BUZZ: Kasia Organics Shares Pure Bridal Beauty Tips MPLS/St. Paul Magazine — Beauty Ecology

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BUZZ: Kasia Organics Shares Pure Bridal Beauty Tips MPLS/St. Paul Magazine

Kasia Organics’ Kassandra  Shares Pure Bridal Beauty Tips

Posted: September 26, 2012

by Theresa Malloy

Kassandra Kuehl is the beautiful brains behind Kasia Organics. When she’s not in her salon or working on creating the next organic beauty product, she’s a personal trainer, yoga and pilates instructor, functional medicine student, certified health coach, and living goods educator.

A few years back, Kuehl became plagued with intense migraines after working in a salon in spite of her healthy, active lifestyle. The problem? Chemicals in salon products she used as a stylist. After some research, she saw a demand for beauty done without chemicals. Kuehl decided to open an organic salon, creating an ammonia-free hair color and organic skin care line. The name she chose is Kasia (pronounced cass-see-yah), which fittingly means “pure” in Greek.

Kuhl talked with Aisle File about her business and has some tips for brides.

Q: It sounds like you have a lot of expertise in healthy and active lifestyles. What was the most shocking thing you learned about chemicals that inspired you to create this brand? A: We’re not political with what we do. What’s been shocking is at a fundamental level I understood with my background in functional medicine and health that women are starting to have an increase of breast cancer, hormonal issues, you name it.

But I think the products that we use as women are, in the long-term, hurting our skin and inducing chemicals on our skin, which inhibit our health and over time give us the exact results we don’t want. Whereas when you’re using natural, organic ingredients, not only are they good for you; but they build the skin back up and do the work that synergistically works with the skin to give you the results that you need.

Q: What are some must-have products and services for brides? A: Service-wise, the ammonia free hair color hands down. We have lots of brides, and prepping them on their hair color is crucial. Getting it shiny and healthy again. We have them come and visit us and kind of rehab the hair back to beautiful shine and length and what they need. Usually it takes about six months.

We carry a line of mineral makeup called La Bella Donna . . . It only has four ingredients, so they have skin-reflective properties that take away fine lines and wrinkles, and it’s not cakey or heavy on the skin. So we do a lot of media on that line. La Bella Donna is the best of our line for mineral makeup on that day.

The others are not tearing down skin. Really keeping skin healthy prior to the wedding doing a series of skin peels and using our skincare line to keep the skin plump and plush and keeping the reddy undertones under the skin.

Q: What are some tips for brides? A: Start early enough in the preparation for hair and skin. Speak with the stylist or facialist and get a plan so you know what you’re doing. Pre-book your appointments so you’re all set and leave it to the professionals to help guide you through the process.

Q: Best pieces of beauty advice you’ve ever received? A: Do not tweeze your eyebrows. You will pay for it later. Stick with professional hair color, and always demand a great haircut.

Q: Other things people can look forward to in the future? A: We just started our own series called plant-fume; we’re doing natural and organic perfume. We’re also adding a new shampoo and conditioner to our line.

Kasia Organic Salon is located at 822 W. 50th St., Mpls, 612-824-7611. Kasia Organics products are available online at

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