10 Foods to Amazing Skin β€” Beauty Ecology

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10 Foods to Amazing Skin


While there's no overnight cure for blemish-free features, there are 10 specific ingredients that you need in your overall diet to improve your skin's appearance.

Want to let your inner beauty shine through? Find out how you can eat your way to gorgeous skin!


Source: FoxNews.com
 By Stephanie Nolasco,


Kale is a rich source of vitamin K. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits that helps you stay less bloated, which can prevent puffiness on the face. "The sulfur content in kale aids in reducing redness and flakiness, and vitamin K helps ward off cancer, while keeping circulation healthy," explains Dr. Jessica Krant, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. "This helps us maintain our glow and also removes toxins from our bodies."


 "Mangos boost collagen production for smoother, youthful-looking skin," explains Dr. Marina Peredo, associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. "Because they contain carotenoids, they can also improve skin tone and color, giving a rosy glow to dull skin."


In a 2012 study, it was concluded that women who ate a diet rich in tomatoes had increased skin protection, reduced redness, and less DNA damage from ultraviolet rays, which can cause wrinkles. While you shouldn't give up on SPF, doctors say this juicy fruit should be part of your overall diet for better looking skin. "Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin against UV radiation," saysDr. Julia Tzu, clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University.


Drinking water daily is a no-brainer, but if you tend to suffer from dry, flaky skin, chances are you're not hydrated enough. And tight skin is more prone to wrinkles and other signs of aging.  "Once you realize you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated, which takes its toll on your skin," explains nutritionist JJ Virgin, author of "The Virgin Diet." "Proper hydration means you sweat more efficiently to keep your skin glowing and looking fabulous." Virgin recommends starting your day with a glass of water and always keeping a bottle near you to ensure you're drinking throughout the day and night.


Some medical experts love salmon for its ability to enhance smooth skin. "Omega 3 fatty acids are important because your body does not produce it," says Dr. Stafford R. Broumand, New York-based plastic surgeon and associate clinical professor of plastic surgery at the Mount Sinai Medical Center. "Fish is a great source of omega 3 fatty acid because it aids in the functioning of different types of cells in the body, including the skin. Healthy fats help to support the production and building of elastin and collagen, which in turn will help maintain supple, youthful-looking skin."


Got cellulite? You may need to up the java intake. According to Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, D.C. coffee grounds can help minimize the appearance of those unsightly dimples thanks to the caffeine that can dehydrate fat cells.  It's even a key ingredient in a beauty product that reportedly "improves the silhouette."  If you're on a budget, Tanzi advises mixing up your own scrub.


 ""One of my best tips is to start by eating a bit of avocado every day as part of your salad, or even throwing half of an avocado into your morning smoothie," says New York City-based celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas. "Avocados supply the skin with healthy fats and phytonutrients to hydrate from the inside out and bring back your glow."


 Red Bell Peppers 

 "Red bell peppers are very high in vitamin C," explains health coach Lori Shemek. "Vitamin C aids the body in the production of collagen, a very important skin supporter that prevents sagging skin. Vitamin C also helps prevent inflammation that can accelerate aging."


"For acne-prone skin, foods rich in antioxidants, like blueberries, will help the body eliminate toxins, clearing up the skin," says Dr. Frank Lipman. Eat them alone or add them to Greek yogurt.



Contrary to popular belief, chocolate is actually good for you, so long as you eat it in moderation and score the best quality. "Dark chocolate contains very high levels of flavonols, a highly potent form of antioxidants that firm and protect skin," says Shemek. "Ensure that the chocolate is at least 70% cacao - the higher the percentage, the better for your skin. A couple of squares should be enough."

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