90% of Your Health Depends on This. Get the Rest You Need with Three Letters (CBN) — Beauty Ecology

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90% of Your Health Depends on This. Get the Rest You Need with Three Letters (CBN)

Hello lovely, tell me…. how well do you sleep at night? Do you wake up rested?

I’ve been working on a new product for 6 months, and FINALLY, IT’S HERE!

It has everything to do with your REM Circadian Rhythms.

Fact | 90% of our health depends on our SLEEP.


First: The Endocannabinoid System

As the master regulator of our most basic human functions, the ECS has a direct impact on sleep. (Remember, the ECS umbrella includes eat, relax, sleep, forget, protect.)

In fact, our own endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG, fluctuate with our natural circadian rhythms.

Anandamide levels in the brain are higher at night, where it works with oleamide and adenosine to generate sleep. 2-AG levels in the brain are higher during the day, and it seems to promote wakefulness.

There is no doubt that sleep and lack of - has become an epidemic.

Deep, restful sleep plays an integral role in our mental and physical health (and not to forget our beauty sleep). It’s during sleep that our cells are given ample time to heal and recover from our daily stresses, mental health, and progressing illnesses. It is also during sleep that the body flushes away toxins that have accumulated in the brain while we’re awake.

Numerous studies revealed that sleep deprivation increases our risk of developing chronic medical diseases like diabetes, heart problems, and stroke.

To reduce these risks, we need at least seven to nine hours of restful sleep.  So tell me, WHO is getting 9 hours of sleep - let alone seven?  

Here’s a snapshot on what is recommended by age.


My battle with sleep fueled my passion to create a healthy, safe, clean and non-addictive sleep aid.


I’ve battled with sleep every since high school.  My body is very sensitive, waking to every noise, and my mind is always in “quick start” mode, flooding with new inspirations around the clock - as a passionate entrepreneur.  

I’ve hacked my sleep with items like GABA, Melatonin, magnesium, natural sleep aids, and at times when my sleep is at it’s worst - Tylenol PM.  

Knowing I’m not alone, formulating a potent and pure sleep aid through the power of hemp was amongst my first inspirations when starting to sell and educate about CBD over 3 years ago.  

Finally, we’ve hit the tipping point of the most potent safe and natural sleep aid thus far (via my research - and cutting through the false marketing of like-minded products).

So, in short-term, sleeping pills help you fall asleep faster, but they do have side effects to be wary of.  Long-term use of sleeping pills can also result in dependence, possible increase of cancer, addiction, and increased risk of overdose.



Thankfully, researchers now prove that CBN produces potent sedative effects. Its sedating and relaxing effects help promote sleep and relieve insomnia.

CBN becomes an effective sleep aid of 5 - 6 hours duration. 

CBN may be a beneficial alternative to a THC for treatment, and patients that require low (or no) adverse psychoactive effects. 

What is CBN (aka Cannabinol) and how it may restore your circadian rhythms and superior beauty sleep?

Our body produces its own natural cannabinoids called endocannabinoids. These bind to the cannabinoid receptors of our cells’ endocannabinoid systems (ECS). Once activated, the ECS modulates several physiological responses, including sleep.

The ECS has two major cannabinoid receptors. You have the CB1 as well as the CB2 receptors. Activation of the CB1 receptors induces sleep.

Now, the cannabinoids from the plant also stimulate the ECS. THC, for one, binds to the CB1 receptor and induces sleep. However, THC’s activation of this receptor also produces psychoactive effects like increased paranoia and anxiety. THC also stimulates the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, which is why cannabis can be pretty addictive.

Studies found that CBN is a partial agonist of the CB1 receptor. Although it is a weak CB1 receptor agonist, it produces the most potent sedative effect compared to THC and CBD. 



Not only is it sedative, but it also takes very little to do the job.  

The consumption of 2.5 mg to 5 mg of CBN has the same level of sedation as a mild pharmaceutical sedative, with a relaxed body sensation similar to 5 mg to 10 mg of diazepam.

So, net net: 2.5 mg of CBN is equivalent to 5mg of diazepam.

But unlike THC though, CBN removes the psychoactive effects. This makes CBN a better and safer alternative to THC as a sedative, especially for those who want to avoid THC’s psychoactive effects.

How does CBN work in the body?

Cannabinoids, exert a wide range of effects on the human body and mind. One way is through interaction with our own endocannabinoid system. This system is involved in regulating a range of our body’s physiological functioning and responses, including mood, pain perception, appetite, and cognitive functions.

Cannabinoids also affect the activity of our hormones and neurotransmitters, and influence cell activity throughout the body in different ways.

CBN interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, and it can affect the function of many hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn influence mood, energy, cognition and focus, appetite, immune function, and pain.

Chemically similar to CBD, CBN has several of the same effects in the body, including relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep.

Potent Powers of CBN - beyond sleep.


CBN as a sedative. There are indications that CBN is a powerful sedative. Research in mice has shown that CBN can prolong sleep time. Some research indicates CBN’s sedative effects are amplified when combined with THC. 

CBN as a pain reliever. Research indicates that CBN has analgesic, or pain-relieving capabilities in the body. 

CBN as an antibiotic. Research shows CBN has the ability to fight harmful bacteria. A 2008 study found CBN one of several cannabinoids (including CBD) effective in treating MRSA, a bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics.

CBN as an anti-inflammatory. Like CBD, CBN appears to have anti-inflammatory capabilities. Scientists working to better understand how the human endocannabinoid system affects the immune system. Cannabinoids, including CBN, are being examined for their possible therapeutic role in treating inflammatory disease.

CBN as an appetite stimulant. This is one area in which CBN behaves very differently from CBD. While CBD has appetite suppressing effects, CBN appears to stimulate the appetite. This may make CBN a therapeutic option to help increase appetite in people who struggle to maintain an appetite because of another illness, such as cancer, or it’s treatment.

CBN as a cancer fighter. There’s also some promising preliminary evidence that CBN may have direct cancer-fighting capabilities. Cannabinoids including CBN are being studied for their ability to slow or stop the growth and spread of cancer cells. CBN was one of several cannabinoids found to reduce tumor size in one form of lung cancer.

CBN as an anti-convulsant. One of the most promising therapeutic uses for CBD is in epilepsy treatment, because of this cannabinoid’s strong anti-convulsant capabilities. Though it appears to be less strong than in CBD and THC, CBN has also been shown to function as an anti-convulsant.

CBN for bone healing and growth. Research indicates cannabinoids including CBN can help to stimulate production of new bone, by activating stem cells to help make new bone cells. There are also indications that CBN and other cannabinoids may be helpful in healing fractured bone and helping reverse bone loss, making it of interest to scientists as a potential therapy for osteoporosis.

CBN as a glaucoma therapy. CBN is one of several cannabinoids that appear be effective as a treatment for glaucoma, as several studies have shown.

Increasing the Effectiveness with Terpenes that work well with CBN 

Lastly, we synergize. 

Understanding terpene’s critical role in a cannabidiol tincture. 

In addition to its cannabinoids, cannabis and hemp also contain terpenes. Terpenes are basically the essential oils found in most plants. They give plants their distinctive colors, aromas, and flavors.

These terpenes also produce their own therapeutic effects. When cannabinoids and terpenes work together, they boost each other’s therapeutic effects and, at the same time, reduce the negative ones. This is called an entourage effect.

Bringing together research and personal testing with clients, Evoq has enhanced our CBN tincture with the entourage effect of precision dosed USP Food Grade calming terpenes to drive your results deeper - in every drop. 

Here are terpenes within the new Evoq CBN Sleep tincture that synergizes for better results. 

Beta-Caryophyllene, for example, promotes better sleep. According to one study, Beta-Caryophyllene decreases the time it takes for you to fall asleep. It also increases your sleep time. In addition to this, Beta-Caryophyllene also helps control pain and inflammation. These are two factors that affect a good sleep.

Myrcene is another type of terpene found in hemp that also produces a sedating effect. One study showed that myrcene increases sleeping time by about 2.6 times. This terpene is also known for its muscle relaxant effect. Painful muscle cramps, spasticity, and tremors affect sleep and keep you up at night.

Linalool also boosts CBN’s sedative effects.

It induces sleep and prolongs sleeping time. In addition to these effects, Linalool also produces anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, and muscle relaxant effects. Stress, anxiety, and depression are all factors that affect sleep.

So if you’re looking for an excellent CBN oil for sleep and insomnia, make sure that it contains some of these essential terpenes - and is void of watered down ingredients like “melatonin or L-theanine” which may be the mechanisms taking over - versus the small amount of CBD or CBN.  

To learn more about TERPENES - Get the 411 HERE, where I lay it all out!



This is actually a very simple answer. Review the label. If it says CBD “for sleep” - yes its absolutely powerful. If it claims CBD has a sleep aid blended with it like melatonin/other, then you’re receiving the bulk of the results from the herb components for SLEEP.

For example, here’s a sample from Plant People. It’s sold as “Dose Drops,” although this CBN claiming tincture/product has mostly ALL CBD. Not CBN. In just about every single “sedative, CBN Sleep aid,” is either filled with other constinuants of melatonin, gaba, etc - OR - is doused with a small amount of CBN, and mostly all CBD - relaxing you - but certainly not the same as CBN, and it’s incredible interaction with the body’s sleep cycles.

See what I am speaking of below. ALL CBD - NOT CBN!

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In closing, Evoq Clean, Calm, and Connected collection is proud to be amongst the first wellness companies to offer CBN at an incredibly high percentage of ACTIVE CBN and synergistic terpenes to significantly improve your sleep.

Contact me today to get started on better, deeper more sound sleep with our NEW HIGH CBN 500mg Sleep Aid! It is not yet up on the website so you can email me here: Kassieannk@gmail.com

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