Kasia HONEY-DIP makes BEAUTY BETS Best of Self Tanners 2013 — Beauty Ecology

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Kasia HONEY-DIP makes BEAUTY BETS Best of Self Tanners 2013

Kasia HONEY-DIP makes BEAUTY BETS  *Best of Self Tanners 2013*



by:  Elizabeth Dehn, a beauty writer + lifestyle editor

A few years ago, my super-healthy, June Cleaver of a mother announced that she was giving up broccoli. She didn’t like it, never had, and she was done beating herself up about it. That’s how I feel about self-tanners with built-in bronzers.

Sure they offer instant gratification, but I can’t handle the stain they leave on my hands or the mess they leave on my white towels and fluffy robe. I know there are mitts and gloves for this sort of thing, but who has time? When I step out of the shower already behind schedule, all I want is to slap on some lotion and go. No matter how many self-tanners are in my beauty closet (at last count: 23), I find myself reaching for the same handful of no-muss, no-fuss products that also happen to tan like the dickens.  An excellent shade for fair skin types.

I didn’t think Kasia Honey-Dip Natural Sunless Tanner and Anti-Aging Cream ($29) could get any better, but it’s been reformulated with even more organic ingredients and an even yummier scent. I can’t express how beautifully this darkens or how long it lasts. MIND BLOWN.


From Beauty Bets: Learn more here!

honey-dipPurchase Kasia Honey-Dip Natural Sunless Tanner and Anti-Aging Cream HERE!

Thank you, Elizabeth!  oxox


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