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Chemical Deodorants - They're the Pits

Kasia Organic Salon launches

Pure-odorant - Organic & Chemical-Free Deodorant

MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18, 2009 - Kasia Organic Salon - Minneapolis' leading and only true organic beauty salon, has launched Pure-odorant, a chemical-free and certified organic line of women's deodorant. One of the most overlooked beauty products, in terms of its affect on your body, is deodorant. Often times, the general public is mislead or simply not informed of the health affects that can come with wearing "mainstream" deodorants. Pure-odorant comes straight from nature with a pure blend of organic hemp oil, aloe vera and mineral salts that soften skin and eliminate odor-causing bacteria for up to 24 hours.

Deodorants have become a part of everyday life for almost all of us. Antiperspirant deodorant is extremely common among women ... and unfortunately, so is breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Most commercial brands of antiperspirants and deodorants contain either aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium. These compounds are very soluble and are readily absorbed by the body. Once in the body, the aluminum portion of the molecule ionizes, forming free radical aluminum, which passes freely across cell membranes and forms a physical plug, that when dissolved is selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain, cartilage and bone marrow.

New evidence to be published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology indicates that parabens, chemicals found in underarm cosmetics and other products, can be detected in human breast tumors. Previous suggestions have been made that certain components of underarm cosmetics may contribute to the rising incidence of breast cancer. Even women that wear no makeup, lip gloss or hair products invariably use deodorant products - body odor is seen as one of the seven deadly sins, whether you’re at the office or out with friends! This 'essential' part of our beauty routines may have serious health consequences for us down the track.

Ingredients to avoid in deodorants

While aluminium is the main deodorant/antiperspirant ingredient that has been studied for negative health effects, almost all of the common ingredients in supermarket deodorants are harmful to us. Here are the effects of some of the common underarm 'hygiene' ingredients:

  • * Aluminium chlorhydrate, aluminium zirconium tetrachlorhydrex gly, and other aluminium salts: We talked about the links between aluminium salts and breast cancer, as well as Alzheimer's disease. There may be further links to disease that haven't yet been identified.
  • * Parabens (all types): These are derived from toluene, which can both cause reproductive harm and mimic the effect of estrogen in the body, driving the growth of cancerous cells.
  • * Triclosan: This ingredient is a common antibacterial which cause contact dermatitis in many people, and is classified as a pesticide by the FDA.
  • * Talc: Even the humble talcum powder has been regarded with suspicion by cancer researchers. It may contain asbestiform fibers (yes, these are related to asbestos) - the level of asbestiform fibers in talc is unregulated.
  • * Propylene glycol: According to the NIOSH this is a neurotoxin. The EPA admits that it hasn’t been fully investigated for cancer-causing potential, despite being in almost every personal care product on the market.
  • * Silica: This skin irritant is often contaminated with crystalline quartz, which is known to cause cancer
  • * Steareth-n: (Where n is any number) reacts with ethylene oxide in the manufacturing process. Ethylene oxide is a known carcinogen.

For more information about Informed Beauty, or to purchase Pure-odorant, please visit or call Kassie Kuehl at 612-366-4044.

Kassie Kuehl is a respected leader in, and advocate for, natural health and beauty care. The founder of Kasia Organic Salon, Kassie combines her experience as nutritionist and living foods educator with her ongoing Functional Medicine research to apply a whole of body “Beautiful Health’ approach to hair care and styling. Become an Informed Beauty and learn more at

vintage deodorant

Certified Organic made with a pure blend of hemp oil, aloe vera and mineral salts that softens skin and eliminates odor-causing bacteria for up to 24 hours!

NO aluminum, alcohol, parabens or proplyene glycol — NO residue.

Scented with organic essential oils.

* effective using hemp oil and mineral salts that eliminate odor-causing bacteria

* soothing and healing aloe vera to softens the skin

* no aluminum chlorhydrate; no alcohol

* No tingly irritation and no staining

* We’re sure, it leaves no white residue

* hypoallergenic * no harmful propellants, pit and ozone friendly * no animal testing, just on hunks * no pore clogging, breathe!

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