Hey there! Little rituals, how we take the time to put intention into our routines, can make a big difference, over time. Here are a few tips!
The quality and condition of your skin will ultimately determine how youthful you look and can affect your overall appearance. Unfortunately, many people have slip-ups that cause complexion damage over time.
If you want to avoid harming your skin, there are a few common mistakes to avoid making.
Most people are aware that exfoliating is an important part of caring for your skin to remove dead skin cells and prompt regrowth to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can be easy to over-exfoliate and buff away the top skin layer, which can mean removing the protective skin layer. The Skin Nerd explains that many chemical exfoliation products use acids to break down the skin and overuse of these can cause serious complications. If your skin isn't protected, it can increase your risk of sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins, which leads to aging. Experts recommend only exfoliating two to three times each week.
Drug Abuse
No one is going to say that drug use and abuse are good things, but very rarely do we talk about the serious damage drug use can have on every part of our bodies. The Recovery Village explains that methamphetamine causes acne, sores, and a substantial drop in your skin's elasticity, which can lead to premature aging. The blood vessels constrict with drug use, which can affect proper blood flow to the skin and can make it difficult for the body to repair any damage that has occurred. Your complexion will begin to lack a healthy glow and can start to sag, form wrinkles, and age rapidly.
Improper Cleansing
Improper cleansing of the skin also leads to damage to the complexion due to clogged pores that can lead to breakouts. It's important to cleanse your skin with a product that has the right ingredients, which includes witch hazel, which is a natural astringent. Salicylic acid is necessary for cleansing the pores and antioxidants should also be an added ingredient to offer protection. Acne, a leathery skin texture, and an increase in sores are common, which can add an extra decade to the individual's appearance.
Improper Treatment of Acne
Blemishes need proper treatment to ensure that they heal correctly and don't lead to scarring on the skin. Avoid pushing the infection to the surface of the skin and give it a few days to work itself up naturally. Rise and Shine recommends to avoid applying a drying treatment, which can cause it to become trapped underneath the skin. Dry and flaky skin can actually cause more pimples so using gentle oil-free moisturizer can help. With cysts, avoid picking the pimple because they'll never reach the surface. Opt for applying an anti-cyst product that will dissolve the infection.
Not Enough Vitamins
Hum Nutrition explains that vitamins affect skin health and are necessary to slow down the effects of aging. It's important to get enough omega-3 fatty acids to ensure that cells can hold enough water to reduce the risk of wrinkles. Vitamin B1 and B6 are also responsible for strengthening the skin and preventing stress from having a harmful effect. CBD oil can also be used with vitamins and can be applied topically treat eczema, reduce acne, and encourage abnormal cell death.
Skincare slip-ups are common but should be avoided if you want to improve the quality of your skin as you age. With the right care provided, you can feel proud to show off your skin and allow it to look youthful.
Having professional beauty services done can greatly improve your chances of avoiding these mistakes and slip ups! Let Beauty Ecology help you have the best skin you can possibly have!