeg (increases energy; supports adrenal glands).Blend—Add 3 drops clove, 4 nutmeg, and 6 rosemary to 1 tsp. base oil. Apply 4-5 drops of this mixture to kidney areas and cover with hot compress. Also apply 1-2 drops of mixture to Vita Flex kidney points on the feet and work in with fingers using Vita Flex technique.

Aftershave: See SKIN.

Aging: See WRINKLES. Carrot, frankincense, rosehip, rosewood, sandalwood.

Agitation: Bergamot, cedarwood, Clary sage, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

AIDS: Cistus, cumin (supports immune system; inhibits HIV virus), helichrysum, lemon, nutmeg. Apply to Thymus and bottom of feet.

Airborne Bacteria: Cinnamon bark, fir, Idaho balsam fir, Mountain savory, oregano.

Air Pollution: Cypress, eucalyptus, fir, grapefruit, lavender, lemon (sterilize air), lime, rosemary.

Alcoholism: See ADDICTIONS. Fennel, juniper, and rosemary. Can also use elemi, helichrysum, lavender, orange, Roman chamomile, rosemary verbenon. (For professional help with alcoholism, visit your local chapter of alcoholics anonymous.)

Alertness: Basil, lemon, peppermint, rosemary. Apply to temples and bottom of feet.


Alkalosis: pH BALANCE. Anise, ginger, tarragon.

Alone (Feeling): See EMOTIONS.

Allergies: Elemi (rashes), eucalyptus, lavender, ledum, Melaleuca ericifolia, Melaleuca quinquenervia, melissa (skin and respiratory), patchouly, peppermint, Roman chamomile, spikenard. Apply to sinuses, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Alopecia Areata: See HAIR: LOSS.


Alzheimer's Disease: See BRAIN, MEMORY, PINEAL GLAND, PITUITARY GLAND. Frankincense and sandalwood contain sesquiterpenes, which enable these oils to pass the blood-brain barrier. Apply to temples, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Amino Acids: Lavender.

Amnesia: See Memory. Basil, clove, rosemary.

Analgesic: Bergamot, birch, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, melaleuca, oregano, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, wintergreen.

Anemia: Carrot, lavender, lemon. Apply to bottom of feet and stomach.

Anesthesia: Helichrysum.

Aneurysm: See BLOOD. Cypress (strengthens the capillary walls and increases circulation), frankincense, helichrysum, Idaho tansy. Apply to temples, hearth, Vita Flex heart points, and diffuse.

Anger: See LIVER. Bergamot, cedarwood, cypress, frankincense, geranium, German chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram, melissa, myrrh (soothes), myrtle, orange, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Angina: Ginger, laurel, orange (for false angina). Apply to heart and Vita Flex heart point.

Animals: See the page: Animal Care

Anorexia: Angelica, coriander, grapefruit, tarragon. Apply to stomach and bottom of feet. It may also help to diffuse anti-depressant oils.

Anthrax: Thyme.

Anti-Bacterial: Basil, bergamot, cassia, Canadian red cedar, cedarwood, citronella, cinnamon bark, Clary sage, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, geranium, grapefruit, Idaho tansy, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, Mountain savory, neroli, oregano, palmarosa, petitgrain, pine, ravensara, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, spearmint, tarragon, thyme, valerian, Western Red cedar.

Anti-Cancerous: Clove, frankincense, ledum (may be more powerful than frankincense).

Anti-Catarrhal: Black pepper, cypress, elemi, eucalyptus, fir, frankincense, ginger, helichrysum (discharges mucus), hyssop (opens respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucous), hyssop (opens respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucous), jasmine, onycha (benzoin), ravensara, rosemary. Apply on lung area, feet, around nose, Vita Flex lung points, and diffuse.

Anti-Coagulant: Angelica, cassia, helichrysum, lavender, tangerine, tarragon. Apply on location, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Anti-Depressant: See DEPRESSION. Elemi, frankincense, lavender, onycha (combine with rose for massage). Apply to bottom of feet, heart, and diffuse.

Anti-Fungal: Cinnamon bark, clove, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, mandarin, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, Mountain savory, oregano, palmarosa, rosewood, sage, spearmint, thyme. Apply to bottom of feet, on location, and diffuse.

Anti-Hemorrhaging: See HEMORRHAGING. Helichrysum, rose.

Anti-Infectious: Basil, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, cypress, davana, elemi, eucalyptus, hyssop, Idaho tansy, lavender, marjoram, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrrh, patchouly, petitgrain, pine, ravensara, rose, rosemary, rosewood, Roman chamomile, spearmint, spikenard, spruce, tarragon, thyme. Apply on location and bottom of feet.

Anti-Inflammatory: Birch, black pepper, blue cypress, calamus (gastrointestinal), citronella, coriander, cypress, eucalyptus, German chamomile, helichrysum, hyssop (of the pulmonary), lavender, lemongrass, melaleuca, myrrh, onycha (benzoin), patchouly, peppermint, petitgrain, ravensara, Roman chamomile, spearmint, spikenard, spruce, tangerine, tarragon, wintergreen. Apply on location.

Anti-Parasitic: Cinnamon bark, clove, fennel, ginger, hyssop, lemon, lemongrass, melaleuca, Mountain savory, oregano, Roman chamomile, rosemary, rosewood, spearmint, spikenard, tarragon. Apply to stomach, liver, intestines, and Vita Flex points on feet.

Anti-Rheumatic: Birch, eucalyptus, juniper, onycha (benzoin), oregano, rosemary, thyme wintergreen.

Anti-Sexual: Marjoram (helps balance sexual desires).

Anti-Tumoral: Clove, frankincense, ledum (may be more powerful than frankincense).

Anti-Viral: Bergamot, cinnamon bark, Clary sage, clove, Eucalyptus radiata, galbanum, geranium, hyssop, Idaho tansy, juniper, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, melissa, Mountain savory, myrrh, oregano, palmarosa, pine, ravensara, rosewood, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme.

Antibiotic: Bergamot, cinnamon bark, clove, eucalyptus, hyssop, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, myrtle, nutmeg, oregano, patchouly, ravensara, Roman chamomile, thyme. Apply on location, liver area, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Antihistamine: Lavender, Roman chamomile. Apply to sinuses, Vita Flex points, and diffuse.

Antimicrobial: Cinnamon bark, cypress, helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, lemongrass, Melaleuca ericifolia (powerful), melissa (shown in lab tests to be effective against Streptococcus haemolytica), myrrh, palmarosa, pine, rosemary, rosewood, sage, thyme.

Antioxidants: Cinnamon bark, frankincense, helichrysum, hyssop, melaleuca, onycha (benzoin), oregano, ravensara, Roman chamomile, thyme.

Antiseptic: Bergamot, Canadian Red cedar, cedarwood, cinnamon bark, citronella, clove, cumin, elemi, eucalyptus, fennel, fir, frankincense, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram, melaleuca, Mountain savory, mugwort, myrtle (skin), nutmeg (intestinal), orange, onycha (benzoin), oregano, patchouly, peppermint, pine (pulmonary, urinary, hepatic), ravensara, Roman chamomile, rosemary cineol, rosemary verbenon, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, thyme, thyme linalol, Western red cedar, ylang ylang. Apply on location.

Antispasmodic: Anise, basil, calamus, citronella, cumin, fennel, German chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, mugwort, peppermint, petitgrain, Roman chamomile (relaxes spastic muscles of the colon wall), rosemary, sage, spearmint, spikenard, spruce, tarragon, valerian, ylang ylang.

Anxiety: Basil, bergamot, cedarwood, Clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon, lime, marjoram, melissa, onycha (combine with rose for massage), patchouly, pine, Roman chamomile, rose sandalwood, tangerine, tsuga (grounding), ylang ylang.

Apathy: Frankincense, geranium, jasmine, marjoram, orange, peppermint, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, thyme, ylang ylang.

Aphrodisiac: Cinnamon bark, Clary sage, ginger, jasmine, patchouly, rose, sandalwood, neroli, ylang ylang.

Appetite—Loss of: Bergamot, calamus, cardamom, ginger, hyssop, lemon, myrrh, nutmeg, orange, spearmint. Apply to stomach, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Argumentative: Cedarwood, eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, joy, orange, Roman chamomile, thyme, ylang ylang.

Arms—Flabby: Cypress, fennel, juniper, lavender.

Arterial Vasodilator: Marjoram. Apply to carotid arteries in neck, over heart, Vita Flex points on feet.

Arteries: Lavender (blocked after surgery).

Arteriosclerosis: See BLOOD. Birch, cedarwood, ginger, juniper, lemon (increase white and red blood cells), rosemary, thyme, wintergreen. Apply to heart and Vita Flex points on feet.

Arthritis: See ACIDOSIS. Basil, birch (drains toxins that cause pain), cedarwood, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, fir (has cortisone-like action), ginger, helichrysum, hyssop, Idaho balsam fir, Idaho tansy, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), peppermint, pine, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spruce, white fir (has cortisone-like action), wintergreen (drains toxins that cause pain). Apply oils on location and diffuse.

Ashamed: See EMOTIONS.

Assault: See EMOTIONS.

Asthma: See RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Cajeput, calamus, Clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, frankincense (on crown), hyssop, laurel, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, myrtle, onycha (benzoin), oregano, peppermint, pine, ravensara, rose, rosemary, sage, thyme, tsuga (opens respiratory tract). Avoid steam inhalation. Apply topically over lungs and throat. Drop on pillow or diffuse.

Astringent: Lemon, onycha (benzoin).

Athletes Foot: Cajeput, cypress, Eucalyptus citriodora, geranium, lavender, melaleuca, myrrh, thyme.

Attention Deficit Disorder: See HYPERACTIVITY. Ledum. Blend: Lavender with basil. Apply on crown or diffuse.

Auto-Immune System: For specific diseases, see GRAVES DISEASE, HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE, and LUPUS. Cistus.

Avoidance: See EMOTIONS.

Awaken the Mind, Spirit: Myrrh.

Awaken the Past: Cypress.


Babies/ChildrenBackBacteriaBalanceBaldnessBathBed WettingBereavementBetrayedBirthingBites,BitternessBladderBlisterBlocked (emotionally)BloodBoilsBondingBonesBoredomBrainBreasts,BreathingBronchitisBruisesBugged (feeling)Bugs (repel)BulimiaBumpsBunionsBurdensBurns,Bursitis

Babies/Children: See the page: Essential Oil Care for Babies & Children

Back: Basil, birch, black pepper, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, juniper, lavender, oregano, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, sage, tangerine, thyme (for virus in spine), wintergreen.


Balance: Cedarwood, frankincense (balances electrical field), Roman chamomile, ylang ylang.

Baldness: See HAIE. Cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, sage. Apply 2-3 drops of each oil on location and on bottom of feet before bedtime and/or in the morning after washing.

Bath: While tub is filling, add oils to he water; oils will be drawn to your skin quickly from the top of the water, so use gentle oils like lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood, sage, ylang ylang, etc.

Bed Wetting: See BLADDER. Before bedtime, rub the abdomen with a couple drops of cypress mixed with massage base oil.

Bereavement: Basil, cypress.

Betrayed (Feeling): See EMOTIONS.

Birthing: See PREGNANCY

Bites: See also INSECT. Basil, cinnamon bark, garlic, lavender, lemon, sage, thyme (all have antitoxic and anti-venomous properties).

Bitterness: See EMOTIONS. Roman chamomile.


  • Bed Wetting and Incontinence: Before bed rub cypress on abdomen.
  • Infection: See CYSTITIS. Cedarwood, onycha (benzoin), and sandalwood (for 1st stages bladder infection).

BlisterLavender (on lips from sun).

Blocked (Emotionally): See EMOTIONS

Blood: Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.

  • Blood Pressure (high): Birch, Clary sage, clove, goldenrod, lavender, lemon, marjoram (regulates), nutmeg, spearmint, wintergreen, ylang ylang (arterial; put in hand, rub palms together, cup over nose, and breath deeply for 5 minutes and/or put on feet). Place oils on heart points on left arm, hand, foot, and over heart. Can also smell from palms of hands, diffuse, or place a few drops on a cotton ball and put in a vent.
  • Bleeding (stops): Cistus, geranium (will increase bleeding first to eliminate toxins, then stop it), helychrusum, onycha (benzoin), cayenne pepper, rose.
  • Broken Blood Vesels: Grapefruit, helichrysum.
  • Cholesterol: Helichrysum (regulates).
  • Cleansing: Helichrysum, Roman chamomile. Apply on bottom of feet.
  • Clots: Grapefruit, helichrysum (anti-coagulant).
  • Hemorrhaging: Cistus, helichrysum, rose, cayenne pepper.
  • Low Blood Sugar: Cinnamon bark, clove, thyme.
  • Stimulates: Lemon.
  • Vessels: Cypress (strengthens capillary walls, and increases circulation), lemongrass (vasodilator).

Boils: Bergamot, Clary sage, frankincense, galbanum, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, melaleuca, ravensara, Roman chamomile.

Bonding: See EMOTIONS.

Bones: All the tree oils, birch, cedarwood, cypress, fir, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint, sandalwood, spruce, wintergreen.

Boredom: Cedarwood, cypress, fir, frankincense, juniper, lavender, pepper, Roman chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Brain: Blue cypress (improves circulation), Clary sage (opens brain, euphoria), cypress, geranium, lemongrass, spearmint.

Breast: Clary sage, cypress, elemi (inflammation), fennel, geranium, lemongrass, sage, spearmint, vetiver.

Breathing: Cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, nutmeg, Roman chamomile, rosemary, thyme.

Bronchitis: See RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Basil, bergamot, birch, cajeput, cedarwood, Clary sage, clove, cypress, elemi, Eucalyptus radiata, fir (obstructions of Bronchi), frankincense, ginger, lavender, ledum, lemon, marjoram, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrtle, myrrh, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), peppermint, pine, ravensara, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, spearmint, thyme, tsuga (opens respiratory tract), wintergreen. Diffuse the oils or rub on chest (dilute with oil if necessary).

Bruises: Angelica, fennel, geranium, helichrysum, hyssop, lavender. Apply on location.

Bugged (Feeling): See EMOTIONS

Bugs (Repel): See BITES and INSECT. Lemon (kills bugs), Citronella. Diffuse.

Bulimia: Grapefruit. Apply to stomach and bottom of feet.

Bumps: Frankincense.

Bunions: See BURSITIS. Carrot, cypress, German chamomile, juniper.

Burdens: See EMOTIONS.

Burns: Eucalyptus, geranium, helichrysum, Idaho tansy, lavender (cell renewal), melaleuca (Tea Tree), peppermint, ravensara (healing), Roman chamomile, rosehip, tamanu (mix with helichrysum). Blend: 10 drops German chamomile, 5 drops Roman chamomile, and 10 lavender. Mix together and add 1 drop to each square inch of burn after it has been soaked in ice water. If you don't have the chamomile, lavender will do great.

Bursitis: Cajeput, cypress, ginger, hyssop, juniper, onycha (benzoin), Roman chamomile.


CallousesCalmingCancerCandidaCankersCapillariesCarbunclesCardiotonicCardiovascular System,Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCataractsCatarrh (mucus)CavitiesCelibacyCellsCelluliteChakras (Energy Centers)ChangeCharlie HorseCheeksChelationChemicalsChicken PoxChiggersChild BirthChildhood DiseasesChildrenChillsCholeraCholesterolChoreaChronic FatigueCirculationCirculatory System,CirrhosisClarity of ThoughtsCleansingClothesCockroachesColdsCold SoresColicColitisColonComa,CompassionComplexionConcentration (Poor)ConcussionConfidenceConfusionCongestion,ConjunctivitisConsciousnessConstipationContagious DiseasesControlConvulsionsCooling OilsCorns,CortisoneCoughsCourageCradle CapCrampsCrohn's DiseaseCushing's DiseaseCutsCystic Fibrosis,Cystitis

Callouses: Carrot, oregano (callouses on feet), peppermint, Roman chamomile.

Calming: Bergamot, cedarwood, Clary sage (aromatic), jasmine, lavender, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrrh, onycha (benzoin), tangerine, Western red cedar, ylang ylang.

Cancer: See CHEMICALS, RADIATION. Clove, frankincense (diffuse), rose, sage, tarragon (anti-cancerous). Since it is very important to maintain a positive attitude while healing, it may be helpful to use essential oils to address the emotions (see EMOTIONS).

Candida: See ACIDOSIS, ALKALINE, BLOOD, DIET, FOOD, THYROID, pH BALANCE. Cinnamon bark, clove, eucalyptus, melaleuca, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Mountain savory, oregano, palmarosa (skin), peppermint (aromatic), rosemary, rosewood, spearmint, spruce, tarragon (prevents fermentation). Rub on stomach area and feet or over abdomen with a hot compress.

Cankers: See ACIDOSIS. Chamomile (both German and Roman), hyssop, laurel, melaleuca, myrrh, oregano.

Capillaries (broken): Cypress, geranium, hyssop, lime (soothes), Roman chamomile. Blend: Apply 1 drop lavender and 1 drop Roman chamomile.

Carbuncles: Melaleuca.

Cardiotonic: See HEART.

Cardiovascular System: See HEART. Anise, clove, cypress, fleabane (dilates), goldenrod, helichrysum, marjoram, onycha (benzoin), rosemary, tsuga 9opens and dilates for better oxygen exchange), ylang ylang.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Basil, cypress, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, oregano. Apply oils on location and either use massage or Vita Flex to work them in. First start with basil and marjoram on the shoulder to help release any energy blockages. Then lemongrass on wrist and oregano on the rotator cup in the shoulder. next apply marjoram and cypress on the wrist and then cypress on the neck and down to the shoulder. Lastly, apply peppermint from the shoulder down the arm to the wrist then out to the tips of each finger.

Cataracts: See EYES.

Catarrh (mucus): See ANTI-CATARRHAL. Cajeput, cistus, dill, ginger, hyssop (opens respiratory system to discharge mucus), jasmine, myrrh, onycha (benzoin).

Cavities: See TEETH.

Celibacy (vow not to marry): Marjoram (aromatic).

Cells: All Essential Oils restore cells to original state.

Cellulite: See WEIGHT. Basil, cedarwood, cumin, cypress, fennel, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, lime, orange, oregano, patchouly, tangerine (dissolves), thyme.

Chakras (Energy Centers): Lavender (bring harmony to chakras), rosemary (opens chakras), sandalwood (affects each chakra differently).

Change (Personal): See EMOTIONS.

Charlie Horse: See MUSCLE SPASMS. Basil.

Cheeks: Jasmine

Chelation: Cardamom, helichrysum (powerful chelator and anti-coagulant). Drink lots of distilled water (64 oz. or more per day).

Chemicals: See METALS. Helichrysum.

Chicken Pox: See Childhood Diseases.

Chiggers: See Insect. Lavender.

Child Birth: See PREGNANCY.

Childhood Diseases:

  • Chicken Pox: Sleep is very good. Bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, melaleuc (Tea Tree), Roman chamomile.
  • Measles: Eucalyptus, German chamomile, lavender, melaleuca. Spray or vaporize in the room.
  • Mumps: Lavender, lemon, melaleuca.
  • Whooping Cough: Basil, cinnamon bark (diffuse or dilute well; avoid for children), Clary sage, cypress, grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, oregano, thyme.

ChildrenSee the page: Essential Oil Care for Children and Babies.

Chills: Ginger, onycha (benzoin). Apply on bottom of feet and on solar plexus.

Cholera: Clove, ravensara, rosemary.

Cholesterol: Clary sage, helichrysum (regulates). Apply on Vita Flex points, over heart and along arms.


Chronic Fatigue: See ACIDOSIS, HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Basil, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary (Note: basil and peppermint are a good combination together).

Circulation: Basil, birch, cinnamon bark, Clary sage, cumin, cypress, geranium, helichrysum, hyssop, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), oregano, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen. Use in a bath, massage, or a compress.

Circulatory System: See also CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. Clary sage, cypress, helichrysum.

Cirrhosis: See LIVER.

Clarity of Thoughts: Rosemary.

Cleansing: Fennel, hyssop, juniper, melaleuca (aromatic).

Clothes: Canadian Red cedar. This oil will leave a stain so place a few drops on a cotton ball and put it in a plastic sack. Leave the sack open so the odor of the oil can do its work without staining any clothes. Place the bag in a closet or storage box.

Cockroaches: Blend: Combine 10 drops peppermint & 5 drops cypress in 1/2 cup of water and spray.

Colds: Angelica, basil, cajeput, eucalyptus (in hot water, breathe deep), fir (aches/pains), ginger, Idaho tansy, lavender, ledum, lemon, melaleuca, myrtle, onycha (benzoin), orange, oregano, peppermint (relieves nasal congestion), pine, ravensara, rosemary, thyme.

Cold Sores: See HERPES SIMPLEX. Bergamot, Blue cypress, geranium, lavender, lemon, melaleuca (Tea Tree), Roman Chamomile.

Colic: See BABIES. Angelica, bergamot, cardamom, carrot with fennel, coriander, cumin, dill, ginger, marjoram, melissa, Mountain savory, orange, pepper, peppermint, Roman chamomile, spearmint.

Colitis: Anise, calamus (viral), clove (bacterial), helichrysum (viral), tarragon, thyme (when there is infection).

Colon: See COLITIS and DIVERTICULITIS. Calamus may help reduce inflammation.

Coma: Black pepper, cypress, frankincense, peppermint, sandalwood. Massage on brain stem, mastoids (behind ears), temples, and bottom of feet.

Compassion: Helichrysum.

Complexion: See Skin. Apply oils to face, neck and intestines. Dull—Jasmine, orange. Oily—Bergamot, orange.

Concentration (Poor): Basil, cedarwood, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, lemon, myrrh, orange, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Concussion: Cypress. Rub on brain stem and bottom of feet.

Confidence: Jasmine, sandalwood.

Confusion: Basil, cedarwood, cypress, fir, frankincense, geranium, ginger, jasmine, juniper, marjoram, peppermint, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Congestion: Cedarwood, coriander, cypress, Eucalyptus radiata, fennel, ginger, myrtle (excellent for children), rosemary. To help discharge mucus, rub oil(s) on chest, neck, back, feet, and diffuse.

Conjunctivitis: Eucalyptus radiata, jasmine, Mixta chamomile

Consciousness: Lavender. Diffusing this oil is a great way to affect consciousness.

Constipation: See ACIDOSIS. Anise, Black pepper, fennel, ginger, juniper, marjoram, orange, patchouly, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, tangerine, tarragon. Massage clockwise around abdomen and on Vita Flex points (feet & shins).

Contagious Diseases: Ginger.

Control: Cedarwood (of your life), Roman chamomile (self).

Convulsions: See SEIZURE. Clary sage, lavender, neroli, Roman chamomile.

Cooling Oils: Angelica, Citrus oils, eucalyptus, lavender, melaleuca, Mountain savory, peppermint, Roman chamomile, spruce. Other oils that are high in aldehydes and esters can produce a cooling effect.

Corns: See WARTS. Carrot, clove, grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, peppermint, Roman chamomile, tangerine. Apply 1 drop of oil directly on corn.

Cortisone: Birch, lavender, Roman chamomile, spruce (is like cortisone), wintergreen.

Coughs: Angelica, cajeput, cardamom, cedarwood, elemi (unproductive), eucalyptus, fir, frankincense, ginger, jasmine, juniper, melaleuca, myrtle (helps remove mucus from lungs), myrrh, onycha (benzoin), peppermint, pine, myrrh, ravensara, Roman Chamomile, sandalwood, thyme.

Courage: Clove (aromatic), fennel (aromatic), ginger.

Cradle Cap: See BABIES.

Cramps: See DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, HORMONAL IMBALANCE, MENSTRUATION, MUSCLES, PMS. Basil, birch, blue cypress (abdominal), Clary sage, cypress, galbanum, ginger, lavender, rosemary, marjoram, wintergreen.

Crohn's Disease: Basil, calamus, peppermint.

Cushing's Disease: See ADRENAL GLANDS. Basil, lemon.

Cuts: See TISSUE. Cypress, elemi (infected), helichrysum, lavender, melaleuca, onycha (benzoin), pine, ravensara, Roman chamomile (healing), rosewood.

Cystic Fibrosis: Lavender, myrtle, roman chamomile. Alternate oils. Apply to brain stem (back of neck), temples, chest, bottom of feet, and diffuse.

Cystitis (Bladder Infection): Basil, bergamot, cajeput, cedarwood, cinnamon bark, clove, eucalyptus, fennel, frankincense, German chamomile, hyssop, juniper, lavender, marjoram, oregano, pine, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, rosewood, thyme. Massage or bathe with one of these oils.


DandruffDay DreamingDeath (of Loved One)DebilityDecongestantDefeatedDegenerative Disease,DeliveryDental InfectionDeodorantDeodorizingDepletionDepressionDermatitisDespairDespondency,DetoxificationDiabetesDiaper RashDiarrheaDietDigestive SystemDiphtheriaDisappointment,DiscouragementDisinfectantDiureticDiverticulitisDizzinessDNADrowning in Own NegativityDrugs,DysenteryDyspepsia (Impaired Digestion)

DandruffCedarwood, lavender, melaleuca (Tea Tree), patchouly, rosemary, sage, valerian.

Day Dreaming: Cedarwood, eucalyptus, ginger, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, myrrh, peppermint, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Death (of Loved One): See EMOTIONS:LOSS.

Debility: Cardamom, cumin (nervous), nutmeg.

Decongestant: Any of the citrus oils, cypress, German chamomile, juniper, melaleuca, patchouly.

Defeated: See EMOTIONS.

Degenerative Disease: See pH BALANCE. Frankincense, lavender, lemon, orange, and tangerine are excellent to diffuse in the room. Not only do these oils purify the air, but they help deliver needed oxygen to the starving cells. All other essential oils and supplements are beneficial for providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. See specific ailment.

Delivery: See PREGNANCY.

Dental Infection: Clove and frankincense, helichrysum, melaleuca, myrrh. Apply to jaws and gums.

Deodorant: Bergamot, citronella, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, melaleuca, myrtle. Apply oils neat to the skin or dilute with some massage or vegetable oil for application under the arms. Also, 2-3 drops of an oil can be added to 4 oz. of unscented talcum powder and 2 oz. of baking soda. Mix this well and apply under the arms, on the feet, or on other areas of the body.

Deodorizing: Clary sage, myrrh, myrtle, peppermint, sage, thyme.

Depletion: Cypress.

Depression: See DIET. Basil, bergamot (aromatic) calamus, Clary sage, frankincense, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper (over heart), lavender (aromatic), neroli, onycha (benzoin), patchouly, pepper (on crown for spirit protection), ravensara (lifts emotions), Roman chamomile, rosemary (nervous), rosewood, sage (relieves depression), sandalwood, tangerine, ylang ylang.

Dermatitis: Bergamot, chamomile (Roman and German), geranium, helichrysum, hyssop, juniper, lavender, Melaleuca ericifolia, onycha (benzoin), patchouly, pine, thyme.

Despair: Cedarwood, Clary sage, fir, frankincense, geranium, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, orange, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, spearmint, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Despondency: Bergamot, Clary sage, cypress, geranium, ginger, orange, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, and ylang ylang.

Detoxification: Helichrysum, juniper (detoxifier). Apply oils to liver area, intestines, and Vita Flex points on feet.

Diabetes: Coriander (normalizes glucose levels), cypress, dill (helps lower glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and supporting pancreas function), eucalyptus, fennel, geranium, ginger, hyssop, juniper, lavender, pine, rosemary, ylang ylang. Apply on back, chest feet, and over pancreas. Diffuse. Blend: 8 drops clove, 8 drops cinnamon bark, 15 drops rosemary, 10 drops thyme and 2 oz. vegetable oil. Put on feet and over pancreas. Blend: 5 drops cinnamon bark and 5 drops cypress. Rub on feet and pancreas.

Diaper Rash: Lavender.

Diarrhea: See ACIDOSIS. Cardamom, cistus, cumin, geranium, ginger, melaleuca, myrrh, myrtle, peppermint, sandalwood (obstinate), spearmint (not for babies).

Diet: See BLOOD, FASTING, FOOD, and CLEANSING. Diet is extremely important when trying to correct cancer, hypoglycemia, candida, etc. First, cleanse the body, drink a lot of distilled water, stay away from sugars and meats, eat vegetable protein in the mornings, carbohydrates and starches for lunch, and fruit in the evening. Hydrochloric acid and pepsin are secreted in the morning to help digest protein. Blend (for post-diet saggy skin): Combine 8 drops sage, 8 drops pine, 8 drops lemongrass, and 1 oz. vegetable oil. Rub on areas.

Digestive System: See also INTESTINAL PROBLEMS. Anise (accelerates), basil, bergamot, black pepper, cardamom (nervous), cinnamon bark, Clary sage (weak), clove, coriander (spasms), cumin (spasms and indigestion), fennel (sluggish), ginger, grapefruit, juniper, laurel, lemon (indigestion), lemongrass (purifier), mandarin (tonic), marjoram (stimulates), myrrh, myrtle, neroli, nutmeg (for sluggish digestion; eases), orange (indigestion), patchouly (stimulant), peppermint, rosemary, sage (sluggish), spearmint, tangerine (nervous and sluggish), tarragon (nervous and sluggish). Add the oil(s) to your food, rub on stomach, or apply as a compress over abdomen.

Diphtheria: Frankincense, goldenrod.

Disappointment: Clary sage, eucalyptus, fir, frankincense, geranium, ginger, juniper, lavender, orange, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Discouragement: Bergamot, cedarwood, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, orange, rosewood, sandalwood, spruce.

Disinfectant: Grapefruit, lemon, sage.

Diuretic: Cardamom, cedarwood, cypress, fennel, grapefruit (all citrus oils), juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, mugwort, onycha (benzoin), orange, oregano, rosemary, sage, tangerine, valerian. Apply oil(s) to kidney area on back, bottom of feet and on location.

Diverticulitis: Rub abdomen with cinnamon bark and vegetable oil. Anise or lavender may also help. Calamus may help with earlier stages of diverticulitis.

Dizziness: Tangerine.

DNA: Chamomile strengthens positive imprinting in DNA.

Drowning in Own Negativity: Grapefruit (prevent, use aromatically).


Dysentery: Black pepper, cajeput, cistus, clove (amoebic), cypress, eucalyptus, lemon, melissa, myrrh, Roman chamomile. Apply on abdomen and bottom of feet.

Dyspepsia (Impaired Digestion): Cardamom, coriander, cumin, tarragon, goldenrod, grapefruit, laurel, myrrh, orange (nervous), thyme. Apply to stomach, intestines, and Vita Flex points on feet.


EarsEating DisordersEczemaEdemaElbowElectrical Problems in the BodyEmergency OilsEmotions,EmphysemaEndocrine SystemEndometriosisEnergyEnergy CentersEnlighteningEnteritisEnzymes,EpilepsyEpstein BarrEquilibriumEssential OilsEstrogenEuphoriaExhaustionExpectorantExpression,Eyes

Ears: Cumin (deafness following a bad viral flu infection), elemi, eucalyptus, geranium, helichrysum (improves certain hearing losses), Idaho tansy, juniper, marjoram, valerian (combine with helichrysum for added pain relief), vitex.

Eating Disorders: Anorexia: Coriander, grapefruit. Bulimia: Grapefruit. Overeating: Ginger, lemon, peppermint, spearmint.

Eczema: Bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, German chamomile, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, Melaleuca ericifolia, melissa, patchouly, rosewood, sage.

Edema: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Cypress (alleviates fluids), fennel (breaks up fluids), juniper, geranium, grapefruit, ledum, lemongrass, rosemary, tangerine (alleviates fluids). Drink water every 3 hours.


Electrical Problems in the Body: See BALANCE for methods of balancing the electrical energies of the body. Frankincense.

Emergency Oils: The following oils are recommended by Dr. Daniel Penoel as ones that everyone should have with them for any emergency:

  • Melaleuca (Alternifolia): Colds, coughs, cuts, sore throat, sunburn, wounds.
  • Ravensara: Powerful antiviral, antiseptic. Respiratory problems, viral infections, wounds.
  • Peppermint: Analgesic (topical pain reliever) for bumps and bruises. Also for fever, headache, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, nerve problems, spastic colon, vomiting.
  • Basil: Earache, fainting, headaches, spasms (can substitute fennel), poisonous insect or snake bites, malaria.
  • Lavender: Burns (mix with melaleuca), leg cramps, herpes, heart irregularities, hives, insect bites and bee stings, sprains, sunstroke. If in doubt, use lavender!
  • Geranium: Bleeding (increases to eliminate toxins, then stops; can substitute cistus), diarrhea, liver, regenerates tissue and nerves, shingles.
  • Helichrysum: Bruises, bleeding (stops on contact), hearing, pain, reduce scarring, regenerate tissue.

Emotions: Spruce (on the chest), cypress (aromatic, healing), geranium (women), German chamomile (stability), goldenrod (relaxing and calming), Idaho balsam fir (balancing), lavender (men), melissa (supports mind and body), rose (brings balance and harmony to the body), valerian (helps replace emotions, white lotus.

  • Anger and Hate: helichrysum (with deep-seated anger for strength to forgive).
  • Balance: Frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, orange, Roman chamomile, sandalwood, vetiver.
  • Blocks: Cypress, frankincense, helichrysum, sandalwood, spearmint, spikenard, spruce.
  • Clearing: Juniper.
  • Coldness (Emotional): Myrrh, ylang ylang.
  • Confidence: Jasmine (euphoria).
  • Defeated: cypress, fir, juniper, spruce.
  • Depression: Most of the single oils and blends help with depression as they tend to lift by raising ones frequency. Lavender.
  • Emotional Trauma: Sandalwood.
  • Father: Lavender, helichrysum (layer on top of lavender when deep seated anger is present).
  • Grief: Bergamot, tangerine.
  • Loss: Tangerine (stability).
  • Mind: Frankincense, sandalwood.
  • Mother: Geranium.
  • Protection from Negative Emotions: Grapefruit.
  • Release: Roman chamomile.
  • Stress: Clary sage.
  • Uplifting: Birch, lemon, orange, wintergreen.

Emphysema: Eucalyptus.

Endocrine System: See ADRENAL CORTEX, THYROID, PITUITARY, LUPUS. Black pepper, cinnamon bark, dill, rosemary.

Endometriosis: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, nutmeg.

Energy: Basil (when squandering energy), black pepper, cypress, eucalyptus (builds), fir, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, myrtle (supports adrenal glands to increase energy), nutmeg (increases), orange (aromatic), peppermint, rosemary, thyme (aromatic; gives energy in times of physical weakness and stress).

Energy Centers: See CHAKRAS.

Enlightening: Helichrysum.

Enteritis: Cajeput

Enzymes: Fresh carrot juice has one of the largest concentrations of enzymes. Drink 8 oz. per day. Add apple and lemon to help with detoxification.

Epilepsy: See SEIZURE. Clary sage. Apply to back of neck and brain Vita Flex points on bottom of feet.

Epstein Barr: See CHRONIC FATIGUE, HYPOGLYCEMIA. Eucalyptus.

Equilibrium: Ylang ylang, petitgrain (nerve).

Essential Oils: Essential oils function as a catalyst to deliver nutrients to starving cells. The following oils may irritate sensitive skin: Cinnamon bark, clove, fennel, grapefruit, lemon, nutmeg, orange, oregano, peppermint. Test the oil first in a small, sensitive area. If irritation occurs, dilute with one drop of above oil to 20 drops lavender, or mix with vegetable oil.

Estrogen: Anise (increases), Clary sage (helps body produce).

Euphoria: Clary sage (aromatic), jasmine.

Exhaustion: First, work with one or more of the following nervous system oils to calm and relax: bergamot, Clary sage, coriander, cumin, elemi, frankincense, lavender, pine. Secondly, use basil, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, Roman chamomile, rosemary, or sandalwood.

Expectorant: Black pepper, elemi, eucalyptus, frankincense, helichrysum, marjoram, mugwort, pine, ravensara. Apply oils to throat, lungs, and diffuse.

Expression (self expression): Helichrysum.

EyesNever put oils directly in the eye! Carrot is good around eye area, cypress (also helps circulation), fennel, frankincense, German chamomile, lavender, lemon, lemongrass (improves eyesight).

  • Cataracts: Blend: 8 drops lemongrass, 6 drops cypress, and 3 drops eucalyptus. Apply around the eye area two times a day. Don't get in the eyes.
  • Dry-Itchy: Melaleuca (in humidifier).
  • Improve Vision: Frankincense, juniper, lemongrass. Apply oils to feet, Vita Flex eye points, thumbs, ankles, pelvis, eye area (not in eyes), eyebrows.
  • Iris, Inflammation: Eucalyptus.
  • Retina (strengthen): Cypress, lavender, lemongrass, helichrysum, juniper, peppermint, sandalwood. Apply oil(s) around eye area.
  • Swollen Eyes: Cypress and helichrysum. Lavender (antiseptic) is also safe around eyes. If swollen eyes are due to allergies, try putting peppermint on the back of the neck.


Facial OilsFaintingFastingFatFatherFatigueFatty DepositsFearFeetFemale ProblemsFertilityFever,FibrocystsFibroidsFibromyalgiaFibrositisFingerFlatulenceFluFluidsFoodFood PoisoningForehead,ForgetfulnessFormula for BabiesFortifyingFrecklesFrigidityFrustrationFungus

Facial Oils:

  • Broken Capillaries: Cypress, geranium, hyssop, Roman chamomile.
  • Dehydrated: Geranium, lavender.
  • Disturbed: Clary sage, geranium, hyssop, juniper, lavender, lemon, patchouly, Roman chamomile, sandalwood.
  • Dry: Geranium, German chamomile, hyssop, lemon, patchouly, rosemary, sandalwood.
  • Energizing: Bergamot, lemon.
  • Hydrated: Cypress, fennel, geranium, hyssop, lavender, lemon, patchouly, sandalwood.
  • Normal: Geranium, lavender, lemon, Roman chamomile, sandalwood.
  • Oily: Cypress, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, orange, patchouly, Roman chamomile, rosemary.
  • Revitalizing: Cypress, fennel, lemon.
  • Sensitive: Geranium, German chamomile, lavender.

Fainting: See SHOCK. Nutmeg. Hold one of the following under the nose: Basil, Black pepper, lavender, neroli, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint.

Fasting: Fasting is the avoidance of solid foods altogether, while liquid consumption ranges between nothing (complete avoidance of all liquids as well) to fresh juices with just water being somewhere in the middle. Complete avoidance fasting (no food or liquid) should only be done when feeling good, while fasting on fresh juices can be very healing when sick.


Father (Problems with): Lavender.

Fatigue: Clove, pine, ravensara (muscle), rosemary (nervous), thyme (general).

Fatty Deposits: See CELLULITE, WEIGHT.

Fear: Bergamot, Clary sage, cypress, fir, geranium, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, orange, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, spruce, ylang ylang.

Feet: Fennel, lavender, lemon, pine (excessive sweating), Roman chamomile.


Fertility: Bergamot, Clary sage, fennel, geranium, melissa, sage, yarrow. Apply on reproductive Vita Flex areas on feet, particularly around front of ankle, in line with ankle bone, on each side of ankle under ankle bone, and up along the achilles tendon. Women: on lower back and on lower abdomen near pubic bone. Can also dilute with vegetable oil and use as vaginal retention implant. Men: on lower abdomen near pubic bone, on area between scrotum and rectum, and as a rectal implant (diluted with vegetable oil).

Fever: Basil, bergamot, eucalyptus, fennel (breaks up), fir, ginger, lavender, ledum, lemon (reduces - add 1 or 2 drops in rice milk or water and sip slowly), melaleuca, peppermint (reduces - add 1 or 2 drops in rice milk or water and sip slowly), rosemary cineol, spearmint (not on babies). Peppermint can also be diffused in the room or applied to the bottom of feet.


Fibroids: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Cistus, frankincense, helichrysum, Idaho tansy, lavender, oregano, pine. Put 3 drops of either oil in douche. Apply also to Vita Flex points of feet.

Fibromyalgia: See ACIDOSIS, HORMONAL IMBALANCE. May need to detoxify the liver. It may be helpful to use some anti-inflammatory oils like birch, helichrysum, lavender, myrrh, patchouly, rosemary, rosewood, spruce, thyme, or wintergreen.

Fibrositis: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Blend: Combine 2 drops cinnamon bark, 10 drops eucalyptus, 10 drops ginger, 6 drops nutmeg, 10 drops peppermint, and 3 drops rosemary with 2 Tblsp. vegetable oil and massage chest and back once a day.

Finger (mashed): Geranium (for the bruising), helichrysum (to stop the bleeding), lavender (to help for all things), lemongrass (for tissue repair).

Flatulence (gas): Angelica, anise, bergamot, cardamom, coriander, cumin, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, juniper, lavender, myrrh, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spearmint (not for babies), tarragon. Apply oil(s) to stomach, abdomen, and Vita Flex points of feet.

Flu: Clove, Eucalyptus radiata, fir (aches and pains), goldenrod, ginger, Idaho tansy (on bottom of feet), lavender, ledum, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrtle, onycha (benzoin), orange, oregano, peppermint, pine, rosemary, thyme (apply to thymus point on feet and where flu has settled), tsuga.

Fluids: See EDEMA or DIURETIC.

Food: See pH BALANCE. Use basil for soups and stuffing. Use cinnamon bark, clove, orange, tangerine, and thyme for flavorings.

Food Poisoning: Patchouly, rosemary cineol, tarragon.

Forehead: Jasmine.

Forgetfulness: See MEMORY. Cedarwood, cypress, geranium, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, orange, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang. Wear as perfume/cologne or put a couple drops in hands, rub together, cup over nose and mouth, and breathe deeply.

Formula for Babies: See BABIES.

Fortifying: Cypress.

Freckles: Idaho tansy. Mix 2-3 drops with lotion and spread over face. Can be used two or three times per week.

Frigidity: See LIBIDO, SEX STIMULANT. Clary sage, jasmine, nutmeg (overcome frigidity and impotence), rose, ylang ylang (helps balance male/female energies).

Frustration: Clary sage, frankincense, ginger, juniper, lavender, lemon, orange, peppermint, Roman chamomile, spruce, thyme, ylang ylang.

Fungus: Cajeput, clove, fennel, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, melaleuca, Roman chamomile, rosemary verbenon. Apply topically (dilution with vegetable oil may be necessary depending on the oil) or add to bath water.


GallbladderGangreneGasGastritisGeneral TonicGenitalsGentlenessGermsGingivitisGlandular System,GlaucomaGoiterGoutGraves DiseaseGrief/SorrowGroundingGuiltGum DiseaseGums

GallbladderGeranium, German chamomile, juniper, lavender, rosemary (supports). Apply over gallbladder area (can use a hot compress) and vita flex points on feet.

Gangrene: Cistus, elemi, lavender (used by Dr. Gattefosse to recover from gas gangrene), Mountain savory, ravensara, thyme.

Gas: See FLATULENCE. Lavender, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), tarragon. Apply to large intestine Vita Flex points on the feet.

Gastritis (Inflammation of the stomach lining): See ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. Calamus, fennel, laurel, peppermint, pine, sage, spikenard, tarragon, yarrow. Apply over stomach area with hot compress. One drop of oil in rice or almond milk taken as a dietary supplement (NOTE: use only those oils approved for internal use (GRAS or FA) by the FDA).

General Tonic: Grapefruit, lemon, mountain savory, spruce.

Genitals: Clary sage.

Gentleness: Rosewood (aromatic).

Germs: See BACTERIA.

Gingivitis: Helichrysum, melaleuca, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sage. Apply on throat and gums.

Glandular System: Sage, spearmint, spruce. Blue cypress may help stimulate the amygdala, pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.

Glaucoma: See EYES.


Gout: Basil, birch, calamus, fennel, geranium, hyssop, lemon, nutmeg, onycha (benzoin), pine, thyme, wintergreen, yarrow.

Graves Disease: See THYROID: HYPERTHYROIDISM. Blue tansy, lemongrass, myrrh, spruce.

Grief/Sorrow: Bergamot (turns grief to joy), Clary sage, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, Roman chamomile.

Grounding: Fir, patchouly, spruce, tsuga.

Guilt: Cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lemon, marjoram, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, spruce, thyme.

Gum Disease: See GINGIVITIS. Melaleuca, myrrh, tsuga.

Gums: See GINGIVITIS. Lavender, myrrh (infection), Roman chamomile.


HabitsHairHalitosisHandsHangoversHarmony in Body SystemsHarshnessHashimoto's DiseaseHay FeverHeadachesHealingHealthHearingHeartHeartburnHematomaHemorrhagingHemorrhoids,HepatitisHerniaHerpes SimplexHiccoughsHigh Blood PressureHivesHodgkin's DiseaseHormonal ImbalanceHormonal SystemHot FlashesHousecleaningHyperactivityHyperpneaHypertension,HypoglycemiaHysteria

Habits: See Addictions. Lavender.


  • Beard: Cypress, lavender, lemon, rosemary, thyme.
  • Body: Cedarwood (gives the hair shaft more body, more strength, and more life), tamanu.
  • Damaged (perms, color-treated, bleached): Tamanu.
  • Dandruff: Basil, birch, Canadian Red cedar, cedarwood, cypress, lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme, wintergreen.
  • Dry: Birch, geranium, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood, wintergreen.
  • Fragile Hair: Birch, Clary sage, lavender, Roman chamomile, sandalwood, thyme, wintergreen.
  • Greasy: Petitgrain.
  • Growth (stimulate): Basil, Canadian red cedar, cedarwood, cypress, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, lemon, rosemary, sage, thyme, ylang ylang (promotes).
  • Itching: Lavender, peppermint (skin).
  • Loss: Birch, Canadian red cedar, cedarwood, Clary sage, cypress, lavender, laurel (after infection), lemon, Roman chamomile, rosemary, sage, thyme, wintergreen, ylang ylang.
  • Silky and Shiny: Tamanu.

Halitosis: Cardamom, lavender, nutmeg, peppermint.

Hands: Eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, patchouly, rosemary, sandalwood.

Hangovers: Fennel, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, rose, rosemary, sandalwood.

Harmony in Body Systems: Clove (aromatic), geranium (harmonizing), Roman chamomile.

Harshness: Jasmine.

Hashimoto's Disease: See THYROID, HYPERTHYROIDISM. Blue tansy, lemongrass, myrrh, spruce.

Hay Fever: Cajeput, eucalyptus, lavender, Roman chamomile, rose.

Headaches: See MIGRAIN HEADACHES. Basil, calamus, cardamom, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, rosemary. Apply to temples, back of neck, forehead, and diffuse.

Healing: Clary sage (aromatic), clove, cypress, eucalyptus (aromatic), frankincense, lemon (aromatic), melaleuca, sage.

Health: Lavender (aromatic), lemon (aromatic).

Hearing: See EARS.

Heart: Cypress, fleabane, geranium, ginger, hyssop, lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang (balances heart function). Apply oils to carotid arteries, heart, feet, under left ring finger, above elbow, behind left ring toe, and Vita Flex points on the feet.

Heartburn: Cardamom, lemon, peppermint (over thymus). Blend: 2 drops lemon, 2 drops peppermint, 3 drops sandalwood, and 1/2 oz. vegetable oil. Apply to breast bone. using palm of hans, massage in a clockwise motion applying pressure. Do Vita Flex on feet.

Hematoma (swelling or tumor filled with diffused blood): German chamomile, helichrysum.

Hemorrhaging: Helichrysum, rose, ylang ylang. Massage around ankles, lower back, and stomach. Cayenne pepper may also help.

Hemorrhoids: Basil, Clary sage, cypress, frankincense, helichrysum, juniper, myrrh, patchouly, peppermint, sandalwood. Put cypress and helichrysum inside on location.

Hepatitis: Cinnamon bark, cypress, eucalyptus, melaleuca, myrrh, oregano, patchouly, Roman chamomile, rosemary, thyme.

Hernia: Apply oil(s) on location, lower back, and Vita Flex points on feet.

  • Hiatal Hernia: Basil, cypress, fennel, geranium, ginger, hyssop, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, vitex. Drink water. Put the first two fingers of each hand just below the sternum (under center of rib cage), press in firmly, and brush down quickly and firmly. This can also be done after raising up on toes and while dropping down on heals to more firmly emphasize the effect.
  • Incisional Hernia (usually caused by scar tissue failing to heal form and abdominal wound or incision): Basil, geranium, ginger, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, melaleuca.
  • Inguinal: Lavender, lemongrass.

Herpes Simplex: Blue cypress, bergamot with Eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, melissa, ravensara, rose.

Hiccoughs: Sandalwood, tarragon.

High Blood Pressure: See BLOOD.

Hives: See ACIDOSIS, pH BALANCE. Gives may be the result of too much acid in the blood or the result of a niacin flush (vitamin B3 taken on empty stomach). Patchouly (may relieve itching), peppermint, Roman chamomile.

Hodgkin's Disease: Clove. Apply to liver, kidney, and Vita Flex points on feet.

Hormonal Imbalance: Anise, ylang ylang.

Hormonal System: Davana, fennel, goldenrod, myrrh, myrtle, peppermint, sandalwood, spearmint (hormone-like), ylang ylang. The most common places to apply oils for hormonal balance are the Vita Flex points on the ankles, lower back, thyroid, liver, kidneys, gland areas, the center of the body and along both sides of the spine, and the clavicle area. It may also help to diffuse them.


Housecleaning: Put a few drops of oil on your dust cloth or put 10 drops in a spray bottle of water and mist.

  • Bathrooms/Kitchens: Fir, lemon, or spruce for cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Carpets: Lemon (has been used to remove black shoe polish).
  • Dishes: A couple of drops of lemon in the dishwater make for sparkling dishes and a great smelling kitchen.
  • Furniture Polish: Fir, lemon, or spruce work well for polishing furniture.
  • Gum/Grease: lemon oil is terrific for dissolving gum and grease.
  • Laundry: Adding oils to the washer can increase the anti-bacterial benefits, provide greater hygiene, and the clothes come out with a fresh, clean smell.

Hyperactivity: Lavender, Roman chamomile. Apply to Vita Flex points on the feet and diffuse.

Hyperpnea (abnormal rapid breathing): Ylang ylang. Apply to lung area and Vita Flex points.

Hypertension (high blood pressure): See Blood.

Hypoglycemia: See PROTEIN. Cinnamon bark, clove, eucalyptus, thyme.

Hysteria: Lavender, melaleuca, neroli. Apply to heart, bottom of feet, and diffuse.


Immune SystemImpetigoImpotencyIncontinenceIndifferenceIndigestionInfectionInfectious Disease,InferiorityInfertilityInflammationInfluenzaInjuriesInsectInsomniaIntestinal ProblemsInvigoratingIons,IronIrritabilityIrritable Bowel SyndromeItching

Immune System: cistus, clove, cumin, frankincense, geranium, Idaho tansy, lavender, ledum (supports), lemon, melaleuca, Mountain savory, ravensara, rosemary (supports), thyme (immunological functions), white lotus.

Impetigo: Lavender, myrrh. Boil 4 oz. water, cool, add 5 to 10 drops lavender and wash. you may also use myrrh (cover for an hour). Do not compress on site.

Impotency: Clary sage, clove, goldenrod, ginger, jasmine, mister, nutmeg, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Incontinence: See BLADDER.

Indifference: Jasmine.

Indigestion: Angelica, cumin, ginger, lavender, peppermint, nutmeg, valerian (nervous indigestion).

Infection: See ANTI-INFECTIOUS. Bergamot, cajeput (urethra), cinnamon bark, clove, Clary sage, cypress, elemi (chest/bronchial infections), Idaho tansy, jasmine (bacterial infection), juniper, fennel, lavender, lemongrass, Melaleuca quinquenervia (viral), myrrh (fungal infection), oregano, peppermint, pine (severe), raven, ravensara, rosemary (oral infection), thyme (urinary infection).

Infectious Disease: Bergamot, cinnamon bark, clove, ginger, hyssop (viral infections), juniper (viral infections), lemon, melaleuca, myrtle, thyme (bacterial infection).

Inferiority (overcoming): Peppermint.

Infertility: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Anise, bergamot, Clary sage, cypress, fennel, geranium, melissa, nutmeg, Roman chamomile, sage, thyme, yarrow, ylang ylang.

Inflammation: See ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. Birch, calamus (intestines and colon), clove, elemi (breast and uterus), frankincense, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, myrrh, Roman chamomile, spruce, wintergreen.

Influenza: See FLU or COLDS.

Injuries: See TISSUE, SCARRING. helichrysum (reduces scarring and discoloration).


  • Bites: Cajeput, bergamot cajeput, Idaho tansy.
  • Insecticidal: Citronella
  • Itching: Lavender
  • Repellant: Bergamot. Blend: Combine 5 drops lavender, 5 drops lemongrass, 3 drops peppermint, and 1 drop thyme and put on feet or add to 1 cup water and spray on.

Insomnia: Angelica, basil, bergamot, Clary sage, cypress, lavender, lemon, marjoram, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrtle (for hormone-related insomnia), neroli, nutmeg (small amount), orange, petitgrain, ravensara, Roman chamomile (small amount), rosemary, sandalwood, valerian, ylang ylang.

Intestinal Problems: See ACIDOSIS, COLITIS, COLON, CONSTIPATION, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, DIVERTICULITIS, PARASITES, etc. Basil, cajeput, calamus (reduces inflammation and detoxifies), ginger, marjoram, patchouly (aids in the digestion of toxic waste), rosemary, tarragon.

Invigorating: Birch/wintergreen.


Iron: Important for learning. Raisins are a good natural source.

Irritability: Lavender, Myrrh.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Calamus, peppermint.

Itching: Lavender, peppermint (ears). Apply on location.


JaundiceJealousyJet LagJointsJoyous

Jaundice (liver disease): Geranium, lemon, rosemary.

Jealousy: Bergamot

Jet Lag: Eucalyptus, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint. Apply to temples, thymus, and bottom of feet. It is best not to eat heavy foods and to drink as much water as possible.

Joints: Birch (discomfort), cajeput (stiff), Douglas fir (calming to tired and overworked joints), Idaho balsam fir (pain from exercising), nutmeg, Roman chamomile (inflamed), spruce (aching), wintergreen.

Joyous: bergamot (turns grief to joy), orange (aromatic).


KidneysKnee Cartilage Injury

Kidneys: Calamus (reduces congestion after intoxication), Clary sage, geranium, grapefruit, juniper (for better function of kidneys), ledum (strengthen), lemongrass (combine with juniper for greater synergistic effect). Apply over kidneys as a hot compress. Drink plenty of distilled water (3-4 quarts each day).

Knee Cartilage Injury: Blend: 8 drops clove, 12 drops ginger, 10 drops nutmeg with 2 oz. vegetable oil. Massage three times a day. Apply ice for swelling and inflammation. Wrap knee and elevate when sitting. Use the ice method three times a day and alternate with a hot compress and oil blend.


LaborLactationLactose IntoleranceLaryngitisLaundryLaxativeLethargyLibido (Low)LiceLigaments,LipomaLipsListlessnessLiverLongevityLoss of Loved OneLoss of SmellLoveLou Gehrig's Disease,LumbagoLungsLupusLymphatic System

Labor: See PREGNANCY. Jasmine (pain).

Lactation (secretion of breast milk): See NURSING. Fennel or basil (increase flow), peppermint with cold compress (decrease flow). Apply above the breasts on the lymph area and 2-3 drops on the spine, about breast level.

Lactose Intolerance: Lemongrass (reported to help eliminate lactic acid from fermentation of lactose in milk).

Laryngitis: Jasmine, ledum, onycha (benzoin), sandalwood.

Laundry: Lemon.

Laxative: Hyssop, jasmine, tangerine.

Lethargy: Jasmine.

Libido (low): See FRIGIDITY, SEX STIMULANT. Nutmeg, rose, ylang ylang.

Lice: Eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, pine (repels), rosemary. Apply oil(s) to bottom of feet and rub over scalp three times a day.

Ligaments: See MUSCLES. Lemongrass (torn or pulled: combine with marjoram to stimulate torn ligaments).

Lipoma: See TUMORS.

Lips: German chamomile, lavender, lemon, melaleuca. Blend (dry lips): 2 to 5 drops geranium and 2 to 5 drops lavender.

Listlessness: Jasmine.

Liver: Cypress, dill, fleabane, geranium (cleanses and detoxifies the liver), German chamomile, goldenrod (supports liver function), grapefruit (liver disorders), helichrysum, ledum (powerful detoxifier), myrrh, ravensara, sage (for liver problems).

Longevity: Fennel (aromatic).

Loss of Loved One: Basil, cedarwood, cypress (diffuse), fir, jasmine, rose, spruce, ylang ylang.

Loss of Smell: Basil.

Love: Juniper lavender, ylang ylang.

Lou Gehrig's Disease: See ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE, BRAIN, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, PARKINSON'S DISEASE, PINEAL GLAND, PITUITARY GLAND. Use the same oils you would if you were handling Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's Disease. Drink steam distilled water.

Lumbago: See BACK PAIN. Sandalwood.

Lungs: Se RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Eucalyptus, frankincense, hyssop, ravensara, Roman chamomile. Apply on chest with hot compress or on Vita Flex lung points on the feet.


Lymphatic System: See IMMUNE SYSTEM. Cypress (aromatic), ledum (inflamed lymph nodes), sage, sandalwood (supports), tangerine.


MalariaMaleMeaslesMeditationMelanomaMemoryMenopauseMenstruationMentalMetalsMigraine HeadachesMindMinerals (deficiency)MiscarriageMolesMono (Mononucleosis)Mood SwingsMorning SicknessMosquitoesMother (Problems with)Motion SicknessMucusMultiple Sclerosis (M.S.)Muscles,Muscular DystrophyMyelin Sheath

Malaria: Lemon with honey in water to prevent.


Measles: See CHILDHOOD DISEASES. Eucalyptus.

Meditation: Canadian red cedar, elemi, myrrh (aromatic), Roman chamomile, sandalwood, tsuga (uplifting and grounding).

Melanoma: See CANCER.

Memory: See AMNESIA. Basil (for poor memory), bergamot, calamus, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, lemon (improves), lemongrass, mountain savory (may bring back good memories), rose, rosemary, Wear as perfume, apply to temples, and diffuse.

Menopause: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Angelica, basil, bergamot, cardamom, Clary sage, cypress, fennel, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, nutmeg (balances hormones), orange, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, sage, thyme. Apply oil(s) to feet ankles, lower back, groin, and pelvis.

Menstruation: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE and PMS.

Mental: Oregano (mental diseases), sage (strain, aromatic), vitex (unrest).

Metals: See CHELATION.

Migraine Headaches: See HEADACHES. Basil, cumin, eucalyptus, German chamomile, grapefruit, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, spearmint, valerian.

Mind: Basil (absent minded), western red cedar (powerful effects of subconscious and unconscious mind.

Minerals (deficiency):

Miscarriage: See Pregnancy.

Moles: Frankincense, geranium, lavender.

Mono (Mononucleosis): Ravensara.

Mood Swings: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Can be due to a Vitamin B deficiency. Bergamot, Clary sage, fennel, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, spruce, yarrow, ylang ylang.

Morning Sickness: See PREGNANCY.

Mosquitoes: See INSECT. Frequent mosquito bites could be due to a Vitamin B deficiency. Citronella.

Mother (Problems with): Geranium. Apply to ears.

Motion Sickness: Ginger, nutmeg, peppermint, spearmint. Apply to feet, temples, and wrists.

Mucus: See ANTI-CATARRHAL. Cypress, helichrysum (discharge), goldenrod (discharges respiratory mucus), hyssop (opens respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucus), mugwort (expels), onycha (benzoin), rosemary.

Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.): See MYELIN SHEATH. Birch, cypress, elemi, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, Idaho tansy, juniper, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, thyme, wintergreen.

Muscles: Basil, birch, cypress, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint, white fir, wintergreen.

  • Aches and Pains: Birch, clove, Douglas Fir, ginger, helichrysum, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, lemongrass (especially good for ligaments), marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spearmint, thyme, vetiver, white fir (with inflammation), wintergreen.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Basil, peppermint, white fir.
  • Cardiac Muscle: Goldenrod, lavender, marjoram, neroli, peppermint, rose, rosemary.
  • Cramps/Charily Horses: Basil, Clary sage, coriander, cypress, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender (aromatic), marjoram, pine, Roman chamomile, rosemary, thyme, vetiver.
  • Development: Birch/wintergreen (with spruce).
  • Fatigue: Cypress, Douglas fir, eucalyptus, grapefruit, Idaho balsam fir, marjoram, peppermint, ravensara, rosemary thyme.
  • Over-Exercised: Douglas fir, eucalyptus, Idaho balsam fir, ginger, lavender, thyme, white fir (with inflammation).
  • Rheumatism (Muscular): Rosemary, thyme.
  • Sprains: Black pepper, clove, eucalyptus, ginger, helichrysum, Idaho tansy, jasmine, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, nutmeg, pine, rosemary, thyme, vetiver, white fir.
  • Spasms: Basil, Clary sage, cypress, lavender, jasmine, marjoram, peppermint, Roman chamomile.
  • Smooth Muscle: Bergamot, black pepper, Clary sage, cypress, fennel, juniper, lavender, marjoram, Roman chamomile, spruce.
  • Tone: Basil, birch, black pepper, cypress, ginger, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lime, marjoram, orange, peppermint, petitgrain, pine, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen. Apply before exercise.
  • Torn Muscles: Helichrysum and spruce take pain away (use hot packs), ginger (circulation), lemongrass.

Muscular Dystrophy: Basil, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, (combine with equal parts lemongrass), orange, pine, rosemary.

Myelin Sheath: Cold compresses using peppermint, juniper, and geranium (no heat!).


NailsNasalNauseaNeckNegative IonsNegativityNervous SystemNeuralgiaNeuritisNeurological ProblemsNeuromuscularNeuropathyNeurotonicNight SweatsNoseNursing

Nails: Eucalyptus, frankincense, grapefruit, lavender, lemon (repeated use may help harden), lime, melaleuca, myrrh, oregano, patchouly, peppermint, ravensara, rosemary, thyme.

Nasal: See NOSE.

Nausea: Calamus, cardamom, clove, ginger, juniper, lavender, nutmeg, peppermint (aromatic), rosewood, spearmint, tarragon. Apply behind the ears and on Vita Flex points.

Neck: Basil, Clary sage, geranium, lemon, lemongrass, orange, helichrysum.

Negative Ions: When dispersed through a cool-air nebulizing diffuser, the following oils ionize negatively: Bergamot, cedarwood, citronella, Eucalyptus citriodora, grapefruit, lavandin, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, mandarin, orange, patchouly, sandalwood.

Negativity: Sandalwood (removes negative programming from the cells).

Nervous System: Basil (stimulant and for nervous breakdown), bergamot, calamus, cedarwood (nervous tension), cinnamon bark, cumin (stimulant), frankincense, geranium (regenerates nerves), ginger, Idaho balsam fir, jasmine (nervous exhaustion), juniper (better nerve function), lavender, lemon, lemongrass (for nerve damage; activates), marjoram (soothing), Melaleuca ericifolia (nervous tension), nutmeg (supports), orange, palmarosa (supports), pepper (stimulant), peppermint (soothes and strengthens; place on wrist or location of nerve damage), petitgrain (re-establishes nerve equilibrium), pine (stimulant), ravensara, Roman chamomile, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, spruce (fatigue), valerian (central nervous system depressant), vetiver.

Neuralgia (severe pain along nerve): Cajeput, cedarwood, eucalyptus, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, pine, Roman chamomile.

Neuritis: Cedarwood, clove, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, Roman chamomile, yarrow.

Neurological Problems: Limit the use of oils with high ketone content.

Neuromuscular: Roman chamomile, tarragon.

Neuropathy: Cedarwood, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, Roman chamomile.

Neurotonic: Melaleuca, ravensara, thyme.


Nose: Melaleuca rosemary.

Nursing: Clary sage (brings in milk production), fennel or basil (increases milk production), geranium. Apply above breasts on lymph area and on spine at breast level.


ObesityObsessivenessOdorsOpeningOral InfectionsOsteoporosisOvariesOvercomeOvereating,OverweightOxygenating

Obesity: See DIET, WEIGHT. Fennel, grapefruit, juniper, orange, rosemary, tangerine.

Obsessiveness: Clary sage, cypress, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Odors: See DEODORANT. Bergamot, lavender.

Opening (to receive): Fir (aromatic).

Oral Infections: Rosewood.

Osteoporosis: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Birch, chamomile (Roman and German), clove, cypress, fennel, fir (cortisone-like action), geranium, ginger, hyssop, lemon, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, pine, rosemary, spruce, thyme, wintergreen.

Ovaries: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Geranium, myrtle, and/or rosemary (regulates).

Overcome and Release Unpleasant, Difficult Issues in Life: Roman chamomile.


Overweight: See OBESITY, WEIGHT.

Oxygenating: Fennel, fir, frankincense, oregano, sandalwood (increases oxygen around pineal and pituitary glands), tsuga (opens and dilates respiratory tract).


PainPaintingPalpitationsPancreasPancreatitisPanicParalysisParasitesParasympathetic Nervous SystemParkinson's DiseasePeacePelvic Pain SyndromePeriodontal DiseasePersonal GrowthPerspiration,Pest TroublespH BalancePharyngitisPhlebitisPimplesPineal GlandPituitaryPlaguePleurisyPMS,PneumoniaPoison Oak-IvyPollutionPolypsPositive FeelingsPositive IonsPower SurgesPrayer,PregnancyPrideProsperityProstateProstate CancerProtectionProteinPsoriasisPsychicPuberty,PulmonaryPurgePurificationPus


Painting: Add one 15 ml. bottle of your favorite essential oil or blend to any five gallon bucket of paint. Stir vigorously, mixing well, and then either spray paint or paint by hand. This should eliminate the paint fumes and after smell.

Palpitations: See HEART.

Pancreas: Coriander, cypress (for insufficiencies), dill, fleabane, lemon, rosemary.

Pancreatitis: Lemon, marjoram.

Panic: Bergamot, birch, fir, frankincense, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, Roman chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood, spruce, thyme, wintergreen, ylang ylang.

Paralysis: Cypress, geranium, ginger, helichrysum, juniper, lemongrass, nutmeg, peppermint.

Parasites: See ANTI-PARASITIC, INTESTINAL PROBLEMS. Anise, clove, fennel, hyssop, melaleuca, Mountain savory, mugwort (blend with thyme), oregano, tangerine, tarragon, thyme. Apply oil on stomach and feet to help pass parasites.

Parasympathetic Nervous System: Lemongrass (regulates), marjoram (increases tone of).

Parkinson's Disease: See BRAIN, PINEAL GLAND, PITUITARY GLAND, ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. Basil, bergamot, cypress (circulation), frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, vitex.

Peace: Juniper (aromatic), lavender (aromatic), marjoram, ylang ylang.

Pelvic Pain Syndrome: Bergamot, clove, geranium, ginger, nutmeg, thyme.

Periodontal Disease: See GUM DISEASE.

Personal Growth: Helichrysum, frankincense.

Perspiration: Petitgrain.

Pest Troubles: See INSECT. Ravensara.


Pharyngitis: See also RHINOPHARYNGITIS. Goldenrod.

Phlebitis: Cypress, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum (prevents), lavender, Roman chamomile. Massage toward heart and wear support hose until healed, possibly two to three months.

Pimples: Clary sage, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, melaleuca, ravensara.

Pineal Gland (opens and increases oxygen): Canadian red cedar, cedarwood, frankincense, sandalwood (increases oxygen), spruce.

Pituitary: See ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Frankincense, sandalwood.

Plague: Clove.

Pleurisy: See LUNGS, ANTI-BACTERIAL. Cypress, thyme.

PMS: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Angelica, anise, bergamot, Clary sage, fennel, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender (aromatic), nutmeg, Roman chamomile, tarragon.

Pneumonia: See RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Cajeput, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, oregano, ravensara, thyme (compress).

Poison Oak/Ivy: Lavender, Roman chamomile.

Pollution: See PURIFICATION. Lemon, peppermint.

Polyps: See also NOSE. Peppermint, spikenard, and others with strong anti-bacterial properties (see ANTI-BACTERIAL).

Positive Feelings: Idaho tansy.

Positive Ions: When dispersed into the air through a cool-air nebulizing diffuser, the following oils ionize positively: Cajeput, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, helichrysum, juniper, marjoram, Melaleuca quinquenervia, palmarosa, pine, ravensara, rosemary, thyme, ylang ylang.

Power Surges: See HOT FLASHES.

Prayer: Frankincense.

Pregnancy: Elemi, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, Roman chamomile, tangerine, ylang ylang.

  • Breasts: Fennel (tone), Roman chamomile (sore nipples).
  • Delivery: Clary sage, lavender (stimulates circulation, calming, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic), nutmeg (balances hormones, calms the central nervous system, alleviates anxiety, increases circulation, and good for blood supply).
  • Early Labor: Lavender (rub on tummy to help stop).
  • Energy: Put equal parts Roman chamomile, geranium, and lavender in vegetable oil.
  • Hemorrhaging: Helichrysum.
  • High Blood Pressure: Avoid using hyssop, rosemary, sage, thyme, and possibly peppermint.
  • Labor (during): Clary sage (kick labor into gear; some have combined with fennel).
  • Labor (post): Geranium, lavender.
  • Lactation: See MILK PRODUCTION.
  • Mastitis (breast infection): Lavender, tangerine. Blend: Equal amounts lavender and tangerine diluted with vegetable oil, apply to breasts and under arms twice a day.
  • Milk Production: Clary sage (bring in milk), fennel or basil (increase), peppermint with cold compress (decrease). Caution: Fennel should not be used for more than 10 days as it will excessively increase flow through the urinary tract.
  • Miscarriage (after): Frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, Roman chamomile, spruce (2 drops on solar plexus).
  • Morning Sickness: Calamus, ginger, peppermint. Apply on or behind ears, down jaw bone, over stomach as a compress, on Vita Flex points on feet, on hands, (rub together and smell), or put a drop on your pillow. Can also put 4 to 6 drops of spearmint in a bowl of boiled and cooled water and place on floor beside the bed overnight to keep stomach calm.
  • Placenta: Basil (has been used to help retain), jasmine (helps expulsion).
  • Postpartum Depression: Bergamot, Clary sage, fennel, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, nutmeg (use in moderation), orange, patchouly, vetiver.

Pride: Peppermint (dispels).

Prosperity: Bergamot, cinnamon bark (aromatic), cypress.

Prostate: Helichrysum, juniper, yarrow.

Prostate Cancer: See CANCER.

Protection (from negative influence): Clove (aromatic), cypress, fennel, fir (aromatic), frankincense.

Protein: Carbonated water prevents absorption of protein. Protein deficiency causes Hypoglycemia.

Psoriasis: Bergamot, cajeput, cedarwood, helichrysum, lavender, melaleuca, patchouly, Roman chamomile, thyme.Blend: Combine 2-3 drops each of Roman chamomile and lavender for use as ointment for pH balance.

Psychic: Cinnamon bark (awareness), fennel (protect from attack), lemongrass. Diffuse.

Puberty: Fleabane (stimulates retarded puberty).

Pulmonary: See LUNGS.


Purification: Cedarwood, eucalyptus (aromatic), fennel (aromatic), lemon (aromatic), lemongrass (aromatic), melaleuca (aromatic), orange (aromatic), peppermint, sage.

Pus: See INFECTION, ANTI-INFECTIOUS. Melaleuca is useful in healing pus-filled wounds.



RadiationRashesRaynaud's DiseaseRefreshingRegeneratingRelaxationResentmentRespiratory System,RestlessnessRheumatic FeverRheumatismRhinitisRhinopharyngitisRingwormRomantic Touches,Rosacea

Radiation: See CANCER. Melaleuca quinquenervia, patchouly. May apply on location, bottom of feet, kidneys, thyroid, and diffuse.

Rashes: Elemi (allergic), lavender, melaleuca, palmarosa, Roman Chamomile. If the rash occurs from application of oils to the skin, it may be due to the oils reacting with accumulated synthetic chemicals (toxins) that are trapped in the fatty layers of the skin. Take the following steps: 1. Try diluting the oils first with vegetable oil, 2. reduce the number of oils used with each application , 3. reduce the amount of oils used, 4. reduce the frequency of application. Drinking pure distilled water helps promote the elimination of accumulated toxins from the body. Initiating programs to cleanse the bowels and blood will also help remove accumulated toxins and reduce the possible recurrences of the rashes. If the rashes persist, discontinue use of the oils and consult your health care professional.

Raynaud's Disease (feel cold; hands and feet turn blue): Clove, cypress, fennel, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, nutmeg, rosemary.

Refreshing: Canadian red cedar, peppering, spearmint.

Regenerating: Helichrysum, lavender.

Relaxation: Clary sage, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, Roman chamomile, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Resentment: Idaho tansy, jasmine, rose.

Respiratory System: Anise, basil (restorative), bergamot (infections), cajeput (infections), Canadian red cedar, Clary sage (strengthens), clove, eucalyptus (general stimulant and strengthens), Eucalyptus radiata, fennel (stimulant), fir (opens respiratory tract, increases oxygenation, decongests and balances), frankincense, goldenrod (discharges mucus), helichrysum (relieves), hyssop (opens respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucus), ledum (supports), lemon, marjoram (calming), melaleuca, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrtle, oregano (antiseptic), peppermint (aid), pine (dilates and opens bronchial tract), ravensara, rosemary verbenon, spearmint, spruce, tsuga (dilates and opens tract). Blend: 3 drops birch/wintergreen, 8 drops eucalyptus, 6 drops fir, 6 drops frankincense, 1 drop peppermint, 10 drops ravensara, and 1 oz. vegetable oil. Blend: 3 drops German chamomile, 10 drops fir, and 5 drops lemon.

Restlessness: Angelica, basil, bergamot, cedarwood, frankincense, geranium, lavender, orange, rose, rosewood, spruce, valerian, ylang ylang.

Rheumatic Fever: Ginger, tarragon. Both help with pain.

Rheumatism: See ARTHRITIS.

Rhinitis: Basil.

Rhinopharyngitis: Ravensara.

Ringworm: See ANTI-FUNGAL. Geranium, lavender, melaleuca (Tea Tree), myrrh, peppermint, rosemary verbenon, thyme. Blend: 2 drops lavender, 2 drops melaleuca, and 2 drops thyme. Blend: 3 drops melaleuca, 2 drops peppermint, 3 drops spearmint. Apply 1-2 drops of either blend on ringworm three times a day for ten days, then mix 30 drops of melaleuca (Tea Tree) with 2 Tblsp. vegetable oil and use daily until ringworm is gone.

Romantic Touches: Jasmine, patchouly, ylang ylang; use these in small amounts.

Rosacea (Acne Rosacea): Lavender.


SadnessSaint Vitus Dance (Chorea)SanitationScabiesScarringSchmidt's SyndromeSciaticaScoliosis,ScrapesScurvySecuritySedativeSeizureSelf HypnosisSensory SystemSex StimulantShinglesShock,ShoulderSinusSinusitisSkeletal SystemSkinSleepSlimming and Toning OilsSmell (Loss of)Soothing,SoresSore ThroatSpasmsSpina BifidaSpineSpiritualSpleenSportsSprainsSpurs-BoneStainsStaph InfectionSterilityStimulatingStingsStomachStrengthStrep ThroatStressStretch MarksStrokeStructural AlignmentSubconsciousSudorificSuicideSunburnSun ScreenSupportiveSwellingSympathetic Nervous System

Sadness: Helichrysum, onycha (combine with rose in massage oil), orange (overcome). Wear as cologne or diffuse.

Saint Vitus Dance (Chorea):

Sanitation: Citronella, lemongrass.

Scabies: Bergamot, laurel, lavender and peppermint, pine.

Scarring: Frankincense (prevents), geranium, helichrysum (reduces), hyssop (prevents), lavender (burns), rose (prevents), rosehip (reduces).

Schmidt's Syndrome: Nutmeg (increases energy; supports adrenal glands, sage (combine with nutmeg).

Sciatica: Cardamom, cistus (followed by peppermint), fir, helichrysum, hyssop, peppermint, sandalwood, spruce (alleviates pain), tarragon, thyme. Apply a cold compress and lightly massage with Roman chamomile or lavender, and birch/wintergreen.

Scoliosis: May be caused by a virus. Blend: 8 drops basil, 12 drops birch/wintergreen, 10 marjoram, and 2 peppermint.

Scrapes: Lavender, ravensara.

Scurvy: Ginger. Apply over kidneys and liver, and on corresponding Vita Flex points on the feet.

Security: Bergamot (in the home), cypress (aromatic; feeling secure), oregano (self secure), Roman chamomile (creating security).

Sedative: Among the most effective sedatives are: Bergamot, lavender, and neroli. Other oils that may help are: angelica, cedarwood, Clary sage, coriander, cypress, elemi, frankincense, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, melissa, marjoram, onycha (benzoin), orange, patchouly, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, tangerine, valerian, vetiver (nervous system), ylang ylang.

Seizure: See EPILEPSY.

Self Hypnosis: Clary sage, geranium, patchouly.

Sensory System (Senses): See AWARENESS: Birch/wintergreen.

Sex Stimulant: Cinnamon bark (general), ginger, goldenrod, rose, ylang ylang (sex drive problems).

Shingles: Bergamot, blue cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, melaleuca (Tea Tree), ravensara, Roman chamomile.

Shock: See FAINTING. Basil, helichrysum, melaleuca, melissa, myrrh, neroli, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, ylang ylang.

Shoulder (Frozen): Basil, birch/wintergreen, lemongrass, oregano, peppermint, white fir.

Sinus: Cedarwood, eucalyptus, helichrysum, myrtle.

Sinusitis: See RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Cajeput, elemi, eucalyptus, Eucalyptus radiata, fir, ginger, Melaleuca ericifolia, myrtle, pine, ravensara, rosemary.

Skeletal System: See SCOLIOSIS.

Skin: See ACNE, ALLERGIES, BRUISES, CUTS, DERMATITIS, ECZEMA, FACIAL OILS, PSORIASIS, WRINKLES. Cajeput, cedarwood, Roman and German chamomile (inflamed skin), cypress, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, jasmine (irritated skin), juniper, lavender, ledum (all types of problems), lemon, marjoram, melaleuca (healing), myrrh (chapped and cracked), myrtle (antiseptic), orange, palmarosa (rashes, scaly, and flaky skin), patchouly (chapped; tightens loose skin and prevents wrinkles), peppermint (itching skin), rosehip, rosemary, rosewood (elasticity and candida), sage, sandalwood (regenerates), vetiver, Western red cedar (nourishing), ylang ylang.

  • Aging/Wrinkles: Carrot, frankincense, patchouly (prevents wrinkles), rose, rosehip (retards), rosewood (slows).
  • Chapped/Cracked: Davana, elemi, myrrh, onycha (benzoin), patchouly.
  • Disease: Rose.
  • Dry: Davana, geranium, jasmine, lavender, lemon, neroli, patchouly, Roman chamomile, rosewood, sandalwood.
  • Itching: Peppermint.
  • Oily (greasy) Complexion: Bergamot, cajeput, Clary sage, cypress, jasmine, lavender, lemon, nutmeg, orange, ylang ylang.
  • Sensitive: Geranium, German chamomile, jasmine, lavender, neroli.
  • Tones: Patchouly.

Sleep: Lavender (on spine or diffused), marjoram (aromatic), Roman chamomile (aromatic), valerian (disturbances).

Slimming and Toning Oils: Basil, grapefruit, lavender, lemongrass, orange, rosemary, sage, thyme.

Smell (Loss of): Basil (helps when loss of smell is due to chronic nasal catarrh).

Soothing: Myrrh, onycha (benzoin), Roman chamomile.

Sores: Melaleuca, pine.

Sore Throat: See THROAT.

Spasms: See MUSCLES, ANTISPASMODIC. Basil, calamus, cypress, jasmine (muscle), lavender (antispasmodic), marjoram (relieves), oregano, peppermint, Roman chamomile, spikenard, tarragon, and thyme.

Spina Bifida: Work on the nervous system with eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, nutmeg, orange, Roman chamomile, rosemary. Apply oil(s) to bottom of feet, along spine, forehead, back of neck, and diffuse.

Spine: See BACK. Oils can be applied along the Vita Flex spine points on the feet as an alternative to working directly on the spine.

Spiritual: Canadian red cedar, cedarwood, juniper, myrrh, spruce, white lotus.

Spleen: is a major receptor for infections. Laurel, marjoram.


Sprains: Ginger, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose, sage. Make a cold compress with eucalyptus, lavender, Roman chamomile, or rosemary.

Spurs (bone): See BONES. Lavender. Apply directly on location.

Stains: Lemon (removes).

Staph Infection: Black pepper or peppermint will make it more painful. Use oregano and hyssop; alternate with oregano and thyme to relieve the pain. Helichrysum, lavender.

Sterility: Clary sage, geranium, rose (wonderful for both men and women). Can also try jasmine, neroli, sandalwood, rosewood, and vetiver. Apply several together (or alternate individually) by massage or aromatic baths.

Stimulating: Basil, black pepper, eucalyptus, fir, ginger, grapefruit, orange, patchouly, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sage. Dilute with massage oil for stimulating massage. Adding a little black pepper to an oil like rosemary can give it a little more power. Can also add a few drops of an oil or a couple oils to a bath gel base and add to bath water as the tub is filling.

Stings: See BITES.

Stomach: Basil, calamus (supports), ginger, peppermint. Apply to stomach Vita Flex points on feet or use with hot compress over the stomach area.

Strength: Cypress (aromatic), oregano, patchouly, peppermint, Roman chamomile (strengthens positive imprinting in DNA).

Strep Throat: See THROAT.

Stress: Basil, bergamot, Clary sage, cypress, elemi, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, lavender (aromatic), marjoram, neroli, onycha (benzoin), pine, Roman chamomile (relieves stress), rosewood, spruce, tangerine, and ylang ylang.

Stretch Marks: Lavender, mandarin, myrrh, neroli.

Stroke: See BLOOD:CLOTS and BROKEN BLOOD VESSELS. Calamus, cypress, helichrysum. Breathe deeply and apply to neck and forehead.

Structural Alignment: Basil, birch, cypress, peppermint, wintergreen (apply on feet to reduce time and effort necessary for alignments and to increase amount of time the alignment remains effective).

Subconscious: Helichrysum (uplifts when diffused), Idaho balsam fir, Western red cedar.

Sudorific: Hyssop, juniper, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosemary, thyme.


Sunburn: See BURNS. Melaleuca. Spray or rub with Roman chamomile and lavender.

Sun Screen: Helichrysum.

Supportive: Myrrh.

Swelling: See EDEMA (for swelling from water retention). Helichrysum, lemongrass, tangerine.

Sympathetic Nervous System: Black pepper, Eucalyptus radiata, ginger, peppermint.


Tachycarida (Rapid Heartbeat)TalkativeTasteTeethTemperatureTendonitisTennis ElbowTensionTesticles,ThoughtsThroatThrushThymusThyroidTinnitusTiredTissueTMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD)TonicTonsillitisToothacheToxemiaToxinsTransition in LifeTraumaTravel SicknessTuberculosis (T.B.)TumorsTyphoid

Tachycarida (Rapid Heartbeat), See ANXIETY, HEART, SHOCK, or STRESS. Goldenrod, Idaho tansy, lavender, neroli, orange, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, ylang ylang (smell on tissue or straight from bottle in emergency). Apply over heart and to heart Vita Flex points on the left hand and elbow and on left foot. Add oils to vegetable oil or massage oil for massage.

Talkative: Cypress (for over talkative).

Taste: Helichrysum (1 drop on tongue), peppermint (for impaired taste).


  • Fillings (to help eliminate toxins from mercury in the system): Idaho balsam fir (22 drops in a capsule, once in morning, once at night). Can also combine Idaho balsam fir with helichrysum and/or frankincense.
  • Gum Surgery: Helichrysum every 15 minutes for the pain.
  • Teething Pain: German chamomile.
  • Toothache: Cajeput, clove, melaleuca, Roman chamomile. Apply on location (on gums) and along jawbone.
  • Nerve Pain: Melaleuca (put 1 drop in small amount of water and hold in mouth for 1-2 minutes to help calm nerves).

Temperature: See FEVER or THYROID

  • Lower: Bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, melissa, peppermint. Cypress and rosemary induce sweating to lower temperature indirectly. Use oils in baths or mix with cool water and sponge over body or area.
  • Raise: Marjoram, onycha (benzoin), thyme. Add to vegetable or massage oil for brisk massage. Locally warming (rubefacient) oils like black pepper, juniper, and rosemary help raise temperatures in cold extremities.

Tendonitis: Basil, birch, cypress, lavender, ginger, peppermint, rosemary, wintergreen. Apply oils in Raindrop fashion on location and ice pack.

Tennis Elbow: Birch, eucalyptus, helichrysum, peppermint, rosemary, wintergreen.

Tension: Basil (nervous), bergamot (nervous), cedarwood, frankincense, lavender, Melaleuca ericifolia (nervous), valerian, ylang ylang. Apply on hands, cup over nose and mouth and breathe deeply or diffuse. Mix a few drops of oil, or oils of choice, in 1/2 cup Epsom salts and add to bath water.

Testicles: Rosemary.

Thoughts: Ravensara (lifts emotions).

Throat: Calamus (helps remove phlegm), cypress, oregano. Myrrh and peppermint are also very effective for removing phlegm and mucus from the throat area.

  • Dry: Grapefruit, lemon.
  • Infection: Clary sage, lemon, oregano, peppermint.
  • Laryngitis: See LARYNGITIS.
  • Sore: Rub one of the following on the throat: Bergamot, cajeput, geranium, ginger, melaleuca, myrrh, oregano, sandalwood. Inhalations with Clary sage, eucalyptus, lavender, sandalwood, thyme.
  • Strep: Geranium, ginger. Also hyssop, laurel, melaleuca, oregano, ravensara.

Thrush: Bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, marjoram, rose, thyme.

Thymus: Elemi, ravensara.


  • Dysfunction: Clove.
  • Normalizes Hormonal Imbalance In: Myrtle.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Myrrh, myrtle, spruce.
  • Hypothyroidism: Clove, myrtle, peppermint, spearmint.
  • Regulation: Ledum.
  • Supports: Myrrh (rub on hands and feet), myrtle.

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears): See EAR. Juniper, helichrysum. Apply to mastoid bone behind ear.


Tissue: Basil, elemi (rejuvenates), helichrysum, lavender, lemongrass, lime (tightens connective tissue), marjoram, Roman chamomile, sandalwood.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD):


  • Digestive: German chamomile, Melaleuca quinquenervia.
  • General: Angelica, basil, cajeput, cardamom, cinnamon bark, cistus, Clary sage, cumin, galbanum, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, lime, mandarin, marjoram, melissa, Mixta chamomile, Mountain savory, myrrh, neroli, nutmeg, orange, palmarosa, patchouly, sandalwood, spruce, ylang ylang. Best way to restore tone in a body that is run-down is to apply oils by massage when possible. Baths are next in effectiveness to massage if it is not possible, or when used between massages.
  • Heart: Lavender, thyme.
  • Nerve: Carrot, Clary sage, melaleuca, ravensara, thyme.
  • Skin: Lemon, lime, spearmint, spikenard.
  • Stomach: Tangerine.
  • Uterine: Jasmine, thyme.

Tonsillitis: See STREP THROAT. Bergamot, clove, goldenrod, ginger, lavender, lemon (gargle), melaleuca, Roman chamomile. Apply on throat, lungs, and Vita Flex points.

Toothache: See TEETH.

Toxemia: Cypress.

Toxins: Fennel, fir, hyssop (opens respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucus), lemongrass (helps increase lymphatic circulation for enhanced toxin removal), patchouly (digests toxic wastes).

Transition in Life: Basil, cypress.

Trauma: See SHOCK.

Travel Sickness: See MOTION SICKNESS.

Tuberculosis (T.B.): Cajeput, cedarwood, cypress, Eucalyptus radiata, lemon, myrtle, peppermint, rosemary verbenon, sandalwood, thyme linalol.

Tumors: See CANCER.

Typhoid: See ANTI-BACTERIAL. Cinnamon bark, lemon, mountain savory, peppermint, ravensara. Diffuse or dilute with vegetable or massage oil and apply over intestines and on intestine Vita Flex points on the feet.


UlcersUnwindUpliftingUreterUrinary TractUterus

Ulcers: Bergamot, cinnamon bark, clove, elemi, frankincense, geranium, German chamomile, lemon, myrrh, oregano, rose, thyme, vetiver. Add one drop of oil to rice or almond milk and take as dietary supplement. May also be applied over stomach by hot compress.

Unwind: See MASSAGE. Lavender. Diffuse, rub between hands and inhale deeply, or combine with vegetable or massage oil for massage.

Uplifting: Bergamot, birch, fir (emotionally uplifting), grapefruit, helichrysum, Idaho balsam fir, Idaho tansy, jasmine, lavender, myrrh, orange, ravensara, spruce, tsuga, wintergreen. Diffuse or wear as perfume or cologne.

Ureter (Infections): See BLADDER: INFECTION or KIDNEYS: INFECTION. Lemon, myrtle.

Urinary Tract: Bergamot, lavender, ledum, melaleuca (Tea Tree), pine (antiseptic), sage, sandalwood, rosemary, tarragon, thyme (infection).

  • General: Bergamot, eucalyptus (general stimulant).
  • Infection: See BLADDER INFECTION. Bergamot, cajeput, cedarwood, geranium, hyssop, juniper, lemongrass, onycha, tarragon. Apply 2-3 drops of oil directly over bladder. May also apply a hot compress.
  • Stones In: Fennel, geranium. Apply oils over pubic area and lower back with hot compress. Drink lots of water.
  • Support: Cypress, geranium, goldenrod, juniper, laurel, melaleuca.

Uterus: Cedarwood, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lemon, myrrh.


VaginalVaricose UlcersVaricose VeinsVascular SystemVasodilatorVeinsVertigoViral DiseaseViruses,VisualizationVital CentersVitiligoVoiceVomiting


  • Candida (thrush): Bergamot, lavender, laurel, melaleuca, myrrh, rosemary, spikenard, thyme.
  • Infection: Cinnamon bark (be extremely careful; dilute well), Clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus, hyssop, juniper, lavender, laurel, melaleuca, myrrh, mountain savory, oregano, rosemary, rosewood, sage, thyme.
  • Inflammation: Eucalyptus, lavender, melaleuca, yarrow.
  • Vaginitis: Cinnamon bark (be extremely careful; dilute well), Eucalyptus radiata, rosemary, rosewood.

Varicose Ulcers: Eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, melaleuca (Tea Tree), thyme.

Varicose Veins: Basil, bergamot, cypress (as bath oil), geranium, helichrysum (especially during pregnancy), Idaho tansy (helps weak veins), juniper, lavender, lemon (tonic for circulatory system), lemongrass, orange, peppermint, rosemary, spikenard, tangerine, yarrow.

Vascular System: Cypress, frankincense, helichrysum, lemongrass (strengthens vascular walls). Apply as a full body massage, over heart, and on bottom of feet.

Vasodilator: See BLOOD. Lemongrass, marjoram.



Viral Disease: Cinnamon bark.

Viruses: Bergamot, cypress, Eucalyptus radiata, lavender, Melaleuca quinquenervia (viral and fungal infection), oregano, ravensara (viral infection), rosemary.

Visualization: Helichrysum. Diffuse or wear as perfume or cologne.

Vital Centers: Oregano and sage may strengthen the vital centers of the body.

Vitiligo: Frankincense, myrrh, sage, sandalwood, vetiver. Apply behind ears and to back of neck. Then rub hands together, cup over nose and mouth, and breath deeply. Can also be applied to Vita Flex points relating to the pineal and pituitary glands on the feet and hands.

Voice (hoarse): Bergamot, jasmine.

Vomiting: See NAUSEA. Fennel, nutmeg, peppermint (aromatic).


WartsWasteWater DistillationWater PurificationWater RetentionWeaknessWealthWeightWell Being,WhiplashWhooping CoughWithdrawalWorkaholicWormsWorryWoundsWrinkles

Warming: Cinnamon bark, onycha (benzoin), oregano, thyme.

Warts: Cinnamon bark, colloidal silver, clove, cypress, frankincense (excellent for more stubborn warts), jasmine, lavender, lemon (may dilute in 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar), oregano. Dilute 1-2 drops of oil in a few drops of vegetable oil and apply on location.

Waste (eliminating): Lavender (through the lymphatic system).

Water Distillation: Add 3-5 drops of your favorite oil to the post-filter on your distiller. The oils will help increase the oxygen and frequency of the water. Try lemon and peppermint.

Water Purification: Lemon, orange.


Weakness: Thyme (physical).

Wealth: Bergamot, cinnamon bark (aromatic; attracts), ginger (money), patchouly (money).

Weight: See HORMONAL IMBALANCE, pH IMBALANCE. Proper exercise is absolutely important. Blend: Mix 5 drops lemon and 5 drops grapefruit in one gallon of water and drink throughout the day.

Well Being: Idaho tansy, rose.

Whiplash: See TRAUMA, SHOCK. Basil, birch (bones), helichrysum (bruising), hyssop (inflammation), juniper, lemongrass (strained ligaments), marjoram (muscles), Roman chamomile, spruce, wintergreen (bones).

Whooping Cough: See CHILDHOOD DISEASES. Cinnamon bark, Clary sage, cypress, grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, oregano. Apply on chest, throat, and Vita Flex points. Use a hot compress for deeper penetration.

Withdrawal: See ADDICTIONS.

Workaholic: Basil, geranium, lavender, marjoram. Rub a couple drops between hands, cup over nose and mouth and breathe deeply. Can also be diffused.

Worms: See RINGWORM or PARASITES. Bergamot, lavender, melaleuca, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, verbenon, thyme. For intestinal worms, apply a few drops over abdomen with a hot compress or add to vegetable oil (1/2 to 1 oz.) and use as a retention enema for 15 minutes or more. Can also apply on intestine and colon Vita Flex points on the feet.

Worry: Bergamot. Diffuse.

Wounds: Bergamot, cajeput, clove (infected wounds), cypress, elemi (infected), eucalyptus, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, juniper, lavender (combine with any of these other oils), melaleuca (Tea Tree), myrrh, onycha (benzoin), peppermint (when wound has closed, will sooth, cool, and reduce inflammation), Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, rosewood, thyme, tsuga. For children, use lavender and/or Roman chamomile.

Wrinkles: Carrot, cistus, Clary sage, cypress, elemi, fennel, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, myrrh, neroli, orange, oregano, patchouly, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spikenard, thyme, ylang ylang.



YeastYin and YangYoga

Yeast: See CANDIDA.

Yin and Yang: Ylang ylang (balances).

Yoga: Cedarwood, sandalwood, spruce, tsuga.


Zest (for life)

Zest (for life): Nutmeg: Diffuse.


Guest Post ; Abundant Health, LLC

 This information has been designed to help educate the reader in regard to the subject matter covered. This information is provided with the understanding that the publisher, the authors, and Abundant Health, LLC are not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body. The authors, publisher, and Abundant Health LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this information. The information presented is in no way inteded as a substitute for medical counseling. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a qualified health care professional.

Geranium Essential Oil - Balance Hormones & Aromatherapy Use

Want to learn about Essential Oils? Want to know how to use them and what to use them for?

Kasia oils goes through GC/MS certifications, which allows us to guarantee that we are providing you with the highest quality essential oils available.

The best thing about Geranium essential oil is that it can be used for so many things, and suits everyone. Women in particular will love Geranium for its beauty-enhancing and balancing properties.


Geranium Essential Oil = Uses In Aromatherapy

The oil possesses potent astringent, antiseptic, antifungal and diuretic properties, which makes it an effective remedy for urinary tract infections, sore throat, oral ulcers and yeast infections.

Geranium’s most common and widespread use is in the realm of skin care and grooming. It can nourish dry skin, relieve itchy scalp conditions and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Many people like to use Geranium essential oil as a room freshener because of its delightful fragrance.

Geranium is both analgesic and antispasmodic.  It can provide relief from nerve disorders such as neuralgia and rheumatic arthritis.  It is also helpful in treating chronic anxiety and nervousness.

A natural phlebotonic, Geranium can also relieve haemorrohoids, varicose veins and excessive menstrual bleeding. Its effects on infertility and menopausal symptoms make it a particularly useful oil for women.

Geranium  Essential Oil = Weight Loss, Cellulite And Water Retention

A natural diuretic, Geranium essential oil stimulates the lymphatic system and aids elimination of excess water from the body.  It is  helpful in minimizing cellulite and edema of the ankles.

Geranium Essential Oil = Skin Care

Geranium oil has excellent cytophylactic and hemostatic properties which speed up the healing of wounds, burns and bruises.

As an effective anti-inflammatory, Geranium has also found use in the management of eczema, psoriasis and acne. The oil is specifically recommended for dry, oily or combination skin because of its astringent properties. It balances the production of serum and helps prevent skin breakouts.

Geranium Essential Oil = Inner Peace And Happiness

Geranium oil has a regulating effect on the nervous system and can help dispel depression, nervous anxiety and fear. Its scent is positive and uplifting, which instantly calms the mind and restores emotional balance. This is why it is indicated for both acute and chronic anxiety. Workaholic people who have lost touch with their inner self will find this oil very useful as it stabilizes the mind and enhances sensory perception and imagination.

Geranium Essential Oil For Hormonal Balance

Geranium oil is a tonic for the adrenal cortex which regulates the release of hormones. The oil helps maintain hormonal balance specifically in cases of puberty, premenstrual phases, menopause, sterility and menstrual irregularities.  It also provides relief from symptoms of PMS such as fluid retention and breast engorgement.

As a supporter of the adrenal system, it is especially helpful in managing chronic exhaustion and fatigue. Since hormones have a direct effect on our moods, Geranium can effectively combat depression, nervousness and weariness which are usually symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

How To Use Geranium Essential Oil

Since Geranium oil is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, it can be used by anyone.  You can choose just about any therapeutic method to enjoy the benefits of Geranium, including diffusers, bath, compresses, direct inhalation and massage.  Here are some recipes to try:

  • For instant relief from depression, anxiety, exhaustion or moodiness, add 5 drops each of  Geranium and Bergamot oil to your bath water. This recipe is also great for PMS.
  • For a restorative, balancing massage, combine 2 drops each of Geranium, Lavender and Rose essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.

kasia_0003_HIGH1-200x300Harmonize Rose and Geranium So-Lux Body Oil

Bliss out with our incredibly rich yet lightweight, 100% natural So-Lux Beauty Oil. Infused with Vitamin E, pure essential oils and grape seed, arnica, safflower, jojoba and avocado oils, its quick-absorb formula is moisturizing and therapeutic to leave skin soft and supple.

Kasia Geranium Pure Essential Oil

A highly effective essential oil known to be relaxing during times of stress, while helping to relieve pre-menstrual symptoms.  All Skin Types, especially oil-prone complexions.

 Visit Kasia Salon for Geranium Inspiration Today!

Use Essential Oils to Ease the Back to School Transition


We  LOVE our mama's that frequent Kasia.  For many, the end is summer that is. We understand that as we approach the end of summer, this time of the year is particularly challenging as families re-assess their regimented routines.  Schedules are crazy, last minute vacations, finances, and trying to force some last days of sun and "relaxation."

 Something you may not have thought about in your “back to school” routine is adding aromatherapy!  This can be very helpful in dealing with  transition.  The following oils can be used for you or your child!


Create a Calming Environment

When children sleep well, they are emotionally and cognitivally better prepared to face the day ahead.  It is common for kids to feel fidgety and anxious. Establish a calming environment for them with  Lavender , which will help them wind down and get some restful sleep. You may also try a bedtime bath routine by adding 6 drops Of Lavender or Cederwood to a cup of sea salt and mixing this in the bath water.


Concentration and Focus

After having a fun time throughout the vacations, children may find it difficult to focus on studies and homework.  Peppermint and Rosemary are some oils that are known to stimulate the mind, strengthen memory and enhance concentration.

Prepare for the Day

Getting up early in the morning is probably the worst part about going back to school. If your child dragging to the breakfast table, help them perk up with Peppermint or Lemongrass.  These  oilsstimulate the mind while helping stay bright and alert throughout the day.

Boost Their Immunity

Back-to-school time is often associated with colds and other infections triggered by the change in routine and a new physical environment with germs. You can help your child stay healthy by asking them to place a washcloth with 2 drops of our Lavendaire Blend on their chest while taking a hot shower.   


A Positive Outlook and Frame Of Mind

Stress, anxiety and nervousness are all part of student and/or teenagers life.  If you or your child are undergoing bouts of restlessness or hyperactivity,  calm down with Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lemonlift, and Sweet Orange.   These are fresh scents that can help relieve feelings of depression, fear and anger, and can help make the transition easier.

All of these oils are great to use with Jojoba Oil for a massage for your child.   When giving your child a relaxing aromatherapy massage - it allows a way for you both to bond and relax.


All Oils Mentioned in this article are available at Kasia Organic Salon.  We source only the best - Organic, Certified, Pure...... 

Summer DIY Love and Care for your Feet


Did you know? Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 19 muscles, and 107 ligaments.  As my feet age every year, they let me know it!   As a vivid runner and a hairstylist, I am constantly on my feet. I used to be able to get by with a flat pair of flip flops from the local Target - but that day is NO MORE!    I have become smarter in what I purchase for quality  shoes or sandels, knowing I have many more years to go in a career that I love so dear!

images-1 DIY and self care tips for putting your best foot forward:


Warm Water Soak

To provide at-home TLC, try one of these warm water soaks!

Option: Add Epsom or sea salts (natural exfoliators) to relax the feet and soften rough, dry patches of skin.

Option: Add  2 cups of pure  pineapple juice to a foot soak. Enzymes from the bromelain naturally sloughs off dry skin.

Option:  shower or bathe to soften skin, then scrub calloused areas with a mixture of 1 tablespoon sea salt and 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil. A pumice stone and gentle body wash also work. Rinse, towel off, moisturize, then don fluffy organic cotton socks. 

Foot Massage

Massage encourages better blood flow, and it just plain feels good. When you release tension in your feet, your mind-body physiology follows. Use a small amount of pure jojoba oil with a few drops of  sessional oils.

Suggestions Oils:    Lemongrass, lavender, patchouli, or tea tree essential oil.  All possess potent anti-bacterial effects. Distribute the oil or lotion through the hands and rub onto the soles, then massage the rest of the feet with small strokes. Put on cotton socks, and it’s time for bed!


Let Your Feet Breathe

Our feet can perspire through about 250,000 sweat glands and up to 8 ounces of sweat a day.

**Don’t use harsh products that attempt to block foot perspiration — it’s your body’s way of eliminating toxins.

Take a footbath using essential oils with toning, astringent, and antiseptic properties. Oil options like eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, rosemary, and tea tree are great. Add 2 to 6 drops to warm water. The toning properties firm foot skin tissue, reducing the amount of oil and perspiration excreted. The antiseptic quality helps with potential odor.

 Keep the Blood Flowing

It’s quite a ways from your heart to the toes. For healthy, comfortable feet, it’s important to encourage blood flow. Massage and exercise play important roles, as do well-fitting shoes!

As noted earlier, don’t forfeit comfort for style or you may walk a painful path, possibly filled with bunions, calluses, plantar fasciitis, deformSummer is ed toes, and various other potential long term issues. 

Get a Pedi! 

Nothing is better than a relaxing pedicure -- allowing someone else to do the "labor."  Receive a Natural Pedicure at Kasia Organic Salon TODAY!  Learn more about our services and top of the market  non-toxic nail polishes.   


Acquarella’s Non-toxic Polishes

Hydrates Nail and Tissue – Promotes healthy growth
 Hydration of the nail is an indirect, qualitative look at the following properties of the nail: color, strength, flexibility, and growth rate. Normally, strength is inversely proportional to flexibility with use of conventional products.

Since Acquarella contains water and allows the nail to “breathe”, it creates a permeable environment where the nail can exhibit both qualities. We assert that consumers will see a change in their bare nails with pro- longed, repeated use.

This visible trail of evidence will allow you to see the nail turn from a state of discoloration to an ultimately clearer state (a natural French manicure). This will require a long-term observation. Over the course of months, newer healthy nail will re- place old, chemically damaged or stained nail structure and will be visibly different than nail closer to the cuticle.

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Screen Shot 2013-06-18 at 8.08.56 AM

Contact Kasia Organic Salon to book your summer lovin' pedi today!  612.824.7611

Beautiful Health Tip: Broad Spectrum Preservatives to Avoid

By being personally involved in the birthing of many Kasia Organic creations,  I know first hand how difficult it is to choose a preservative that is both safe for prolonged usage and effective as a broad spectrum.  At Kasia we use ingredients that are safe for our guests health.  The newest technology on the market has proven that HIGH antioxidant blends truly do sustain the longevity of natural and organic blends. images-9

By design, preservatives must be effective at killing cells. Unfortunately, this is also what creates the potential health hazards that concern both consumers and consciencious manufacturers.  Every preservation system currently available carries with it some degree of risk.  The evidence against some is quite compelling and these should be avoided whenever possible.  However, many preservatives - while still imperfect - have the potential to protect us from the consequences of product contamination without creating unnecessary or unreasonable health risks.

Women + Xenoestrogens Connection In the 1990s, parabens were deemed xenoestrogens―agents that mimic estrogen in the body. “Estrogen disruption” has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. And in 2004 British cancer researcher Philippa Darbre, Ph.D., found parabens present in malignant breast tumors. As a result, experts in many countries are recommending limits on paraben levels in cosmetic products. What’s more, watchdog organizations worry that if parabens can be stored in the body, over time they could have a cumulative effect and pose a health risk.

The most common broad-spectrum preservatives to avoid:

  • Parabens
  • Formaldehyde Donors
  • Phenol Derivatives
  • Ethylene Oxide Derivatives
  • Alcohols
  • Isothiazolones
  • Glycols
  • Acids

It may require some investigating to identify which ingredients listed on a label represent the preservation system.

Kasia-logo_roundJPGKasia Natural and Organic Products include the following leading preservative ingredients:

Antioxidants: Antioxidants slow or prevent the oxidation of other molecules. While antioxidants are only minimally effective at protecting against microorganisms, they can substantially reduce the potential for rancidity of oils, thereby slowing contamination of oil-based formulations.

Vitamins: Vitamin A (retinol), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and Vitamin E (tocopherol) are all recognized as having varying degrees of anti-microbial properties.

Citric Acid: Citric acid has both antioxidant and preservative properties and can play an effective role as part of a preservative system for cosmetics.

Essential Oils: Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Sage and Sandalwood essential oils are among the most well known plant oils used for their anti-microbial properties.  They must typically be used with other preservatives as the concentration required to fully protect a product would likely exceed the recommendations for safe usage.

Extracts: The three most commonly used extracts related to cosmetic preservation are Rosemary Oil Extract, Honeysuckle Flower Extract and Grapefruit Seed Extract.  Read more about why they are effective and to what degree they protect formulations from contamination.


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