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Goal setting and your skin

Sure - Goal setting is pivotal in current time fiscal responsibility- but it is alsoan interesting idea in relation to skin care.

Really?  How does one set skin care goals?

Let’s answer this question with these three questions:

1.     Am I happy how my skin looks right now?

2.     Are there any skin issues I would like to resolve?

3.     In 3 years – how do I want my skin to look?

Of course the obvious answer is "fabulous" if you already have a great thing going your statement is "I want to look the same in 5 years time as I do now. "

What are realistic goals and how do you support them?

They may well be but does the skin care you are currently using support the goal you have identified? If you are unsure, the next step is to find out. How? Well there are a number of things you can do:

1.  Critique your skin care products- sit down with all the products you use regularly and read the labels.   Does the label even indicate what the product does? What are the ingredients?  Do the ingredients include the “Toxic 10?”

2.   If you don't know or can't work out how your skin care is supporting your goals, we would love to offer you a FREE consultation with our Kasia skin care specialist.

3.     If your current skin care regimen is congruent with your goals – great!  If not, then make the change with time to products that support and work with your skin. Remember consistency is key – combined with your product ingredient makeup.

4.     Don’t forget great nutrition!

With just a few minutes a day and these three simple steps you can improve your skin's tone, texture, clarity and function for a smooth, soft and radiantly healthy complexion.

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