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Skin Loving Makeup Makeover Event| RSVP Feb 13th

You get 1 CHANCE and 3 SECONDS to make a good impression.


Love Your Skin Mineral Makeup Makeover

Tell me, when is the last time…

  • you updated your makeup bag colors that suite you best?

  • detoxed your beauty drawers of chemicals, synthetics & bacteria


  • learn a new look or technique

  • how to avoid a creased or heavy look

  • contouring to pop features

  • get a natural glowing look

  • how to apply for ease and speed

  • match my colors and quick tips for my age



February 13th

3pm - 8pm
Makeup Focus Session Only $20

**Spend $75 and receive a FREE GIFT with purchase**

With Amy | National Makeup artist

Please email us at : 

Request what time between 3pm - 8pm work best for you.  



Zero Toxins  |  Confidence without Compromise

Not all minerals are created equal. Conventional makeup and mineral lines include fillers such as talc and dyes that pull the moisture OUT of your skin, leaving the skin feeling tight and caky. 

Other mineral lines also contain nano-particles, which leach into the bloodstream - in which you both loose your coverage and put your health at risk.   

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80% of AGING is from UV rays. 
Makeup should be an extension of skin care and provide every day UV protection.  Four ingredients that enhance your skin and health with
an SPF 50 - on the daily.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 3pm - 8pm work best for you. 


A Brief on Your Beauty Pro

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Meet Amy - Your Makeup Artist

Amy’s worked with the Prestige line as a top leader with Estée Lauder Companies for over 18 with many additional roles such as a lead Account Executive with multiple retailers.

Amy's passion is to help woman learn about the benefits of safe, high performance makeup and for them to feel their best.  "La Bella Donna products offer natural, prestige, affordable and makeup with skincare benefits  perfect for any women of every age.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 3pm - 8pm work best for you. 

Happy Hour Makeovers | RSVP June 12th


You get 1 CHANCE and 3 SECONDS to make a good impression.


*Learn a NEW technique
*Assure you're wearing the right colors for your skin tone
*Update your color palate - no guessing games on knock-out accents just for you!

AND GO FROM   [ this to that ] 

La Bella Donna Makeover.jpg

Tailor & Update Your Style

Healthy Skin Mineral Makeup Makeover

Tell me, when is the last time…

  • you updated your makeup bag colors that suite you best?

  • detoxed your beauty drawers of chemicals, synthetics & bacteria

What do you want to FOCUS on?

  • in a rut and want to learn a new look or technique

  • applying minerals and avoiding a creased or heavy look

  • contouring to pop that bronze, natural glowing look

  • tips on applying minerals for ease and speed

  • match my colors and quick tips for my age



Teusday, June 12th

 4:30pm - 8pm

Investment:  Makeup Focus Session Only $20

W/ Amy | National Makeup artist


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you.  

**Spend $75 and receive a FREE GIFT with purchase**



Zero Toxins  |  Confidence without Compromise

Not all minerals are created equal. Conventional makeup and mineral lines include fillers such as talc and dyes that pull the moisture OUT of your skin, leaving the skin feeling tight and caky. 

Other mineral lines also contain nano-particles, which leach into the bloodstream - in which you both loose your coverage and put your health at risk.   

80% of AGING is from UV rays. 
Makeup should be an extension of skin care and provide every day UV protection.  Four ingredients that enhance your skin and health with
an SPF 50 - on the daily.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you. 


A Brief on Your Beauty Pro

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 9.13.50 AM.png

Meet Amy - Your Makeup Artist

Amy’s worked with the Prestige line as a top leader with Estée Lauder Companies for over 18 with many additional roles such as a lead Account Executive with multiple retailers.

Amy's passion is to help woman learn about the benefits of safe, high performance makeup and for them to feel their best.  "La Bella Donna products offer natural, prestige, affordable and makeup with skincare benefits  perfect for any women of every age.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you. 

SPF: Sunscreen Basics + Strategies

As the summer gets on it's way, let's make sure our SPF facts are up to snuff.


Why sunscreen daily?
Let me count the ways! Starting with the fact that 90% of visible signs of aging are caused by the sun. We are exposed to the sun daily (including UVA rays you might not notice) and your body counts sun exposure cumulatively. We may get wiser over the years, but we also collect more sun-time. And the damage shows up many, many years later.

Chemical Sunscreen
Containing ingredients like avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate and others, chemical sunscreens absorb the sun’s rays, transform them into heat, which is then released from your skin. ‘Chemical’ sounds like a bad word, but it’s not here – it just describes how it functions. Chemical sunscreens take about 20 minutes to activate after application, so lotion up before heading out.


Physical Sunscreen
Physical sunscreens are ones with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and work like a mirror, deflecting the sun’s rays from your skin. They can be less likely to clog pores, cause less allergy issues, and are ideal for everyday use, especially on your face. And they’ve come a long way from the white-nose days, so don’t worry about that. Protection is instant once applied.

UVA vs. UVB Rays
The A and B letters are scientific, but all you have to remember is A for Aging and B for Burning. UVB rays cause familiar results – sunburns.  UVA rays do quieter damage, causing wrinkles, skin cancer, and visible signs of aging. UVA rays come through clouds and windows, which is why we preach daily sunscreen.

Broad Spectrum
Sunscreen labeled ‘Broad Spectrum’ protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If it’s not labeled as such, chances are it’s only covering UVB rays (think: your less expensive body sunscreens you’ll find at the drug store). You’re best off with Broad Spectrum to make sure you’re covered, especially when it comes to your face.


The SPF Numbers
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a standard laboratory measurement of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB damage to our skin. (Important distinction, it doesn’t measure the impact of those aging UVA rays.) If it normally takes you ten minutes to burn, generously-applied SPF 30 would keep you from burning for 300 minutes, or about five hours. (Usual Time To Burn x SPF = Protection Time). Our take? Math is not fun at the beach, so do yourself a favor and just re-apply often and liberally.

How much sunscreen?
Conventional wisdom says a ‘shot glass’ worth over your entire body, although I suggest a bit more.  All depends on height and weight.   Apply more frequently if you’re sweating or in and out of the water.

Over or used as makeup?
I'm a big fan of  straight up sunscreen as a foundation with SPF to ensure coverage.  Our clients love our  Tinted UV Protect 35 SPF facial lotion that is incredibly light and lightly tinted to blend into most skin types (haven't found anyone yet that it has not).  The other great option is to dust with our La Bella Donna Minerals to assure protection at a 25 SPF and  non-nano, so that you do not loose your makeup (and coverage) through your pores throughout the day. 

When was this stuff invented?
Want to sound smart at your summer barbecue? The first major commercial sunscreen was sold in 1936, by the founder of L’Oreal. Ten years later, it improved dramatically for soldiers in World War II. “SPF” as a standard was adopted in 1974. And before all that, ancient cultures used olive oil, rice extract, zinc oxide, and other compounds for thousands of years.


After all that, do you need some sunscreen? Visit Evoq Beauty for our selection, or book a facial and pick up some in person.

3 Makeup Trends To Inspire Your Everyday Look (or to glam your holiday parties)

The change of seasons call for your makeup to be applied with a heavier hand. Your lusting makeup bag is calling for a update to level-up your inner and outer bold confidence (we know its in you)!

Stop by BE anytime or grab a RSVP with our makeup artist and we’ll make these simple and glam looks -personalized and easy!  

Making a Statement

Jager & Bianca Studio 54

Jager & Bianca Studio 54

Hello beautiful!   We're bringing a little makeup inspiration as we officially move out of a long-standing trend of nudes, golds and makeup-LESS face. 

We all know that makeup can warp us back to a time in history. I had to laugh when putting this archive together with our incredible skin expert, TAYLOR. Taylor was teenage-ing in the 90's and loves these looks as it reminds her of the 90's grunge look.  While I squirm a bit when I think of Kirt Cobain, my reaction is lifted as I attribute these rich makeup tones back to the 70's when the disco ball was well and running at Studio 54.   Want to really get into it? I found two tutorials to re-create the 90's grunge or a night at the 70's disco. 

Ok - back to 2016.  Stay on trend with these winter makeup statements of bolder hues that pop out any lip, cheek and eye shape.    

Step outside the box (more like your makeup bag) and gather a few spellbinding and glam makeup effects with these enchanting palettes in tones to suit every mood.


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Deep dark lips

Think deep ruby reds, sinfully dark violets, dare I say the darkest of sapphire blue? The color of your lips can change an entire look.

If you haven’t tried a dark lip, get sassy or classy with a standard berry base and opting to apply a darker shade over top – this will blur the darkness to a medium shade. Ease into it - you may learn to love it.

The Blush Taxonomy

We’ve come a long way from the toxic mercury, synthetics-based formulas of the past century and methods of grandma’s time. Between stains, creams, and powder - choosing the best color can be in and of itself confusing.  Get the quick rundown.

Where to put it!
To perfect your rouge, gently sweep color above the apple of your cheekbone and brush outwards towards your temple (over extending blush past the cheek bone can result in a baby doll look).

Perfecting your hugh:  For winter tones, enhance your skin hughs of a warmer blushed cheek. Think orange, brown undertones or a subtle mauves.  

Peach can be especially flattering for complexions with yellow undertones, while pink works best for those with pink undertones.

Smudgy Liner

Love up on some drama with your day or night look with black liner on your lower lash line. Apply black eye pencil to the thickness and darkness of your liking. Use a q tip or smudge brush in a back and forth motion to pull apart the sharp line for a faded look.

We look forward to helping GLAM you UP as you mix and match the hottest trends and the best colors and tones personalized just for you.  xo


Call or Text or simply Email us to reserve a hair, skin or makeup appt today!  


Find your “TRUE MATCH” - May 22nd *MAKEOVER* EVENT


SPRING CLEAN *MAKEUP MAKEOVER* with our International Makeup Artist, Jennifer Honeycutt

Find your “TRUE MATCH”




Are you wearing the best shades that highlight your unique features and skin tone?  Spring has sprung, and it's time to clean up the beauty bag!

La Bella Donna's national makeup artist, Jennifer Honeycutt will be providing personal makeover sessions, tips & techniques to help you to enhance your best features.

Weightless, age-defying, safe mineral alternatives!  Choose appropriate and trending new colors that look best on your skin tone!

Date: Thursday, May 22

Time: 2pm to 7pm


Reserve your personalized mini makeup makeover for $25 and we will 
put $10 toward your makeup purchase!   

To reserve your appointment - please EMAIL US:

*Leave the time of day that works best for you and we will do our best to accommodate.  Appointments will go fast, so please confirm as soon as possible.  Payment for appointment may be paid the day of your makeover.  Please be considerate of cancellations 2 days prior to Thursday. 


National Artist Jennifer Honeycutt and our own Amazing Rachel will work with you step by step to achieve the best look for the season!

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Pigment Rich Beauty Bag Swap Out with La Bella!


  • SUN-KISSED BRONZER for contouring or to be "kissed by the sun!" 
  • Complimentary EYE COLOR QUADS that will easily make your eyes pop
  • Fresh new GLOSSY LIP GLOSS that keep the moisture IN your smooch-1
  • Rouge it up with CHEEKBONE POPPING BLUSH


Incredible BONUS SAVINGS for YOU on May 22nd Only!


  • FREE $20+ La Bella  Gift With Purchase 
  • Schedule a o2 Red Carpet Oxygen Lift  Facial & receive $20 OFF! 
  • 20% OFF any 2 + Kasia Natural Skin Care Products!
  • FREE Hair Cut when you  pre-book a color on May 22nd!  First Time Clients Only.

la bella donna jenniferAbout Jennifer:  Leaving Channel and MAC in the past, Jen obtains a Medical Esthetics license and has worked closely with a team of leading Plastic Surgeons focusing on the health of the skin.  Certified by the International Dermal Institute and educating for Dermalogica, where Jen helped grow business as well as developing educational courses throughout the Mid West.

Dramatically Longer & Thicker Lashes In 60 Seconds


A fast alternative to time consuming and expensive Lash Extensions!

By far the BEST & safest Fibre Eyelash Extensions! I like how it contains all natural ingredients with the key ingredient being the HIGH GRADE beeswax! It makes sure the fibres don't fall off into my eyes or onto my face and really lasts throughout the day! The high grade beeswax also helps stimulates the growth of my natural short lashes too!


Dramatically Longer & Thicker Lashes In 60 Seconds

Superior Beeswax, Non-Toxic Ingredients

  • What Is It: Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Eyelash Extensions is an exciting new concept that doesn't require any glue or false lashes. The eyelash extensions are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Best of all, they can easily be applied in 60 seconds.
  • Who Is It For: All skin types. Suitable for contact lens wearers. Suitable for any occasion.
  • Why It's Different: This brush on fiber eyelash extension brand is the only answer to safe and easy eyelash extension that dramatically creates 300% longer and thicker lashes in 60 seconds. Plus, our Beeswax ingredients is of the highest quality.
  • Includes 4 tubes: 2 tubes of transplanting mascara gel and 2 tubes of dry nylon black fiber, which sticks on the the beeswax mascara making it look like you are wearing false eyelashes.


Brush On Fiber Lashes uses BLACK fibers made from non-toxic ingredients in its eyelash extensions, which makes it suitable for those with sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. It’s easy to remove with warm water and a cotton ball.

Benefits of our superior beeswax include:

  • Stimulates lash growth, as a good beeswax helps cells regenerate faster
  • A higher percentage of potency than others, meaning fibers will stick on lashes and not fall
  • Antibacterial properties so it doesn’t breed bacteria and has a longer shelf life
  • High-moisturizing properties acting like a leave-in conditioner for your lashes and it won’t leave you with dry brittle lashes
  • Cry proof, laugh proof, sweat proof

Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Eyelash Extensions are lightweight and just as easy as applying normal mascara. Contact our team today to order your Lash Fiber today!  

612.824.7611   or

How to Wear the Color of the Year: Orchid! (hair and makeup tips inside)


Move over Barney, there's a new purple in town!

The Pantone Color of the Year is called “Radiant Orchid”—a powerful purple tone that lives somewhere between cold, blue tones and warm, red nuances.  Somewhat Fucia but heartier than lavender; less alarming than grape; and too gutsy to be barbie pink.

Start early because you're about to see it everywhere…in fashion, cosmetics, hair color, home décor, even wedding palettes.

Purple is growing on me, and I can name a few clients that obsessively ADORE!  Moderation is a good thing.  I wouldn’t buy it in a car, but I could be persuaded to  a great spring clutch or a ballet flat, or scarf.

Hair Color? Well, if you ask.  The "Best Of" this high-maintenance shade:

Radiant Orchid clothing looks best on a deep redhead; a dark, cool brunette; or a very pale, icy-blonde.   Those that want to color their hair purple— well, that's not for the faint at heart.

More than anything, you will see these tones ALL OVER the cosmetics counters. This is  the best, easiest way to let some of this radiance into your life.

Here’s our top La Bella Mineral Makeup choices to check out at Kasia:

Duo-Lip Crayons  Duo_Lip_Crayon_Main The natural antioxidants duo-ended crayons are richly pigmented and designed to line, define and enhance your pout.  A high level of precision, as well as smoothcoverage.  The soft, rich colour pay-off makes this formulation a favorite used among makeup artists.

 VentiAniVenti Ann Eye Quad “Star” is the lightest shade of sparkle which can be used as a highlighter below the brow; in the inner creases of the eye and on the lid. Use the depth of “Twilight””in the crease and in the outer corners of the eye. “Night””is a perfect splash of black to create any smoky eye. Use it wet for a liquid eye- liner. A light dusting of “Sweet Dawn””on the cheeks which can also be used as a pop of colour on the eyes.

Mineral Light Lip Colour Highest level of mineral pigment for color on the market, followed by Ceramide 2, which is designed to keep lips smooth and protected from the sun’s damaging UV pinksandrays.  Add a little vitamin C and enjoy the finish of rich, creamy with a satiny texture and lush shine.



Get Natural Coverage:   Contains no petrolatum, free of preservatives,  dyes or lanolin derivatives.  Dermatologically approved.

I am going to ease in with a few orchid splashes throughout my home and I just may try some plum-up nail polish on my toes as sandal season closes in. Ughhhhh.....Sounds good right about now, doesn’t it?


Contact the Kasia Team today to PLAY with new colors of inspiration for 2014. Here are few favorite captured  PINS!   Until next time....xo



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