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Kasia Organic Salon is at it again!

In June of this last summer, was the launched Good Day Sunshine Chemical Free Sunscreen. Brewing more than I can begin to comprehend, Kasia Organic Salon will be meeting YOUR demanded needs of not 1, 2, but 3 new products are "in the making" for Fall and Winter of 09'.

"Getting down to work," through months of testing (mostly on hunky men of Kasia Salon) ..."WE'VE MADE A BREAK THROUGH" on a natural and organic, and WORKING DEODORANT!  We wont let you 'sweat the small stuff' come your next big j.o.b. interview or snazzy Saturday night date.

Men are just as conscious as women about that ...."ahh ......yes, B.O."  Although, there  is far less attention paid to “non-toxic” and healthy deodorants for the men and men in our lives!

Did you know that naturally occurring bacteria on the skin, not sweat, is what creates the dreaded funkiness commonly known as BO? Regardless of our gender, Kasia Organic Salon values the importance of safe deodorants, especially with the recent the findings of Parabens, (a preservative used to keep some deodorants stable) increasingly are showing up in breast tumor tissue!

"Whats that smell?" Synthetic fragrances, especially those in spray-on deodorants, can increase the incidence of acne, headaches, and respiratory problems.

Aluminum, another ingredient common in conventional anti-perspirants, has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and painful swelling (per an interview with senior analyst Sean Gray at Environmental Working Group. Conventional deodorants may also contain phthalates, which are considered a reproductive toxin in the state of California. "Green Purse."

"LOOK OUT, Informed Beauty," as we fine tune the scent of organic essential oils for Kasia's chemical free deodorant that will help you eliminate the cause of body odor, bacteria, naturally!

"Psst....  Through 10-1-09  Recieve 10% off Kasia GOOD DAY SUNSHINE Sunscreen!

Good Day Sunshine

Key benefits that set Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen :

  • True broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection
  • Safe for toddlers and children
  • Non-chemical sunscreen
  • Moisturizing and healing properties
  • PABA-free and fragrance-free
  • Light and smooth formulation ideal for daily use and can be applied under makeup
  • Formulated for skin sensitive to traditional sunblocks and post-treatment patients

Here is to a great week!

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