The Two Phases of Liver Detoxification and Parasite Cleansing — Beauty Ecology

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The Two Phases of Liver Detoxification and Parasite Cleansing

Phases of Liver Detox: What They Do & How to Support Them

Detoxing isn’t something you just do in a one-week “cleanse.” 

Your liver is busy detoxing 365 days a year. So it’s important to support it every day.

When our body is able to detox efficiently and run smoothly, we experience beautiful skin, a clear mind and optimal energy.  

When the liver isn’t working well, harmful compounds can pile up in your body and lead to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, fine lines from dehydrated skin and more.

And over the long run, toxins increase the risk of disease. 

SO THE GOAL IS TO….Lesson the body burdon. 

Lessening the body burden highly involves how the liver is able to convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble forms so that you can eliminate invaders that steal your health and beauty.

 There are 4 to 6 levels of detoxification but for today’s purpose, we will discover what happens as you move from phase one to phase two liver detoxification.   

Let’s chat how we can sustain a tox-free lifestyle to remove stress, overwhelm and dis-ease in your life.   

I will share that this presentation has a added focus of how due to a toxic environment, low grade infections, mold, candida and parasites have become a concern and bottle neck that many are not able to see when it comes to everyday quality of life and symptoms.

Let’s Jump In!

Fundamentally, there are two main ways your body gets rid of toxins.

Water-soluble toxins can be sent directly to your kidneys and excreted in your urine.

Fat-soluble toxins are first metabolized in your liver to make them water-soluble. Then they can be excreted via your urine or bile.

A Missing Link: Biological toxins

Microbes create toxins, sometimes called biological toxins or biotoxins. You also produce toxins in the course of normal bodily functions or metabolism. These could harm your health if you’re unable to detoxify them or break them down. 

Here are some examples of biological toxins and other compounds your liver processes: 

Ammonia: Some amino acids you consume are used to make body proteins. You break down the rest for other uses. Ammonia is a byproduct of this process and can be toxic in high amounts. Also, some bacteria and parasites create ammonia, adding to your toxin load. Your liver converts ammonia into urea so you can excrete it. 

Hormones: Your hormones must be in proper balance. For example, excess estrogen is linked to problems like breast cancer and obesity. Your liver converts excess estrogen into a form you can excrete. Poor liver health can lead to excess estrogen. 

Mycotoxins: Mold can produce harmful chemicals called mycotoxins. These contaminate water-damaged buildings, as well as some foods. Mold can also grow inside you and produce mycotoxins in your body. 

Bacterial toxins: Harmful bacteria in water-damaged buildings and in your gut produce toxins. That includes endotoxins called lipo-poly-saccharides. These are from the outer membrane of bacteria. They can trigger inflammation in your body. 

Without good liver health, these and many other toxins could significantly accumulate in your body. 

Do you suspect toxins are building up in your body due to inadequate liver function?

Chronic inflammation and infections stand in the way of detox. They lead to lower levels of the liver enzymes needed to detoxify harmful compounds. 

For these reasons, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of how detox works.

Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification

Your liver is particularly watching out for fat-soluble toxins. These may come from your gut after digestion. Or they may be released into your blood from your fat stores. 

Fat-soluble toxins are less easily eliminated than water-soluble ones. Once your liver picks up a fat-soluble toxin, it puts it through Phase 1 detoxification. That’s necessary before it can be made water-soluble in Phase 2. 

What happens in phase 1 liver detox?

The main purpose of Phase 1 liver detox is to modify toxins so they can work with enzymes in Phase 2 of detoxification.

A family of enzymes called cytochrome P450 drive the majority of Phase 1 detox reactions. For example, they handle about 75% of the drugs that people may take. 

Your liver has the most cytochrome P450 enzymes. This vital organ is the main workhorse in detoxification. Still, your small intestine, brain, heart, lungs, skin, and other tissues also contain these enzymes and help with detox. 

Phase 1 enzymes modify fat-soluble toxins to water soluble. But there’s a caveat. Phase 1 reactions produce lots of free radicals. 

The free radicals can disrupt cellular function and damage cells. So, you need to move the intermediate molecules to Phase 2 of liver detox efficiently. 

The first way to do that is to minimize your exposure to toxins. 

Here are  ways to support Phase 1 detox.

Supporting phase 1 liver detoxification

Consider these nutrients and other factors to aid Phase 1 liver detox:

Organic food: Opting for organic food reduces your exposure to pesticides like glyphosate. This weed killer impairs cytochrome P450 enzymes you need for detox. Glyphosate also disrupts the function of mitochondria. They make energy your cells need for detox. 

Antioxidants: Phase 1 liver detox generates free radicals that could damage your cells. So be sure to include plenty of antioxidant-rich foods and herbs in your diet. Some examples are broccoli, berries, nuts, garlic, turmeric, and green tea. 

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC): This is made from the amino acid cysteine. NAC can act as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals directly. But it also helps your body make more glutathione, a potent free-radical quencher. That helps protect your liver. 

B vitamins: Some Phase 1 enzymes need the help of B vitamins, including riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). If you avoid dairy products — a top source of riboflavin — seek other sources. Riboflavin is in almonds, eggs, and quinoa. Niacin is found in meats, poultry, and sunflower seeds. 

Zinc: You need this vital mineral for Phase 1 detox, as it’s required for cytochrome P450 activity. Some good sources of zinc are meat, chicken (mainly dark meat), pumpkin seeds, cashews, and oatmeal. 

Kidney and liver herbs: Several herbs could support kidney and liver detox. For example, milk thistle may promote antioxidant defense in your kidneys and liver. It may also help reduce liver inflammation. 

Oxygen: A good supply of oxygen supports the chemical reactions in liver detox, including cytochrome P450 enzymes. A supplement of stabilized molecular oxygen may support your oxygen status. Get plenty of fresh air, too. And minimize indoor air pollutants, such as by using natural cleaning products

Now that you’re up-to-speed on Phase 1, it’s time to find out what Phase 2 of liver detox entails.

Phase 2 Liver Detoxification

So, Phase 2 involves joining products from Phase 1 with other molecules. This makes the toxins less reactive. It also makes the toxins more water-soluble. That way they can be excreted more easily into your blood or bile for elimination. 

What happens in phase 2 liver detox?

The major Phase 2 detox pathways and some of the toxins they help with include:

Glucuronidation: This is one of the most common Phase 2 pathways. It helps clear about 1 in 10 of the top 200 prescribed drugs. It also detoxifies some chemicals, such as BPA used in many plastic containers. The end products of glucuronidation are commonly excreted via your bile. 

Sulfonation: This is considered another major Phase 2 pathway. Sometimes it’s also called sulfation, but sulfonation is more accurate. It detoxifies acetaminophen and some carcinogens. Toxins that go through the sulfonation pathway are commonly excreted in your urine. 

Glutathione: Glutathione isn’t “just” an antioxidant. In Phase 2 detox, it helps remove mold toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals such as mercury. You also use this pathway to detox synthetics.  

Methylation: You may know about methylation since some people have genetic variants related to this pathway. Methylation helps clear histamine. That’s produced in your body and is also high in some foods, such as fermented items. If histamine builds up, it can lead to headaches, nausea, rashes, and other issues. 

Acetylation: This pathway helps detoxify carcinogens, such as those in your diet, cigarette smoke, and car exhaust. It also helps clear histamine and caffeine. That’s why the effects of a morning cup of coffee “wear off.”

Amino acid: Certain amino acids — the building blocks of protein — can attach to toxic molecules so you can excrete them. For example, the amino acid glycine can bind with benzoate, a common food preservative. 

Supporting phase 2 liver detoxification

Making sure Phase 2 of liver detox is keeping up with Phase 1 is critical. 

Here are some nutrients and phytochemicals that support Phase 2 liver detoxification:

Amino acids: In Phase 2, enzymes attach amino acids to some Phase 1 detox products to enable you to excrete them. Examples of such amino acids are glycine, taurine, cysteine, and methionine. 

Magnesium: This mineral may increase your glutathione production. As you read above, glutathione provides antioxidant protection and Phase 2 detoxification. Magnesium also supports methylation enzymes. 

B vitamins: Several B vitamins — including folate, B6, and B12 — support methylation enzymes, as well as other aspects of liver detox. Folate is found in spinach, sunflower seeds, and avocados. Good sources of vitamin B6 are meat, nuts, and seeds. And vitamin B12 is found in meat, poultry, and eggs. If you avoid all animal products, you’ll need a supplemental source of B12. 

Broccoli sprouts: These are a top source of sulforaphane. This phytochemical increases your production of glutathione. And it promotes the action of Phase 2 liver detoxification enzymes.

Flavonoids: One key flavonoid is ellagic acid, which is abundant in pomegranates. Ellagic acid promotes the activity of Phase 2 enzymes while decreasing Phase 1 activity. This encourages a better balance between the activity of these two phases. And that could help keep damaging intermediate products in check. Berries are a great source of flavonoids, too. 

Transporting Toxins Out of Your Liver

After Phase 1 and 2, the now water-soluble toxins are shipped out of your liver cells. Some people refer to this as Phase 3 liver detoxification. 

Supporting liver drainage

Finishing detox is just as important — if not more important — as starting it. You can do several things to help your liver get rid of the end products of detoxification. 

Here are some compounds and other strategies that could help support toxin elimination from your liver and the rest of your body:

TUDCA: This consists of water-soluble bile acids and is also known as tauroursodeoxycholic acid. Animal and lab studies suggest TUDCA promotes bile secretion, which is important to get rid of toxins. And when TUDCA is combined with NAC, BioActive Carbons, and melatonin, it also helps support Phase 1 and Phase 2 detox.

BioActive Carbons: These specialized extracts of fulvic and humic acid can bind some of the toxin-laden bile in your gut. That way, the toxins will be excreted instead of recirculating. The majority of your bile is recycled.

Fiber: Some types of fiber you consume in foods may also help bind bile in your gut. So, fiber is another way to encourage toxin excretion in your stools. This includes soluble fiber, such as found in oatmeal, legumes, and prunes. (79) 

Intestinal-moving herbs: Herbs such as aloe vera and ginger gently stimulate your gut to help prevent constipation. Ideally, you should move your bowels two or three times a day during your detox journey. That supports toxin elimination. 

Good hydration: You need to consume enough water to support the elimination of toxins through your urine and stools. Good hydration helps your kidneys work better. Being well-hydrated also helps reduce your risk of constipation.

Coffee enemas: A do-it-yourself coffee enema supports liver drainage. It could trigger your bile ducts to dilate, which supports the release of toxin-laden bile. That moves it out of your liver. 

In conclusion - 

Giving your body what it needs to eliminate toxins is vital to your liver health. The above list provides smart ways to support your liver.

To review :

The process of liver detoxification is central to your overall health. It helps you get rid of the toxins you take in from the environment, as well as those produced in your body.

Your liver filters out fat-soluble toxins and converts them into a less reactive, water-soluble form in two phases. That helps you get rid of the toxins via your urine and bile — assuming your drainage is working well.

If your liver detox is lagging or your drainage is backed up, you may feel fatigued, accelerate aging and limit your mind to living in peace and joy 

So, whether doing a physical, energetic protocol to support a liver detox or through a Mindful lifestyle with good nutrition and antioxidant-rich herbs - you're now more aware of how take control and be in a self empowered state of mind and action.

So.    What's the first step you can take to support your liver detox today?

Watch this video on all the details shared here today.


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