How to Choose a Moisturizer: Is Oily Skin the thirstiest of them all? — Beauty Ecology

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How to Choose a Moisturizer: Is Oily Skin the thirstiest of them all?

Let’s talk one of the most basic aspects to good skin care: moisturizer.



Tell me pretty lady, have you asked yourself these questions?

Why does some moisturizer break me out while other moisturizers seem to do nothing, no matter how much or how often I apply it?

While I’m not a HUGE believer in skin types the way traditional skincare sites give, I do know that this conversation does come down to the nature of your skin.

The goal is to understand when to use an oil or a moisturizer - and using a moisturizer that works with your skin or against your skin.


Did you know that there are 2 main types of moisturizers that work in different ways to hydrate your skin?

There are water-based and oil-based moisturizers (Ie: a balm, ointment or serum). Water-based moisturizers pull water into your skin while oil-based moisturizers prevent water from evaporating from your skin.

The product you’ll want will depend on your unique skin.

For instance:

If you have dry skin, you will want a water-based moisturizer to infuse your skin with deep hydration.

If you live in a dry environment, you’ll want an oil-based product since it prevents water from evaporating from your skin.

And if you have dry skin and live in a dry environment? You’ll need a water-based and oil-based moisturizer! I personally always combine them both due to the different molecular weights and nutrient values.

Most women pick the wrong moisturizer because they simply don’t know what type of skin they have or their skin is always changing.

 All too often I hear people with oily skin saying they do NOT have dry skin.

GET THIS…… this may be technically true, but did you know that oily skin is the type that thirsts for water the most?

You heard it right: Oily skin is so very thirsty that it produces extra amounts of oil to prevent more water from evaporating! It is desperate to hold on to the moisture it does have—and wiping oil off your face only makes the situation worse since signals your skin to produce more and more and more oil—it’s a vicious cycle!

The only effective way to reduce the oil of oily skin is to give your skin the moisture it craves!!!

Head on over to EVOQ to discover our serums and 2 moisturizers.

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