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Grow your hair with iGrow! Newest technology now sold at Kasia!

Kasia Organic Salon specializes in hair GROWTH versus hair loss.   From the inside-out, we've now partnered with the newest and first low level laser therapy for you to use in your own home!

Call Kasia for any questions at 612 824 7611.

Today, low-level lasers and improved technology make a portable, affordable and practical solution possible—enter the iGrow.

Hundreds of clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on various conditions including hair loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and acne.

Compare your effectiveness and costs of  iGrow to other options and see HOW iGROW WORKS HERE!

Can in-home laser treatment stop hair from thinning?

Do you like what you're looking at when you see yourself in the mirror? Most of us can find a thing or two to change: maybe lose a few pounds, or try to make the wrinkles go away. But one thing that a shocking number of people see in the mirror is the sight of their hair thinning.


Even if you've got a full head of hair now, the odds are that your hair may thin. Male pattern baldness accounts for 95 percent of hair loss in men and two-thirds of men will see some degree of hair loss by age 35, according to the American Hair Loss Association. About one-quarter of men who suffer from male pattern baldness start the process before they turn 21 years old.


Just because hair loss is something that most men go through - and an alarming number of women as well - that doesn't mean that you have to accept it.


There are countless shampoos and topical solutions that are designed to treat hair loss, but they aren't necessarily clinical-strength products, not all guarantee results, and not all of them protect you from painful or embarrassing side effects. Reversing and stopping hair loss requires an innovative approach.


A new technology that both men and women are drawn to is one that uses a combination of low-level lasers and LED lights, and has revolutionized hair rejuvenation. Low-level laser therapy has been shown to stop the appearance of hair loss and help rejuvenate hair for anyone with genetic forms of hair loss, such as male/female pattern baldness. Studies proved that hair

responds best to red light in the 650 to 670 nanometer wavelength range, and tests have shown that pulsing light can enhance the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy.


A technology that was once available only in a doctor's office can now be used in the comfort of your home with the iGrow, the world's most advanced hands-free, laser hair-rejuvenation system.  The iGrow, which costs $695,  can help you attain thicker, fuller hair almost effortlessly, right at home, thanks to improved technology, which made this affordable and practical solution possible.


How it works

With regular use of iGrow, individuals can expect to see an improvement in hair condition within a 12-week period. For best results, the iGrow should be used 2 or 3 times per week on non- consecutive days; consistent use provides optimum results.


Results from using the iGrow are rapid and substantial. According to Lorrie Klein, MD: "The average patient using iGrow will first begin to see decreased hair loss in about 6 to 8 weeks.  Then, within a few short months, their hair should begin looking thicker, fuller and healthier. At about the nine-month mark, they'll see the maximum result and then, with continued use of the iGrow, should be able to maintain those results."


At-home convenience

With hands-free operation, you can use the computer, listen to music or read while the iGrow provides an effective laser therapy session. The iGrow has built-in headphones that make it compatible with an iPod or MP3 player.


Works for women too

Results of a study by hair-loss specialist Ted Daley, MD, show a significant number of females suffering from female pattern hair loss showed moderate to significant improvement following 16 weeks of low-level laser therapy.


A cost-effective alternative

If you use shampoos or other topical treatments, you may spend upwards of $500 per year – or more. Laser combs or brushes can range between $300 and $800, but aren't hands free, aren't programmed for women and men, and aren't as powerful as the iGrow. Treatment in a laser clinic will cost upwards of $4,000 annually, many times the cost of the iGrow.

Get the iGrow at Kasia Organic Salon for $695, and get the hair-loss therapy that has been scientifically tested. Plus, the iGrow comes with a 6-month, money-back guarantee and if you trade in your laser comb or brush you will receive a $100 rebate.

Sponsored content provided by iGrow.

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