How to Alleviate Stress & Pain From All Types of Headaches

Hello beautiful.

Stress, tension, overwhelm and lack of sleep all can contribute to headaches.

We all get headaches sometimes, but some are worse than others. Yet it is safe to say that any headache is a bad one. You may be wondering how to alleviate yours, but you don't know exactly how. The truth is, it depends on what type of headaches you have. There are three types that we most commonly suffer from and they all call for different treatment methods.

Migraine Headaches

There are a few ways in which you can relieve the pain of a migraine. Since you have heightened sensitivity during a migraine, being exposed to bright lights and noise can be painful. There are several potential migraine triggers that could be causing your pain and discomfort. To counter this, you need to stay in a dark and quiet room. It also helps to apply something to alleviate the pain. You can use an ice pack to numb or a heating pad to help the muscles in your body relax. Migraines can also occur due to a lack of sleep. The best way to avoid them in the future is to adopt a regular sleep pattern. You may have to do something relaxing in order to make yourself drowsy. It is essential to go to bed only when you feel sleepy. Minimizing the distractions around you prior to bedtime can make this process easier.

Sinus Headaches

You know you have a sinus headache when your forehead, eyes and cheeks feel like they are being pressed down on. Pressure in these areas indicates an oncoming sinus headache. There are some ways in which you can alleviate this headache type. One way is to increase the humidity in your home. This can be done with a humidifier or even by drinking hot liquids and taking a steaming hot shower. Irrigation is also an option for relieving your symptoms. This involves store-bought nasal spray, though you can also elect to purchase an irrigation kit for this purpose.

Caffeine Headaches

You will recognize a caffeine headache if OTC pain relievers aren't alleviating the pain of it. A sensitivity to caffeine can cause you to suffer from this type of headache. When you are suffering from a caffeine headache, drink peppermint tea or water. If that isn't enough, consider booking a professional massage to relieve your headache pain.

Ultimately, the key to preventing and managing headaches is to understand their type and cause. Relief, after this, is a matter of applying the right kind of treatment or avoiding common triggers.

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