Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease The Future of Wellness — Beauty Ecology

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Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease The Future of Wellness

Welcome to the Future of Wellness

This is a profound article Sharry Edwards research and pioneering work in voice biocoustics and how this proves the profound power of our voice - and self healing through precise energetic inquirey via the Biofeedback Life in Bloom Program.

Does the Proof Exist?

Are we Merely Sophisticated, Self-Programming Robots?


Is Frequency, as sound, light, vibration, aroma… the basis of our Universe? We measure it, study it, quantify it and use it to understand ourselves, our environment, our biochemistry and our behaviors. But what if frequency, defined by math, actually dictates and maintains our origins?

What if Math, used to explain the basis of everything, is more than synthetic equations? What if math is organic? If so, could we be considered math-based life forms? If we break the codes of our existence, could that information be used to provide optimal form and function for our planet and all of its inhabitants?

In order to provide predictability and safety, the concepts of math and medicine often act conjointly to quantify, define and model medical practice. Studies conducted by the non-profit Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health, located in Albany, Ohio, USA, have consistently demonstrated that math can be much more than a measurement tool. The case studies they have amassed, using Math, as frequency-based BioMarkers, indicate that the solution to therapeutic predictability and resolution may be possible.

The Institute has provided a foundation which demonstrates that just as there are Pathways of compounds called Chemistry, there are Mathways of subtractive frequencies, dubbed Sonistry, which can be used to create numeric biomarker matrices capable, individually and collectively, of being therapeutically predictive, diagnostic and prescriptive.

To date, there is no universally accepted modality that has the potential to assist in our biological survival or threat of biological, radioactive and pandemic threats, reverse stroke and muscle trauma or support space travel. The Institutes frequency-based solutions show the ability to overcome bone-loss and muscle atrophy. Conventionally, in many instances, by the time the cause has been identified, it is often too late to provide remediation. Frequency-based medicine has the ability to provide a prompt and corrective direction in person or via the internet.

Consider the brain as our central processing unit. Frequency based signals are generated and have been determined to be a communication pathway travelling along neural networks that self-monitor and provide stasis.

Frequency can be represented in terms of mathematical equations. If math can be proven to be a form of healing, does this indicate that math may be organic or that we may just be sophisticated art forms that someone/something created using mathematical algorithms?

Sharry Edwards, the acknowledged pioneer, of Human BioAcoustic Biology, is well on her way to proving that at our core we are very sophisticated math-based robots. She states that we can be “managed” through our individual frequency/energy-based Signatures. She asks that we imagine a future in which we can be individually identified and maintained through the use of individual biomarkers that keep us healthy and emotionally balanced.

Her work at the Institute has shown that we can each have dominion over these frequencies by individual mind management or by a simple remote control that is completely programmable. Using the unique techniques of Vocal Profiling and evaluation, anomalous emotional, as well as physiological, issues can be unraveled and resolved. Edwards actively teaches wellness providers to understand the potential of Math as Medicine.

Studies substantiate that the human voice can reveal data which indicates that people who share similar traumas, stress, diseases, toxicities…share similar, if not identical, vocal anomalies. The data brings together ancient knowledge with modern ideas of harmonics and frequency relationships to show that math can be used as a form of predictive, diagnostic and curative foundations for optimal wellness.

Through entrainment of the frequency grids of the brain, the body can be programmed to support its own optimal form and function. The essential element is accurately identifying the appropriate/significant frequencies associated with each individual.

String theory proposes that infinitesimally small strings create our bodily structures but doesn’t answer the question of how this transformation occurs. The brain communicates using the language of frequency and has the ability to reveal individual DNA/RNA templates that have the potential to promote and extend life. Edwards’ work provides many of these answers as to how these theories can be put to use to bring the Truth to the surface about who we are, how we got here and where we are going in terms of our intention and health.

Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, was inspired by Nick Bostrum, an Oxford philosopher, to think that it is likely that everyone on Earth today is living in a Simulation. Theoretical Physicist, S. James Gates, states that he and his students has found a mathematical structure that is indistinguishable from error correcting code of digital information transformation. Because of this, many people have concluded that the Universe in which we live must resemble the science fiction movie, The Matrix. He also claims that he has found computer code in string theory and plant DNA and that our Universe is basically a Simulation created by a Maker.

We have created computers in the image of our brain; music that emulates our DNA, movies in the image of our lives, books in the image of memories. How hard is it to believe, as is related in many religious writings, that a Maker created us as a replica of his/her self and placed us in a Simulation that allows us to play and learn. Dis-ease results when our programming mechanically wavers off-key.

Is frequency our new medicine or our Maker’s mysteries revealed? There have only been a few modern keepers of the Holy Grail mysteries. Sharry Edwards has been identified by author Sylvia Franke as one of the extraordinary beings walking the earth that is bringing forth the secrets kept from the populace for many eons. Her work has helped identify the hidden codes of life that add meaning and new dimensions to our existence. She will likely be best known for her ability to bridge the gap between the innate, esoteric and scientific realms of human evolution.


As I read this article, I’ve begun to realize an enormous possibility: whoever controls this protocol of living will surely have the power to control all human life. Who should that be? My deepest desire is that that honor should belong to the People.

REFERENCES – Is the Universe a Mathematical Simulation?

Pioneer of Vocal Profiling Creates Online WorkStation to Promote Sound Health & Sound Healers

The Vocal BioMarker market is expected to reach revenues of 2.5 Billion in the next few years because conventional giants like MIT and the Mayo Clinic have joined the extensive investigation efforts of this emerging science. This is good news but the acknowledged pioneer of BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling, Sharry Edwards, Med, wants to provide access of her originating protocols to the populace in order to support the opportunity for SELF-HEALTH.

Edwards sees the human brain as being akin to a computer’s central processing unit that sends binary signals of instruction to support the body’s functions. The evidence she and her staff at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology have amassed show that the body can be influenced to heal itself using frequency, sound and music. Edwards’ conclusions show that her work has been able to reveal the foundational mathematical codes of frequency-based medicine. “Math as Medicine has been a long-time coming but it is our Future,” states Edwards.

The voice anomalies can indicate a lack of optimal health in the body.

To learn more about how to use biocoustics and biofeedback, contact me and I’d be happy to share with you - how powerful your voice truly is!

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