PROFOUND AUDIO: You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter — Beauty Ecology

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PROFOUND AUDIO: You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter


You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter.


The audio link below links to Dr Joe Dispenza's research on neuroplasticity.  He shares easy-to-understand and encouraging explanations how one can re-wire the brain and re-condition the bodies to make lasting changes.  This is a PROFOUND reminder of the power that is in each of us.

Step into the river of change

Going from the old self to the new self, that void between the two, is the biological, the neurological, the chemical and even the genetic death of the old self.

Head over to this LINK and drop down to the second interview - put down distractions and LISTEN intently.    The other interviews are great as well.


Excerpt: The concept of epigenetics is fascinating.  We’re not our genes. There’s not gene for leadership or a gene for alcoholism or a gene for homosexuality. Genes are turned on and off based on the state outside of the cell. So when the person has a new experience, or making a new connection or string of connections in the brain, in order for those nerve cells to connect, there has to be genetic components that begin to activate it.

When I talk about rewriting the gene or beginning to change the cell, from a theoretical standpoint what the cell is doing is its receiving new information, and the cell is actually taking that information and beginning to make new protein. Protein is an expression of life, and proteins are responsible for the function and structure of your body. So when you begin to change your thoughts, you begin to change your behaviors, etc., there are genes that are activated. Some of those genes are actually passed on to the next generation. We’re talking about programming the genes or programming the cell. The cell may look biologically the same, it may have the same receptor sites. But really what’s happening is that the cell is expressing itself differently. What is the past? For a cell the past is same gene turned on and the other gene turned off.

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