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Does the hair need protein? The telltale signs!

Have you ever thought, “HMmm…. my hair definitely has a protein deficiency!”

🤷🏻‍♀️ - said no client ever.

From hard water to toxic hair products - women often think that when they have dry, damaged hair, they immediately think they only need a moisturizing treatment to address the hair health issue.

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Protein and How It Affects the Hair

Our hair is primarily made up of chains of amino acids and proteins called keratin. Think of the hair as a building with keratin as the bricks. Because of overstyling, chemical treatments, and environmental stressors, keratins become worn out, creating gaps in the hair which eventually leads to leaking out your color, moisture barrier protection scales - and damage and breakage.


Here are some blatant signs your hair is in dire need of protein and my number one expert recommendation of a Beauty Ecology Client Cult Favorite PROTECTANT SPRAY with equal parts moisture and protein.

Warning, too much protein can also make your hair feel brittle and dry - your cuticle is too FULL and it will break. To avoid this curveball from the confusion on the market- Repair and Protect Spray is for YOU (all hair types).

Does the hair need protein?

Fact: Hair is super porous.

Does your hair always look frazzled, coarse, and dry? Highly porous strands have tears and gaps in the hair, exposing the cortex to stressors. This causes the hair to absorb and release moisture faster than normal, leading to frizzy, tangled hair.

Hair looks limp and stringy.

Is the hair not as full and bouncy as it used to? Dull and limp hair is a sign of protein deficiency. Most women think it just needs a bit of hair styling product to bring it back to life, but this action actually compromises the health of the hair significantly. Layering more products on already weak hair will weigh it down, causing it to look stringy.

Hair has low elasticity.

Perform the a wet stretch test. Take about 10 strands and spray some water. Make sure to hold the hair tight then gently pull the hair. If the hair stretches and bounces back to its normal length without breaking, it means the hair is healthy. If it stretches and doesn’t return or stretches and breaks, then chances are your hair is missing protein.

Hair has been colored recently.

Hair color, bleach, and treatments contain chemicals that alter the bonds of the hair, leading to damage. These chemicals elevate the pH of the hair and causes the cuticles to rise. The longer the cuticles are raised up, the longer the cortex of the hair is exposed and, therefore, makes the hair more susceptible to protein loss and breakage.

There’s increased shedding and breakage.

We normally lose up to 100 strands a day. But if you are losing more hair that doesn’t come from the root, then it is a protein issue and needs to be addressed immediately.

Note: increased hair loss could be caused by many things: a hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, stress, autoimmune disorders, medications, chemotherapy and more.

It’s important to thoroughly consult and analyze the scalp and hair before deciding a lack of protein is the culprit. If you suspect hair loss, then I suggest looking at the Evoq Root Revival Hair Growth Dream Team is two times more powerful than drug based Minoxidil. Really!

Hair feels gummy.

Does the hair feel mushy and sticky? This could mean your hair’s support system is weak and has been over-moisturized, causing the texture to change and feel funny. Or worse, the hair has suffered from far too much lightening, causing it to feel like bubblegum.

While protein deficiency can be treated by simply changing your diet and lifestyle, there are several in-salon treatments you can do to replenish lost proteins in the hair.

Evoq Repair and Protect Spray is great at restoring chemically damaged hair by repairing it from the inside out to give the hair the moisture and minerals it needs to remain healthy.

Get the deets here…

The Weightless Great Defender 

This Organic (96%), weightless spray locks in gorgeous color, enhances style, blocks out humidity, and protects from premature color fading. It’s an essential first step of your styling routine and provides instant, weightless protection. 

The nutrient-rich vitamins in this spray provide an extra dose of antioxidants for smooth, healthy-looking hair. And amino acids protect the hair from thermal damage, UV rays, and daily washing all while speeding up drying time and strengthening strands.

Aloe Vera - Protects and moisturizes hair as an emollient and antioxidant. Its composition of 18 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals impart hair with a fortified moisture for healthy, smooth strands. Water is locked into strands due to its polysaccharide and sterol content.

Kelp Extract - A highly concentrated seaweed extract rich in minerals, trace elements, and vitamins for strand and scalp health. The rich iodine content helps treat and prevent dandruff.

Vitamin B - This active form of vitamin B is an emollient that instantly binds to the hair shaft and seals it, giving locks a healthy shine and reducing breakage and split ends.

Quinoa Protein - Rich in amino acids to promote hair and scalp follicle strength, fullness and softness while protecting hair from environmental damage.

Seed Oil Complex (Meadowfoam, Avocado & Shea) - Keeps hair feeling smooth and silky while antioxidant properties protect strands from free radical damage. Hair is imparted with a healthy shine and is easy to comb. 


Lastly, address one of the ROOT CAUSES - SALON HAIR COLOR

Choosing less aggressive hair color and lighteners like BEAUTY ECOLOGY’S ZERO AMMONIA AND ENZYME (VERSUS PEROXIDE) ammonia-free and PROTEIN BASED CLAY ENLIGHTENER is also a great way to protect the hair from damage.

They DO NOT contain chemicals that put a lot of physical stress on the hair, which is often the reason strands become prone to split ends, breakage and protein loss.


Please reach out if I can help you repair your hair! xo - Kassandra

The 411 on Terpenes [CBD + Terpenes are Better Together]

LET’S CHAT TERPENES! Terp - what? ……

If you’ve been following the hemp revolution, you’ve most likely experienced or read about Terpenes.

The hemp plant is rich in terpenes. In fact, scientists researching the chemical structure of the plant have identified over 150 different types.

So, what are terpenes and why should you care?


The 411 on Terpenes

Terpenes (pronounced TUR-PEENS) are organic compounds that give cannabis varieties their distinct scents; such as pine, citrus, or berry. Just like cannabinoids (THC and CBD), terpenes are found in the resin of cannabis, a sticky oil produced by tiny glands that densely cover the surface of cannabis flowers, and to a lesser extent, their foliage. This why terpenes are often described as essential or aromatic oils.

 Although “terpenes” has become a buzzword amongst cannabis consumers, these organic compounds are not unique to cannabis. In fact, basically all fragrant plants and flowers, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices contain some combination of terpenes. They develop terpenes as a survival mechanism to repel predators and lure pollinators. 

What’s the Difference Between Terpenes and Terpenoids?

You may have heard the words “terpene” and “terpenoid” used interchangeably. Both compounds are related; however, there are some key differences. 

Terpenesare volatile hydrocarbons present in the essential oil (resin) of cannabis. The term “volatile” means that these compounds easily evaporate at room temperature, releasing an aroma. Terpenoids, on the other hand, are derivatives of terpenes that have an additional atom due to the process of drying and curing of the cannabis plant. 

Cannabis contains both terpenes and terpenoids, although terpenes are the primary component found in resin and are of greatest interest to humans. 

What are Terpenes Used For?

Humans have been using terpenes to naturally flavor foods, perfumes, and cosmetics for centuries, and in more recent years, synthetic terpenes have even been created as food additives. 

We have also been reaping the rewards of their therapeutic properties. Have you ever noticed the soothing effect of lavender? Or the energizing sensation of citrus scents? Each terpene has its own unique effect. Some relieve stress and pain, while others promote focus and acuity. But what about the terpenes in cannabis?

Therapeutic Properties of Cannabis Terpenes

The terpenes found in cannabis, in particular, the cannabis flower, have displayed many therapeutic properties. 


Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene in cannabis, and one of the most powerful. Also found in lemongrass, mangos, and basil, it has an earthy aroma with hints of cardamom and cloves. Myrcene, in particular, β-myrcene, is believed to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, enabling cannabinoids to diffuse across the barrier into the central nervous system easily. This is why, strains with a predominance of myrcene are shown to enhance the analgesic and sedative effects of cannabis, and offer potential medical value for chronic pain and insomnia. [1]


Also found in lavender and cinnamon, linalool is perhaps the most recognizable terpene in cannabis. Its soothing floral fragrance is shown to have anti-anxiety and analgesic effects, helping to relieve insomnia and counteract anxiety by calming and relaxing the mind and body. [2]In addition to its calming effect, linalool has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to significantly reduce inflammation within the lungs caused by cigarette smoking, as well as reduce lung irritation associated with inhaling cannabis. [3]


Limonene, as you might have guessed, is found in lemons and has an uplifting citrus aroma that elevates mood and provides stress relief. [4]This powerful terpene has also shown potential as a natural treatment for acne due to its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. [5]Most recently, limonene is being investigated for its immunomodulatory properties, including potential anti-tumor effects. [6]


Pinene has an invigorating woody pine scent, which is shown to reduce inflammation associated with conditions like asthma, chronic pain, and stomach ulcers. Several studies have indicated that alpha-pinene (α-pinene) significantly reduces proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α,  interleukin-6, and nitric oxide. It’s also shown to inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), the same enzyme that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, act on to reduce pain and inflammation. [7]


Also found in black pepper, the terpene beta-caryophyllene (β-caryophyllene) is a strong anti-inflammatory shown to act on CB1 receptors. It was once a common treatment for stomach ulcers in the United Kingdom and has shown great promise as a treatment for other inflammatory conditions, such as contact dermatitis. 

The Entourage Effect

While cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, are primarily responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis, terpenes also play an important role. Cannabinoids and terpenes actually work together to produce complementary or synergistic results in what is known as the “Entourage Effect.”

Terpenes not only provide their own medicinal value, as shown above, but these aromatic oils also mediate the effects of cannabinoids. For example, the floral fragrance of linalool works in harmony with THC to protect against the anxiety that can be experienced with cannabis. In another example, the uplifting aroma of pinene counteracts the negative effects of THC on memory and cognition by increasing alertness and mental clarity. 

Although more research is needed, studies show that terpenes also work together to enhance one another's effects. For example, both pinene and limonene assist with the absorption of other terpenes, ultimately enhancing their potential medicinal value. Due to the complementary properties of cannabinoids and terpenes, scientists are currently investigating the most effective combination in the treatment for a variety of conditions. 

A combination of CBD (the most therapeutic cannabinoid), Myrcene (a natural sedative) and Caryophyllene (a natural pain reliever) are proving to be a safe and effective natural sleep therapy. While a blend of CBD with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial terpenes, like Limonene, Linalool, and Pinene is showing great promise as an acne treatment.  [9]

Bottom Line: Check the Terpene Profile on CBD

Although the scents between different strains of cannabis are subtle, the effects of terpenes are powerful. These organic compounds add great value through their synergistic effects and have opened up a new window of medical potential in the field of cannabis research. Today, cannabis laboratories can test for terpene content, allowing users to read the terpene profile and choose their product accordingly. 


  1. https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0043-122240

  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091305711002954

  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567576915301089

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8646568

  5. http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUPhysChemTech/article/view/4060

  6. https://www.spandidos-publications.com/mmr/15/4/2339?text=fulltext

  7. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0192415X15500457

  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17556587/

  9. https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/51938614/Evolution_of_the_Cannabinoid_and_Terpene_Content_JNP_2016.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1555308564&Signature=wUMgDwdJZSZEOO2ocvLCcWpcyEc%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DEvolution_of_the_Cannabinoid_and_Terpene.pdf

THINNING HAIR 🕒 Do this while you still have time


Tell me, have you ever looked at your scalp or at your brush and thought ...

OMG, is all of this hair loss normal?

Will my hair stop falling out?

Is this aging or stress, my hair is getting thinner!

Industry-wide,thinning hair a leading concern amongst salon clients,but few hairstylists know how to help a client get from here (helping to identify the source) to THERE (determining the best starting point, testing and solution-based options for the client).

I wish addressing thinning hair were as easy as just taking biotin, but it's not. 😔

| Fact |

40% of women have visible hair loss by the time they are age 40, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

I personally experienced losing over 50% of my hair in a short 2 weeks(literally) due to a perfect storm of stress and a health collapse (low hemoglobin). I remember not wanting to even touch my scalp, let along wash my hair.

Luckily, I had help to my kryptonite (Root Revival - explained below).

In fact, this power hitter is 2X'S MORE POWERFUL THAN MINOXIDIL and 100% NATURAL and DRUG-FREE!


Life begins at the SCALP

ENTER ROOT REVIVAL'S Multi-therapeutic Regime,
while you still have time!

  • Help prevent hair loss

  • May rejuvenate damaged hair follicles

  • Aims to improve hair quality and texture

  • Helps to restore healthy hair growth cycles

    Can increase circulation and nutrition to scalp and hair follicles

How'd Evoq different from other hair loss products?

Our activator takes into account the entire follicle process fromstart to finish. Many other products have "mono" (one) ingredients that help hair loss, but often falls short or is over abrasive with salicylic acid to try to remove buildup - leaving the scalp dry and sensitive.

How's the Root Revival Activator work?

Hair Loss happens due to the stem cells of the hair follicle becoming less productive. Moreover, the fibroblasts located in the dermal papilla are less effective in transmitting information to the stem cells, in consequence, the matrix is not able to renew itself as before.

Evoq's Root Revival Activator targets the hair follicle cells to reactivate its division and stimulate anagen initial phase(growth)and decrease the effects of the telogen phase(fall).

Its action on several fronts enhances hair growth more than any other compound, even more(clinically proven 2x's more) than Minoxidil which is known for its side effects.

To make it easy - below is a chart that displays the power of this powerful scalp enhancer, followed by a client that's experience incredible regrowth!


100% Natural Hair Growth Solution with Root Revival Activating Tonic

Reach out if you have any questions. Finding the root cause, combined with safe, toxic-free support is my passion and specialty. xo - Kassandra

Love and light! - Kassandra.

Debunking CBD & Skin Care Video Replay

Hi dear one!

As you know, I’m passionate about truth and transparency. As a skin care formulator, I’m weary of all the new “CBD skin care products” on the market. After formulating CBD rich topicals myself, I can analyze and recognize the watered down counterfeits on the market, and want the same for you.

So what’s all this jazz about CBD and skincare?

It’s ALL RIGHT HERE! Listen to this live webinar replay with Aliza, the CEO of Ellementa and yours truly.

**PS. Grab our 25% reduced price offer below for trusted, organic CBD.

Here are the cliff notes!

This awesome and informative video focuses on how CBD (cannabinoids) is a potent antioxidant, and when used topically- it is an easy, low-commitment way to bring new life support into your daily skin health routine.

Cannabis extracts are being added to skin and beauty products. Some of what is appearing on the market today is part of a trend, there are some ways cannabis – and particularly CBD – can be beneficial to you.

• Many products on the market contain Hemp Seed Oil and are now labeled as containing “cannabis sativa.” Technically, that is correct – Hemp is a version of the cannabis plant. But extractions from hemp seeds do not have the same properties as extractions of the hemp plant or cannabis sativa plant.

• Hemp Seed Oil benefits for skin include:
Contains linoleic acid and oleic acids, both helpful to skin health and can be taken internally
Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
Helping to prevent signs of aging
Good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids the help maintain healthy cells o Moisturizing/hydrating with protectant qualities via lipids/fats

• Products that contain Cannabidiol or CBD can be useful in reducing inflammation, swelling, irritations and acne and also preventing it.

• Terpenes found in cannabis can also be helpful to reduce inflammation. The terpenes known to have anti-inflammatory properties include: Caryophyllene, Alpha-pinene and Beta-pinene, Alpha-bisabolol (anti-irritation and analgesic properties), Humulene, and Myrcene. Linalool is an anti-microbial and antifungal.

• Cannabis and CBD can be used internally to reduce systemic-wide inflammation and address auto-immune conditions that present on the skin such as eczema, psoriasis and contact dermatitis.

• Topicals with cannabis or CBD can only penetrate a few layers of skin but can be useful to reduce inflammation that is closer to or on the skin’s surface.

• Transdermals are formulated to penetrate more deeply and can address bigger health issues that affect the skin including systemic inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Transdermals contain an “accelerant” to promote absorption and could include terpenes such as Limonene or Oleic Acid.

• Taking cannabis or CBD internally can address deficiencies in your Endocannabinoid system which in turn can promote healthier skin.

3 Takeaways

1. A healthy Endocannabinoid System can result in healthier skin and hair (scalp). Cannabis can nourish your ECS.

2. Topicals affect only a few layers deep into your skin – good for surface conditions.

3. Transdermals and taking cannabis or CBD internally can have address more systemic issues that could be affecting your skin.

3 General Tips

1. When using cannabis or CBD externally, do a patch test first to make sure you don’t have an adverse reaction. If taking internally: Start low, go slow.

2. Keep a journal of symptoms, what you try, and effects over time.

3. Look to address not just surface skin health but the underlying conditions that could be presenting as skin issues by taking a suitable cannabis product as a supplement as part of your regular health routine

Thanks for listening!

Shop Organic, GMP and ISO Certified Activated CBD today!

Evoq promises transparency and the highest level of ingredients that are consistent in every bottle.

Use the code “ AWAKEN “ for 25% OFF your first order!

About Your Hosts


The 2 Types of Hair Loss [and how to reverse it]

Why is my hair thinning!?

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We've all been there. Speaking from experience and empathy - I went through a 50% hair loss experience (dreadful) this winter due to stress and incredibly low hemoglobin. As my gut was healed, and my body restored - I see the fruits in full return from applying meditation, our Evoq products (especially the root activator), CBD, and disciplined sleep habits.

Hair loss has always been specialty of mine at BE Salon. I’ve witnessed hundreds of women battle thinning hair - so I can validate that 1 in 4 women will experience hair loss.

I’ve also helped these women throw their locks in a role reversal (positive). By understanding the catalysts to hair loss, we can then learn and be proactive in combating it. Sitting and fretting ads to the issue. Girl, LET’S GROW!

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There are two general reasons for hair loss: hereditary and reactive.

Hereditary hair loss refers to a genetic predisposition to hair thinning, which includes "male pattern balding" experienced by about 50% of men over the age of 50, though genes can also cause hair loss much earlier.

When it comes to hormones,women can experience this patterning.

Hormones play a huge role in regulating the hair growth cycle. Oestrogens (female hormones) are 'hair friendly' and help to keep hairs in their growth phase for the optimal length of time. Androgens (male hormones) are not very hair friendly, and can shorten the hair growth cycle.

An excess of androgens (which could be caused by an endocrine disorders) can cause hair loss. The extent of this is often down to genes - If you have a genetic predisposition to follicle sensitivity, a hormonal imbalance can affect your hair more than it would someone who does not have a predisposition.

I suggest seeing a Functional Medicine Practitioner to see what’s stressing your hormones and organs inside-out. Even if you're predisposed genetically, there are still plenty of lifestyle changes and natural remedies to explore.

Here’s a GREAT read on how to test your Thyroid - often a partnering culprit.

Reactive hair loss refers to a harsh internal jolt to your system and external stressors that affect hair loss and strength. These include diet, hormones, stressors, behaviors, environmental factors, sudden weight loss/gain and even skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

How does this happen? Androgen (male hormone) levels are yet again raised, which in turn can causes hair loss. Feeling like it’s out of your control?

Here’s a few ways to TAKE CONTROL of your HAIR VITALITY TODAY

Take note.

1. Eat well and Smart Supplements. 
Deficiencies in iron, zinc, B vitamins, protein, and complex carbohydrates can all have a negative effect on hair growth. B12, commonly found in animal products, is often found to be low in vegans and vegetarians. Hair is made of protein, making adequate daily intake of protein rich foods essential. Include at least a palm sized portion of protein at breakfast and lunch.


Generally speaking, it's important to eat plenty of vegetables to help chelate excess xenoestrogens to keep your hair and scalp in optimum shape. Say not to SUGAR! It’s a direct release of cortisol and can feel the follicle popping as I think about it!

2. Stay on top of immunity and hormonal balance.
Undiagnosed thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases and other conditions can be found at the root of hair loss. Be sure to consult a Functional Medicine Practitioner if you're experiencing any symptoms related to these conditions. Skilled to get to the root!

3. Take it easy on the styling.
Heat styling as well as tight braids, buns, and ponytails can take a toll on the strands. As for styling products, pay attention to ingredients. Polyethylene glycol and alcohol can dry out strands and lead to weak, brittle hair that's more prone to breakage.

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4. Gentle Ammonia Free Hair Color.
About 70% of women use hair color. I’ve witnessed it time and again - after our clients at Beauty Ecology. BE was one of the first salons to exclude professional-grade Ammonia, Resorcinol, and PPD from our services. We stay true to that commitment, making our color much gentler, safer, and kinder to the stylist, environment and most important -your healthier scalp!

5. Find healthy ways to cope with your stress.
Stress and anxiety can raise androgen levels, which increases the likelihood of hair loss. Therapy, meditation, and CBD, and natural supplements are effective ways to reduce stress in our day to day lives. I love adaptogenic herbs (CBD also acts like an adaptogen). Look for ashwagandha, rhodiola, and cordyceps - all shown to relieve stress.

6. Nourish your top crop and reactivate your scalp.

This is VITAL. Remember, your scalp and outer skin is the last chain of command to receive nourishment from the inside, so externally assistance for the scalp is a critical MUST from my experience. It’s why our Root Revival System has been a reviving blessing to many of our success - hair - full clients.

Experience our HAIR GROWTH ACTIVATOR that’s proven to be 2x’s MORE IMPACTFUL THAN MINOXIDIL (drug based).

When you purchase our Root Revival System YOU GET FREE SHIPPING!

What it all comes down to? A Healthy Scalp [bonus inside]

Natural Ingredients Are Only Beneficial [ IF ] They Are Bioavailable!
I'm pretty sure you agree there's countless hair and scalp products on the market today that state they contain natural ingredients. But far too often, the individual botanical may not convey any noticeable effect.

When I develop or revise any Evoq product, the delivery system and the preservations of it's natural ingredients (yes), but even more so, it's critical the bioactivity is preserved for short and long term results.  

For example:

This is why we invest in Vitamin C Esther (lipid encapsulated) versus ascorbic acid, (vitamin c form that goes rancid upon oxygenation).

So.... how's YOUR scalp? 

​​When it comes to your scalp and the extension thereof [ HAIR ] .....

At Beauty Ecology we help you resolve everything from dandruff, psoriasis, over oily scalp, and hair loss - we know how to recognize when your scalp needs that extra attention.   

Our gentle Chelation System in our Scalp Clarifying + Remedy Treatment is definitely my favorite (and client go to) when it comes to treating the hair and scalp.   Here's what to expect if you put it to work:

- Removing excess and trapped oils
- Product build up 
- Hard water and chlorine
- Prep for hair color for longer lasting and more vibrancy

The KEY here is to remember, the health of your scalp displays many cause and effects, but it is the very place HEALTHY HAIR STARTS.  This means the rate of growth and vitality of your cuticle strength also starts here. 


Grab 10% OFF our top selling Scalp Health & Regrowth products!


Hair Regrowth Tonic

- Up to 200% Better OutcomeCompared to Minoxidil (drug based growth product)

- 78.9% noticed visible increase in Hair Diameter & Thickness

- 71% of satisfaction and desired continual use

- Outperforms Minoxidil by 90% in medical based clinical trial

Clarifying Pre-Wash

AHA + Willow Bark: ­Helps clear the follicles of excessive dead cell build up, allowing room for thicker hair growth.

Zinc Complex:  Reduce scalp irritation and employ scalp balance with this natural UV protectant infusion for the most advanced scalp ailments.

Seed Oil Concentrate:  Nourish and support the scalp with an infusion of free radical quenching and anti­-inflammatory benefits.



Thanks for being the INFORMED BEAUTY you are! If you’d like more information on our scalp treatments, products or to make an appointment - please email me at hello@beautyecology.com.

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