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Head to Toe: Beauty Treatments to Help You Look and Feel Your Best

You are a goddess, but winter certainly doesn’t make you feel like one. Between itchy dry skin and scalp, acne from wearing masks, and cold toes with callouses, it’s a long, cold pandemic winter. What better time to do genuine self-care, taking care of your body from inside and out. Here are some great options for all skin types and tones while you’re hunkered down in some comfy sweaters! Hopefully, you can be prepared for the lovely spring to come.

Get Steamy

The Nordic peoples have it right: there’s nothing so refreshing or magnificent for the body in cold weather as spending time in a sauna. Saunas have been proven to relax your arteries, and help with blood flow to all the organs of the body. Those relaxed arteries can help lower blood pressure along with your stress. This includes the brain. Finnish studies show lower incidence of Alzheimer’s and dementia in men who use saunas once a week. Besides the help to chronic pain patients and benefits to the lungs, a winter sauna visit just feels wonderful as well.

Hair Masks

Your hair needs a mask for protection and health, just as your face does. You must have the right type of mask to use for your hair type and texture. There are many hair masks on the market for straight hair of varying textures and thicknesses, but also those for curly hair of varying textures. Make sure to read ingredients carefully and choose which ones fit your particular hair type. A mask can provide extra needed moisture in the winter cold, and help heal the hair itself to prevent breakage.

Varicose Vein Treatments

It’s common in winter for varicose veins to become more pronounced and uncomfortable due to winter chill. Besides being visibly unsightly to varying degrees, depending on whether they in need of deep vein or visible surface care, varicose veins can be intensely painful as they increase in severity. Wearing compression stockings helps minimally, but you might not want to keep wearing thick stockings in the summer. Varicose vein treatments are minimally invasive, can be done in-office, and require little to no downtime. This leaves you free to do more important things with your time.


It’s been a long pandemic- getting a mani-pedi is more than just beauty care. Your hands and feet do a huge volume of the heavy lifting in your day. Taking care of both helps you look polished and professional as well. Your cuticles and calluses, though, can have a lot to do with how your hands and feet feel. Your manicurist also sloughs off dead skin cells and usually massages hands and feet, which can help with relaxation. Regular pedicures can help you to keep from getting painfully cracked heels as well.

Massage Therapy

Adding massage therapy to your beauty regimen can add a lot to your physical health as well as your beauty. It can eliminate toxins, and stimulate blood flow, critical in cold weather months. But, massage therapy can also lower blood pressure, and enhance your immunity. It also helps with fatigue issues and anxiety, which are both connected, and also a particular problem right now.

Dry Brushing

Far from being a magical way to heal every ailment, dry brushing is still a great way to help your skin to be healthy and clear. Your skin is your largest bodily organ and protects your body in many ways. Dry brushing gently stimulates the top layer of your skin, your epidermis, so that your dermis, just below, can be moved slightly. This keeps lymphatic fluid moving, which helps you not keep bloating water weight, keeps your skin moisturized. More importantly, your lymphatic system helps your immune system work properly, something you want to happen!


Meditation has many known benefits, and there are many forms. Some people prefer to let their minds “zone out” during exercise or yoga. Others like to use journaling as a meditational option. Many use mindfulness apps or meditation apps to do full-body relaxation. Regardless of what you use, it’s important to make sure that you use some sort of meditational technique to help your body to release anxiety and have a good, healthy sleep. Whichever form of meditation works best for you, finding a version that helps your body is essential.

Your body has gone through so much this winter! Help your body heal and your mind relax by taking care of all of the various parts of it, including your skin and your mind! Taking care of your body is such important work, but soon you’ll be both looking and feeling your best once again. Hopefully, your spring will be particularly refreshing and lovely, with both your body and mind refreshed.

Want to find your new beauty? Check out our approach to helping you!

Top 6 Lifestyle Rituals to Attain a Healthy Immune System

COVID-19 is busy making the rounds in the world. While the news is scary, the fact is that most people recover. While you’re on lockdown, the temptation is to go into “comfort” mode. Think couch, blanket, cookies, and adult beverages to take the edge off. I get this 1000%. But here’s the thing… your job right now is to keep your immune system in tip-top shape and ready to go if needed. Lifestyle choices play a major role in determining this. Here are a few tips that your body will thank you for:

Break Up with Sugar

Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by forty percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after eating it and may last for five hours. In contrast, eating complex carbohydrates has no effect on the immune system.

Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking a lot of alcohol may take the edge off isolation, but it affects your immune system in two ways. First, it produces an overall nutritional deficiency, depriving the body of valuable immune-boosting nutrients like B vitamins. Second, alcohol, like sugar, can reduce the ability of white cells to kill germs. High doses of alcohol suppress the ability of the white blood cells to multiply, and inhibit the action of killer white cells and macrophages. And if you’re not into biology, just know that all of this is bad. 

One drink (the equivalent of 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of hard liquor) does not appear to affect the immune system, but three or more drinks do. Damage to the immune system increases in proportion to the quantity of alcohol consumed. 

Eat Real Food

Nutrition is a key component of a healthy immune system. Good nutrition is essential to a strong immune system, which may offer protection from seasonal illness and other health problems. No one food or supplement can prevent illness, but including protein, Vitamins A, Bs, C, E, zinc, copper, and selenium will help boost immunity. More about supplements next week.

Get Plenty of Sleep

I see you, perimenopausal friends! And I hear you saying, “If I could sleep, I would.” I understand your frustration, and now is a good time to find out WHY you’re not sleeping and address this.

Many studies have reported numerous benefits of a good night’s sleep. These range from weight loss to better decision making. From an immunity standpoint, there is a lot of science and biology behind this. Let me break it down into a digestible chunk. The fall in stress hormones and inflammatory mediators during sleep allows your T cells (the good guys) to stick to viruses and kill them. 

How to get a better night’s sleep? 

  • Find out if hormone imbalances or high cortisol are part of the picture. 

  • Manage your stress. 

  • Create a bedtime routine that is soothing and lets your body know it’s time to relax. 

  • Keep the same bedtime every day even during isolation.

Get Your Move On… But Not Too Much

Exercise is fabulous for maintaining your mental health. My daily walks are part of what’s keeping ME sane. But there is some evidence that pushing yourself in really hard workouts (especially if you are not used to it) can actually suppress your immune system. Hard, prolonged exercise increases levels of stress hormones, which can then open the door for infections. The key here is to have a balanced training program that includes not only hard exercise but relaxing activities like yoga and meditation.

Wash Your Hands!

I don’t think this really needs to be repeated, but it certainly won’t hurt. Keep washing those hands with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer if you can’t use soap and water… at least 60% alcohol. If you can’t find it at the store, here’s how to make your own.

COVID-19 is serious business and self-care may feel like it’s “extra.” Trust me, it is not. Keeping your immune system in tip-top shape is your best defense against serious illness.

Resource: Garret

2 Best Fall Beauty Smoothies: Detox & Cleanse (recipes inside)


Fall is my favorite time of year. I love summer but fall – The leaves are turning and the air starts to become crisper. This also means  that Halloween and Christmas are right around the corner, and best of all, the apples.

Liver TLC for Fall

I can trust that you - like many - are on the run this Fall season.   A zesty green smoothy for you and the family can be super refreshing and delicious.  It also provides a easy way to detoxify the liver and cleanse the body while still enjoying a delicious treat or temporary meal replacement.

Skin Love through you LIVER!

A cleaned-up liver can process nasty toxins more efficiently which leads to clear, radiant and younger-looking skin. Blending fruits and vegetables in a smoothie versus juicing, boosts the absorption of all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients by keeping the fiber in the mix. This aids in cleansing and gets the body back into balance resulting in more energy and a natural glow.

Of course, we suggest choosing  organic when possible to avoid heavily pesticide-sprayed produce. Pesticides are toxic to the body, far from beautiful and defeat the purpose of detoxification.

Filled to the brim with purifying ingredients, this revitalizing smoothie is a GREAT addition to take the stress of your mind, body, and adrenal's this change of season into the brisker air.


green smoothie


Enjoy TWO Green Beauty Smoothies

Directions and Ingredients:


  • 8 oz coconut water – Contains enzymes that help to detoxify and repair the body

  • ½ lemon peeled – Detoxifies the liver and helps convert toxins into water-soluble form that can be easily eliminated from the body

  • Small handful of parsley leaves – Loaded with vitamins A, C, K along with folate and iron which all benefit healthy skin

  • ½ granny smith apple – Quercetin found in the apple skin tackles free radicals that cause damage and wrinkles

  • ½ cucumber peeled & cut – Made of 95% water, keeps the body hydrated while helping it eliminate toxins

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds – Filled with omega-3’s that boost collagen production and fiber to aid in cleansing

  • Handful of spinach – Chlorophyll in greens oxygenates and alkalizes the blood leading to less inflammation and glowing skin

  • ¼ avocado – The good fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which help control the skin’s moisture level

  • Stevia to sweeten – Natural sweetener to satisfy a sweet tooth made from a plant with no sugar and impact on blood sugar levels

  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend ingredients until smooth and enjoy your Organic SUPER-WOMAN Green Beauty Smoothie.





Fall Apple Green Smoothie

With the leaves turning there is an abundance of delicious home grown organic apples!


  • 1 Apple

  • 1 Orange

  • 1/2 Lime – Peeled

  • 1″ Ginger (Frozen)

  • 2 C. Spinach

  • 1 C. Almond Milk

  • 1 C. Ice Cubes


  • Grate the frozen ginger

  • Peel the lemon

  • Remove the apple core

  • Blend it!

Smoothie reference{from my article in the Coco Eco Magazine EARTH ROCKS Spring/Summer 2014 issue on p. 50-51} Greensmoothieforbeauty

Top Makeup Contouring Tips to Bring your Face Shape into Balance

contour face makeup

Top Makeup Contouring Tips  to Bring your Face Shape into Balance 

As a veteran stylist and mineral makeup artist, I intuitively am looking at my clients unique facial structure.  It's part of my professional 'duty' to assist the guest in choosing the best hairstyle, color, and makeup persona to their unique needs.  If you do not have a professional that is aware of tactics and how to do this, the follow tips will be useful for you!

What is Facial Contouring Contouring is the art of highlighting and shading.  By contouring properly, you can alter your face shape and features.

The Golden Rule of Contouring

1. Makeup applied that is lighter than the skin tone will make an area more prominent.

2. Makeup applied that is darker will make that area draw back and recede.

Easily Alter your Facial Features

Round Face Objective:  

To make the face look more oval, apply a bronzer a shade or two darker than your skin tone in a "3" shape alongside your face: on your temples, the hollow of your cheeks, and your chin.

Prominent Forehead Objective:

Shade around the outer edge of your forehead along your hairline to minimize the area with bronzer.

Flat or Wide Nose:

Shade alongside your bridge starting from your inner brows. Then highlight right on the center of your nose.

Droopy Cheeks:

Apply a highlighter just above your cheekbone all the way to your temple. Use a blush directly on the cheekbone, then use a bronzer in the hollow of the cheek, underneath your bone.

Amp it UP! 

If you really want to make your contouring stand out, use a glossy highlighter, which will reflect the most light. (We love La Bella Donna's "Candlelight" for this effect).   Then grab your bronzer with a matte finish, which will absorb light and create a stark contrast.


Contact our team today to learn more about our chemical free and prestige mineral makeup line, La Bella Donna.  This line has all the tricks to contour and make your face pop and glow!  


Reference: Total Beauty

Dramatically Longer & Thicker Lashes In 60 Seconds


A fast alternative to time consuming and expensive Lash Extensions!

By far the BEST & safest Fibre Eyelash Extensions! I like how it contains all natural ingredients with the key ingredient being the HIGH GRADE beeswax! It makes sure the fibres don't fall off into my eyes or onto my face and really lasts throughout the day! The high grade beeswax also helps stimulates the growth of my natural short lashes too!


Dramatically Longer & Thicker Lashes In 60 Seconds

Superior Beeswax, Non-Toxic Ingredients

  • What Is It: Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Eyelash Extensions is an exciting new concept that doesn't require any glue or false lashes. The eyelash extensions are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Best of all, they can easily be applied in 60 seconds.
  • Who Is It For: All skin types. Suitable for contact lens wearers. Suitable for any occasion.
  • Why It's Different: This brush on fiber eyelash extension brand is the only answer to safe and easy eyelash extension that dramatically creates 300% longer and thicker lashes in 60 seconds. Plus, our Beeswax ingredients is of the highest quality.
  • Includes 4 tubes: 2 tubes of transplanting mascara gel and 2 tubes of dry nylon black fiber, which sticks on the the beeswax mascara making it look like you are wearing false eyelashes.


Brush On Fiber Lashes uses BLACK fibers made from non-toxic ingredients in its eyelash extensions, which makes it suitable for those with sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. It’s easy to remove with warm water and a cotton ball.

Benefits of our superior beeswax include:

  • Stimulates lash growth, as a good beeswax helps cells regenerate faster
  • A higher percentage of potency than others, meaning fibers will stick on lashes and not fall
  • Antibacterial properties so it doesn’t breed bacteria and has a longer shelf life
  • High-moisturizing properties acting like a leave-in conditioner for your lashes and it won’t leave you with dry brittle lashes
  • Cry proof, laugh proof, sweat proof

Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Eyelash Extensions are lightweight and just as easy as applying normal mascara. Contact our team today to order your Lash Fiber today!  

612.824.7611   or

4 Healthy Hair Solutions to Reduce your Winter Hair Blues


I’ve had lots of clients in my chair recently expressing their frustration about their winter hair woe’s: dry scalp/hair, static, frizz, split ends and a general feeling of ‘ehh’ about their locks. Winter can be tough on your hair and you may need to change your tactics with the season.


Dry Scalp and Hair: We all know the cold air outside makes the hair dry and brittle, but don’t think you are escaping damage by hiding indoors; indoor heating can be just as damaging.

The fix: use a shampoo/conditioner with moisturizing properties such as shea or aloe. Up your conditioning treatments if you have thicker fuller hair and those with finer hair consider adding a lightweight leave in conditioner to your hair routine.

replenish-conditioner-199x300Check out our Replenish Shampoo/Conditioner and our aloe vera based Off the Fritz.

Split Ends:  fixes hair cut Dry hair causes split ends and you want to nip them in the bud, so to speak. When the hair begins to split at the bottom it will keep splitting until you trim off those ends.

The fix: Call and book a haircut with your stylist now! I can’t express how important it is to keep up with your trims to maintain beautiful healthy looking hair.

Frizz/Fly-a-way: Without the moisture, you may find yourself with some seriously frizzy or fly-a-way hair – even without wearing hat.

Outshine-JPG-200x300The fix: Try our brilliant Outshine,  pure argan oil based smoothing gloss; it’s a winter must. For extra soft smooth finish, add to your conditioner or right before you blow dry, continue use as needed. Argan is lightweight which makes this a great product to “layer”.



Dull Color: We tend not to see as much of the sun in the winter and it can wash out your complexion.

The fix: An easy way to rid yourself of the winter hair blues is to refresh your shade or add a few sun-kissed highlights.

Give us a call at Kasia Organic Salon and see how our healthy hair experts can help cure your winter hair blues!  612.824.7611


Author:  Valerie, Kasia Hair Health Expert and Stylist

The Anti-Aging Hair Diet

Hair not only loses color as you age it can also lose thickness and become dry and brittle.   Eating a diet full of antioxidant vitamins, minerals, healthy proteins and oils can help slow the aging process by repairing damage and helping you grow stronger strands.

We’ve compiled a list of healthy foods with vitamins and nutrients your hair needs. Consume them regularly to keep your hair vibrant.

Dark Green Vegetables – Choose dark green leafy veggies like spinach and kale. Greens are packed with antioxidants including A, C, and E, folate and calcium. They also contain iron, key for healthy blood, and circulation.  Good circulation in the scalp is one of the keys to keeping precious hairs. Try them raw in a salad or blended into a green smoothie.

Carrot Mango Grapefruit SmoothieCarrots - Take a cue from Bugs Bunny and eat LOTS of carrots as they are brilliant for building healthy skin and hair. Packed with carotene which turns into vitamin A for cell repair. They are also a good source of potassium, vitamins C & B6, copper, folic acid, thiamine, magnesium, and fiber. That means they heal, act as a diuretic (aka get rid of bloating), and remineralize the body. The perfect food for hair, eyes, and skin.

Lentils - These little protein, biotin, and iron-filled superstars help build long and strong strands.  They are also loaded with cholesterol-lowering fiber, and make a delicious soup during these cold winter months.

Coconut Oil - If you need an oil or fat for any dish, we recommend coconut oil. It’s good for your insides and outsides! You can use it as a skin moisturizer or a hair mask as well. Rich in


Vitamin E and other critical antioxidants this multipurpose oil is all about repair.

Avocados - Do you need anot

her reason to eat avocados besides they’redelicious? New studies show that avocado oil seems to assist with the absorption of carotenoid antioxidants like beta-carotene (see carrots).

Greek Yogurt - It’s high in hair-building protein, vitamin B5 and vitamin D. Emerging research links vitamin D and hair follicle health.

Make sure to consume 6 to 7 servings a day of these hair nutrient superstars and you can help slow the aging process from the inside out.

Contact the Kasia for your custom plan on how to Age-Less from the inside - out!





Guest Post:  HairColor4Women

Keep Your Long Locks with a Faux Bob! (how to details inside)


faux bob how to

Not prepared to chop off your locks? Fake it with a curling iron and hairpins instead. “Done” hairstyles of 2014 are the kind that move and tousle. Using the runways and red carpets as a reliable source for hair trends, 2014 goes retro.

The eras influencing fashion are influencing hair as well. The 20s give us bobs and finger waves, and the 60s inspire perfectly sculpted, yet elegantly simple ‘dos. A unique opportunity to don a structured style, the vintage faux bob is as modern as tomorrow.

To find out how to recreate the look for yourself, read the our full step-by-step how to guide.

step 1

Prep hair with smoothing serum, then curl ends under with a straightening iron to get desired shape.

step 2

Section crown of head up and clip into place. Leave underneath section down.

step 3

From the underneath section, take a smaller section of hair from the side at the front of the head, comb it back and pin it at the centre of the back of the head (the lower crown).

step 4

Repeat on the other side and pin at the centre of the back of the head.

step 5

Take out the top section and brush it back over the pinned section - secure each side of the edge of the crown with a hairpin – where you can feel the skull bone.

step 6

Create a circle with the ends of the hair by tucking them under and pinning them in place.

step 7

Loop all ends of hair under crafting a neat shape at the nape of the neck. The amount of looping depends on the length of your hair and on the desired length of your bob.

step 8

Hold look in place and keep it sculpted all day with a finish of strong hold hair spray.

 Guest Post:  Beauty
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