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How Hidden Mold Can Cause Behind Hair Loss, Fatigue, Insomnia and more. [Ultimate Guide + Tips]

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MOLD can make you CRAZY LAZY and HAZY!

But have you thought about hair loss?

If you or someone you love has been struggling with the challenging and often life-altering side effects that come with toxic mold exposure, you know the journey to recovery can be long and tedious.

Some of you may know that I was affected by hidden mold in my ORGANIC salon for over 6 years, and nearly lost my life.

I’ve also witnessed many clients go through this same story - hidden mold, later to be discovered - and delayed severe health conditions to recover from. I’ve seen this through immune deficiencies, skin rashes to hair loss.

Toxic Mold Exposure: Cause Of Health Symptoms

Toxic mold exposure can cause health symptoms, including hair loss.

First, toxic mold exposure is a hidden cause of many health symptoms, including hair loss.

Second, there can be many factors behind the loss of hair you are experiencing. To find solutions, it is important to get informed and to explore all of the possible reasons behind your hair loss.

To go on, many different types of mold can be found inside and outside of the home. Besides, different variations of mold have a different effect on the body.

Mold produces spores.

These spores are released into the air and they float and make their way around your home. Moreover, the reason it is dangerous for us is that we inadvertently inhale those small spores.

When mold spores enter the body, they trigger an allergic reaction.

As a response to allergens, the human body releases histamines.

>>>>> The goal of histamines is to protect the body from intrusions.

However, histamine release leads to inflammation within the body.

>>>>> Ultimately, this swelling disrupts blood flow within your capillaries, which causes mal-oxygenation of the hair.

All in all, when your hair does not get the oxygen it needs, it is not adequately nourished.

Without the nutrition that it needs, hair becomes brittle and weak, and ultimately it will begin to fall out.

What is mold?

Further, mold is typically found in warm, moist environments. You will find it inside and outside your home. In humid conditions, mold can grow at an extremely rapid rate. It can also become tough to destroy in a wet environment that encourages the growth of mold.

The molds that you must be most cautious of are those that emit mycotoxins. This type of poison can do a lot of damage to your body and your overall health. Black mold is an example of a mold that releases mycotoxins.

What Is Black Mold?

You may have already heard of black mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum). It is black in color and quite easy to identify. At times, it can have a grey/green look to it. You will usually find it growing in warm, moist sections of the home. It likes to grow on surfaces like wood, board, paper, and lint.

Aside from its distinct color, black mold has a distinct odor to it as well. An inspector or someone experienced with mold will recognize the smell right away. Most people describe this smell as being musty.

If you live in a climate that is naturally warm and moist or your home is warm and humid. Mould and its harmful effects are something you should know about and keep an eye open for.

If you are exposed to an environment that is moist and warm, and you are also experiencing hair loss, it is important to consider the possibility that black mold might cause your hair loss.

When you inspect your home for mold, pay special attention to areas of the house that are typically damp. Mould is most often found in places like the bathroom, basement, and also crawlspaces that you rarely enter.

The effect that black mold has on your health and your overall wellness system will very much depend on how long you have been breathing it in. Long-term exposure can lead to increasingly severe health problems.

Treatment for Hair Loss Caused by Mold

Be sure to address any problems with mold in your house as quickly as possible. Typically, symptoms will remain until you are no longer exposed to black mold, but it can be necessary for certain people to detox from mold. This can be done through certain herbs, enzymes, etc. There are DR specialized in the sick-building-syndrome.

What is the best way to remove mold from your home? First, carefully search your entire home for mold. You can take this a step further by contracting a mold testing service.

If mold is found in your home, removing it is a matter of urgency. Be sure to use a HEPA vac in your home on a regular basis. This will reduce mold spore and thus improve your allergies.

Will Hair Grow Back?

f you have experienced hair loss, be encouraged by the fact that this is a condition that can be reversed. More than likely regrowth will be slow, but it will come. The key is to make sure that you are no longer exposed to mold or its spores.

The reason that your hair can regrow after hair loss from mold exposure is that your hair follicles have not died. They are in a dormant state. Once you are no longer exposed to mold, those hair follicles can reactivate and function again.

Symptoms of Exposure to Black Mold

If you live in the moist conditions described above and you recognize the symptoms below, it is important to inspect your home for mold fully:

Chronic coughing

Chronic fatigue

Eye irritation


Mucous membrane irritation (mouth, nose, and throat)


Black mold is a serious problem that should be dealt with as soon as you become aware that there is a problem. Its impact on your health can be troublesome, and this only becomes worse the longer you

Hair Loss from Fungal Infections

Another reason that you could be losing your hair is from fungal infections that are similar to mold.

Fungus causes an infection of the skin’s outer layer.

When you have an infection from a fungal infection, it looks different from hair loss from mold allergies.

Fungal infections create hair loss that is patchy. You will first see a pimple on the scalp, which later turns red. The hair falls out, and the area becomes itchy and flaky. You may also experience inflammation of the skin, and your skin could also peel or become scaly.

Fungal infections spread very easily among individuals. Anyone with a weak immune system has a higher risk of becoming infected. Fungal infections are also often the reason behind hair loss in children.

Other Allergies Cause Hair Loss

Mold is not the only thing that can cause hair loss.

Anything that causes an allergic reaction in your system for too long a period can lead to loss of hair.

Everyday things found in every home can result in allergic reactions. Things like pet dander, dust mites, and their excretion, and even certain biological enzymes in laundry detergent.

Low-Mold Diet Tips

A low mold diet is designed to support your body in healing from mold illness in three ways:

It prevents mycotoxins from accumulating in your body by limiting your exposure to potentially contaminated food sources.

It focuses on restoring nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that are caused by mold exposure.

It boosts your body’s immune function and ability to repair itself by minimizing inflammatory foods that suppress your immune system.

It reduces exposure to refined carbohydrates that feed candida and yeast.

What Foods Should I Avoid on the Low-Mold Diet?

When it comes to following a low-mold diet, you’ll want to strictly avoid foods that are chock-full of sugars and additives. These fuel fungal growth and could exacerbate your symptoms.

You’ll also want to avoid foods that are notorious for being contaminated with mold.

To make it simple, I like to break these down into the following three categories:

Sugar-Laden Foods

Sugars are one of the primary sources of fuel for candida or mold. Sugar, in particular, can be sneaky because it can go by many different names and may be hidden in places you wouldn’t expect – even in foods you might consider “healthy”.

When following the low-mold diet, you should avoid:

  • Table sugar

  • Glucose

  • Lactose

  • Fructose

  • Mannitol

  • Sorbitol

  • Honey

  • Maple syrup

  • Molasses

  • Candy

  • Baked goods

Certain fruits also have a notoriously high sugar content and should be avoided when detoxing from mold.

These include:

  • Pineapples

  • Mangoes

  • Bananas

  • Melons

  • Oranges

  • Grapes

  • Dried fruits and fruit juices

While sugar is typically the biggest dietary culprit that contributes to fungal growth, fast-absorbing carbohydrates and man-made additives can also promote mold growth – which leads us to our next category of foods to avoid.

Packaged and Processed Foods

Processed and pre-packaged foods almost always contain sugars, simple carbs, and/or additives that will fuel fungal growth in the body.

You’ll want to stay away from:

Canned foods: Baked beans, soups, ready-made sauces

Pre-packaged meals: Ready-made meals, breakfast cereals, frozen foods

Processed drinks: Soft drinks, fruit juices, flavored water, energy drinks

Bottled condiments: Vinegar, mayonnaise, pickles, soy sauce, mustard, relish

Try getting in the habit of reading the ingredient list of any product before you buy it. If it has more than five ingredients or is full of things you don’t recognize – it’s probably best to avoid it while on the low-mold diet.

Mold and Yeast Containing Foods

Some examples are:

Cheese and sour milk products: Buttermilk, sour cream, cream cheese, aged cheese

Nuts: Peanuts, cashews, walnuts, Brazil nuts

Dried fruit: Raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, dates, etc.

Grains: Wheat, rice, oats

Packaged and smoked meats: Sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami, smoked fish, ham, bacon

Edible fungi: Mushrooms, truffles

Alcoholic beverages: Beer, wine, cider, liqueur, whiskey, gin, rum, tequila, etc.

Fermented foods should be avoiding in those with histamine intolerance

While this list may seem restrictive, the good news is, there are still plenty of delicious foods allowed on the low-mold diet.

Foods Are Allowed on the Low-Mold Diet

Foods to Eat in Moderation:

Foods you can incorporate into the low-mold diet in moderation include:

Gluten-free grains: Brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, teff, certified gluten-free oats

Starchy vegetables and legumes: Sweet corn, potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, sweet potatoes, squashes, turnips, parsnips

Low-sugar fruits: Berries, apples, pears, peaches, avocadoes

It’s ok to incorporate these foods into your diet on occasion, but try building the majority of your meals around the foods in the next category.

Foods to Eat Freely:

When it comes to the food you consume while following a low-mold diet, quality matters – a lot! When purchasing meat, opt for organic, pasture-raised, and grass-fed options.

When it comes to fish and seafood, wild-caught is always a superior option. And when it comes to any kind of produce, always look for organic.

Foods to indulge in as much as you’d like while on a low-mold diet:

Poultry (pasture-raised, organic only): Chicken, eggs, turkey, quail, pheasant

Fish (wild-caught only): Salmon, tuna, anchovy, sardines, flounder, catfish, caviar

Other meats (grass-fed only): Beef, goat, lamb, buffalo, wild game, rabbit

Raw nuts and seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, sesame seeds

Leafy greens: Romaine, kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, green and red cabbage

Root vegetables: Carrots, onions, radishes, garlic

Gourd vegetables: pumpkins, squash, eggplants, zucchini

Other vegetables: Cucumbers, brussel sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers

Spices: Pure vanilla, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, pink Himalayan salt, wasabi, horseradish

Herbs: Parsley, cilantro, basil, chives, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon, etc.

Healthy fats: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, ghee, organic butter

Beverages: Filtered water, mineral water, non-fruity herbal teas, fresh vegetable juice

Building your meals around these nutrient-dense, whole foods will equip your body with the nutrients it needs to properly heal and detox.

Mold and Cravings

  • The simpler the carbs, the better. But mould would really prefer you go straight for the sugar.

  • People on long-term steroid medication, mold in the gut becomes a dense biofilm.

  • This biofilm hosts the gut fungus candida - which steals the nutrients for itself, leaving our intestine deprived.

  • Mold sufferers are craving these carbs and sugars because the candida is stealing it!

Getting Rid of Moldy Foods

If you’ve been suffering from the symptoms of toxic mold exposure, chances are you’re chomping at the bit to implement strategies to help alleviate your symptoms. But before you head to the fridge or grocery store and start whipping up a meal, it’s important to assess any food you’re planning on using.

Are There Any Other Ways to Enhance Mold Detoxification?

When you’re fighting mold illness, the symptoms can feel overwhelming and your recovery time may or may not be quick. On top of following the low-mold diet, you can enhance your detoxification and significantly cut your recovery time down by using the following strategies.

Use Detox Binders:

Detox binders are designed to “bind” to toxins in your body so they can be safely eliminated.

The most effective detox binders that I recommend include:

  • Activated Charcoal

  • Upgraded Coconut Charcoal

  • Binders

  • G.I. Detox

Supplements that aid in facilitating detoxification:

  • Glutathione

  • Milk Thistle Extract

  • R-Lipoic Acid

  • Quercetin

  • N-Acetylcysteine

Ways to Prevent Mould From Growing in Your House

Mould can grow on a surface when moisture is there for 24-48 hours. To prevent that from manifesting:

Do not leave wet towels or swimmers on a wooden surface like a wooden chair, wooden tablet, window sill etc.

Clean up right after a spill on wood.

Use the kitchen fan on.

When having a hot (steamy) shower, use the exhaust fan.

Use a dehumidifier on the lower levels of your house and monitor your humidity.

Don’t have cupboard boxes on the floor in store rooms.

Don’t store your possession under your bed. Let there be a free flow underneath.

When building storage units, put it on stilts so there is space underneath.

Build with bricks, not sticks (wood).

Get an air filter. Or use your lungs. However, one you can change, and the other you can’t. Change the filter regularly.

“Dust with gusto” - dust your house.

Dust - one of the easiest ways to feed mold.

How Long Does It Take to Get Mold Out of Your System?

The answer to that question is – it depends. Exactly how long it’ll take you to recover from mold illness depends on three main factors:

1. Length of Exposure:

This is the single greatest factor in determining how long it will take for mold to get out of your system. If you’ve been exposed for long periods of time, such as years, you’re likely to have mold buildup in your body.

Typically, the longer the exposure, the longer the recovery time. This is why removing any sources of mold exposure is the very first step in recovering from mold illness. If you fail to remove the sources of mold exposure – whether environmental or through the foods you eat – you may never be able to fully heal.

2. Type of Exposure:

Nearly 90% of all molds don’t affect the majority of the population due to them being nonpoisonous. But for those with fungal allergies, even these “harmless” molds can cause big problems.

And, if you have fungal allergies and you’re unlucky enough to be exposed to the 10% of poisonous molds – your recovery is expected to take longer than most. This is thanks to the toxic metabolites produced by poisonous molds known as mycotoxins. These mycotoxins can accumulate in your body and cause damage over time.


To learn more about mold, make sure to check out the Awaken Beauty Podcast Episode with Dr Jill where you can dive deep into how you can further protect yourself from mold!


Dr Jill Crista

Dr. Crista’s Website, Instagram & Facebook

Dr. Crista’s Book – Break the Mold

Take the Mold Quiz HERE

Dr Jill Carnihan/Sandra Bloom Article Reference

Testing for Mold

  • Urine test for mycotoxins. Mycotoxins that leave the body. But not for all as some people have impaired detox symptoms they can’t get these toxins transported to the urine.  - Reduces foods high in mycotoxins before doing this test.

    • such as the Great Plains MycoTOX profile and Vibrant Wellness both use good technology.

    • Since sick patients may have their mycotoxins sitting in their cells and not being eliminated, do not take glutathione or binders for 48 hours before the test, so the test shows true levels.

    • Blood tests - including Immune globulin reaction to candida albicans for candida overgrowth.

  • Shoe maker eye test.

  • Stool - can check for fungal overgrowth in the gut, which means fungus burdening all over the body. Don’t take probiotics before this test.

  • organic acid - Great Plains -

  • Natural Killer Cell function test - how active they are. below 7 = deeply affected.

  • MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staph) and the sample should be sent to Microbiology DX in Massachusetts. - For CIRS. Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

🧠 6 Ways Stress Accelerates Aging and What to do About It

We all know that Stress can have a detrimental impact on mental health.

Today we’re going to crack open how stress effects our health, and how this then roll’s over into our outer beauty. Essentially, how it accelerates aging, where - and how.  

Long term stress can eventually become chronic stress, which leads to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and frequent fatigue.

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can cause you to have negative feelings towards all aspects of life.  

Losing interest in things you used to enjoy, feelings of hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts are common symptoms of depression, but it can affect people differently.



Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, which is essential to keeping us healthy!  

The stress hormone, corticosteroid, suppress the immune function so that our infection-fighting white blood cells are less able to battle the antigens that enter our body.  

So, you may notice in particularly stressful times that you’re more prone to getting a sniffly nose or adrenal fatigue.

The body’s response to stress increases your heart rate. The stress hormone, adrenaline, that’s triggered by the natural “fight or flight” response, causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to increase. So, constant stress puts your internal self into overload – this is said to severely heighten your chance of cardiovascular disease, the leading killer of Americans.

High levels of stress are known to have damaging effects on your skin and hair, too!  




There are a few reasons why you might notice breakouts on your skin, whether that be in the form of acne, psoriasis or eczema. The release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, throws your other hormones off balance, causing imperfections to appear on the skin. Stress can also affect your gut, by outweighing the good and bad bacteria that sits in it. Uneven bacteria in the gut can cause rashes and hives, as well as unwanted pimples.

There’s the added factor of diet when you’re experiencing stress. When working long hours, it’s not uncommon for you to choose quick and easy food, as well as energy drinks or coffee to keep you going. These dietary choices can show up as pimples and blemishes on the skin, and exacerbate existing skin conditions.


Under-eye bags are far from ideal – they make you look tired and ill, and there’s only so much concealer you can cover them with. When you’re experiencing stress or burnout, there’s a high chance that you’re lacking the sleep you need, which in turn makes you feel more stressed. Sleep deprivation results in higher levels of Cortisol itself, so it antagonizes the body even more!  

Bags under the eyes are caused by the pooling of fluid to the area around the eyes, and the best way to fix them is by getting more sleep and staying hydrated. You can also apply serums, which can improve the appearance of under-eye bags.  

Evoq’s Eye and Lip Cream is proven to encourage the renewal of skin health, reduced inflammation and stagnation and tighten and hydrate the skin so it looks firmer.


When we are stressed, we can actually break the fragile and vulnerable capillaries under your eyes. The blood can leak into the epidermis and become oxidized, which will result in a dark purple hue and a discoloration of the skin, creating the dark circles – giving that tired appearance.

Not only this but when your body is dealing with stress, blood will be distributed to different, more important areas of the body, which doesn’t include the face and skin.  

The more stress your body is under, the more likely you are to look pale and drained as the blood is focused on the organs; making sure they keep working correctly. This, in turn, will make the appearance of dark circles more noticeable against the paler skin.


When we are stressed, our body can react in different ways. We may feel more emotional, lose our appetite, experience mood swings or it can affect our sleep – resulting in difficulty to function throughout the day.  

This is when the fine lines and wrinkles can form as a result of your body choosing to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone has been known to break down collagen in your skin, so the more stressed you are, the more the hormone will attack your skin regeneration, resulting in a few new fine lines and wrinkles.

With lack of sleep, you will begin to show signs of fatigue; Fine lines and wrinkles will appear as the elasticity weakens, with your eyes falling victim first.

Dehydration can be dangerous for your inner organs as well as your skin, which is itself an organ. Hydration is a key factor in the body’s production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin looking bright, youthful  and plump. Without collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are more visible, and skin may start to sag.

Staying hydrated will also keep your skin from looking dry and flaky – you should moisturize on the outside and stay hydrated on the inside to avoid dry skin! Try Evoq’s Ultra hydrating Youth Renew Oil or Pro-Collagen Cream for full-face hydration – taking the time to quiet your mind and  relaxation time you need!


Stress has been linked to hair loss and thinning, but the causes could differ! The same way stress can damage the appearance and feel of your skin, it can also be detrimental to the health of your hair.


There are three stages to the hair growth process: The Anagen stage (growth), the Catagen stage (transition), and the Telogen stage (rest).  

Stress can trigger what’s known as Telogen effluvium, which occurs when the hair growth cycle stops at the Telogen stage, and the follicles don’t grow any new hairs.

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition and is just a temporary disturbance to the cycle. With changes to lifestyle, you can stop it.  

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out at one time.  

It’s often associated with experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period. The cause of it is likely to be a weakened immune system, so once you lower stress levels, the hair will stop falling out and in most cases grow back.

If you are experiencing hair thinning, try the powerful Root Revival Hair Health program.  It’s proven to promote hair growth using actives that strengthens hair and encourages high cell turnover for new hairs to grow.  So powerful, its two times stronger than minoxidil.


Science backs up the saying that stress can make your hair go gray – it’s not just a myth.  

You see, when experiencing high-stress levels, the body struggles to produce a pigment called melanin, which is what keeps your natural color in your hair. When the body is experiencing long term stress, which happens with burnout, the imbalance of hormones can deplete the melanin-producing stem cells, which causes the hair to turn gray.


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Download: Words that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE - for good.


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This is alarming…. You think between 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2500-3,300 thoughts per hour and about 55 thoughts per minute. A thought when repeated over and over becomes a belief. And guess what? Approximately 95% of our thoughts are on repeat, which means the thoughts you subscribe to each and every day are affecting your belief system which are affecting your current reality.

 If you’re desiring a different reality, we have to begin with your thoughts, which is exactly what we’re going to be examining inside of this lesson.

Beliefs are the unconscious rules that govern our thoughts, words, and actions and therefore create the results we experience in our current reality. Essentially, our words create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Why? Well, because your subconscious mind will never make you a liar—it seeks evidence and proof for what it believes to be true. If you say you'll never have money - it believes that you’ll never be able to make the money you desire, it will zone in on instances, experiences, and tangible proof that builds up a case of evidence.

The shift. If you don’t want that to be your truth and you desire to experience a new reality, you need to change your beliefs and the words you repeat - continuously.

Most people spend their entire life on a treadmill of other people’s desires away from their own truth. When you know better, you do better. 

The Power of Language

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Download the guide.

The words we use express our thoughts, feelings and attitude. And our thoughts, feelings, and attitude drive our actions. Words combined with sound (voice) are energy vibrations that affect us physically, mentally and emotionally - they have the inherent capacity to give energy or take energy away.

The subconscious patterns of our everyday language has an impact on subtle levels. Your words can convey underlying messages to your subconscious, evoking physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual implications that create the reality of your life.

Living a Life in Bloom is living in a AWAKE state that brings awareness to the critical voice hidden beneath in patterns you’re unaware of that is like driving his car toward his goal with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake.

Top 6 Lifestyle Rituals to Attain a Healthy Immune System

COVID-19 is busy making the rounds in the world. While the news is scary, the fact is that most people recover. While you’re on lockdown, the temptation is to go into “comfort” mode. Think couch, blanket, cookies, and adult beverages to take the edge off. I get this 1000%. But here’s the thing… your job right now is to keep your immune system in tip-top shape and ready to go if needed. Lifestyle choices play a major role in determining this. Here are a few tips that your body will thank you for:

Break Up with Sugar

Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by forty percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after eating it and may last for five hours. In contrast, eating complex carbohydrates has no effect on the immune system.

Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking a lot of alcohol may take the edge off isolation, but it affects your immune system in two ways. First, it produces an overall nutritional deficiency, depriving the body of valuable immune-boosting nutrients like B vitamins. Second, alcohol, like sugar, can reduce the ability of white cells to kill germs. High doses of alcohol suppress the ability of the white blood cells to multiply, and inhibit the action of killer white cells and macrophages. And if you’re not into biology, just know that all of this is bad. 

One drink (the equivalent of 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of hard liquor) does not appear to affect the immune system, but three or more drinks do. Damage to the immune system increases in proportion to the quantity of alcohol consumed. 

Eat Real Food

Nutrition is a key component of a healthy immune system. Good nutrition is essential to a strong immune system, which may offer protection from seasonal illness and other health problems. No one food or supplement can prevent illness, but including protein, Vitamins A, Bs, C, E, zinc, copper, and selenium will help boost immunity. More about supplements next week.

Get Plenty of Sleep

I see you, perimenopausal friends! And I hear you saying, “If I could sleep, I would.” I understand your frustration, and now is a good time to find out WHY you’re not sleeping and address this.

Many studies have reported numerous benefits of a good night’s sleep. These range from weight loss to better decision making. From an immunity standpoint, there is a lot of science and biology behind this. Let me break it down into a digestible chunk. The fall in stress hormones and inflammatory mediators during sleep allows your T cells (the good guys) to stick to viruses and kill them. 

How to get a better night’s sleep? 

  • Find out if hormone imbalances or high cortisol are part of the picture. 

  • Manage your stress. 

  • Create a bedtime routine that is soothing and lets your body know it’s time to relax. 

  • Keep the same bedtime every day even during isolation.

Get Your Move On… But Not Too Much

Exercise is fabulous for maintaining your mental health. My daily walks are part of what’s keeping ME sane. But there is some evidence that pushing yourself in really hard workouts (especially if you are not used to it) can actually suppress your immune system. Hard, prolonged exercise increases levels of stress hormones, which can then open the door for infections. The key here is to have a balanced training program that includes not only hard exercise but relaxing activities like yoga and meditation.

Wash Your Hands!

I don’t think this really needs to be repeated, but it certainly won’t hurt. Keep washing those hands with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer if you can’t use soap and water… at least 60% alcohol. If you can’t find it at the store, here’s how to make your own.

COVID-19 is serious business and self-care may feel like it’s “extra.” Trust me, it is not. Keeping your immune system in tip-top shape is your best defense against serious illness.

Resource: Garret

How aging accelerates, hows its measured and what you can do about it.

HELLO informed beauty!

Living in a NEW AGE of biohacking, energetic medicine and advanced genetic testing - we are so blessed to have the immense amount of research - solutions and experts we have today to help us feel, look and be are best as we age.

Today, I’m going to geek out and share the latest research on - ACCELERATED aging, hows its measured and what you can do about it.

READY? Let’s jump in.

This article outlines recent research within epigenetic and aging clocks – predictors of biological age based on alterations in a person's DNA methylation profile. 

Methylations are biochemical processes that modify the activity of a DNA segment without changing its sequence. They occur naturally and regulate gene expression to control normal growth and development.  

With age, the methylation state of various DNA sites (often enriched in genes that govern processes like cell death and survival, cellular growth and proliferation, organismal and tissue development, and cancer) may change. These methylation changes are quantifiable and serve as a means to gauge biological age, which is often different from chronological age. 

Put another way, we all know that one person who looks great for their age. Some of these hard-to-quantify qualities we intuitively see in other people (or even ourselves) when it comes to aging often actually correspond with something that can now be quantified and put to a number via epigenetic testing, allowing us to peek behind the DNA curtain at true biological age.

The term "epigenetic clock" is also a collective designation referring to the natural biological mechanisms that drive DNA methylation. 




Epigenetic clocks are predictors of biological age based on alterations in an individual's DNA methylation profile.

 Methylation is a biochemical process that modifies the activity and potential of your DNA without changing its sequence, which occurs naturally and regulates gene expression to control normal growth and development. 

As women age, the methylation state of various genes tends to change and are now a way to help professionals to gauge your epigenetic age (infulenced through lifestyle and stress), which often differs from chronological age.

The term "epigenetic clock" refers to the natural biological process that drives your DNA turnover and rebuilding of cellular health. This individual molecular "footprint" for you also reflects the biological life history of you- as a living organism. 

The information we’ll go over today focuses primarily on predictive epigenetic clocks, with a brief mention of the innate.

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Overview of concepts underpinning epigenetic clocks


Epigenetics is a biological mechanism that regulates gene expression (how and when certain genes are turned on or off). 

I coin this concept as the “80/20” rule.  Your diet, lifestyle, personal care beauty products and environmental exposures is the driver of 80% epigenetic changes throughout an individual's lifespan to influence health and disease. 

For example, epigenetic processes when dysregulated can result in accelerated aging, diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease.[1][2] Scientific evidence suggests that some  genetic changes can be passed from generation to generation, although are mostly influenced by turning “good and bad gene” activity up or down.[3]

Three biochemical processes are thought to drive epigenetic change:

-DNA methylation

-Histone modification

-Non-coding RNA-associated gene silencing.

In conclusion here, the DNA’s ability to fully process through seeing the quality of your methylation, which helps determine the prediction of your biological age via epigenetic clocks.


The topic of methylation is getting its fair share of attention lately, and rightly so. Methylation is a simple biochemical process – it is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another.

When optimal methylation occurs, it has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems, including those relating to:

-DNA production

-Neurotransmitter production


-Histamine metabolism

-Estrogen metabolism

-Eye health

-Fat metabolism

-Cellular energy

-Liver health


The body is a very complex machine, with various gears and switches that need to be all functioning properly to operate optimally. Think of methylation, and the opposite action, demethylation, as the mechanism that allows the gears to turn, and turns biological switches on and off for a host of systems in the body.


CH3 is provided to the body through a universal methyl donor known as SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine). SAMe readily gives away its methyl group to other substances in the body, which enables the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems to perform their functions.

If enough 5-MTHF is present, the methylation cycle will work efficiently.

Folic acid from the diet or supplements must be converted to this active form, 5-MTHF, before it can be used in the body in the methylation cycle.

Unfortunately, approximately 60% of people in the United States have a genetic mutation that makes it challenging for their bodies to create enough 5-MTHF.


In addition to a healthy, whole-food, non-processed food diet, make sure you are eating a lot of these foods:

  • Asparagus

  • Avocado

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Green, leafy vegetables

  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils)

  • Rice

Lifestyle changes include:

  • Engage in regular physical exercise

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

  • Don’t smoke

  • Avoid excessive coffee consumption (not more than five cups daily)


There are seven specific nutrients that can help the methylation cycle achieve optimal performance, even if an individual has a genetic mutation that slows down the methylation cycle.

  1.  5-MTHF (active folate)

  2.  Methylcobalamin (active vitamin B12)

  3.  Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B6)

  4.  Riboflavin 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B2)

  5.  Magnesium

  6.  Betaine (also known as trimethylglycine)

  7.  Vitamin D

Proper methylation influences so many systems in our bodies that it often gets overlooked, which can severely impact how well your body functions. Ask your health-care practitioner for advice if you have any concerns about your CH3 cycle.

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Aging comprises the collective physiological, functional, and mental changes that accrue in a biological organism over time. It is the primary risk factor for many chronic diseases in humans, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and cardiovascular disease. 

Chronological age

An individual's chronological age simply reflects the number of years an individual has been alive. Although scientific milestones correlate that chronological age is an unreliable measure of the aging process.

Epigenetic age

Epigenetic age is based on an individual's DNA methylation health previously discussed. An individual's epigenetic age strongly correlates with their chronological age. However, some exceptions exist. For example, the epigenetic ages of semi-supercentenarians (people who live to be 105 to 109 years old) are markedly younger than their chronological ages.[10]

Biological age

An individual's biological age, sometimes referred to as phenotypic age, provides a measure of the physiological and functional state. It is a calculation of an individual's risk of disease and death compared to individuals of the same chronological age, based on biochemical measures of inflammation and metabolic and immune function.[11]

Age Acceleration   

Age acceleration occurs when an individual's epigenetic age exceeds their chronological age 

and may be the result of either intrinsic or extrinsic factors. 

Intrinsic factors are largely driven by internal physiological and biological factors such as normal metabolism and genetics.

 Extrinsic factors are those associated with lifestyle and environmental exposures, such as diet, chemicals, EMF, UV radiation, and mental health and overall stress.  

 Each is named for the scientist who created the clock or for the clock's output. The most accurate and robust of these clocks are described here.

Research to Determine Real Time Biological Age 

The Hannum clock

Created by Dr. Gregory Hannum, the Hannum clock is a single-tissue calculator of epigenetic age base present in DNA from human blood.[13] 

Use of the Hannum clock also demonstrated that exposure to abuse, financial hardship, or neighborhood disadvantage that occurred around the age of 7.5 years alters methylation patterns, which may influence normal patterns of cellular aging.[15]

Another study investigated the effects of cigarette smoking on aging using the Hannum clock based on methylation findings indicated that not only was smoking associated with accelerated biological aging, but even low levels of exposure elicited strong effects.[16]

The Horvath clocks

The original Horvath epigenetic clock, created by Dr. Steven Horvath, predicts age based on methylation patterns and rates in the DNA of 51 different tissue and cell types.[7]

 The Horvath clock can identify the epigenetic age of a donor with 96 percent accuracy within approximately four years of actual age.[7] Its accuracy extends across multiple tissue types and ages, including children.

Diet and lifestyle factors that influence epigenetic aging

Extrinsic epigenetic aging incorporates factors such as immune cell aging.

Factors associated with slowed intrinsic aging included higher poultry intake, factors associated with slowed extrinsic aging included higher fish intake, higher carotenoid levels (a marker of fruit and vegetable intake), higher education, moderate alcohol consumption, and higher physical activity. 

Factors associated with accelerated intrinsic aging included higher BMI, but metabolic syndrome (which is associated with higher BMI) was linked with both intrinsic and extrinsic accelerated epigenetic aging.[17]

Predicting lifespan and healthspan using a novel epigenetic clock

The recently-identified GrimAge (named creatively for the Grim Reaper) predicts lifespan and healthspan in units of years and tests whether potential lifestyle interventions may slow or reverse biological aging.

DNA methylation PhenoAge: A better predictor of biological age

Dr. Morgan Levine and Dr. Steve Horvath created a multi-tissue clock that calculates an individual's phenotypic age, called DNAm PhenoAge.[11] This clock, sometimes referred to as the "Levine clock," is distinct from other clocks in that it predicts time to death based on DNA methylation as well as biochemical markers of age-related disease, including albumin, creatinine, glucose, C-reactive protein, alkaline phosphatase, and several blood components. Several physiological responses are associated with accelerated phenotypic aging, including increased activation of proinflammatory pathways and decreased DNA repair activities.[11]

The DNAm PhenoAge predicts mortality risk among people of the same chronological age. It was used in a study to estimate the 10-year mortality risk (converted into units of years) in a cohort of people living in the United States (NHANES data), based on nine clinical biomarkers of aging that are highly predictive of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. The findings demonstrated that each one-year increase in DNAm PhenoAge was associated with a 9 percent increase in all-cause mortality, a 10 percent increase in CVD-related mortality, a 7 percent increase in cancer-related mortality, a 20 percent increase in diabetes-related mortality, and a 9 percent increase in chronic lower respiratory disease mortality, even after adjusting for chronological age.

Alcohol, air pollution, and epigenetic aging

One study used the DNAm PhenoAge epigenetic clock to investigate the effects of heavy, chronic alcohol intake on epigenetic age acceleration using clinical biomarkers such as liver function enzymes. 

The study, which estimated DNA methylation age in 331 people with alcohol use disorder, found that the disorder accelerated aging by an average of 2.2 years

Exposure to air pollutants is associated with poor health outcomes and increased risk of disease. A study using the Levine clock to gauge epigenetic age of more than 2,700 white women living in the United States who were exposed to particulate air pollutants found that the women's epigenetic aging was accelerated by as much as six years.[23]

Altering the native epigenetic clock's rate of ticking

In general, the native epigenetic clock's ticking rate across multiple types of tissue from a single individual is fairly consistent. However, the cerebellum tends to age more slowly, while female breast tissue tends to age more quickly.

Interestingly, in vitro evidence suggests that the epigenetic age of adult cells can be reset. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka discovered a group of proteins that can reprogram differentiated (mature) cells into pluripotent stem cells and are physiological hallmarks of aging and prolong lifespan partly by resetting the innate epigenetic clock.[24]

The role of Yamanaka factors was demonstrated in vivo as well, in a mouse model of premature aging in which short-term induction of Yamanaka factors improved markers of aging, including those associated with tumor suppression, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. The same study showed that in older, normal mice, short-term induction of Yamanaka factors mitigated the deleterious effects of pancreatic or muscle injury, which could have implications for age-related metabolic dysfunction or strength losses, respectively.[25]

Epigenetic aging determined by genetic and lifestyle factors

Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to a slower overall clock rate. For example, one study analyzed the DNA methylation levels of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (a type of white blood cell) from semi-supercentenarians and their offspring. The investigators found that the average epigenetic age of the semi-supercentenarians was nearly nine years younger than their chronological age. The epigenetic age of their offspring was approximately five years younger than that of their age-matched controls.[10]

Lifestyle factors and exposures can influence the native ticking rate, as well. For example, an obesogenic diet can increase methylation and the clock's subsequent ticking rate.[26] And, as described above, smoking cigarettes and exposure to particulate air pollutants increases the epigenetic aging rate.[16][23] Some interventions have been identified that may slow the aging rate, however. These measures have been studied for their longevity-enhancing effects and include caloric restriction and administration of rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug.[27]


Epigenetic clocks predict biological age based on molecular markers on an individual's DNA. Several variants of clocks have been identified, and they differ based on the type and number of tissues in which the markers are measured, as well as the final output. 

In general, the epigenetic aging rate across multiple types of tissue from a single individual is fairly consistent, but some exceptions do exist.

The use of epigenetic clocks may have widespread applications in health and society, including forensic science and early prevention and treatment of disease to promote healthy aging.

In the future, rather than asking whether a person's biomarkers look better, soon clinical trials may ask whether the person is simply aging better.

If youre interested about how to reduce stress, increase your telomere health now that you’ve captured this in important information - then reach out to me and I’ll share how we can work together so you can STAY SANE, GET SLEEP and BRING YOUR SEXY BACK.



  1.  ^  Muntean, Andrew G., and Jay L. Hess. Epigenetic Dysregulation in Cancer The American Journal of Pathology 175, no. 4 (October 2009): 1353–61. 

  2.  ^  Li, Peipei, Lee Marshall, Gabriel Oh, Jennifer L. Jakubowski, Daniel Groot, Yu He, Ting Wang, Arturas Petronis, and Viviane Labrie. Epigenetic dysregulation of enhancers in neurons is associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and cognitive symptoms Nature Communications 10, no. 1 (May 2019). 

  3.  ^  Trerotola, Marco, Valeria Relli, Pasquale Simeone, and Saverio Alberti. Epigenetic inheritance and the missing heritability Human Genomics 9, no. 1 (July 2015). 

  4.  ^  Kusui, Chika, Tadashi Kimura, Kazuhide Ogita, Hitomi Nakamura, Yoko Matsumura, Masayasu Koyama, Chihiro Azuma, and Yuji Murata. DNA Methylation of the Human Oxytocin Receptor Gene Promoter Regulates Tissue-Specific Gene Suppression Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 289, no. 3 (December 2001): 681–86. 

  5. ^ a b  Field, Adam E., Neil A. Robertson, Tina Wang, Aaron Havas, Trey Ideker, and Peter D. Adams. DNA Methylation Clocks in Aging: Categories, Causes, and Consequences Molecular Cell 71, no. 6 (September 2018): 882–95. 

  6.  ^  Oh, Gabriel, Sasha Ebrahimi, Matthew Carlucci, Aiping Zhang, Akhil Nair, Daniel E. Groot, Viviane Labrie, et al. Cytosine modifications exhibit circadian oscillations that are involved in epigenetic diversity and aging Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (February 2018). 

  7. ^ a b c d  Horvath, Steve. DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types Genome Biology 14, no. 10 (2013): R115. 

  8.  ^  Garagnani, Paolo, Maria G. Bacalini, Chiara Pirazzini, Davide Gori, Cristina Giuliani, Daniela Mari, Anna M. Di Blasio, et al. Methylation ofELOVL2gene as a new epigenetic marker of age Aging Cell 11, no. 6 (October 2012): 1132–34. 

  9.  ^  Lariscy, Joseph T., Robert A. Hummer, and Mark D. Hayward. Hispanic Older Adult Mortality in the United States: New Estimates and an Assessment of Factors Shaping the Hispanic Paradox Demography 52, no. 1 (December 2014): 1–14. 

  10. ^ a b  Horvath, Steve, Chiara Pirazzini, Maria Giulia Bacalini, Davide Gentilini, Anna Maria Di Blasio, Massimo Delledonne, Daniela Mari, et al. Decreased epigenetic age of PBMCs from Italian semi-supercentenarians and their offspring Aging 7, no. 12 (December 2015): 1159–70. 

  11. ^ a b c  Levine, Morgan E., Ake T. Lu, Austin Quach, Brian H. Chen, Themistocles L. Assimes, Stefania Bandinelli, Lifang Hou, et al. An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan Aging 10, no. 4 (April 2018): 573–91. 

  12.  ^  Okazaki, Satoshi, Ikuo Otsuka, Tadasu Horai, Takashi Hirata, Motonori Takahashi, Yasuhiro Ueno, Shuken Boku, Ichiro Sora, and Akitoyo Hishimoto. Accelerated extrinsic epigenetic aging and increased natural killer cells in blood of suicide completers Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 98 (March 2020): 109805. 

  13.  ^  Hannum, Gregory, Justin Guinney, Ling Zhao, Li Zhang, Guy Hughes, SriniVas Sadda, Brandy Klotzle, et al. Genome-wide Methylation Profiles Reveal Quantitative Views of Human Aging Rates Molecular Cell 49, no. 2 (January 2013): 359–67. 

  14.  ^  Tajuddin, Salman M., Dena G. Hernandez, Brian H. Chen, Nicole Noren Hooten, Nicolle A. Mode, Mike A. Nalls, Andrew B. Singleton, et al. Novel age-associated DNA methylation changes and epigenetic age acceleration in middle-aged African Americans and whites Clinical Epigenetics 11, no. 1 (August 2019). 

  15.  ^  Marini, Sandro, Kathryn A. Davis, Thomas W. Soare, Yiwen Zhu, Matthew J. Suderman, Andrew J. Simpkin, Andrew D.A.C. Smith, Erika J. Wolf, Caroline L. Relton, and Erin C. Dunn. Adversity exposure during sensitive periods predicts accelerated epigenetic aging in children Psychoneuroendocrinology , November 2019, 104484. 

  16. ^ a b  Beach, Steven R. H., Meeshanthini V. Dogan, Man-Kit Lei, Carolyn E. Cutrona, Meg Gerrard, Frederick X. Gibbons, Ronald L. Simons, Gene H. Brody, and Robert A. Philibert. Methylomic Aging as a Window onto the Influence of Lifestyle: Tobacco and Alcohol Use Alter the Rate of Biological Aging Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63, no. 12 (November 2015): 2519–25. 

  17.  ^  Quach, Austin, Morgan E. Levine, Toshiko Tanaka, Ake T. Lu, Brian H. Chen, Luigi Ferrucci, Beate Ritz, et al. Epigenetic clock analysis of diet, exercise, education, and lifestyle factors Aging 9, no. 2 (February 2017): 419–46. 

  18.  ^  Loomba, Rohit, Yevgeniy Gindin, Zhaoshi Jiang, Eric Lawitz, Stephen Caldwell, C. Stephen Djedjos, Ren Xu, et al. DNA methylation signatures reflect aging in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis JCI Insight 3, no. 2 (January 2018). 

  19.  ^  Malformed reference

  20.  ^  Lu, Ake T., Austin Quach, James G. Wilson, Alex P. Reiner, Abraham Aviv, Kenneth Raj, Lifang Hou, et al. DNA methylation GrimAge strongly predicts lifespan and healthspan Aging 11, no. 2 (January 2019): 303–27. 

  21.  ^  Kresovich, Jacob K, Zongli Xu, Katie M O’Brien, Clarice R Weinberg, Dale P Sandler, and Jack A Taylor. Methylation-Based Biological Age and Breast Cancer Risk JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 111, no. 10 (February 2019): 1051–58. 

  22.  ^  Luo, Audrey, Jeesun Jung, Martha Longley, Daniel B. Rosoff, Katrin Charlet, Christine Muench, Jisoo Lee, et al. Epigenetic aging is accelerated in alcohol use disorder and regulated by genetic variation in APOL2 Neuropsychopharmacology 45, no. 2 (August 2019): 327–36. 

  23. ^ a b  White, Alexandra J., Jacob K. Kresovich, Joshua P. Keller, Zongli Xu, Joel D. Kaufman, Clarice R. Weinberg, Jack A. Taylor, and Dale P. Sandler. Air pollution, particulate matter composition and methylation-based biologic age Environment International 132 (November 2019): 105071. 

  24.  ^  Takahashi, Kazutoshi, and Shinya Yamanaka. Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors Cell 126, no. 4 (August 2006): 663–76. 

  25.  ^  Ocampo, Alejandro, Pradeep Reddy, Paloma Martinez-Redondo, Aida Platero-Luengo, Fumiyuki Hatanaka, Tomoaki Hishida, Mo Li, et al. In Vivo Amelioration of Age-Associated Hallmarks by Partial Reprogramming Cell 167, no. 7 (December 2016): 1719–33.e12. 

  26.  ^  Keleher, Madeline Rose, Rabab Zaidi, Lauren Hicks, Shyam Shah, Xiaoyun Xing, Daofeng Li, Ting Wang, and James M. Cheverud. A high-fat diet alters genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression in SM/J mice BMC Genomics 19, no. 1 (December 2018). 

  27.  ^  Wang, Tina, Brian Tsui, Jason F. Kreisberg, Neil A. Robertson, Andrew M. Gross, Michael Ku Yu, Hannah Carter, Holly M. Brown-Borg, Peter D. Adams, and Trey Ideker. Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment Genome Biology 18, no. 1 (March 2017). 



Cortisol is in charge of your bodies response to stress. ⠀ 

In healthy adults, cortisol is at its highest in the morning, giving you the drive and energy to begin another internal cycle within the body at the start of a new day. It is also released whilst we exercise. Well balanced cortisol levels are vital for basic human survival, but when these levels fall out of whack it can have unfavourable side effects. 

Cortisol is a natural steroid hormone created in the adrenal glands, where it then gets into the bloodstream and travels around the rest of your body.

Due to the very nature of the hormone and the fact that there are cortisol receptors within most of your body cells, it can effect everything: Skin, temperature, blood pressure, appetite, memory processes and many other things. Too much cortisol can overload natural body processes, and cause inflammation. 

 Stress & Your Skin
Stress causes a chemical response in your body that makes skin more sensitive and reactive. This is mainly down to cortisol preventing the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation, and we all know what unwanted issues chronic inflammation can bring. ⠀

High levels of perceived stress and increases in cortisol have been found to lengthen the wound-healing time in healthy adults. It also interferes with the testosterone pathway, making sebum sticky and therefore more likely to trap any bacteria build-up in the pores and cause breakouts. 

Your emotions and mental health are so closely connected to your skin and in order to try to keep those levels of inflammation down, its important to take note of what might be causing those cortisol levels to rise, as well as looking into any topical treatments or products. ⠀

Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, which is essential to keeping us healthy! The stress hormone, corticosteroid, suppress the immune function so that our infection-fighting white blood cells are less able to battle the antigens that enter our body. So, you may notice in particularly stressful times that you’re more prone to getting a sniffly nose or adrenal fatigue.

The body’s response to stress increases your heart rate. The stress hormone, adrenaline, that’s triggered by the natural “fight or flight” response, causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to increase. So, constant stress puts your internal self into overload –damaging effects on your health, skin and hair, too! 


skin vibes.gif


There are a few reasons why you might notice breakouts on your skin, whether that be in the form of acne, psoriasis or eczema. The release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, throws your other hormones off balance, causing imperfections to appear on the skin. Stress can also affect your gut, by outweighing the good and bad bacteria that sits in it. Uneven bacteria in the gut can cause rashes and hives, as well as unwanted pimples.

There’s the added factor of diet when you’re experiencing stress. When working long hours, it’s not uncommon for you to choose quick and easy food, as well as energy drinks or coffee to keep you going. These dietary choices can show up as pimples and blemishes on the skin, and exacerbate existing skin conditions.


Under-eye bags are far from ideal – they make you look tired and ill, and there’s only so much concealer you can cover them with. When you’re experiencing stress or burnout, there’s a high chance that you’re lacking the sleep you need, which in turn makes you feel more stressed. Sleep deprivation results in higher levels of Cortisol itself, so it antagonizes the body even more!

Bags under the eyes are caused by the pooling of fluid to the area around the eyes, and the best way to fix them is by getting more sleep and staying hydrated. You can also apply serums, which can improve the appearance of under-eye bags. Evoq’s Eye and Lip Cream is proven to encourage the renewal of skin health, reduced inflammation and stagnation and tighten and hydrate the skin so it looks firmer.


When we are stressed, we can actually break the fragile and vulnerable capillaries under your eyes. The blood can leak into the epidermis and become oxidized, which will result in a dark purple hue and a discoloration of the skin, creating the dark circles – giving that tired appearance.

Not only this but when your body is dealing with stress, blood will be distributed to different, more important areas of the body, which doesn’t include the face and skin. The more stress your body is under, the more likely you are to look pale and drained as the blood is focused on the organs; making sure they keep working correctly. This, in turn, will make the appearance of dark circles more noticeable against the paler skin.


When we are stressed, our body can react in different ways. We may feel more emotional, lose our appetite, experience mood swings or it can affect our sleep – resulting in difficulty to function throughout the day.

This is when the fine lines and wrinkles can form as a result of your body choosing to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone has been known to break down collagen in your skin, so the more stressed you are, the more the hormone will attack your skin regeneration, resulting in a few new fine lines and wrinkles.

With lack of sleep, you will begin to show signs of fatigue; Fine lines and wrinkles will appear as the elasticity weakens, with your eyes falling victim first.

Dehydration can be dangerous for your inner organs as well as your skin, which is itself an organ. Hydration is a key factor in the body’s production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin looking bright, youthful and plump. Without collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are more visible, and skin may start to sag.

Staying hydrated will also keep your skin from looking dry and flaky – you should moisturize on the outside and stay hydrated on the inside to avoid dry skin! Try Evoq’s Ultra hydrating Youth Renew Oil or Pro-Collagen Cream for full-face hydration – taking the time to quiet your mind and relaxation time you need!


Stress has been linked to hair loss and thinning, but the causes could differ! The same way stress can damage the appearance and feel of your skin, it can also be detrimental to the health of your hair.


There are three stages to the hair growth process: The Anagen stage (growth), the Catagen stage (transition), and the Telogen stage (rest). Stress can trigger what’s known as Telogen effluvium, which occurs when the hair growth cycle stops at the Telogen stage, and the follicles don’t grow any new hairs.

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition and is just a temporary disturbance to the cycle. With changes to lifestyle, you can stop it.

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out at one time. It’s often associated with experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period. The cause of it is likely to be a weakened immune system, so once you lower stress levels, the hair will stop falling out and in most cases grow back.

If you are experiencing hair thinning, try the powerful Root Revival Hair Health program. It’s proven to promote hair growth using actives that strengthens hair and encourages high cell turnover for new hairs to grow. So powerful, its two times stronger than minoxidil.

Not to forget all negative thoughts low in frequency literally dump maladaptive frequencies and stress producing hormones your body - effecting your health by lowering your immune system.

Is meditation or a cup of hot caffeine free herbal tea calling you?

Net Net:Today’s Epidemic of STRESS is Real - dangerous.  

 This is mission-critical -

When it comes to your wellness and beauty, do you seek the right techniques that will help you work smarter, not harder - yet you still find yourself stuck in complete overwhelm wanting to cut through the crap and get crystal clear on what’s really going on and what’s really draining you from achieving your deepest desires, goals & dreams? 

Your Mission should you choose to accept is to learn how to master your energy and time on a daily basis so that productivity, serenity, and clarity become a way of life for you. Complete each day having accomplished what you set out to do, feeling fulfilled, at peace and with joy.    

What to learn more about how you can address your stress at the deepest level by integrating quantum health and beauty biofeedback?


Remedies for Pain & Relaxation | Why & How with CBD Topicals


We have all had pain at some point in our lives.  Unfortunately studies show that women experience higher levels of pain and are more likely to have certain pain disorders than men.

We do not know all the reasons why, but hormones may play a role in women having more pain sensitivity. In addition, women have greater nerve density (more nerves in a given area of the body)—which may cause women to feel pain more severely than men.

Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 10.43.46 PM.png

Feeling it?

✔️ Back pain

✔️ neck pain

✔️ menstrual pain

✔️ headache pain

✔️ chronic pain

✔️ arthritis, ... you name it.

  Check your box. Whatever’s it’s flavor, it's not fun.  

Here is another interesting fact about how our mind and body work together for balance: when experiencing pain, 75% of the experience is rooted in neuroplasticity (how we think/perceive pain), and the rest of the 25% of “pain” is actually organic within our physiological body.

WOW! This knowledge is empowering and puts you back in the driver's seat.  As a hypnotherapist, I’d love to be a guide around the “mind/body” if you experience pain, but for today, we’re talking TOPICALS enhanced with CBD for healing.  


I created our internal and external CBD remedies for women - just like us. Whether you suffer from pain, anxiety or insomnia, our new skin-healing and soothing benefits of topical CBD combined with our internal Organic Advanced CBD Tinctures. Learn more and shop Evoq’s NEW Topical Solutions below!

“Does Hemp CBD in a topical make a difference and worth the money?”

Based on our beta CBD topical users, I would say - YES! Feedback with our Evoq topicals helped with symptoms like:

  • Sensitive skin conditions

  • Arthritis

  • Cold sores

  • Back/neck pain

  • Overall skin  moisturization

  • Tennis Elbow

  • TMJ


_E4A1578 (1).jpg

How does CBD work on the skin?
Let’s review the HIGH INTEL behind our new creations and connect the dots on how powerful cannabinoids can be used for skin healing, tension relief and even aging BETTER! 

What’s the relationship of cannabinoids and the skin’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
In the skin, the ECS is intimately involved in processes like temperature, cell growth and death, and the regulation of hair follicles and sebaceous oil glands, the modulation of infections, and more.

Our Innate Neuro-immuno-endocrine System
As the largest organ with a complex system of neuro-immuno-endocrine functionality, it plays a vital part in maintaining the biological homeostasis and without any effort on your part, it orchestrates over 300 million cells perpetually regenerating and renewing into a new, healthy epidermis every 28 days.   

I’ve studied the science of skin for 15 years and with the resurgence of hemp has brought me new insight and excitement on how to help women optimize their incredible cellular symphony known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

The ECS is a recently discovered family of molecules, receptors, and enzymes now known as the “master regulator” of the body – maintaining homeostasis (balance) across all of our physiological processes.

I do not have pain, so how’s a CBD topical help me? 
First things first.
Our skin is the ultimate agent of “safe boundaries” when it comes to environmental assaults like pathogenic threats, UV exposure, extreme temperatures, and chemicals.  It’s quick to tell us its has pain and pleasure at the same time.  

Epigenetics + Endocannabinoids
This system regulates and interacts with over 1000 genes and  – an 65 of them are found in our skin’s ECS.

Specifically, how Cannabinoids help your pain and underlying inflammation?  

Our “Universal Regulator,” the ECS helps modulate the initial pain by communicating with the central nervous system. 

When in danger, the ECS recognizes the excess signals, and after deciding that there is no longer a need for the increase of inflammation, the cannabinoid receptors in the surrounding immune cells and tissues will begin to bind with cannabinoids and start to slowly reduce these inflammatory responses. 

 When key players of the symphony go off-key and skins cell to cell rapport is disrupted, it puts us at risk for the development of skin conditions. 

Endocannabinoid receptors embedded in skin cell membranes produce a wide variety of reactions when stimulated by cannabinoids, which can be endogenous (made by our own body’s naturally occurring endocannabinoids) or exogenous (from the cannabis plant, which produces phytocannabinoids).

Using a topical application of phytocannabinoids can provide any localized area fast relief and skin repair by the cannabinoids binding capabilities to receptors within the skin, activating the skin’s ECS. 

Pretty powerful, right?  Now for the RESOLVE.


Stress relief and deeper dream states - one swipe of CBD at a time

Evoq Hemp Calm Balm and Decompress Body Oil Key Benefits

  • Penetrate multiple epidermis layers and bind with our skin’s natural endocannabinoid receptors, sealing in hydration and helping downregulate inflammation signally for the most intensive results

  • Sun-grown, organic and natural ingredients.

  • Muscle and joint soreness 

  • Inflammatory skin conditions   

  • Calm Eczema and reduce skin irritation

  • Repair skin barrier

  • Balances oil production

  • Pre & Post Athletic Rub

  • Help Cramps

  • Calm TMJ

  • Ease tension headaches

CBD Extra Strength Calm Balm [1000MG]

A naturopathic healing balm to calm, soothe frayed nerves & aching muscles, and sweep tension away while moisturizing the skin barrier. 

Keep calm & hydrate: Ultra-rich Butter for Soothing Hydration and Pain-Relief 

Help dial down inflammatory discomfort and replenish vital moisture with our ultra-hydrating luxurious organic balm. It’s designed with a high concentration of plant actives, nourishing oils, and butters which may reduce blemishes, treat dryness, and promote naturally healthy skin. The abundant humectants draw moisture deep into the skin, while our whole plant hemp extract with CBD, terpenes, polyphenols, and fatty acids help to soothe aches, pains, and tension.

May help to:

-Muscle and joint soreness 

-Calm Eczema, Psoriasis and reduce skin irritation

-Ease tension from PMS and headaches

All Ingredients: Organic Full-spectrum CBD Oil Extract (500mg), Beeswax, Medium chain triglycerides, Organic Lavender essential oil, Organic Eucalyptus essential oil *Curated with organic, wildcraft, and food-grade ingredients.

Decompress CBD Body Oil [1000MG]

An antioxidant and CBD rich luxury body and massage oil to unknot, unwind, and release tension. Nourishes the skin barrier and endocannabinoid system for beautifully soft, supple, and silky skin.

It’s like a high-vibe cashmere blanket of healing skin, muscle and joint love.

Life may come and go with pain, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the moments and how you perceive joy and freedom in your life. With our healing CBD body oil, you can decompress and reduce the minor aches and pains life holding you back.

An ultra-hydrating, organically sourced CBD body and massage oil nourishes the skin’s protective natural barrier function and dermal endocannabinoid system for beautifully soft, supple skin. This luxurious body and massage oil delivers three times higher active cannabinoids compared to conventional CBD topicals on the market. It has a concentration of 125mg of phytocannabinoids in every ounce and 1000mg per bottle. 

May help to:

-Body moisturizer and sports massage recovery oil

-Facilitate muscle recovery and soothe aches and arthritis pain 

 -Decrease symptoms of cramps and PMS

All Ingredients:

Activated Full Spectrum CBD Extract (1000mg), Sesame Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E,  Mineral Oil, Vitamin A, Organic Lavender Essential Oil *Curated with organic, wildcraft, and food-grade ingredients.

How to find the RIGHT CBD topical through when there is a lack of industry standards.

What makes Evoq’s topicals different from the rest?   
We use a best-in-class 3rd party ISO/IEC-accredited facilities to ensure every batch of our products for consistency, quality, purity, and potency.

Surpassing industry standards, I’ve put 1000mg  of active topical phytocannabinoids in each bottle and jar - surpassing the average 250mg to 500mg standards.  

I’m thrilled with the initial evidence from our users and the future possibilities. And with growing consumer interest, companies are racing to the market with new products – but, buyer beware.

What’s “Really” in your investment? Mislabelling Issues

The Journal of the American Medical Association found widespread mislabelling issues.

 **A sum of 84 products were purchased and analyzed (from 31 companies) and only 30% actually contained the CBD concentration stated on the label, highlighting the need for manufacturing and testing standards and stronger regulatory oversight. 

Delivery system and fillers:  Filler ingredients found in topicals on the internet may inhibit the efficacy of the active cannabinoids, let alone ingredients not so “clean” and leaves you smelling like a medicine bomb (camphor/menthol).  

Example a CBD Topical Full of Ingredient Fillers:
Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Ethylene Glycol Distearate, Menthol, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Boswellia Serrata Extract, Allantoin, Propylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Lecithin, Glycerylstereate, Peg 100, Stearate, Diasonilidyl, Tocopherol Acetate

Before you buy anything, make sure the company is transparent about its standards and testing for ensuring consistent purity and potency.

Evoq’s new CBD topicals smell heavenly - like a soothing warm caress of aromatic calming love of lavender, eucalyptus and herbals. 

Let’s review!

Why CBD Topicals?

Topicals with high enough percentages of cannabinoids are pain and inflammation relieving as well as skin-nourishing with a plethora of additional phytonutrients and essential fatty acids making it highly moisturizing, calming, conditioning, and protecting.

When to Use CBD Topicals

What woman isn't looking to release tension or fine-tune a targeted, localized area of discomfort after a long day or warrior workout?   Our Evoq CBD co-ingredients include essential oils like lavender oil to help calm body and mind before bed or in times of stress or headaches. 

How to include CBD Topicals in your day!

I highly suggest being consistent. The topicals best work when incorporated into your daily routine.   The great thing about CBD-infused topicals is that you can use them on the go! Using them before (or after) your workout, when you need a moment’s peace during a hectic day when your baby gets a “boo-boo,” or for the perfect pre-bed decompress. 

Whatever the case, you can use topicals liberally wherever and whenever you need their support.

Whether you’re looking for better skin barrier health (plump with less fine lines) or nagging pain or light headache - Evoq’s CBD-infused topicals are a great place to start (or continue) your CBD journey. 

We already use skincare on the daily, so this is an enhanced, scientifically proven way to nourish the skin in a remarkable way.   In addition, CBD brings a wider holistic approach to help you feel refreshed, calm, and rejuvenated no matter what’s happening in your jam-packed- every- day. 


Quality over quantity is our philosophy, all of our products are handcrafted in small batches and exceed industry standards.

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How to Detoxify Harmful Xenoestrogens From your Beauty Rituals | Part 2

Hi dear one!

I hope you’re doing great!  This powerful time together is a carry over [ part 2 ] from our previous conversation about estrogen mimickers called xenoestrogens.  

 Many personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, and body lotions, contain  harmful chemicals. For example, one of the most common chemicals found in personal care products is “Fragrance,” which can be made up of hundreds of various chemical compounds. Fragrances are linked to liver and kidney damage, cancer and endocrine disruption which interferes with your adrenal, thyroid and reproductive glands.

When we use these personal care products we can inhale the toxins as well as absorb them through our skin (the largest organ that connects to the inside of our body). 

It’s simple enough just to say “Opt for natural plant-based alternatives with simple ingredients that have names you recognize…” its just as important to know the why and how to recognize the unwanted ingredients damaging our health.  

Before we move forward, make sure you’re read up on how the pesky chemicals mimicking our estrogens succumb us and cause havoc in the first place! 

For a quick review: 


Xenoestrogens are synthetic substances that mimic estrogen. Unfortunately, unlike estrogen, which the body fully eliminates after its job is done,  xenoestrogens are stored in fat cells where they disrupt the proper functioning of the reproductive system and increase hormone imbalances and the risk of disease in the breast and ovaries. 

Causes of Estrogen Dominance

The body accumulates excess estrogen in two ways:

Endogenously (inside) - We make too much of our own estrogen and it’s not being properly eliminated.

Exogenously (outside) - Excess estrogens enter the body from external sources, such as foods, the environment, toxins, and chemicals, and are not being properly eliminated.

Excess Estrogen Common Catalysts:


Surprise!  The leading cause of endogenous estrogen stems from excessive and prolonged stress which inversely decreases progesterone production to make more cortisol, the main stress hormone. This results in high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone.

Impaired Liver Function – 

Mentioned in part one, we know the liver removes excess hormones from the body, and if not working properly - it leads to estrogen dominance.


A higher count of bad bacteria vs. good bacteria in the gut inhibits the conversion of estrogen into water-soluble molecules.  This causes the estrogens to recirculate back into the bloodstream where it can re-exert its effects. Gut health is very important for the metabolism of all hormones.

Now onto the deeper understanding of  ( Xenoestrogens ) from Personal Care Products

You may be overwhelmed, but trust me - reducing your xenoestrogen exposure through awareness when applied to your beauty products is easier than you think.    The impact is huge, and I have no doubt this will be helpful and clarifying for you and your beautiful health! 

Two Reasons Why Xenoestrogenss Hidden in Skincare Is Harmful

Increase of Cancer Risk

About 40% of all cancers in women are hormonally driven. When estrogen mimickers are present in our beauty products - it increase the overall levels of circulating hormones. This is why it may also increase our risk for certain cancers, specifically breast cancer.

Breast cancer is estrogen-dependent.  Research has shown that xenoestrogens in personal care products can pose an increased risk of breast cancer.


In women, exposure to xenoestrogens can predispose us to estrogen dominant related health conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, and Fibroids and fertility.   

Exposure to xenoestrogens is not the sole cause of these fertility, rather it’s constant exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds, like in your daily skincare routine that affects these conditions.

When becoming pregnant, xenoestrogen exposure can also be harmful.  In mice, exposure to xenoestrogens during pregnancy has been shown to affect the estrogen levels of the developing fetus. Men are perhaps even more susceptible to the negative effects of xenoestrogens on their fertility than women are. 

Xenoestrogens could be contributing factors to the deterioration of these men’s semen quality, resulting in their inability to conceive.

So, if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, xenoestrogens in a beard oil or facial cream should be assessed as a easy way to reduce your exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds.

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Which leads me to how to awaken to xenoestrogens in our personal care and beauty products.


When you consume chemicals internally they are first filtered through the liver before they make their way into the bloodstream, but when you use skincare products that contain xenoestrogens, they may pose risk  through absorption.  


Phthalates: Are round in cosmetics, cleaning products, food packaging, and detergents, PVC plastic, toys, and plastic wrap.

Buyer beware, the worst part about Phthalates is that Phthalates often times hide in the ingredient list under “fragrance.” Companies are able to vaguely label a group of ingredients as simply “fragrance” in order to protect trade-secret ingredients.

  • Phthalate

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

Parabens: found in deodorant, antiperspirant, moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup.

Parabens show up in personal care products because they are antimicrobial agents and preservatives.

  • Ethylparaben

  • Butylparaben

  • Methylparaben

  • And other ingredients ending in “-paraben”

Looking for a “paraben-free” label is the easiest way to avoid exposure to these xenoestrogens in your skincare products.

Formaldehyde: A known carcinogen and irritant found in nail products, hair dye, fake-eyelash adhesives and some shampoos. It has been banned in other countries.

Fragrance: Has hormone-disrupting effects. Fragrance is also connected to headaches, dizziness, asthma and allergies. Instead, use products with natural fragrances only.

Lead: A known carcinogen and hormone disruptor found in certain eyeliners, hair dye and lipsticks.

Mercury: A known irritant and allergen that, with body accumulation over time, can impair the brain and nervous system.

Oxybenzone: An active ingredient in chemical sunscreens that accumulates in fatty tissues and is linked to allergies, hormone disruption and cellular damage. I recommend wearing skin-protective clothing and using natural minerals or zinc products.

DEA/TEA/MEA (Ethanolamines): Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents for shampoos, hair color, body washes, soaps and topical application. It’s been associated with cancer in animal studies.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, SLES): A former industrial degreaser now used to make soap foamy, it’s absorbed into the body.

Diethylene glycol (or DEG): A central nervous system depressant and potent kidney and liver toxin. Sometimes found in fragrances. 

Note: Glycerin and propylene glycol are sometimes contaminated with DEG, which are common ingredients in personal care products.

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Stay Beautiful Inside and Out by Focusing on Nutrition and Detoxification

In conclusion, reoccurring toxins that build up in the body can adversely impact one’s health, hormones, looks and overall well-being.

I suggest checking your beauty-product labels, eating a plant rich diet, frequent exercise and plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body naturally flush out toxins not only keeps xenoestrogens at bay but might also deter blemishes and fine lines that show up on your skin. 

If you are having skin issues or any hormonal imbalance symptoms you should have your hormones tested instead of guessing. The comprehensive hormone panel is an excellent starting place for evaluating hormone function. 

Small changes can add up to big impacts, so keep your eyes open for them and continue making healthy choices where and when you can.

To start making confident and empowering decisions today, head on over to where you’ll find Xeno-FREE hair, skin and wellness products galore!  

Awaken Beauty Podcast:
Please like, subscribe if you’re not already part of our tribe and comment what you learned with your 5 star review! 

Want to grab the top most offensive xenoestrogens in youre life? Just head to and find this mini episode with show notes! 

Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care?  Then you know where to go! Head to E-V-O-Q and enter “AWAKEN” for your very first order! 

XO Love n’ light,   Kassandra

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