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Is Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water Better?

Hello rays of light!

The issues around water quality are not new, but research that is abrupting the scenes, is. Water quality can detriment a women’s thyroid, to possibly increase fluoride toxicity.

Today’s topic is on the MYTH of pH water, and how H2 Molecular Hydrogen differs.

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So let’s dive in with Dr. Mercola’s teardown on H2 and pH Water!

Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water — Which One Is Better for You?


  • Alkaline water is water that has been separated into alkaline and acid fractions using electrolysis

  • Many promoters and marketers claim alkaline water can correct excess acidity in your tissues, which can then prevent or reverse cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases, yet this is not supported by science

  • The higher the pH, the fewer free hydrogen ions (H+) it has; the lower its pH, the more free hydrogen ions (H+) it has

  • Hydrogen ions (H+) are not to be confused with molecular hydrogen (H2 gas); they are completely different from each other. Molecular hydrogen is a gas with very unique and selective antioxidant effects that specifically target damaging free radicals

  • The alkaline ionized water fad was an unfortunate outgrowth of its successful use coupled with a misunderstanding or ignorance of the therapeutic property of the water (e.g., benefits falsely attributed to alkaline pH and not the actual H2 gas)

Understanding pH

The concept of the acidity or alkalinity of your body — or of water — is based on the pH scale. What is pH? It's simply a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions.10 In fact, the acronym "pH" is short for "potential of hydrogen."

The higher a liquid's pH, the fewer free hydrogen ions (H+) it has; the lower its pH, the more free hydrogen ions (H+) it has. One pH unit reflects a tenfold change in ion concentration, so there are 10 times as many hydrogen ions available at a pH of 7 than at a pH of 8.11

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, and a pH of 7 is neutral. Anything with a pH below 7 is considered acidic, and anything with a pH above 7 is alkaline (or basic).

But the real reason why alkaline water is a scam is that it has no buffers to maintain its pH. The instant the alkaline water hits your very acidic stomach, the pH is neutralized as there are no buffers. Truly alkaline water would have an alkaline buffer like baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which is also our body's natural alkaline buffer.

Some have claimed that as the stomach acid neutralizes the alkaline water, the bicarbonate ions are released into the blood and thus it has an alkalizing effect. This would be true if the alkaline water effectively neutralized all the stomach acid (like baking soda would), but alkaline water doesn't neutralize any significant quantity of stomach acid; the stomach acid completely neutralizes the alkaline water. So, there is no "net alkalizing effect."

Natural water on our planet ranges in pH from around 6.5 to 8.5, depending on surrounding soil and vegetation, seasonal variations and weather, and even time of day responses to sunlight. Human activities further influence the pH of our water, from the barrage of toxic industrial pollutants.

Most aquatic animals and plants have adapted to life in water with a very specific pH and will die from even slight changes. For example, Michigan State University found that when the pH of greenhouse media is too high (greater than 6.5), it increases the chances of micronutrient deficiencies in the plants, and too low of a pH (less than 5.3) results in calcium and/or magnesium and/or manganese toxicity.13

Similarly, Ohio State University Extension Service reports that alkaline water affects a plant's ability to obtain nutrients from the soil and can alter the soil's pH over time.14 Your body also requires a relatively stable pH, or else you'll run into problems. This was demonstrated in a Swedish well water study,15 which found both pH extremes to be problematic.

Notably, pH appears to have a major influence on your mitochondria.16 Research has shown normal cells die under extremely alkaline conditions, as a result of altering mitochondrial function.17

So, as noted by Fenton, "alkaline water is a solution to a problem that doesn't need solving." Indeed, it makes sense that you are designed to drink water that occurs naturally, which excludes alkaline water with pH levels of 9.5 and above.

Early Days of Hydrogen Water Production Shed Light on Alkaline Water Myth

Interestingly, aside from Young taking the acid-ash hypothesis and running with it, there's another piece of history that helps explain why the alkaline water myth gained hold. The Molecular Hydrogen Institute explains the history of electrolyzed reduced water or ERW (the most common term used for alkaline water in the scientific literature):18

"Studies on ERW began in the 1930s in Japan, and in 1965 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approved ERW as a medical substance with potential to improve gastrointestinal symptoms …

Over the ensuing decades, anecdotal and scientific evidence accumulated substantiating many other benefits of ERW such as: protecting DNA from radical damage, increasing glucose uptake, improving diabetes, preventing premature cell death, offering liver protection, preventing lipid oxidation and others. However, it was uncertain as to how ERW was producing these benefits."

Unfortunately, this is how the misunderstanding about pH came about. However, as noted by the Institute, "It is now well-recognized that the primary agent responsible for the benefits is attributed to the dissolved molecular hydrogen gas." So, in a nutshell, the benefits, when there are any, are actually due to the presence of molecular hydrogen, and has nothing to do with the pH of the water. Dr. Kyu-Jae Lee, a hydrogen gas researcher, says:

We later discovered that the benefits in this model were mediated by H2-induced gastric ghrelin secretion via a ß1 adrenergic receptor-dependent pathway. Although hydrogen's effect in Parkinson's disease has now been confirmed in a human clinical trial, more research is necessary to reveal the molecular mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic benefits of H2.


What Is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen (H2) — two hydrogen atoms combined together — is a gas with very unique and selective antioxidant effects that specifically target the most harmful free radicals. It works primarily by improving and optimizing the redox status of the cell when needed.

As a result, you see improvements in superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione levels, for example. Not only does hydrogen selectively reduce the most toxic radicals, but it can help prevent an excess (which becomes toxic) of the free radicals from being produced in the first place.

H2 also activates the Nrf2 pathway when needed. Nrf2 is a transcription factor that, when activated, goes into the cell's nucleus and binds to the antioxidant response element in the DNA. It then induces the transcription of further cytoprotective enzymes such as glutathione, superoxide dismutase catalase, glutathione peroxidase, phase II enzymes, heme-1 oxygenase and many others.

A landmark paper  on molecular hydrogen came out in Nature Medicine in 2007, showing 2 percent hydrogen gas was effective at preventing brain damage from ischemia reperfusion and, as an antioxidant, has powerful therapeutic applications.

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe, and is neutral and nonpolar, which is why its bioavailability is so great. It does not dissociate into its electrons and protons when dissolved in water, so it will not alter the pH of water or your body and has nothing to do with the alkaline water concept.

More than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications have collectively demonstrated that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models. In fact, hydrogen is shown to benefit virtually every organ of the human body, and the reason for this is because hydrogen actually targets and mitigates the root causes of inflammation and oxidation.

Hydrogen Water Versus Hydrogen Peroxide

Due to the similarity in names, many confuse hydrogen water with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and I often get asked if one can get the benefits of molecular hydrogen by drinking hydrogen peroxide in water. This is a dangerous mistake to make, so let me make this point abundantly clear:

Never ingest hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution).

Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution) — the stuff you use to disinfect wounds — is not the same as molecular hydrogen or hydrogen (H2) water. Hydrogen peroxide is for topical use only. You could potentially use it is as a mouth rinse for gingivitis, provided you spit it out and do not swallow, and you can pour a few drops into your ear canal as a remedy to combat cold and flu symptoms. But you should never ingest hydrogen peroxide.

Another common misconception is that adding hydrogen to water will form hydrogen peroxide. As explained by the Molecular Hydrogen Institute:23

"Water has the chemical formula H2O, and hydrogen peroxide has the chemical formula H2O2, which by comparison contains an extra oxygen, not hydrogen. So, it does not, indeed it cannot, form hydrogen peroxide.

The fact is, hydrogen gas does not bond to or react with the water molecules, it just dissolves into the water. It does not create some novel molecule like H4O, which would in fact be chemically impossible to form.

Therefore, hydrogen water and hydrogen peroxide are completely different substances. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide cannot be used to generate H2 gas or make hydrogen-rich water."

Alkaline Versus Alkalinity

Yet another source of confusion is the issue of alkaline versus alkalinity. These two words are not interchangeable, as from a scientific standpoint as they refer to different things. This too may be part of why people have placed such undue value on alkaline water. As explained by Mark Timmons, CEO of U.S. Water Systems:24

"To alkalize your body means that you give the body the ability to maintain a proper pH, but in order to do that you need water with alkalinity not alkaline water. pH merely measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity, not the capacity to neutralize acid … You also don't alkalize your body based upon pH, but rather on alkalinity.

Alkalinity measures the ability to neutralize acid with buffers which are the sum of bicarbonates. Alkalinity is measured in mg/L (milligrams per liter). Alkaline mineral compounds include … calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese [and] iron. So, you need to add alkalinity to your body, but you need to realize that pH has no relation to that alkalinity.

Alkaline Water Is an Unlikely Cancer Preventive

One of the purported health benefits of drinking alkaline water is cancer prevention. However, much of the research really argues against alkalinity when it comes to treating cancer.

According to Robert Gillies, who has studied tumor formation and acidity at the Moffitt Cancer Center,25 tumors make their own acidity by their very nature, and they do this even in an alkaline cellular structure.

Scientists developing anticancer agent prototypes that selectively kill tumor cells by interfering with the regulation of intracellular pH also report that alkaline treatments do not have the desired effect, whereas strongly acidic treatments do!26

Even more interesting is a 2005 study27 by the National Cancer Institute, which revisits the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to treat cancer. They found that, in pharmacologic doses administered intravenously, ascorbic acid successfully killed cancer cells without harming normal cells.

This is yet another example of cancer cells being vulnerable to acidity, as opposed to alkalinity. So, it seems clear that the relationship between alkalinity and cancer has been grossly oversimplified by those jumping to premature conclusions.

Resource: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/12/hydrogen-water-vs-alkaline-water.aspx

Instant Luminous Skin & Stripping Down the Dry Brushing Technique

On Luminous Skin Health

In today’s fast-paced society, most of us savor our “no poo” (no shampoo) days to not only save time, but to save the health of our hair.

In reality, we also lack the time or resources to eat only organic, make use of a fitness membership, or to research the best natural beauty alternatives.


What if I said that adding a new healthy habit (ritual) that could fit into every budget and schedule - all in three minutes per day - and would improve how you look and feel, both internally and externally.

Beauty Blueprint

Let's Strip Down - Dry Brushing.  


Next to our fresh, pure and small batch organic skin care and immune-supporting supplements on the shelves of BE, you’ll find a long wooden brush thats invaluable in helping with so many issues, but especially detoxing.  

As your body’s largest organ, your skin health reflects your overall health. It protects you and aids in detoxification, and by adding dry brushing to your other healthy habits, you can help improve your skin’s health.

Indeed, the practice of brushing the skin  with a soft but firm brush is essential during a detox, but the benefits of simply making it a permanent habit are even more important.

Stripping Down the Benefits of Brushing

  • sweep away dead cells for awakened, healthy skin tone
  • increase skin barrier health + hydration
  • stimulate the lymph nodes to flush toxins
  • improve digestion health to decrease bloating
  • improve the appearance of cellulite
  • increase healthy blood flow

Need a little more convincing?

Let's go DEEP.  The Cellular Level.    


 Improves Circulation

Dry brushing your skin promotes blood flow, which helps speed up your skin cell turnover and renewal rate. By improving blood circulation, you improve your skin tone and texture, since poor circulation is linked to dark spots and slower healing.

Improved circulation also helps one of the biggest skin struggles - cellulite. You might feel frustrated when your dedication to exercise and healthy eating doesn’t do anything to improve stubborn spots of dimply skin. Dry brushing, however, can help reduce the appearance when other methods aren’t working. It’s not a permanent solution, so brushing regularly is vital to maintaining smooth skin.

Internally, your improved circulation promotes the flow of oxygen-rich blood through your whole body. Remember to dry brush towards your heart rather than away to further enhance circulation.


It’s a great form of self-care

You might get into dry brushing to improve your skin, but you’ll likely keep doing it because of how good it feels, and how good it makes you feel.

Dry brushing first thing in the morning is a great way to get your blood flowing, and it helps you wake up feeling refreshed. Plus, the skin improvements you’ll see will make you feel invigorated.

Taking the time to dry brush can be therapeutic, and it’s a healthy way to soothe muscle tension and relieve stress. Set aside a specific time every day to enjoy the benefits of dry brushing in a quiet and peaceful environment to enjoy the meditative benefits.

Dry Brushing Exfoliates

Dry brushing is an excellent form of exfoliation, and it helps get rid of dead skin cells, priming your skin for moisturizer. By removing dead, dull skin cells, your skin will look radiant, even, and smooth.

Exfoliating helps your skin’s renewal process, and prevents breakouts by keeping pores clear. Regular exfoliation can even help prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming, leaving you with youthful skin.

It Aids in Detoxification

Your body detoxifies multiple ways, including through your skin, and with a couple of different systems. By unclogging pores, your skin can more efficiently eliminate toxins. Healthy skin also protects you, and by keeping bad bacteria out, your skin helps your digestive system work better.

Your lymphatic system is also plays a big part in detoxing your body. It collects waste from your tissues and organs and delivers the waste to your blood to be drained. If your lymphatic system isn’t working properly, toxins can build up, leading to multiple health and beauty issues.

Dry brushing stimulates your lymphatic system and promotes lymphatic drainage, which gets rid of toxins, improves the immune system, and reduces inflammation.

Kidneys also play a big role in detoxification. Keeping your pores unclogged helps waste excrete with your sweat. When your skin can effectively get rid of toxins, it places less burden on your kidneys, so they don’t have to work as hard and can do their job better.

Improves muscle tone

An active nervous system stimulates muscle fibers, which helps improve muscle tone. Dry brushing activates the nervous system, and your improved circulation also helps your muscles get the oxygen-rich blood they need to recover and tone.

By toning muscles, you’ll notice tighter skin, which can help with cellulite and sagging.

Choosing Your Brush

You can get an excellent brush for under $20 that benefits your entire body. I prefer one with natural bristles and a long handle, so it’s easy to get to your hard-to-reach spots. Stop by Beauty Ecology to grab your brush!



Here’s how to get the most benefits out of dry brushing your skin.

1. Choose an easy-to-clean surface to stand on and get undressed.

2. Brush towards your heart in sweeping motions, starting at your feet and working your way up. Go over each area a number of times.

3. Be gentle in the more sensitive areas, and dry brush for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Take a shower after your session, and alternate between hot and cold water to get your blood flowing even more.

5. Moisturize immediately after your shower.

6. Keep your brush clean by washing it once a week with gentle soap and water, and allow it to air dry.

Enjoying Healthier, Luminous Skin

When you first get started, you might find that your skin is too sensitive to dry brush more than five minutes a couple of times a week. However, as you continue, your skin will become less sensitive, and you can increase to longer sessions and up to twice per day.

By taking a few minutes to yourself each day for a dry brush session, you’ll see and feel the results.



This genius, long-handled natural-bristle brush allows you to thoroughly dry-brush every part of your body—especially your back, which feels particularly amazing (and is uniquely hard-to-reach). It’s also the perfect balance of soft and firm, designed to gently exfoliate, improve circulation, condition skin, and boost the lymphatic system. Brilliant for detoxing, and equally brilliant for everyday skin-smoothing and energy-generating immune support.

Directions: Brush very gently on dry skin in clockwise circular movements. Move from the feet all the way up the body towards the heart.  

Now Stocked and Shelved  at Beauty Ecology

Next to our fresh, pure and small batch organic skin care and immune-supporting supplements on the shelves of BE, you’ll find a long wooden brush thats invaluable in helping with so many issues, but especially detoxing.  

Brush me gently, brush me good. 

May the Forces (of the brush) Be with YOU.

XO. Kassandra


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