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How to Choose a Moisturizer: Is Oily Skin the thirstiest of them all?

Let’s talk one of the most basic aspects to good skin care: moisturizer.



Tell me pretty lady, have you asked yourself these questions?

Why does some moisturizer break me out while other moisturizers seem to do nothing, no matter how much or how often I apply it?

While I’m not a HUGE believer in skin types the way traditional skincare sites give, I do know that this conversation does come down to the nature of your skin.

The goal is to understand when to use an oil or a moisturizer - and using a moisturizer that works with your skin or against your skin.


Did you know that there are 2 main types of moisturizers that work in different ways to hydrate your skin?

There are water-based and oil-based moisturizers (Ie: a balm, ointment or serum). Water-based moisturizers pull water into your skin while oil-based moisturizers prevent water from evaporating from your skin.

The product you’ll want will depend on your unique skin.

For instance:

If you have dry skin, you will want a water-based moisturizer to infuse your skin with deep hydration.

If you live in a dry environment, you’ll want an oil-based product since it prevents water from evaporating from your skin.

And if you have dry skin and live in a dry environment? You’ll need a water-based and oil-based moisturizer! I personally always combine them both due to the different molecular weights and nutrient values.

Most women pick the wrong moisturizer because they simply don’t know what type of skin they have or their skin is always changing.

 All too often I hear people with oily skin saying they do NOT have dry skin.

GET THIS…… this may be technically true, but did you know that oily skin is the type that thirsts for water the most?

You heard it right: Oily skin is so very thirsty that it produces extra amounts of oil to prevent more water from evaporating! It is desperate to hold on to the moisture it does have—and wiping oil off your face only makes the situation worse since signals your skin to produce more and more and more oil—it’s a vicious cycle!

The only effective way to reduce the oil of oily skin is to give your skin the moisture it craves!!!

Head on over to EVOQ to discover our serums and 2 moisturizers.

How to Beat the Flu With Natural Remedies

Knowing how to handle a cold or the flu can make a difference in recovery time and decrease pain and suffering. Natural remedies can not only relieve symptoms, but they may also contribute to shortening the time that it takes to heal.


Your immune system is your only real line of defense, and it's a strong one. Your first job is to stop the active virus from accelerating, which requires rest. Get under the covers because a warmer body temperature shuts the virus down. This will help your body take it to another level by creating a fever that will kill the virus and sweat it out.

Try to sleep as much as possible. Any time you spend doing otherwise will delay your recovery. If you are having a difficult time sleeping, try to correct that situation. Use extra pillows so you can sit up and breathe more easily, or take a hot steamy shower. A hot cup of tea can help ease a sore throat and relax you.

Herbal Tea

Most teas are great for a cold or the flu because they provide steam that opens up breathing passageways and melts away the congestion. There are a number of herbal teas that work wonders for relieving annoying symptoms and boosting the immune system. Chamomile can help you fall asleep, and it has antibacterial benefits. Elderberry has many properties that can help alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Peppermint tea soothes with a cooling sensation and works as a decongestant. Licorice root tea helps to aid in breathing.

Classic Chicken and Noodle Soup

It may be true what they say about a mother's chicken soup. A steaming hot bowl of chicken soup really can be like medicine when you are congested and trying to get your strength back.

The garlic and onion aid the immune system because they have strong antibacterial properties. As you hold your head over a wide bowl, the hot steam rolls over the surface of your face and loosens the mucus beneath the surface. The bits of chicken provide a little protein for a slight energy boost. Broths with a small amount of noodles require little energy to digest, so your body can direct all the rest of its effort toward healing.

In summary, get plenty of rest and hot liquids. You lose more moisture when you're sick because your body is constantly flushing out toxins. Between intervals of much-needed rest, concentrate your waking time on getting in your liquids. Along with herbal tea, hot soup is a wonderful prescription.

Here’s another article you might like: The 7 Top Signs of Omega-3 Deficiency

Tips for Preparing for Your Spa Day

A spa day is the perfect opportunity to get pampered and relaxed after a stressful workweek. You deserve a little "me time" and a spa is a great place to help you shine both inside and out. A professional massage and facial may be just what you need. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your spa day.

Eat Before, But Not Too Close to the Appointment

It's important to have a small meal before your spa day so you don't suffer with hunger pains and get cranky. However, eating too close to your appointment can mess with your metabolism and make you uncomfortable when you're trying to relax. Massages stimulate your digestion and circulation so you'll want to make sure you eat at least two hours before to prevent bloating and bathroom breaks. It's also not recommended to have a huge meal the night before as you could feel sick before your appointment.

Staying Hydrated

Spas can make you sweat! Water is definitely a necessity before your appointment, whether it's a hot facial or a sit in the sauna. You'll also want to bring your own bottle in case the spa doesn't have any available. Afterward, much like a workout, you'll want to cool down with refreshing water to replenish you. This allows your skin to be as beautiful as possible and for you to have plenty of water to sweat the toxins out. You should aim for over two liters a day. Otherwise, dehydration can set in and make you dizzy during what's supposed to be a relaxing and carefree spa day.

Make the Day Just for You!

You may want to bring a friend to join you on your spa day, so it's necessary you pick a pal with positive energy. If you're going solo, try to de-stress in the morning to prepare for the perfect day. Feel free to research what services you think you'll enjoy the most and don't be afraid to speak to a spa professional about what you like even if you have to speak up during the appointment. Try not to stress too much about your appearance but it's okay to reschedule if you're feeling sick or too nervous to go.

Everyone needs a spa day every once in a while. The key tips to enjoying your spa day is to look forward to it and save some time for a little preparation. Check out reviews and testimonies of fellow spa-goers to see what they recommend and enjoy your visit!

What Causes Knots in your Hair, and how to untangle!

We all want beautiful, silky-smooth hair. Unfortunately for most of us, though, knots and tangles are an inevitable part of life.

You can have gorgeous, knot-free hair! All it takes is some TLC to get those pesky knots out. And with a few tips on how to prevent them altogether, your hair will be looking better than ever.

To naturally prevent and unknot your locks, head over to and receive 25% off your first purchase!

Full Show Notes:

We all want beautiful, silky-smooth hair. Unfortunately for most of us, though, knots and tangles are an inevitable part of life.

You can have gorgeous, knot-free hair! All it takes is some TLC to get those pesky knots out. And with a few tips on how to prevent them altogether, your hair will be looking better than ever.

What Causes Knots In Hair?

Hydrate your hair for knot-free living.

You may have noticed that certain types of hair seem to be more prone to knots and tangles than others. But what is it that actually causes your hair to knot?

Tangles are caused by the exterior layer of your hair, which is known as the cuticle, getting damaged. This means that instead of laying flat and closed, your cuticles are open and get caught on each other, causing knots.

Another way that tangles are caused is by your hair not being sufficiently hydrated. Always make sure to keep your hair properly hydrated by using the right shampoos, conditioners and hair care products for your specific type of hair.

Top 3 Ways To Undo Knots In Hair

1. Undoing Knots While Brushing

Brushing your hair the right way can help keep it smooth.

If you have knots in your hair and you don’t want to end up looking like a frizz-ball, try applying a small amount of oil based or silica based serum to your hair before brushing it.

This will help the brush go through your hair more easily, which will help detangle your tresses. Otherwise, you can opt to use a regular detangler. Start from the ends of your hair and work your way up, then brush out your hair gently.

2. Undoing Knots Caused By Products

Olive oil can help smooth your hair.

Yes, you use products to make your hair better. Sometimes, though, you may have applied more product than intended, especially when it comes to hairspray. It’s so easy to spray too much or to spray too close to your hair. This can often lead to unwanted tangles.

If that’s the case, your best bet is probably a bit of oil. Use a natural oil, such as argan oil or olive oil, or a serum, and apply it around halfway down your hair. You don’t want your roots to look like an oil bath. Work the oil through your hair until the tips, and then brush it gently. The oil will break down the product and help add moisture to your hair, making it softer and more manageable.

3. Undoing Knots In Wet Hair

Wet hair doesn’t have to be knotty.

After coloring your hair, you want to be careful on untangling the hair. Its just gone through a chemical process and is fragile. Same with hard water, these are ph imbalances in the hair that you want to be careful - as they build up over time, dry the hair and can cause it to snap.

If wet, knotty hair is your struggle, apply a good conditioner and use a wide-toothed comb to work it through your tangles. When drying your hair, blot or squeeze it dry rather than rubbing it. Rubbing your hair dry can cause it to tangle, and that’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid here.

How To Prevent Knots In Hair

But as the old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This rings true when it comes to knots in your hair as well. I mean, rather than having to deal with knots, it’s even better to prevent them in the first place, right?

Change Your Hairstyle

Shake up your hairstyle to reduce knotting.

The same hairdo day in, day out, was actually contributing to my knots and tangles. When you tie your hair in the same place all the time, it causes stress to your hair.

Over time, this can build up and cause hair damage – which you might recognize as knots. So, do yourself a favor and have a few different hairstyles for every day. It’s also best to use a scrunchie that’s covered in material, as these types are softer on your hair than elastic hair ties.

Sleep With Your Hair In Mind

I like to put my hair in a soft bun when I got to bed, not allwoing it to tangle.

Also, while cotton may be cheaper, silk pillowcases are best for hair that is prone to tangling.

Condition, Condition, Condition!

A good conditioner is important for your hair.

Yes, knotty hair is all about conditioner, ladies. Make sure you’re using a good quality conditioner, and use it regularly (at least every time you shampoo) to keep the knots at bay.

You want equal parts moisture and protein. Take care to condition the ends of your hair to keep them healthy and strong. A leave-in or deep conditioning once a week is also a great idea for keeping moisture in your hair and preventing tangles.

Use A Hair Mask

Besides helping to detangle your hair, a weekly hair mask will also help it become shiny and silky and even help it to grow faster. It’s not a huge amount of effort, and it’ll give you some downtime to relax while your hair soaks in all the goodness.

Why not try our Evoq Hair Mask? After you apply it to your hair, leave it under a shower cap to sit. Run yourself a hot bath, turn on some soft music, and just let yourself be. Besides helping to condition your hair and prevent knots, you’re also unwinding and releasing your stress. Win-win!

Brush Those Locks

If your hair is super prone to frizzing (which generally comes along with knotty hair, unfortunately), you may be tempted to skip brushing. Don’t, though! Use a wide-toothed comb to get rid of knots, and brush gently and regularly to achieve (almost) tangle-free hair.

Go Easy On The Heat

Let your hair dry naturally.

Consistent heat is one of the main causes of hair damage – and one of the ways hair damage manifests itself is in the settings on your appliances, so your hair isn’t getting literally fried.


Knots are knot a life sentence! True, you might have to get used to some new hairstyles or pillowcases, or find ways to style your hair without subjecting it to heat all the time.

But in the end, you only stand to gain. Because healthier, shinier hair is not something that just happens.

With a little effort on your part, your knotty struggle can become a thing of the past.

To prevent and unknot your locks, head over to and receive 25% off your first purchase.  Code: "awaken" 

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