Skin Conditions You Really Shouldn’t Ignore

Your skin is your body’s barrier from the outside world. There are many ways your skin reacts to tell you it needs your help. A few of the ways the skin notifies you is through acne, atopic dermatitis, and moles. If you experience any of these conditions, do not ignore this cry for help.


Acne is a common condition that most people struggle with, especially during their teen years. Acne can be caused from excess oils or clogged pores in the skin. It is important to develop a skin care regime that will help keep the skin healthy and clean. If your acne is severe, consult a dermatologist who can give you medications to clear up your skin. Untreated acne can get infected, leave scars, and develop into deeper skin issues.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema making your skin red and itchy. While eczema is most common with children, it can occur at any age and flare up periodically. It is typically an exterior allergic reaction to something in your environment. There is currently no cure but there are steroids and ointments that can relieve the effects of the reaction. When left untreated, atopic dermatitis can cause a variety of other problems that impact your quality of life. Consult a dermatologist to help you limit flare ups and control the health of your skin.

Unusual or Changing Moles

There are a variety of moles that are not uncommon to have. A few of the mole types are harmless, however some are early signs of skin cancer. It is important to do a periodic skin evaluation for any new or changing moles. Some characteristics to look for are moles that are not symmetrical, growing, or darken in color. If you notice anything abnormal, see a physician who can test the area for the potential of skin cancer. It is much easier to remove a single mole when first identified than go through a cancer treatment.

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to keep it clean and avoid irritants. Irritants include harsh chemicals, overexposure to the sun, and anything that makes your skin react negatively. Your skin's reactions are a sign that the body does not like what it is being exposed to. Pay attention to the state of your skin and consult a doctor when needed to avoid any additional complications.

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