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Show (your inner mind) what do you really desire. 🔮CBD included.

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Look into your future.

You cannot expect to get where you want to be without knowing where you are going.

One of the most potent lessons of alchemy is that of changing your inner state to affect the world around you.

A simple way to do this is with manifestation practices.

By taking a little time to set your intentions for the short and long term, you are already well on your way to bringing your inner world into outer realization.

Try this journaling exercise with some silence and a pen and paper.

It's crucial that when you venture forward to envision, you remain rooted and calm.

If you don’t have one of our Evoq Clean, Calm and Connected CBD tinctures at home, move forward with this centering voyage - although dropping a few drop of our calming CBD oil, your inner exploration for grounding and clarity with be much easier (calm down monkey brain)!

Grab one of our CBD Hemp Naturopathic Healers HERE. Not sure where to start?

I recommend our 500MG Immune enhancing multi-cannabinoid tincture. Game changer!

I’d like to ask permission to have you find a quiet space when you’re ready to do this powerful exercise!

Let’s begin


In a quiet private, bright place, begin by making a list of 3 things you desire in your life.


These can range from the type of relationships you'd like to the career path you want to follow, and the general lifestyle. This can be anything. Be clear, be complete.


Be as specific as possible, and trust your gut instincts as you make this list. 


If the notion creates excitement and pulls you towards it, put it on the list. 

Notice also, if you feel some resistance to listing all the desires, it means your inner  energy is out of balance and you are in even greater need to reconnect to it - understand it - and shift it.


Once you've completed the list, spend some time with your eyes closed envisioning the elements on the list being a part of your life.

Imagination is the most powerful way we use the mind. It’s how I help evoke change that LASTS with clients in my clinical hypnotherapy clients. If the mind can see what you want, it’s much easier for it to go and find the resources for you - as you go about your day.

This moves from lack to abundance - and all the ways that area on your list CAN become possible - even if it takes time.

Feel those feelings. Step inside this new life.

How does it feel? Where are you? Is there a taste? A smell? A temperature? Is anyone with you?






Repeat this and continue living. You will notice your manifestations are all around you, waiting for you to take action towards them.

Remember, manifestation is not about doing nothing, it is about attracting the best circumstances for you to take action within. Don't forget the action part.


More action=more outcomes. More outcomes=more lessons. More lessons=more progress. 

When you dive into the grounded, relaxing and spiritual lucidity Evoq CBD and become clear on your intentions, doors will begin to open where there were once only walls.


THIS IS KEY: The subconscious mind is there to serve you - it wants to preserve energy, remain safe, and SERVE YOU.

By being clear on what you want your life to be, you make the shift from being the perpetual victim to the creator and champion of your own existence.

Step forward with the confidence of knowing where you are going and the energetic support of the powerful ancient plants with Evoq.

Love and light - and thank you for feeding your soul with me here today. Love you to the moon.


Download: Words that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE - for good.


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This is alarming…. You think between 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2500-3,300 thoughts per hour and about 55 thoughts per minute. A thought when repeated over and over becomes a belief. And guess what? Approximately 95% of our thoughts are on repeat, which means the thoughts you subscribe to each and every day are affecting your belief system which are affecting your current reality.

 If you’re desiring a different reality, we have to begin with your thoughts, which is exactly what we’re going to be examining inside of this lesson.

Beliefs are the unconscious rules that govern our thoughts, words, and actions and therefore create the results we experience in our current reality. Essentially, our words create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Why? Well, because your subconscious mind will never make you a liar—it seeks evidence and proof for what it believes to be true. If you say you'll never have money - it believes that you’ll never be able to make the money you desire, it will zone in on instances, experiences, and tangible proof that builds up a case of evidence.

The shift. If you don’t want that to be your truth and you desire to experience a new reality, you need to change your beliefs and the words you repeat - continuously.

Most people spend their entire life on a treadmill of other people’s desires away from their own truth. When you know better, you do better. 

The Power of Language

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Download the guide.

The words we use express our thoughts, feelings and attitude. And our thoughts, feelings, and attitude drive our actions. Words combined with sound (voice) are energy vibrations that affect us physically, mentally and emotionally - they have the inherent capacity to give energy or take energy away.

The subconscious patterns of our everyday language has an impact on subtle levels. Your words can convey underlying messages to your subconscious, evoking physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual implications that create the reality of your life.

Living a Life in Bloom is living in a AWAKE state that brings awareness to the critical voice hidden beneath in patterns you’re unaware of that is like driving his car toward his goal with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake.

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