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How to Transition to Gray Hair Gracefully

The one common thought that has gone through women’s minds when coloring their "gray” hair through the quarantine and beyond is if NOW is the time to just “let it go.”

A transition to gray hair can become a daring fashion accent, a whimsical middle finger to the idea of “anti-aging” and youth … or just a simple statement of confidence—

Gray hair? Don’t care!

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Having transitioned many of my clients, I’ve learned its a very personal decision that is done at specific time in their life. I find that if a client is ready to transition and I sense it’s NOT out of being truly ready to embrace their gray, it’s often times, it’s around a big event, trauma, and at times - due to financial restraints.

If you’re on the fence - and before I dig into transitional “tips,” I ask that you dig deep in your heart, and knowing that this is what you want, with confidence -versus out of stress, depression, and feeling defeated.

Alrighty, let’s walk through some fundamentals of hair structure!

Why is Gray Hair Different Than Our Natural Colored Hair?

Growing out gray hair gracefully starts with understanding what makes gray hair different.

Gray hair is just like your normal hair, just without pigment (or melanin) in the hair shaft. This results in hair that has a different texture.

It can feel courser, drier, and thinner at the same time.

This is why many women love having a softer, shinier hair shaft when coloring.

How Long Does It Take for Gray Hair to Grow Out?

On average, hair grows nearly half an inch every month, so about 6 inches every year.

That’s why some stylists recommend a shorter cut to help expedite the gray transformation—it takes much less time to grow out the gray with short hair than long hair.

If you love having long hair, you can start with cutting it shoulder length.

If you're already comfortable with short hair, then you should try a pixie cut!

How Do I Grow Out Gray Hair Gracefully?

Do’s and Don’ts

Whether you started transitioning to gray hair unwillingly due to being in quarantine, finances, or your hair stylist isnt helpful, there are as many ways to go gray as there are hairs on your head.

As you explore different ways to embrace your natural hair and gray roots, think of this journey as spring cleaning, but for your hair.

During your color transition, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

Do your research – The foundation of a successful gray transition is understanding your natural hair color and face shape.

Gray hair works better with certain hair texture, color and skin tone, and different cuts work for different face shapes. Keep the current season in mind as your summer skin tone will be different than your winter skin tone. Work with your hairstylist to choose a highlight or lowight technique with the cut that will complement each other and your face.

Consider your lifestyle – No matter the style, the best gray look is always a well-maintained one. So find a look that works with your life and habits. If you enjoy your monthly salon appointments, you probably won’t mind starting with gray foiling your hair to blend that requires stretched out - maintenance. But if you prefer to go low-maintenance, strategic haircuts that remove old color off the ends can help you transition to gray without regular salon visits.

Don’t pluck out the gray – Resist the urge! Trust me, I can tell when you’re plucking :) Plucking will eventually lead to thinner hair and can damage the follicle. When the hair grows back out of that follicle, it will appear thinner.

Consider your hair color (quality) – Gray hair is more fragile than naturally pigmented hair. Harsh dyes and chemicals will weaken the strands and make you more prone to hair loss (no, thank you).

Opt for hair color without these ingredients:






Don’t forget to have fun – The journey to gray hair is an adventure in style, confidence, and beauty.


Cut and Color Methods to Graying Gracefully


Embracing gray hair means enjoying a whole new world of hairstyles. Below are the top ten methods for growing out gray hair :


The Pixie – This classic transition involves cutting your hair in a pixie style, which will allow your hair to grow in gray quickly and naturally.

The Au Natural – Also called the “cold turkey” …. Just let your natural gray hair come in as it will.

Highlights or Lowlights – Have your stylist weave gray highlights into your hair for more even distribution. If you want to ease into going gray, highlights and lowlights can offer a more subtle option.


The Slow Snip-and-Grow – Some women choose to shorten their hair a bit every two months and gradually grow out their grays. By balancing out the dyed parts of your hair with the gray, the shorter hair will make the gray coverage more encompassing over time.

Modern Chic – An in-vogue haircut will balance out the effect of the gray, whether you choose to dye your entire head or just add a few highlights and lowlights.

Play with Parts – This one you can do easily at home—take a look in the mirror and play around with your part. A dramatic pull of hair to one side may show off an alluring sprinkling of gray, or right down the middle may give your look an air of 60’s chic.

Whatever hairstyle best fits your personality, just remember your hair stylist already has a broken heart from not getting to see you at the salon, don't break it even more by dyeing your hair with bad permanent hair color products.

Your Style Guide to Going Gray

Update Your Wardrobe – Take your new hair on a shopping spree and look for clothes with a more modern flare. It will bring vibrancy and vitality to your ensembles, and turn your locks into a chic fashion statement. But don’t forget to wear clothes you feel good in!

Makeup – Depending on your skin tone, your gray hair may wash out your face. A few strategic strokes of a makeup brush can bring out the beauty in your facial features and enhance the drama of your new silvery hair. Be sure to focus on these three areas for maximum wow-factor

Cheeks – When going gray, blush is your best friend. A bit of color on your cheeks can add a rosy glow to your face.

Lips – A fresh glossy pink or a dramatic red lip perfectly complements the cooler tones of gray hair.

Brows – Dark defined brows with gray hair makes a stunning contrast. To achieve this look, make sure your brows are filled in and well-kept (yes, you can pluck gray eyebrow hairs, just make sure there’s plenty left!).

Beautiful Skin – The best accessory to gracefully graying hair? Nourished and rejuvenated skin. Incorporating anti-aging skincare into your daily routine will heighten your distinguished beauty.

Try Evoq’s Organic Skin line combined with some facial exercises to boost the firmness in your skin, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and give yourself another reason to smile.

Caring for Your Silver Locks

The better you protect and care for your graceful gray hair, the healthier, fuller, and shinier it will look. Try these tips for maintaining your silvery mane:

Deep Conditioner – If you choose to dye your hair to speed up the full-gray effect or if you’re growing your hair out au natural, a deep conditioner is a must.

Pick Hue-Enhancing Shampoos – Certain colors in shampoo can brighten gray shades. The best colors for keeping your gray hair shining? Blue or purple shampoo!


Trüeb, Ralph M. “Pharmacologic Interventions in Aging Hair.” Clinical Interventions in Aging, Dove Medical Press, 2006,

Freydkin, Donna. “The Complete Guide to Gray Hair and How to Take Care of It.” Allure, 2018,

Barrell, Amanda, and Cynthia Cobb. “What to Know about Hair Growth.” Medical News Today, 2019,

Courtney, Nadine Jolie. “Everything You Need to Know Before You Transition to Gray Hair.” Oprah Magazine, Oprah Magazine, 18 Oct. 2019,

Monselise, Assaf, et al. “What Ages Hair?” International Journal of Women's Dermatology, Elsevier, 16 Feb. 2017,

Show (your inner mind) what do you really desire. 🔮CBD included.

look into your future.jpg

Look into your future.

You cannot expect to get where you want to be without knowing where you are going.

One of the most potent lessons of alchemy is that of changing your inner state to affect the world around you.

A simple way to do this is with manifestation practices.

By taking a little time to set your intentions for the short and long term, you are already well on your way to bringing your inner world into outer realization.

Try this journaling exercise with some silence and a pen and paper.

It's crucial that when you venture forward to envision, you remain rooted and calm.

If you don’t have one of our Evoq Clean, Calm and Connected CBD tinctures at home, move forward with this centering voyage - although dropping a few drop of our calming CBD oil, your inner exploration for grounding and clarity with be much easier (calm down monkey brain)!

Grab one of our CBD Hemp Naturopathic Healers HERE. Not sure where to start?

I recommend our 500MG Immune enhancing multi-cannabinoid tincture. Game changer!

I’d like to ask permission to have you find a quiet space when you’re ready to do this powerful exercise!

Let’s begin


In a quiet private, bright place, begin by making a list of 3 things you desire in your life.


These can range from the type of relationships you'd like to the career path you want to follow, and the general lifestyle. This can be anything. Be clear, be complete.


Be as specific as possible, and trust your gut instincts as you make this list. 


If the notion creates excitement and pulls you towards it, put it on the list. 

Notice also, if you feel some resistance to listing all the desires, it means your inner  energy is out of balance and you are in even greater need to reconnect to it - understand it - and shift it.


Once you've completed the list, spend some time with your eyes closed envisioning the elements on the list being a part of your life.

Imagination is the most powerful way we use the mind. It’s how I help evoke change that LASTS with clients in my clinical hypnotherapy clients. If the mind can see what you want, it’s much easier for it to go and find the resources for you - as you go about your day.

This moves from lack to abundance - and all the ways that area on your list CAN become possible - even if it takes time.

Feel those feelings. Step inside this new life.

How does it feel? Where are you? Is there a taste? A smell? A temperature? Is anyone with you?






Repeat this and continue living. You will notice your manifestations are all around you, waiting for you to take action towards them.

Remember, manifestation is not about doing nothing, it is about attracting the best circumstances for you to take action within. Don't forget the action part.


More action=more outcomes. More outcomes=more lessons. More lessons=more progress. 

When you dive into the grounded, relaxing and spiritual lucidity Evoq CBD and become clear on your intentions, doors will begin to open where there were once only walls.


THIS IS KEY: The subconscious mind is there to serve you - it wants to preserve energy, remain safe, and SERVE YOU.

By being clear on what you want your life to be, you make the shift from being the perpetual victim to the creator and champion of your own existence.

Step forward with the confidence of knowing where you are going and the energetic support of the powerful ancient plants with Evoq.

Love and light - and thank you for feeding your soul with me here today. Love you to the moon.


The 7 Top Signs of Omega-3 Deficiency

Hello lovely!

We often hear about healthy fats, for our skin, a better brain and heart health. I also previously wrote about how Omegas are the SINGLE MOST MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS we make our own endocannabinoids from to keep us in balance and optimal health.

If you don't get enough of these key fatty acids in your diet, it can lead to various health concerns including poor sleep, dry skin conditions, and even an increased risk of heart disease.

The 5 Key Triggers of Female Hair Loss (and a natural solution 2x's more powerful than minoxidil).png

So with this in mind, let’s COVER OUR BASES. In most cases, deficiencies can easily be fixed by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. Here are the seven most common signs that you may be lacking in omega-3:

Common symptoms of omega-3 deficiency, plus the healthy fats you should be eating

1. Dry skin

One of the secrets to youthful and hydrated skin is omega-3 fats, which can be found naturally in the cell wall structure. But the more deficient you are, the drier your skin will be. Omega-3 also helps the skin to absorb healthy nutrients and expel waste products that are harmful, resulting in healthy looking, glowing skin.

2. Lifeless hair

The same omega-3s found in the cells of your skin can also be found in hair follicles, making it an important nutrient for lustrous, glossy hair. Omega-3 fats nourish the hair, support hair thickening and also reduce scalp inflammation that can lead to hair loss.

If you are vegetarian or vegan and think you might be deficient in omega-3, eat plenty of nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, beans, soy products and leafy green vegetables, and consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

3. Brittle nails

Soft, peeling and brittle nails are all outward signs something in your body isn't right. It could be an omega-3 deficiency. Many studies have shown that omega-3s from animal sources, such as fish oils are easier for the body to absorb versus plant based ones, so incorporate oily fish into your diet if you can.

4. Insomnia

A study from the University of Oxford found that people with higher levels of omega-3 experienced better quality sleep. However, I always advise people to take omega-3 supplements in the morning, and not at night, as they can keep you awake if taken too close to bedtime!

5. Poor concentration

If you don't eat a lot of oily fish, or take omega-3 supplements, there's good chance you may experience poor concentration. Many people have experienced significant improvements in their concentration by simply ensuring they get a daily dose of omega-3.

6. Fatigue

Regular fatigue can have many causes, but there is no doubt that a deficiency in omega-3 could be one of them. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, fatigue is a common symptom of an underlying omega-3 deficiency, and so boosting your diet with fatty oils could help to increase your energy levels.

7. Joint pain

Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish oils are powerful anti-inflammatory agents - this is what makes them so important for people living with joint pain. Making sure you get enough omega-3 might stop the process that destroys tissues and joints, which causes the initial inflammation.

So there you go! My favorite fats are avocados, white fish and salmon and nuts. What are yours?

Love n’ light - Kassandra

Resource: Harpers Bazaar

I lost my brother to this. [protect yourself, please]

Love and Protect Your Skin

May has already come and almost gone.   With the sun shining more often (thank goodness), it seems appropriate that May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.  About two million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year, making it the most common type of cancer in the United States.

Losing a brother at the age of 24 of skin cancer, this topic is near and dear. 

However, it is also often a preventable type of cancer since the main cause is too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. If it’s caught and treated early, skin cancer is very curable. But, all of us, regardless of skin color, should make protecting our skin and staying safe from the sun’s rays a priority and a daily habit.


Just how invasive has skin cancer become in the U.S.?

Check out these statistics from the Skin Cancer Foundation:

- Each year, over 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are treated.

- Melanoma rates are rising at an alarming rate among 18 to 39-year-olds.

- Over the past 40 years, skin cancer rates have grown by 800% among young women and 400% among young men.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

Let’s start with the most obvious solutions: sunscreen.

How effective is sunscreen?

Yes, sunscreen will protect you from sunburn, but can it prevent skin cancer? According to a study from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, when SPF 30-plus is properly applied, you’ll be protected 100% from all three types of skin cancer (melanoma, squamous cell, and basal cell). You have a cancer-fighting gene called P53 that protects us from all varieties of cancer, and sunscreen protects that gene, as well.

Preventing skin cancer helps prevent all cancer

The P53 gene works to heal our skin when it’s been sun damaged. If your skin gets burned regularly, the gene mutates and doesn’t do its job, which makes all kinds of cancer more likely to occur.

People who have had skin cancer are 15 to 26% more likely to develop other types of cancer in the future, so skin protection and regular skin checks are vital to your health. For us women, that means a higher risk of breast and lung cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

How deep does the damage go?

Obviously, when you’re skin gets burned, you can that damage has been done. What you might not know is that  UV radiation damages our skin cells all the way down to the DNA, and it affects the protective functions of our skin. The way your skin cells make chemicals is changed by UVA and UVB rays. That’s why you get tan — your skin reacts to the sun’s rays by over producing melanin to protect itself. However, over-exposure to the sun results in melanin-producing skin cells to mutate and divide, and you end up with an uneven skin tone rather than a glowing tan.

Photoaging is the clinical term for the damage the sun does to your skin. Repeated exposure without protection causes your skin to become unable to repair itself. The damage doesn’t start in adolescence or young adulthood, either; it starts from infancy.


Sun and aging skin

Your skin needs collagen and elastin to be firm, smooth, and healthy. UV exposure breaks down collagen and elastin and makes them harder to synthesis. Without these supportive tissues, you’ll start to see wrinkles, sagging, and overall aging much faster than normal.

Your skin starts experiencing changes from the sun the moment it’s exposed to it, and over time those changes add up to a different look and feel. While you might think the changes are part of the normal aging process, they’re actually due to photoaging and are completely preventable.

Some of the skin issues you experience that are caused by photoaging are:

- Leathery texture

- Wrinkles

- Dryness

- Sagging

- Freckles, sunspots, appearance of blood vessels, and overall unevenness

- Skin growths

- Rough patches

How to get the glow without the damage

We all want to look like the healthiest and most attractive versions of ourselves, and a sun-kissed glow can give us that look. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a solution that gives your skin and health protection from UV rays and also the color you desire? With the increase in skin cancer rates, we were inspired to create a solution to this problem, especially for us upper-midwest women.

Thanks to new technology and high-quality ingredients, our Evoq custom-formulated sunless tanner has become a top-seller nationwide through cult-favorite beauty blogs and local ladies alike. Our Evoq age-defying lotion is a natural, long-lasting, even-fading, quick-drying formula full of skin-enriching, organic, and nourishing ingredients.

Igniting the glow naturally

As a consumer, we know you’re a savvy shopper and look for multiple benefits from a single product. You now know the concerns of UV exposure in regards to accelerated aging and skin cancer, but you still want that healthy and radiant glow the sun is so good at giving.

Evoq’s sunless tanner formula contains a key ingredient called dihydroxyacetone (DHA) which reacts with dead skin cells on your body’s surface and darkens them naturally. Not only does it give you a safe and healthy glow, but the formula is boosted with anti-aging benefits that decrease fine lines and wrinkles, smooth your skin, and fight free radical damage.

The formula hydrates and nourishes your skin with antioxidants, plant extracts, and humectants. These ultra-hydrating extracts and anti-aging ingredients combined with the DHA’s tanning effects delivers a unique skin treatment. It’s a game-changer for sunless tanning as women become more aware of the dangers of the sun’s UV rays and embrace sunless tanning products.

No longer compromise on skincare to achieve a safe and natural-looking tan. You’ll get the radiant glow easily using healthy and natural ingredients in our sunless tan solution, plus you’ll enjoy soft, smooth, and nourished skin.

Show off your beautiful, bare legs with Evoq’s Sunless Tanner and protect your skin with our Tinted UV Primer. All of our products are created with organic, wild-craft, and food-grade ingredients.


Hydrate: Sunless Tanner

Avoid harmful UV rays from the sun and tanning beds and still get beautifully bronzed skin. Natural sugars from beets and sugarcane (DHA) react with your skin’s surface to give you a safe and authentic-looking tan. Licorice and Aloe soothe, repair, and hydrate your skin to make it youthful and glowing. Super-fruit alpha and beta hydroxy acids exfoliate, eliminate blackheads, and fade existing sunspots.

Some of the other super-powered ingredients include:

- Sweet almond oil: fights wrinkles and diminishes scars and dark spots

- Gotu Kola: prevents premature aging and diminishes varicose veins and scars

- Papaya leaf: contains vitamins A and C for skin health and brightening qualities.

It’s super easy to apply by using gentle and even strokes. Depending on your glow, you can reapply every two to three days, or mix with your favorite moisturizer for a more subtle glow.


Hydrate: Tinted UV Primer 35 SPF

Get broad-spectrum protection from UV rays with a non-greasy, ultra-light sunblock. At the same time, your skin is primed for makeup and moisturizing. The 3-in-1 tinted primer also provides a shot of vitamin D for some healthy sunshine in a bottle. Vitamin D promotes a youthful complexion, builds your skin’s immunity, and provides a brightening glow to all skin types.

Use it daily under your makeup for a smooth finish and protected skin. Mix it with your liquid concealer or moisturizing, and it’s even safe to use for children as young as six months.

Enjoy the benefits of these active ingredients:

- Zinc Oxide 35 SPF: The best and safest UV protection for the whole family. Reduces aging and visibility of skin damage.

- Vitamin D3: Traditional sunscreens block your intake of this crucial vitamin, so we’ve infused it into our primer, so you still get it’s skin and internal health benefits while avoiding harmful UV rays.

- Organic sunflower seed: Rich in vitamin E to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lighten scars and under-eye circles.

- Shea butter: Healing, anti-inflammatory hydrator that fights blemishes.

A Clear Victory over Adult Acne (7 action tips on adult acne inside)


Claim Clear Victory over Adult Acne!

First, don't freak out. Don't fret - flareups are not forever.  All acne production is hormonally based whether you are 15 or 52.   Often acne is a invitation to learn what your body wants and needs and to give it what it is needing.  We suggest looking at your beauty products, habits, and health.  Once you fix the root cause of acne—your diet and hormones to not washing your face after a workout—your skin will clear itself naturally.

Here are some steps to help you claim victory over those pesty - pimples....

1. Limit stress. And the unhealthy habits that come with it, like excessive drinking, not sleeping enough, smoking and eating unhealthy or overprocessed foods. Limit stress as much as possible by spending time with friends, cuddling, getting outdoors, sleeping, deep breathing, eating clean and drinking plenty of water or green tea. 

2. Eat smart. “When your diet is wrong for you, it will do two things,” says women’s hormone expert Alisa Vitti, director of Flo Living. “It causes the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the intestines, which reduces immune response on the skin and increases inflammation. And it disrupts endocrine function such that hormones become more unbalanced and increase hormonal acne. These villains are white flour, dairy, sugar, and animal and processed fats.

3. Limit dairy. Dermatologist Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, says, “A diet that has a lot of dairy in it is pro-inflammatory, meaning that it can exacerbate any condition, like acne, that involves inflammation.” Eat lean protein and brightly colored vegetables and fruits instead.

daily face wash
daily face wash

4. Wash your face every night and exfoliate. No matter how busy you are. If that seems like too much, your cleanser is over drying.  If needed, use agentle cleanser in the morning and a salicylic or glycolic one at night. Use an exfoliating mask a couple times a week: dry skin is dead skin, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Slough it off.

5. Wash up after a workout. If you're dealing with acne, “it's best to just shower immediately after working out and use a cleanser all over. Sweating is good for the skin, but you don't want to let it linger.”

6. Choose products wisely. Wow -  80 percent of acne issues are resolved with the right regimen—a good cleanser, an exfoliant, a balancing treatment serum, for starters. Many facial oils are great for acne-prone skin, but not synthetic or heavy ones like lanolin or mineral oil. Avoid artificial fragrances, which can increase skin sensitivity.

7. Don’t over-treat. Women over-exfoliate or overuse drying and irritating products like benzyl peroxide products when they aren’t making the internal connection to their skin.  If you are on the pill, the affects your body's hormone levels and doesn't solve the issue.

Feeling stressed? Then it is no surprise you are battling blemishes. Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which can increase oil production and block pores, thus aggravating your acne.  According to experts, up to 50 percent of adult women in the US suffer from acne breakouts. Here are some causes and cures for those adult-onset blemishes.

Beat the battle with a consistent skin care ritual with our top skin acne fighting products!   

Reference: Well + Good

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