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Female Hair Loss: Top Real Cause(s)

Kasia Organic Salon and  Female Hair Loss

Over the years with many clients, I see the numbers continuing to grow and  increase in the number of women suffering from hair loss, particularly between the ages of twenty-five to forty.

What is that the most common causes of hair loss in women are hormonally related.  We all have to address this at some point - as they occur during and following childbirth, with the use of the contraceptive pill, anemia and menopause.

Treating and diagnosing Female hair loss is not as simple and straight-forward as male pattern baldness.  The good news is that a large percent of women’s hair loss is completely reversible.

At Kasia we help you get to the "ROOT" of this in a multi-facited manner.  The key is to find out what the reason is, and to then evaluate your options in addressing  it.  First and for-most, we help evaluate your current products and routines.  We suggest a variety of at home treatments with essential oils, supplements, and non invasive.

Through getting to know you, our treatments involve a team of responsible informed natural practioners to help run hormone panels or other  series of tests to ensure we as a collective uncover and correct the problem instead of just treating the symptoms.

The Ludwig Scale - for Women's Hair Loss.

Women have a pattern of hair loss called Female Pattern Loss. This loss does not occur in the same pattern as men but appears as a diffuse thinning throughout the scalp. There is a chart designed to classify Female Pattern loss called the Ludwig Scale. There are however always exceptions and in some cases men may suffer from a diffuse type thinning and women may experience a similar hair loss pattern to men.

Usually called Female Androgenetic hair loss is caused by both parents carrying the dominant gene for hair loss and both passing it on to their daughter. If only one of your parents passes this on, hair loss is not caused as it would be in men. This is due to the higher levels of Estrogenic or female hormones in women.

Female balding occurs usually more slowly than in men, with the hair on the top and front of the scalp gradually becoming finer and weaker, the shaft diameter is reduced. In more advanced or severe cases, the crown area is also affected as is the hair growing above the ears. The levels of the male hormone testosterone are raised and this may cause various other symptoms including oily skin, acne Hirsuitism (excessive hair growth on the face and body in a masculine pattern). Menstrual disturbances and lowered fertility may also accompany this problem. Normally, due to the higher levels of female hormones Estrogens, the growth cycle of hair is slower in women than in men. This means that generally each hair grows for a longer period of time before being replaced. Women therefore are usually able to grow their hair longer than men unless the level of androgens interferes with this process. Female hormone levels are usually highest between the age of puberty and about twenty-five. After this they decrease slightly, speeding up the growth cycle giving a slightly higher percentage of resting or catagen hairs. In other words the hair never appears to grow quite so quickly as it did during the teens and early twenties. This has nothing to do with hair loss and is just a natural change in the cycle. It is known that chronic or acute stress has the effect of lowering the production of estrogens and while testosterone levels may not increase, as it is a powerful hormone it may become more active affecting genetically targeted hair follicles which would have been protected by higher estrogenic hormone levels. Various theories have been put forward as to why the incidence of hair loss should be increasing in women. The most likely reason is that as in male hair loss, stress is a major factor. We do live in an increasingly stressful world and for women in particular this has its adverse effects. The female role has changed much over the past two decades and now women have taken their rightful place in industry, commerce and the professions, bringing with it the increased levels of stress that comes with management, responsibility and the decision making processes. The incidence of heart disease, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, etc. which used to be the prerogative of the male executive are now increasing rapidly in women, particularly those with high pressure jobs. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome The disorder sometimes referred to as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome causes the ovaries, which usually produce estrogens, to malfunction causing the metabolism of testosterone to take place. Symptoms are hair loss from the scalp and may also include stopping of periods, weight gain, infertility, oily skin, acne and hair growth on the face and body (hirsuitism). Hormone therapy and minor surgery are usually successful in solving all the problems that may occur. Adrenal Tumor A tumor of the adrenal gland which normally produces adrenaline, a stimulant hormone, as its man secretion can cause conversion of hormones produced and a disturbance in their biosynthesis or chemical production to form testosterone which will cause similar effects as for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It must be realized then that if your hair loss problem is severe, that careful medical diagnosis is essential to find the cause or site of the excessive production of testosterone before treatment is given. Fortunately in most cases the results are very good but may take time to achieve. Hair Loss Following Pregnancy During early pregnancy estrogenic hormone levels increase. This slows down the normal cycle of hair growth, resulting in only about five per cent of the normal hair fall and replacement to occur. Hairs that would normally stop growing, continue to grow beyond their normal life cycle. This causes the hair in many cases to appear to grow thicker as more hairs are in active growth than usual. The hair on the eyebrows and eyelashes may also thicken.

Assuming the expectant mother to be healthy, this continues until the baby is born. Following the birth of the baby, hormone levels change very rapidly often causing the so-called ‘three day blues’ or depression. At this time those hairs, which were growing beyond their normal lifespan, revert to telogen hairs, which begin to fall at any time after one month, but usually when the baby is about three months old. Occasionally this may take place very rapidly so that hair may fall out by the handful and can be very distressing, particularly to a tired mother. More usually the hair falls over a period of a month or two and the hair loss gradually decreases. In some cases, particularly when breastfeeding, the milk producing hormone prolactin will delay the hair loss. The important thing to know and remember is that as fast as the old hairs are being shed, new anogen hairs are growing so that at scalp level the number of hairs rarely decreases. There will, however, be a large number of short new hairs growing and less long hair. Under normal circumstances the hair is all growing back by the time the baby is a year old. Patience and treatment is the normal answer. Only about one in a thousand women find that their hair does not grow back after childbirth and this is usually due to general health problems, stress, poor circulation or anemia (lack of iron). All problems that are usually easy to correct. Again treatment is highly successful.

Miscarriage or Abortion These may cause slight hair changes as described for childbirth and hair loss is more noticeable if they occur following the first three months of pregnancy. Immediate regular treatment will help to stop hair loss and speed complete recovery of hair growth. The Contraceptive Pill It is rare for contraceptive pills to cause any problem with hair growth, they may however give rise to an increase in oiliness in some women. Occasionally the pill prescribed may not suit the hormonal balance of some women but the symptoms are usually discomfort, water retention, headaches, etc. Not hair loss. Sometimes a different combination of hormones will be more acceptable. When commencing to take the pill, hair may fall at a slightly increased rate for the first three months or it may grow thicker depending upon the individual reaction.

Ceasing to take the pill frequently gives rise to the same reaction as that occurring after normal childbirth, although usually in a mild form. Hair shedding will increase slightly about three months after cessation as a new growth cycle of hair begins. Regular treatment will help to establish new growth cycle more rapidly. Anemia Low blood pressure, poor circulation, lack of iron and low ferritin levels to produce hemoglobin which is the oxygen carrying component of blood may often lead to diffuse thinning of hair from all parts of the scalp. The hair may become lighter and some of the hairs finer in texture. The hair often becomes more brittle and broken hairs may be seen all through the hair at different lengths. A blood test followed by iron supplements in the diet will normally solve the problem within a couple of months. If the scalp circulation is very poor or the scalp muscles too tense, regular manipulative and vibratory massage of the scalp will aid re-growth of hair. Low dosage iron supplements frequently improve density of hair growth even where iron deficiency anemia has not been diagnosed. Hair Changes at the Menopause The hair may gradually become slightly thinner and finer with advancing age. General health, fitness and diet are obviously important factors as well as maintaining a good scalp circulation. Occasionally if genetically at risk or hair has had a previous tendency to thin, the loss of hair may become visible and noticeable.

Bioidentical Hormones are  becoming more popular for a variety of reasons including prevention of Osteoporosis (brittle bones due to calcium loss), memory retention, improved skin elasticity and continued interest in sex.

Please Contact Kassie for a referral to a licensed professional for Bio-Identical Hormone Options. 612 824 7611

Hair loss can be one of the most frustrating and difficult  for men and women to deal with.

Myths abound when it comes to hair. Here are some Truths:

  1. Cutting or shaving the hair will have no effect on its rate of growth.
  2. Shampooing the hair will not affect hair loss one way or the other. The hairs that fall out during shampooing are ready to come out anyway.
  3. Daily or twice daily shampooing is quite acceptable as long as the shampoo is formulated for daily use. People with oily scalps should shampoo at least once a day.
  4. Frequency of shampooing will not effect the rate of production of sebum (oil) from the sebaceous glands.
  5. Sebum does not cause hair loss. Hair follicles do not get blocked up by oil
  6. Genetic hair loss in men is inherited from either parent.
  7. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs from the head each day
  8. Each hair on the head grows for about 3-5 years before being shed
  9. 40 million men and 20 million women suffer from hair loss
  10. Scalp hair grows at a rate of about 1 cm (just under 1/2 an inch) a month
  11. We each have about 100,000 hairs on the scalp

Resource:  Harmonix Hair Solutions

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