

By Stacey - Kasia Skin Specialist With the long-awaited arrival of summer in Minnesota, we want to take advantage of the sun as much as possible. Yet, neglecting to take care of our skin during the summer months can leave us looking drab and lackluster over time and, even worse, it can seriously damage our skin. Here are some basic tips for playing it safe and maintaining a radiant glow all summer long.

  1. 1.     Protect: Sunblock is your number one defense when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun. Be sure to apply a high-quality, nontoxic sunblock  30 minutes before exposure to sunlight, reapplying every 90 minutes. This not only protects against skin cancer – it prevents the appearance of unsightly age spots as well.
  2. 2.      Moisturize: The sun can dry out the skin, accentuating fine lines and wrinkles. Be sure to use a good organic moisturizer, applying it at least twice a day. Avoid products containing parabens, artificial fragrances, and other skin irritants. Apply a hydrating mask a few times a week to keep your skin soft, supple, and glowing.
  3. 3.     Replenish: Drink lots of water! Not only is this good for your health, but it helps maintain hydrated skin. Eating a variety of fruits, berries, and veggies supplies vitamins and minerals that make your skin glow from the inside out. By topically applying vitamin C, you can repair your skin and reverse signs of aging.
  4. 4.     Exfoliate: Light exfoliation eliminates dead skin cells that build up with sun exposure. Gently exfoliate with a light sugar and honey scrub or a gentle fruit enzyme mask once or twice a week. The top layer of skin is essential for protection, so remember to exfoliate with moderation.
  5. 5.     Treat: Sunburns are painful and can cause permanent damage. Supplementing with a good source of vitamin E and vitamin C  will help prevent sunburns before they occur. To heal and sooth already sunburned skin, apply aloe, milk, oatmeal, or honey topically. Cold showers and ice packs are also helpful.


Here is a simple mask you can make at home to sooth and hydrate your skin, while gently sloughing off dead skin cells:


Banana Oatmeal Face Mask


½ cup cooked oatmeal

1 tsp honey

1 egg yolk

½ mashed banana

Book your Custom Organic Facial tailored to your skin type and/or condition with Stacey TODAY! # 612.824.7611  



Directions: Combine ingredients. Apply mixture to face, leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse with cool water.




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