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How Yoga and Meditation Can Help You Take Control of Negative Emotions

Yoga and meditation are forms of mindfulness that allow you to both focus on and let go of emotions. The benefits of doing yoga and regularly meditating are astounding, and many people turn to these practices to deal with negative emotions. There are several ways this approach can help you to manage your feelings.


Anger is a normal feeling that shouldn't cause you to feel shame. However, if you feel like you have a problem getting control of your anger once you're triggered, then yoga and meditation can help. They can help you learn to respond to situations instead of just reacting. Both practices focus on being in the now. You'll stop replaying past events or worrying about what might be waiting in the future. By focusing on your breath, you can get your brain more oxygen and settle your body and mind. This helps to alleviate anger and leaves you able to think more clearly about why you're so upset. Controlling your emotions can help prevent road rage, lashing out at someone as well as other outbursts of anger. It's beneficial to learn how to control your anger so that your response doesn't hurt other people. It also helps you to live a healthier, happier life.


Yoga and meditation don't require you to repress your emotions. In fact, they can help you to deal with them in a constructive way. You may find yourself crying during a yoga practice because you feel able to release your emotions. This can actually help you to deal with whatever is making you sad. Instead of avoiding them, you're facing your feelings head on and finding a way to work through them. Meditation also allows you to handle grief without being consumed by it. You're encouraged to use your senses to notice the world around you and to ground yourself when you meditate. This helps you to see your sadness without falling so deep into the emotion that you feel incapable of escape.


Anxiety is hard to deal with and can manifest itself differently in people. Fortunately, meditation can help get you out of your stressed thought patterns and relieve the anxious feelings you're having. Meditation pulls you away from overthinking and asks you to focus on the now. Your "now" doesn't have to be perfect for meditation to relieve your anxiety. Simply slowing down your thoughts and letting yourself handle what's right in front of you can alleviate anxiety. The deep breaths you take in both mediation and yoga give you something to focus on besides the thoughts that are racing through your mind. These practices can short circuit your monkey mind and allow you to become aware of your thoughts and how they're affecting your body.

Meditation and yoga offer proven benefits to your mental and physical health. Take control of facing your feelings and working through them constructively by embracing these two practices. Doing this will help you to not only take control of your life but also to feel better in general.

Limited Belief Meditation to get CLEAR

Welcome to this Mindfulness Meditation on THINKING ABOUT OUR THOUGHTS! 

What you’ll need: Notebook and a Pen 

Thinking about our thoughts.   


Q: What are the things we tell ourselves on a daily basis. 

Q: Are they aligned with what we want? 

Q: Do they align with our inner core values? 

Thoughts create things and things create our reality.  

When we get clearer in our minds - we are better able to see in our mind's eye (our true authentic spirit self) what we truly want - and only then we are able to start to seeing clear actions to close the gaps in what we want that is true and right for us. 

Join me! Tune out and tune in.

Meditation Transcript

Stay inward -  (Its important not to compare our successes). 

What are the stories and limiting beliefs in what we desire?  

So let’s tune out and tune in by taking a moment and think about our thinking.   

 Take a moment with me to sit with yourself to turn inward and identify what may be some limiting beliefs right now that we can shift and get clear on.   

Closing your eyes, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

 Taking the moment to relax and give time and space for your spirits and soul.  Feel your body relax, shoulders and tension in your eyes and jaw to relax. taking this moment for yourself.  opening your breath, even more, breathing out tension and in light through the center of your heart…that’s right.  

Now that you’re relaxed, bring in and allow two thoughts that are loving and true about yourself.  

“I feel calm in the midst of chaos.”

“I’m humorous and don’t take myself too seriously. “   

Great, now thank your true self for them - and now shifting, into 2 things that may be an inner voice that is not kind, to ourselves.  

So bringing up and allowing 2 things that come up now that are not productive or positive mind chatter to yourself.  

“I’m lazy and never get ahead.”  

“Everyone seems ahead of me and I feel behind” 

Great, now thank your truth and having the courage to look at them.  Seeing them side by side in complete neutrality - and understand we are not our thoughts but they are a guide to our inner subconscious.   

 Great….. Waking up from 1 to 5…counting 1. becoming more away, 2 thank you for this time. 3 shifting back into full presence  4 Fully Present 5. Fully awake.    

Now grab a notebook and write the negative thoughts and shit them to a positive one.

 “I dont have enough time” to “ I have all the time I need”   

 For the Positive, this is a sacred space to keep and remember and remind ourselves about our truth.  

This is a bank of love, compassion, and goodness to drink from.  

For more meditations like this, visit the Awaken Beauty Podcast! @awakenbeautyhq

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