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Functional Medicine

The 7 Top Signs of Omega-3 Deficiency

Hello lovely!

We often hear about healthy fats, for our skin, a better brain and heart health. I also previously wrote about how Omegas are the SINGLE MOST MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS we make our own endocannabinoids from to keep us in balance and optimal health.

If you don't get enough of these key fatty acids in your diet, it can lead to various health concerns including poor sleep, dry skin conditions, and even an increased risk of heart disease.

The 5 Key Triggers of Female Hair Loss (and a natural solution 2x's more powerful than minoxidil).png

So with this in mind, let’s COVER OUR BASES. In most cases, deficiencies can easily be fixed by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. Here are the seven most common signs that you may be lacking in omega-3:

Common symptoms of omega-3 deficiency, plus the healthy fats you should be eating

1. Dry skin

One of the secrets to youthful and hydrated skin is omega-3 fats, which can be found naturally in the cell wall structure. But the more deficient you are, the drier your skin will be. Omega-3 also helps the skin to absorb healthy nutrients and expel waste products that are harmful, resulting in healthy looking, glowing skin.

2. Lifeless hair

The same omega-3s found in the cells of your skin can also be found in hair follicles, making it an important nutrient for lustrous, glossy hair. Omega-3 fats nourish the hair, support hair thickening and also reduce scalp inflammation that can lead to hair loss.

If you are vegetarian or vegan and think you might be deficient in omega-3, eat plenty of nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, beans, soy products and leafy green vegetables, and consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

3. Brittle nails

Soft, peeling and brittle nails are all outward signs something in your body isn't right. It could be an omega-3 deficiency. Many studies have shown that omega-3s from animal sources, such as fish oils are easier for the body to absorb versus plant based ones, so incorporate oily fish into your diet if you can.

4. Insomnia

A study from the University of Oxford found that people with higher levels of omega-3 experienced better quality sleep. However, I always advise people to take omega-3 supplements in the morning, and not at night, as they can keep you awake if taken too close to bedtime!

5. Poor concentration

If you don't eat a lot of oily fish, or take omega-3 supplements, there's good chance you may experience poor concentration. Many people have experienced significant improvements in their concentration by simply ensuring they get a daily dose of omega-3.

6. Fatigue

Regular fatigue can have many causes, but there is no doubt that a deficiency in omega-3 could be one of them. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, fatigue is a common symptom of an underlying omega-3 deficiency, and so boosting your diet with fatty oils could help to increase your energy levels.

7. Joint pain

Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish oils are powerful anti-inflammatory agents - this is what makes them so important for people living with joint pain. Making sure you get enough omega-3 might stop the process that destroys tissues and joints, which causes the initial inflammation.

So there you go! My favorite fats are avocados, white fish and salmon and nuts. What are yours?

Love n’ light - Kassandra

Resource: Harpers Bazaar

Anxiety & Depression. Using CBD for a Happy Go Lucky Life!

Hi!   Get a little anxiety from time to time?  Who doesn't! Living with it daily, is a problem.

I'm staying outside the spiritual and mindfulness  self assessment path on this post - and strictly focusing on the healing benefits of the medicinal plant world that we rely on and share a rich existence with.  

General Anxiety an depression is at all ages and ranges, and has put mental health awareness on the rise.  

Life events, work stressors to menopause hormonal shifts easily effects our brains activity level - in which holds us back from living life at it's best. 

I recently ran across some stressful U.S. statistics:

  • 48% of people say stress and anxiety has a negative effect on their life and work.
  • 78% experience physical symptoms caused by stress and 73% experience psychological symptoms.
  • 48% say stress has increased for them in the last 5 years.

if you’re one of those people, cannabinoid medicine
might be able to help you

Image: Doen

Image: Doen

What Is CBD, and How Does It Work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found exclusively in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a high. Because of its increasing evidence of its numerous health benefits. One benefit seen from many of our CBD users, is the experience of less anxiety.

cbd infographic evoq

Getting Happy - Go - Lucky.     
How tho?  

Experts believe that it reduces anxiety by influencing what’s going on in your brain. Your brain is an astoundingly complex system that controls every interaction in your body.  Every thought and feeling you have is the result of its billions of nerve cells and chemicals, which are constantly interacting together.

Usually, all these chemical reactions go smoothly and you feel happy and healthy, but sometimes the chemicals cause feelings that you don’t want, like anxiety. Experts believe that when this happens, CBD can be used to change the chemistry in your brain and throughout your body, and get things running smoothly again.

Those who had taken cbd experienced significantly less anxiety and discomfort than those who received the placebo.

Evidence: The anecdotal evidence on CBD is abundant, which has brought many men and women to a fork in the road of choosing CBD a try for their anxiety

Receptor Systems in the Brain

>> The brain contains large numbers of highly specialized cells called neurons.

>> Each neuron connects to many others through structures called synapses.

>> These are sites where one neuron communicates to another by releasing chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters.

A neuron’s sensitivity to a specific neurotransmitter depends on whether or not it contains a receptor that “fits” that transmitter.  If a neuron contains receptors that match a particular neurotransmitter, then it can respond directly to that transmitter. All neurons contain multiple neurotransmitter receptors, allowing them to respond to some neurotransmitters but not others.

Plant Medicine & Receptors

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Brain receptors are not only sensitive to neurotransmitters produced naturally within the brain, like dopamine or serotonin, but also chemical messengers produced outside the body, such as plant cannabinoids like THC or CBD.

So when you ingest an edible or tonic, the components travel through your bloodstream, and enter your brain. Once they arrive, these plant-derived compounds influence brain activity by interacting with receptors on neurons. But they don’t interact with all neurons, just the ones that have the appropriate receptors.

CBD and the Receptor Systems [and the misconceptions]

Although it is a cannabinoid, CBD does not directly interact with the two classical cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2).  Instead, it affects signaling through CB1 and CB2 receptors indirectly. This partly explains why, in contrast to THC, CBD is non-intoxicating. In addition to its indirect influence on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD can increase levels of the body’s own naturally-produced cannabinoids (known as endocannabinoids) by inhibiting the enzymes that break them down.

Even more intriguing: CBD also influences many non-cannabinoid receptor systems in the brain, interacting with receptors sensitive to a variety of drugs and neurotransmitters.  

CBD & Opioids

These include opioid receptors, known for their role in pain regulation. Opioid receptors are the key targets of pharmaceutical pain killers and drugs of abuse such as morphine, heroin, and fentanyl.

CBD can also interact with dopamine receptors, which play a crucial role in regulating many aspects of behavior and cognition, including motivation and reward-seeking behavior.

This raises the intriguing possibility that CBD’s ability to influence either opioid or dopamine receptors may underlie its ability to dampen drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms, effects directly relevant to the treatment of addiction.

CBD and a Happy Serotonin System

CBD’s ability to target a specific serotonin receptor, the serotonin 1A receptor, is associated with a remarkable range of therapeutic possibilities.

Professor Roger Pertwee, a pharmacologist from the University of Aberdeen, spoke with Leafly about this aspect of CBD biology.

“It’s apparent ability to enhance the activation of serotonin 1A receptors supports the possibility that it could be used to ameliorate disorders that include: opioid dependence, neuropathic pain, depression and anxiety disorders, nausea and vomiting (e.g. from chemotherapy), and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,” he said. “One big unanswered question is what the human clinical relevance and importance of each of these potential therapeutic uses of CBD, identified solely by examining data from non-human preclinical research, actually is.”

CBD Partnering with Complex Pharmacology

Understanding CBD’s neurological effects is a complicated business, because of the wide variety of receptors with which it interacts.  But that complexity may be the key to its promise as a therapeutic agent.

Motivational disorders like addiction and anxiety are themselves highly complex; they arise from incompletely understood causes that span multiple receptor systems and neural networks in the brain. CBD’s complex, multi-target effects may therefore be crucial to its potential for aiding the treatment of such disorders. Over the coming years, researchers will continue to further understand this complexity and uncover the full scope of CBD’s therapeutic potential.

Evoq CBD

So How Do I Use It?

Unfortunately, since CBD hasn’t been officially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for anxiety, there are no official guidelines on how to use it if you decide to do so. Most experts recommend starting with a low dose, and working your way up slowly, taking note of how it makes you feel. Everybody reacts differently to CBD

Studies state 300-600mg per day brings relief.  

A lot of people do seem to be finding their own sweet spot. In a 2017 survey of 2,400 people from the medicinal cannabis community, researchers found that the majority use CBD products, and the most common medical condition they are using it for is anxiety.

Most of the CBD-users in this study reported that CBD works very well, with 42 percent saying that they have actually stopped using traditional medications now that they use CBD. Great news!

As noted, research validates that starting with 300-600mg can benefit the user. From my experience, this is good starting place to begin building on your specific needs.  Most likely, the body's not just experiencing "anxiety." Theres a root origin that intertwines a myriad of physiological and mental symptoms together.  So in conclusion, as an adaptogen like compound, the receptors feed what is most deficient first.  

Find our Advanced Terpene Rich + Broad Spectrum 300MG CBD HERE

A little more tense?  Our 1000mg CBD + CBG is a HOT SELLER for instant and long lasting benefits.  This tonic is also infused with additional terpenes and an additional cannabinoid profile for incredible healing power and bioavailability. Find that HERE.

.What About the Risks?

The good news is that despite the lack of FDA approval, people commonly take CBD for anxiety and a wide range of other health and wellness benefits, and negative side effects don’t seem to be too common.

Many people prefer CBD—clinically tested or not—to other common anti-anxiety drugs since these other options can cause some fairly unpleasant side effects; things like confusion, muscle weakness, and vomiting. Anti-anxiety medications can also be very addictive. In one 2017 review researchers conclude that the potential side effects of CBD are generally much more tolerable than those from alternative medications.

Here are eight lifestyle antidotes to be aware of when addressing anxiety and stress:

Keep your relationships strong. You may have 1,000 Facebook Friends and 500 LinkedIn connections, but do you have at least a few close relationships with people who care about you and whom you trust? These are people where you have regular interactions in more than 140 character sound-bites: where you speak about what’s really going on with you and find support and encouragement.

Resolve conflicts quickly. Do you have unresolved relationship tension that’s causing stress? Are you holding a grudge? Maybe it’s time to deal with these and move on. Trying to avoid relationship challenges is usually more draining long-term than having that difficult but needed conversation now.

Don’t worry. Worrying is stressful. It saps energy, life, creativity and resilience. We all worry; the key is not getting stuck there. There are several ways out:

Ask for help. One way out of worry may involve asking a boss, mentor or co-worker for advice or for a hand in getting something done. Or maybe you find yourself taking too long to complete a task because you’re over-analyzing it. If so, collaborate with a “doer” to help you get to decision and action. Delegate. Pray. Or all of the above.

Be thankful. It is amazing how remembering to be grateful can positively shift perspective and reduce worry and stress. How might you develop and maintain an attitude of gratitude?

Stay positive. With bad news, difficult circumstances, Debbie Downers and Doug and Wendy Whiners all around us, focusing intentionally on the good can be like swimming upstream. Get time with positive people. And mix inspirational reading and reflection into your day so your thought life and attitude isn’t governed purely by your intake of news and entertainment.

Do what’s important. Some of us are addicted to busyness; and it’s easy to get busy with stuff that’s not really important. Clarifying what is important and where we really want to say “yes” makes it easier to say “no” to distractions that just wind up creating more stress.

Take care of yourself. Find an exercise routine that works for you. Eat well. Get the rest you need. These habits make a huge difference when it comes to increasing your energy and preventing and coping with stress.



Aging Skin & the Root of it All

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Is inflammation the culprit to all skin inefficiencies?

At Beauty Ecology, we see our clients struggle to pinpoint what results they’re wanting to specifically achieve when getting a facial, let alone have ultimate trust that it’ll work.  

Of course every woman wants to reduce fine lines, wrinkles or pesky adult acne or sun spots.  

 Wouldn’t it nice if there was one trigger to identify and better understand so you could address overall skin health- all at once?!

Hmmmm… Posing that means I’ve got a unicorn answer, right?

Yupper - by the end of this quick read, you’ll mostly likely agree that a skincare routine loaded in anti-inflammatory tactics is the most effective way to treat many skin concerns. As you know, I’m dedicated to always get to the root of the matter.  

Let’s jump in. 


“My face isn’t red or agitated, so what’s this that my skin’s inflamed?”

First off,  each facial at BE is customized for your real time “needs” – and almost 75% of these “needs” are related to reduce fine lines, sun spots, and acne - but what your skin pro is REALLY focusing on …

(1) regenerative cellular health and      (2) calming inflammation.

We associate “inflamed skin” as an allergic reaction, a rash or hives. However, inflammation can take many forms and has many triggers.  The most alarming are the new studies validating that blue light from our tech obsessive lifestyles constantly put the skin into a low grade inflammatory (stressed) state.   In fact, it’s proven that most (if not all) aging stems from inflammation. I review the other key assaults further later.

Inflammation? It’s all good!

Heard it right!  It’s “good” because inflammation is our body’s built-in defense system to protect itself, as well as a great assistant in healing after an injury and is then designed to subside after your body is back to normal.

Here’s the rub.  

However, our modern day hustled and certain environments trigger long-term inflammation to stay constant in the body and contributes to unwanted skin conditions (and other ailments).

Common signs are:

- blotchy redness

- early signs of aging

- uneven hyper-pigmentation  

- stubborn breakouts

- Rosacea

Where could inflammation be coming from?

 | It’s either an external or internal source |

The healing power’s in your hands.  
Besides the obvious external environmental pollutants, external triggers causing chronic inflammation stem from forgetting to apply protective SPF, over-exfoliating and using chemical laden skincare products that don't keep your skin pH balanced.  Others triggers may be from harsh fragrances, essentials oils (80% of oils are adulterated) and using facial room technology or acids that are over abrasive on the skin.

Healing - It’s an inside job.  Let’s start there.

Stress says it all.  Due to the hormone, cortisol being elevated during stressful times, (short term is ok) and can backfire and catalyze long term inflammation. We know stress is hard to control, and ironically engaging in the 5 sensory engaged facial experience, scientifically validates the body is calmed, relaxed and able to reduce these inflammation markers.  In addition to that, the value add in a professional facial are result oriented treatments followed with anti-inflammatory calm-down techniques and home care products to keep the good vibes rolling. We’ll leave a meditation practice up to you!

Aging  and Commitment

We don’t attribute to the “anti-aging” panacea, but realistically age defying products need to be committed to for short and long term skin health.  If inflammation causes a weakened moisture barrier, meaning you skin loses its ability to retain water - you will remain dehydrated, leading to fine lines and thinned skin.   

- Inflammation causes collagen and elastin to break down at faster rates.

- Inflammation is also associated with adult breakout activity and is much more likely to leave behind a darkened spot. Picking those breakouts induces trauma that causes more inflammation,  and a longer healing time.

Self Care + the Ripple Effect on Inflammation


It takes awareness and action within our daily habits to bring true self-care. These efforts fundamentally include getting proper sleep and exercise combined with nourishing the body inside and out will help to keep inflammation at bay.

What we put in our body truly reflects the outer results (good and bad),  so do your best to avoid foods that cause inflammation ( saturated fats, fried foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates). Focus on skincare loaded with antioxidant-rich fruits and botanics, healthy omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, hemp and Vitamins A, C & E.

Anti-inflammatory Recommendations  

CLEANSE: For soothing cleansers, check out Soothing Lavender Milk Cleanser.

TREAT: Our top inflammation-inhibiting treatment booster does more than calm - it's regenerative and antioxidant quenching properties are transformative! 

PROTECT: To protect you skin from damage even further, add a super-charged nutritive moisturizer  that oxygenates and reduces fine lines.    

SHEILD: To top off your routine, it's critical to use a chemical free broad-spectrum   SPF.   To assure you're getting your Vitamin D + Protection,  Evoq's Day Lite Prep & Protect  Moisturizer (SPF 35) is a perfect match and great for evening out most skin tones. 


The IN & OUT of Cannabis Skin Transformation


Several peer-reviewed dermatological studies performed in recent years have suggested that CBD, a cannabis active compound, might have anti-inflammatory or beneficial properties for various skin disorders.

Signs of aging is a result of oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

So hows CBD work?  The dense amount of antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E  bring therapeutic potential for a number of inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.  CBD also sends messages to the CB2 receptors to essentially take a chill pill. 

Bulk up your routine with CBD's protective nutrients from natural sources to prevent inflammation, and you’ll never have to choose which skincare goal you to focus on. You’ll be multitasking for the win!  Here's the OUTER & INNER

In closing,  it's fair to say that inflammation is a major catalyst that needs attention when it comes to optimizing our inner and outer health and and skin health (call it aging if you must).  Awareness, self care and quality ancillary products are all part of the equation. 


Till next time!  xo . Kassandra


The RIGHT Way to Detox. Counting Calories or Counting Chemicals?

Spring is a time where we become more aware of the importance of detoxification due to the changing of the season and the need of the body to shift into new energies and lifestyles. 

From beauty magazines to wellness bloggers, we see many talking about their favorite detoxes. Detoxes for skin, rapid detoxes, juice detoxes, colon cleanses – you name it! It seems everyone has their own take on how to detox your body.

BUT .... is it appropriate, safe, or right for you?

Let’s chat about what it means to truly detox your body. No lemon drinks or apple cider vinegar fasts – this article shares how to truly detox your beautiful bod - through your detox pathways and a look at the different ways you can support them for truly safe and effective detoxification.


First things first. 


Your body has four major detoxification organs, and they are:

  • Your liver
  • Your kidneys
  • Your digestive system
  • Your skin

    Other detoxification pathways include your lungs and lymphatic system but these are the four major organs that can easily be supported for effective and improved detoxification.

We are exposed to tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While everyone should be working to reduce their daily toxin exposure, the truth of the matter is unless you live in a bubble – you can’t possible eliminate all toxin exposure. That being said, no one should rely on detoxification alone – read about how to Reduce Your Daily Toxin Exposure, in my free guide.

When it comes to being healthy, implementing detoxification techniques should be right up there with diet and exercise. This advice goes for everyone, but is especially important for anyone dealing with chronic health issues. Let’s look at the four detoxification organs more closely and learn how you can support each for optimal detoxification that goes beyond a trendy one time spring cleaning. 



1. Detox Through Your Liver

When it comes to your body’s detoxification pathways your liver is the workhorse of organs. The largest solid organ in your body, your liver takes quite the beating as it filters through toxins, proteins, fats, and more.  

Your liver is about the size of a football and is divided into two lobes, which has eight segments. Compared to the rest of your body, your liver requires a lot of blood and contains between 10 to 13 percent of your entire blood supply in it at one time.

Though your liver has a ton of work to do when it comes to detoxifying your body, it’s up for the challenge – provided you give it the support it needs. Detoxification in the liver happens in two-parts – phase 1 and phase 2. Each phase has different requirements, which you can support through diet and supplementation.

You can support Phase 1 liver detox with:

  • B vitamin supplements
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Polyphenols
  • Quercetin
  • Lycopene

You can support Phase 2 liver detox with:

  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium
  • Essential amino acids

Studies have also found that intermittent fasting supports Phase 2 detoxification.

Foods known to positively impact liver detoxification include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Grapefruit
  • Resveratrol
  • Fish oils
  • Green and black tea


2. Detox Through Your Kidneys

You have two kidneys located on either side of your spine just below the ribs. Your kidneys filter between 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day, which produces one to two quarts of urine. Your urine contains excess fluid and waste as a method of detoxification.

Blood is filtered through a million nephrons, where each contains a glomerulus and tubule. These prevent large molecules from passing through while filtering out waste products. Additionally, nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor known to protect the kidneys from oxidative stress. To improve your body’s detoxification processes, you’ll need to be sure to support these important processes.

You can support kidney detoxification with:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Resveratrol
  • Isoflavonoids
  • Astaxanthin

Foods known to boost kidney detoxification include:

  • Coffee
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Seaweed
  • Beets
  • Cranberries



3. Detox Through Your Digestive System

Going to the bathroom is another major detoxification pathway. If you aren’t going regularly or are constipated, this is more than a discomfort – you’re actually not getting necessary waste out.

Also, if you have any digestive issues – like leaky gut for example – your gut detoxification pathway isn’t functioning at its prime and that’s also an issue.

You can support digestive detoxification with:

  • Making sure you address any underlying gut issues. This means healing leaky gut, eliminating gluten and food sensitivities, and anything else that might be preventing your digestive system from functioning optimally.
  • Use detox binders – Detox binders, like activated charcoal and certain clays, can help collect toxins along the digestive tract and help your body eliminate them through your waste.

Foods that can support gut detoxification include anything that supports a healthy microbiome:

  • Probiotic foods including sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like Jerusalem artichoke and garlic

4. Detox Through Your Skin

Your skin plays an important role in biotransformation and detoxification through eliminating toxic substances. Your skin also helps reduce oxidative stress through sweating, it’s metabolizing enzymes, and redox regulation. The best ways to support your skin’s natural detox pathways is by eating nutrient dense foods and sweating more.

You can support detoxification through your skin with:

  • Exercise – One of the best things about exercise is it gets you sweating. Sweating is an important detoxification pathway in your body that only works when it’s turned on. Meaning, if you’re not sweating on a regular basis you aren’t getting the benefits of this detoxification pathway. When you exercise, make sure you sweat so you get the most out of your work out.
  • Infrared saunas – Infrared saunas heat your core temperature and make you really sweat. This has been shown to help your body excrete heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Plus, infrared saunas are incredibly enjoyable. I recommend you look for an infrared sauna near you and incorporate it into your weekly routine today.
  • Dry brushing – Dry brushing actually works through stimulating the lymphatic system but it also can help remove toxins on the surface and exfoliate dead skin too.

If you’re going to jump on the detox bandwagon this spring, I recommend you use methods that actually work. Instead of choosing something trendy, why don’t you incorporate some of these detox techniques into your everyday life so you can reap the benefits of detoxification on a daily level.

Too many people are counting calories and not enough people are counting chemicals and it’s time we paid attention with better detoxification practices.


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Thank you Dr Jill Carnahan for sharing this great information. Find the full article here.



In a rough patch? Destress your State of Flow (deeper than you think)

As the mornings get brighter and we shift seasons - we stay on topic of elimination with GUIDED RITUALS to open and EXPORT  CHANNELS of TOXICITY and ENERGETIC STAGNANCY - at home and with new services at BE.

No matter a person's belief system, there are fundamental laws of nature and biological similarities we all share. 

Heal your winter hair and skin blues as we connect the dots on ancient principles with modern day solutions. 

Cool Weather Care for Skin Amid Winter

Is your hair and skin routine underperforming?  

Feeling a little undernourished — dry, chapped and dull?  

Mostly likely you’re skin is clogged up with dead cells and hair a bit dull and brittle -  even though you’re  soaking up moisture like a sponge!

Humidity levels drop off in the winter months causing drier air, which in turn, sucks more moisture from your skin, your largest organ. (Not good.)  

 Mid-winter Love with EVOQ
 Beauty Solutions

  Deep Penetrating Hair Mask

A deep, strengthening treatment mask for weekly use or for an urgent hair-therapist “on call”. Hair will feel hydrated and instantly de-frizzed. Our multi-tasking mask soothes scalp irritation and increases blood circulation, which leads to a healthier scalp for optimal longterm hair health.




Healing Hair Oil

Your modern "VO5 treatment," this ultra­-versatile, lightweight hair oil absorbs instantly, giving your hair a healthy, brilliant shine. Made with cold­-pressed fresh and organic oils, this rich elixir harnesses the power of Black Cumin, Rosemary, and Carrot Seed oil to smooth frizz while protecting from damage.  


Sea Pearl Exfoliating Cleanser

A food grade Sea Pearl Brightening Exfoliator polishes the skin’s surface to lift away dead skin cells and smooth dry patches.

After exfoliation, our supercharged Youth Renewal Oil feeds cells with Omegas 3, 6, 7 & 9 to leave skin silky to the touch and glowing with health.



10X Youth Renewal Facial Serum

Cold-­pressed, organic fruit seed oils rank highest in omega antioxidants that create the “power of 10” anti­aging benefits. Infuse, protect and improve your skin from sensitivities, skin allergies, and environmental aging while enhancing cellular metabolic functions.


Another reason for dull skin, hair and spirit ...


You cannot see it, it slows during the winter and it's critical when it comes to supple, smooth and soft skin and overall stress and tension.  

 Mid-winter STATE OF FLOW ... 

 Journey through your inner terrain with a deeper look at the lymphatic system and how it's state of flow help's achieve better health and clearer skin.  

 How to Thrive in Energetic Winter

 Water is the element associated with the energetic season of Winter.

It hydrates and purifies. It’s a vehicle carrying nourishment to living things–plants, animals, humans. It can be hard or soft, gentle or powerful, flowing or standing still and stagnating.

Outside... looking in. 

Our skin and external beauty is a hologram of our innermost ecosystem.  Just like our earth’s ecosystem, it is an energetic self-regulating and self-sustaining wonderment.   

Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy

Often called the “River of Life,” the lymphatic system performs the vital function of removing excess fluid and waste, destroying pathogens, and delivering nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body.

Poor lymph function is associated with chronic fatigue and cancer. Common symptoms of a sluggish lymph system can be fatigue, general body aches and pains, recurrent infections or illness and swollen glands. 

The lymphatic system has no pump to move lymph fluid through the body, so natural approaches can aid and improve the function of our lymphatic system. 

Dry Brushing for Healthy Lymph & Glowing Skin

Move your Lymph with this Easy Home Spa Ritual

Get the Tips and Tools by taking action with dry brushing HERE

Next we'll explore more in depth with modern holistic therapies we now provide at BE to continue to release toxic and energetic stagnancy.

 Skin is left conditioned and refined. A calmer spirit is returned.




If you thought sun exposure, stress and smoking were the only things to worry about when it comes to speeding up the ageing process - think again. Recent studies have also shown that there a number of foods that also contain the nasties that have the potential to boost the rate at which we wrinkle.

Menopause: Discover Hidden Hormone Imbalances

Menopause: Discover Hidden Hormone Imbalances

I see it every day in the lives of my clients.  Whether "creeping" or well on it's way,  menopause brings about the many emotional facts of being exhausted, impatient  and – in short, frazzled!  The article below is a guest post from Candace Burch with ZRT Labs after being inspired by reading Dr. John R. Lee’s life changing go-to book on the subject, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause", and got smart.

2 Best Fall Beauty Smoothies: Detox & Cleanse (recipes inside)


Fall is my favorite time of year. I love summer but fall – The leaves are turning and the air starts to become crisper. This also means  that Halloween and Christmas are right around the corner, and best of all, the apples.

Liver TLC for Fall

I can trust that you - like many - are on the run this Fall season.   A zesty green smoothy for you and the family can be super refreshing and delicious.  It also provides a easy way to detoxify the liver and cleanse the body while still enjoying a delicious treat or temporary meal replacement.

Skin Love through you LIVER!

A cleaned-up liver can process nasty toxins more efficiently which leads to clear, radiant and younger-looking skin. Blending fruits and vegetables in a smoothie versus juicing, boosts the absorption of all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients by keeping the fiber in the mix. This aids in cleansing and gets the body back into balance resulting in more energy and a natural glow.

Of course, we suggest choosing  organic when possible to avoid heavily pesticide-sprayed produce. Pesticides are toxic to the body, far from beautiful and defeat the purpose of detoxification.

Filled to the brim with purifying ingredients, this revitalizing smoothie is a GREAT addition to take the stress of your mind, body, and adrenal's this change of season into the brisker air.


green smoothie


Enjoy TWO Green Beauty Smoothies

Directions and Ingredients:


  • 8 oz coconut water – Contains enzymes that help to detoxify and repair the body

  • ½ lemon peeled – Detoxifies the liver and helps convert toxins into water-soluble form that can be easily eliminated from the body

  • Small handful of parsley leaves – Loaded with vitamins A, C, K along with folate and iron which all benefit healthy skin

  • ½ granny smith apple – Quercetin found in the apple skin tackles free radicals that cause damage and wrinkles

  • ½ cucumber peeled & cut – Made of 95% water, keeps the body hydrated while helping it eliminate toxins

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds – Filled with omega-3’s that boost collagen production and fiber to aid in cleansing

  • Handful of spinach – Chlorophyll in greens oxygenates and alkalizes the blood leading to less inflammation and glowing skin

  • ¼ avocado – The good fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which help control the skin’s moisture level

  • Stevia to sweeten – Natural sweetener to satisfy a sweet tooth made from a plant with no sugar and impact on blood sugar levels

  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend ingredients until smooth and enjoy your Organic SUPER-WOMAN Green Beauty Smoothie.





Fall Apple Green Smoothie

With the leaves turning there is an abundance of delicious home grown organic apples!


  • 1 Apple

  • 1 Orange

  • 1/2 Lime – Peeled

  • 1″ Ginger (Frozen)

  • 2 C. Spinach

  • 1 C. Almond Milk

  • 1 C. Ice Cubes


  • Grate the frozen ginger

  • Peel the lemon

  • Remove the apple core

  • Blend it!

Smoothie reference{from my article in the Coco Eco Magazine EARTH ROCKS Spring/Summer 2014 issue on p. 50-51} Greensmoothieforbeauty
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