Experiencing Hair Loss? Here's 55 Causes Of Why Your Hair Is Falling — Beauty Ecology

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Experiencing Hair Loss? Here's 55 Causes Of Why Your Hair Is Falling

Hair loss: HELP! Why is my hair falling out?

Hair loss is a common condition and during my research, I found 55 hair loss causes why your hair is falling. Hair loss is devastating for the person suffering from it. Unexplained hair loss, hair fall, and hair thinning can be distressing. Not only does it affect your appearance, but it can also have a severe impact on your social life, your sexuality, and your emotional and psychological well-being. Losing hair is heartbreaking, at least that is how it felt to me.

There are millions of hair loss victims around the world, men and women. Men are usually more likely to lose their hair than women, but hair thinning and hair fall are also common in women (the ratio is around 60/40).

Many sufferers look for solutions for male or female hair loss and these treatments can be chemical or natural solutions. Not all treatments are proven or effective, and its success depends on person to person. It also depends on a person’s willingness to invest time in the problem.

Finding hair loss cause is challenging

Hair loss and hair thinning can be due to nutritional deficiency, toxic chemical exposures, using the wrong shampoos, heavy metal exposure, etc. Or it could be due to a more complex, underlying health issue like thyroid disease, adrenal fatigue, cancer, and other diseases, often caused by inflammation. Depending on the cause, in most cases, there are solutions for male pattern and female hair loss. Since there are so many hair loss causes, finding its cause can be challenging.

Many health issues including hair loss, are due to internal inflammation, so lowering inflammation is one of the key factors in reversing many health concerns. The best way to reduce inflammation is through diet, supplements, non-toxic body and haircare, emotional wellness, managing stress levels and detoxification.

My own approach was a mix of Asian, Ancient, Modern and Ayurvedic home-made hair loss solutions. These remedies are proven safe, effective, fresh, all natural and with a high success rate, reversing hair loss and stimulating regrowth.

Hair loss: let’s look at the 55 hair loss causes

During my research, I compiled a list of all the hair loss causes I came across and to my surprise, there were SO MANY!  To better understand how and why hair loss occurs and how it can be prevented, we need to learn about the science of hair, the causes, nutrition and growth.

1. Hair loss and Inflammation

Chronic Systemic Inflammation is the root of many serious diseases, including hair loss. And finding out whether or not you are suffering from inflammation is critical. Although inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, when your immune system is unable to keep inflammation at bay, you may head towards premature ageing or other illnesses.

2. Hair loss causes: is over-styling related?

Straightening, perming, braiding, tight ponytails and use of harsh chemicals can all contribute to thinning hair and hair loss. Harsh chemicals in the products we use can do much more harm than the good that they claim to do.

3. Hypothyroidism most common hair loss cause in women

Hypothyroidism is the most common hair loss cause in women. Hair cells are some of the fastest-growing cells in the body. In many ways, your hair mirrors your health. When your body is in shock or under stress, hair cells may shut down. This stress allows the body to assign and use energy elsewhere.

4. Hair loss and adrenal fatigue

Stress has a negative impact on the body. It can reduce adrenal and thyroid function, and it also produces more free radicals. These cause damage to the body, often leading to hair loss. Today’s reality is that we are under pressure almost 24/7. Family, money, mortgage, health, beauty, and looks, etc.

5. Hair loss: is protein deficiency a primary hair loss cause?

Protein is like a fuel that supports and helps your body build healthy cells and tissue. Every cell in your body needs protein to repair and generate new tissue. It’s essential for our survival.

Your hair is made up of protein fiber and requires it to grow. If your diet lacks protein, your body will consume any available sources for its most important tasks, such as feeding your internal organs, rather than your hair follicles.

6. Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenic alopecia

Male Pattern Baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in men and occurs in the typical balding pattern as a result of changes in the hormone androgen. The genes might be inherited from your parents especially if they were also prone to hair loss.

7. Hair loss and food allergies; how is it connected?

Food allergies cause your body to respond to what it believes to be foreign entities. These foods trigger an autoimmune response which in turn can cause the body to attack its own follicles and thus cause hair loss

8. Are stress and anxiety a hair loss cause?

Stress is a major factor in many diseases; it may trigger allergies, asthma, herpes, and it may even lead to heart conditions. Stress and anxiety cause a lot of tension in your body accompanied by negative vibes and negative emotions. By feeling this way, you put an enormous amount of burden to your (already weakened) body, and this is not advisable for any condition. You only make matters worse by putting so much extra tension to your sweet body. When you are losing your hair, it is more beneficial to practice a regular daily routine, nutritious diet, positive emotions, non-toxic hair care, and loving relationships that result in strength and health.

9. Is mold toxicity a hair loss cause?

If you are living in a humid, damp, mouldy house, the chances are that your hair loss is caused because of the toxic mold allergy. After breathing in mold spores, allergic reactions trigger your body to which your immune system releases histamines.

10. Is Iron deficiency a cause of hair loss?

Iron is one of the most important minerals for your hair, keeps your heart healthy, nourishes skin and is a Premium Essential Mineral that keeps an eye on your general well-being. Iron is used in many enzymes in the human body. We need it for proper cell function. Without the right amount of iron, the body is unable to breakdown and distribute nutrients from food, which results in hair loss eventually. Iron deficiency is an important cause of hair loss, usually mostly in women with Thyroid problems.

11. Hormone imbalance cause hair loss?

The hormonal changes that take place at different stages of our life can contribute to hair loss in women. Whether you have just given birth, reached menopause, or are going through some other type of hormonal changes, chances are your hair is falling out.

12. Blood sugar imbalances and hair loss

Blood sugar imbalances can affect your health in a variety of ways, including hair loss problems. When your blood sugar is out of balance, levels in the blood can either be too high hyperglycemia or too low, hypoglycemia.

13. Is insulin resistance a hair loss cause

Insulin is a vital hormone used by your body to regulate blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar levels can affect various systems of your body, including how your body stores fat, the health of your heart, and your ability to grow hair.

14. Birth control pills: a billion-dollar industry that may cause hair loss

Although millions and millions of women around the globe are prescribed the anti-conception pill each year, only very few are mindful of the fact that oral contraceptives are a common trigger of hair loss and other health disorders. Since the FDA approved this drug in 1960, oral contraceptives have become one of the most popular forms of birth control used today. And this is a billion-dollar industry people, from which many women are not well-informed about the health consequences these tiny pills may have.

15. Is Leaky Gut related to hair loss?

A well-nourished body leads to hair that is well-feed and healthy. Your blood supply nourishes the hair on your body. Leaky Gut Syndrome may cause hair loss.

16. How can hypochlorhydria cause of hair loss?

Hypochlorhydria is a condition in which the sufferer does not produce enough hydrochloric acid (HCL) in his or her stomach. I have suffered from this condition too. This acid triggers the activation of pepsinogen, converting it into the active enzyme pepsin. A shortage of this gastric secretion can have a dramatic effect on your digestion and thus also on your hair.

17. Eating disorders (Anorexia / Bulimia)

Eating disorders come in many forms, regardless of age and gender. Binge eating, anorexia nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are serious (often life-threatening) eating disorders are serious illnesses that affect a huge number of people around the globe. Yearly many young (or older) people die from this awful disease.

18. Heavy metals and hair loss

Heavy metals can be extremely toxic and are a key cause of hair loss. Many of the heavy metals that we consume through the environment enter our systems either acutely, slowly or over time (chronic poisoning). Chemical and heavy metal toxicity has become one of the most insistent health threats of our era as they continue to assail your body on a daily basis.

19. Lyme Disease and hair loss

Lyme disease is a serious illness that can be tough to diagnose. Its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, like ALS and multiple sclerosis (MS). This has proved confusing for the medical profession. Lyme disease can be caused by the bite of a single, infected tick. It brings with it a list of horrifying symptoms and a long road to recovery. Hair loss can be a symptom of Lyme disease.

20. Chronic fatigue and hair loss

Chronic fatigue isn’t just a feeling. It affects cell-energy throughout your body and any part of your body can begin to fail due to this, including your thyroid, organs, adrenals, hair, and skin. Hair loss is a common symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. It comes along with other skin conditions like bruising easily, dry skin, and also scarring of the skin.

21. Female Pattern Baldness (FPB)

Female pattern hair loss is a common form of balding in females with androgenic alopecia. FPB can occur in about 40% of menopausal women. Less than 45 % of women reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair. Female pattern baldness suffers from diffuse thinning of hair due to increased hair shedding or a reduction in hair volume, or both at the same time.

22. Is Dandruff a hair loss cause?

Dandruff is one of those stubborn hair conditions that can cause sufferers a lot of embarrassment and low self-esteem. Most people that I speak to try treatment after treatment only for dandruff to rear its ugly head again.

23. How Mineral imbalance may wreak havoc

Hair reveals a lot about one’s health. And because of the pollution, stress, processed foods, unhealthy diets, chemical treatments, harsh products, and so on, keeping our hair healthy is not an easy task these days. Because of all this, we are often left with lifeless, dull, and limp hair. Like any other tissue in the body, skin and hair are reliant upon a broad spectrum of nutrients to maintain normal, healthy function.

24. Is Alopecia Areata

Women and men are affected equally in Alopecia areata; a common autoimmune disease that results in the loss of hair from the scalp and elsewhere on the body. Experts do not know why the immune system attacks the follicles, but as we are aware when there is too much inflammation …

25. Can Nutritional deficiencies be the root cause of Hair loss

A larger number of vitamins affect your hair growth. Hair loss can be caused by a wide variety of issues, poor diet, stress, heredity, hormones, prescription medicines, and nutritional deficiencies. Making sure your hair and body are getting the vitamins and minerals they need, partnered with proper absorption, and healthy products are Key to having beautiful luscious tresses.

25. Can Physical stress, accidents, trauma cause hair loss

Our hair is very sensitive to any change in the body, and any injury can cause disruptions in our systems. Usually, this type of hair loss is only temporary, and after the body recovered and rebalanced, the hair will grow again.

26. Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Temporary hair loss or also called Telogen effluvium may occur one to five months following pregnancy. This condition affects 40 to 50 % of women and is usually only temporary.

A month or two after a personal shock (such as surgery, childbirth, severe stress), hair can abruptly fall out in large patches. Typically, new hair starts regrowing right away.

27. Can Too much Vitamine A cause Hair loss

Vitamine A aids in the reproduction of cells and is necessary for good vision. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant that safeguards our hair follicles against free radicals. This vitamin is essential for several internal processes such as hair growth, so it is important to maintain your daily intake of this important supplement. However, excess Vitamine A can lead to VitA toxicity which can result in hair loss. It is advised to discuss your supplementation with your medical doctor.

28. Vitamin B deficiency and hair loss

Several types of B-Vitamins are essential for our hair. Vit B6 stimulates hair growth and has an effect on cell-building and blood circulation. Vit B12 is an essential nutrient for hair strength and growth and is a common factor for hair loss in women. Biotin lessens hair loss, thickens the hair shaft and enhances the growth of our hair. A lack of biotin often results in split ends and brittle hair and makes the hair look unhealthy. Pantothenic acid or B5 is a critical vitamin for our thyroid and adrenal glands, but also for promoting healthy hair.

30. Does Lupus cause Hair loss?

The Hair loss in Systemic Lupus is much more dramatic and noticeable than the 50 to 100 strands a day of normal hair shedding in most people. In Lupus, the hair loss may be caused by drugs such as prednisone or hydrocortisone and immune system suppressants or by an immune reaction when the disease the destroys hair follicles. After the drugs are discontinued, usually the hair fall stops. The hair may fall in clumps, strands or sometimes just thins out and gets very breakable and fragile.

32. Hair loss and cancer; why hair fall occurs on Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy medications are extremely powerful drugs that attack rapidly growing cancerous cells. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack other healthy rapidly growing cells in your body — including those of your hair roots and follicles, which can then cause your hair to fall. These kinds of therapies can cause hair loss over your whole body including eyebrows, armpits, eyelashes, pubic, and other body hair. Not all chemotherapy drugs are equal, and some drugs are more likely than others to cause hair loss.

33. Why Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) causes hair loss

PCOS hair loss is just one of many symptoms PCOS causes in women. Different symptoms of PCOS are acne, pelvic pain, irregular or absent menstrual periods, fertility problems, patchy and discolored skin, and abnormally excessive body and facial hair. The converted form of Testosterone, namely DHT, is often responsible for hair loss when this sex hormone is produced in excess quantities. 

34. Why are hard drugs hair loss causes?

Alcohol, Cocaine, MDMA, Heroin, Ketamine, GHB and speed are classified as (recreational) hard drugs that have the potential to cause Telogen Effluvium (temporary hair loss) because taking drugs can cause your body systems into shock. Drugs, esp cocaine can also lead to Diffuse thinning, esp cocaine, because regular users lack the appetite for eating healthy food and suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

Regular use of hard drugs will also lower your immune system, affect your sleep patterns and lead to chronic inflammation in your body, which can all contribute to weak hair and damaged hair follicles.

35. Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is an impulse control mention disorder. People who suffer from Trichotillomania, have an irresistible urge to pull out one’s hair; usually from their scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. They can’t stop themselves and may pull out a lot of hair under a stressful situation and after that feel relaxed again. Its cause is unknown.

36. How does Aging affect YOUR HAIR?

As we age, the hair growth cycle decreases because the follicles do not allow hair growth as quickly and the cell turnover is our bodies are slowing down. The most common hair loss cause in ageing women and men is androgenic alopecia. For men, in their late 60’s, 80 % have substantial thinning or balding and women are affected, usually, after menopause too, as then the hair growth slows down dramatically. There are a lot of natural solutions available to keep our bodies younger and to make the transition of getting older much more smooth and enjoyable.

37. How do Anabolic steroids cause Hair loss?

The use of steroids may accelerate your hair loss because you will have higher levels of DHT in your body, especially if you are already genetically prone to male pattern baldness these drugs may cause further hair loss and damage more follicles that are prone to male pattern baldness.

38. Hair loss causes and wigs?

Even with the latest, innovative wig improvements, wearing wigs may damage even healthy hair and cause hair loss or further damage already balding hair. Wearing synthetic wigs may lead to scalp health problems, your scalp won’t be getting enough natural body oils and will end up extremely dry, which is leading to further hair loss. Wearing wigs may cause hypoxia (in hair root tissues), which in return may cause conditions such as Dandruff, hair breakage, etc. Consider your options carefully when wearing wigs, only buy wigs made of quality materials that let the skin breathe and don’t wear your wig around the clock.

39. Telogen Effluvium

Telogen (resting phase) Effluvium (letting loose) is a non-scarring form of Alopecia and is usually a temporary cause of hair loss. This can be the result of dietary deficiencies, crash diets, anorexia, bulimia, high grade fevers, anaemia, blood loss, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, etc. After the insult stopped, recovery usually happens spontaneously within six months. When the TE persists longer, it can become chronic and could lead to permanent hair loss.

40. Can Tinea Capitis cause hair loss in Children

Tinea capitis is the single greatest cause of alopecia in children. Tinea Capitis is a fungal infection of the scalp, creating round patches of hair loss. The causative organisms are Dermatophyte fungal infection mainly of two genera Microsporum and Trichophyton. Although the spots can appear in a scalp ring shape, no worm is involved in tinea capitis. These infections can be transmitted to shared uses of combs and brushes or by a person to animal contact. (usually cat or dog).

41. Can parasites and Head Lice, cause Hair loss?

It’s an unpleasant topic and most people, like you, don’t like to talk about it, but one of most common causes of hair loss and damage to the hair is infestation by parasites. Parasites are tiny insects that live on the scalp and feed on blood. Picking up parasites is easy to do ..

42. Postpartum Alopecia – What is it?

Postpartum Alopecia is a particular type of hair loss after delivering a baby. The sudden shedding (sometimes in clumps) is a form of telogen effluvium that many mother experience between three to six months after given birth and usually resolves without treatment.

43. Is Folliculitis causing permanent scarring or hair loss?

Folliculitis is a common skin condition in which Inflammation of hair follicles occurs, usually due to a bacterial infection Staphylococcus. Although not life-threatening, severe infections can cause permanent scarring, hair loss and on top of that, this condition can be quite embarrassing. This condition may be worsened by the bacteria Propionibacterium.

Razor bumps, barber’s itch and hot tub rash, are names of folliculitis.

44. Piedra ( trichomycosis nodularis) –

Piedra is a hair disease also known as trichomycosis nodosa caused by a Fungal infection of the hair shaft. Hardened nodules also called Piedra made of fungus cling to hair fibres, sometimes causing hair loss. These infections can be characterised by the colour of the nodules on the hair shaft; either black or white Piedra. Piedra can occur on body, scalp, pubic area.

45. Is Hirsutism a hair loss cause in women?

Hirsutism is a medical condition, of unwanted, male-pattern hair growth in women, on body areas where men typically grow hair, usually due to an excess of Testosterone. A condition in which women develop male-pattern hair (such as facial hair, chest, and back, and sad, but true, hair loss on the head).

46. Is Traction Alopecia pulling out your healthy hair strands?

Traction Alopecia means literally, hair loss due to traction and this happens as a result of certain hairstyles that pull or tie the hair so tightly that the hair-roots are pulled out from the scalp. The good news about this type of Alopecia is that you can stop it from happening and prevent it from returning, by avoiding certain hairstyles. It’s all in your control.

Different traction Alopecia causes are tight braids, very tight ponytails, dreadlocks, extension braids, hair weaves or wigs, certain hair clips, headbands, tight hairpieces, tight headgear, repeated use of hair rollers, repeated pulling of the hair, which is known as trichotillomania

47. Scarring alopecia

Scarring alopecia or also known as Cicatricial alopecia is caused via an inflammatory process (autoimmune diseases, burns, ringworm, bacterial infections, injury) which may cause permanent damage to the hair follicles. Possible causes of this type of Alopecia are Pseudopelade Bronque, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Lichen planopilaris.

48. Diffuse pattern alopecia (DPA) & diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA)

Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA) is an androgenic type of baldness that does not progress to the point of complete baldness, characterized by diffuse thinning in the top, front, and vertex of the scalp. This is in conjunction with a stable, permanent zone. Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) is also androgenic but is lacking a stable, permanent zone. Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT), is the male hormone responsible for causing genetic baldness.

49. Why do drugs and medications cause hair loss?

Medications and drugs may cause hair loss by interfering with the normal cycle of hair growth, which may lead to telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium. Drugs-induced is usually reversible, but like any type of hair loss, it can really impact your self-esteem.

Drugs thought to cause hair loss are (but not limited too): list found on webmd.com

Antibiotics and antifungal drugs

Birth control pills

Anticlotting drugs

Immune suppressing drugs

Cholesterol-lowering drugs

Drugs used to treat cancers

Anticonvulsants (epilepsy drugs)

Medications for high blood pressure

Hormone replacement therapy

Mood stabilizers

NSAIDS (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Drugs for Parkinson’s disease


Thyroid medications

Weight loss drugs

50. Water Woes

Did you know that drinking tap water can cause hair loss? No, this isn’t an urban legend – it’s true and there are even facts to back it up.

51. Does swimming in chlorinated pools cause hair loss?

Swimming is an excellent, total-body workout that attracts many professional athletes and novice fitness enthusiasts alike, maybe like you too? I remember those summer months when I was in my teens, always swimming and playing in pools.  Swimming in chlorinated pools can be detrimental to your health, hair, and skin.

52. Does sleep deficiency cause Hair loss?

Did you know that sleep is crucial for helping the body repair and rebuild? This includes hair growth. Although there are also other factors that affect hair growth. Research shows that 1 in 4 people with hair loss also suffer from some form of sleep problem.

53. Overactive Immune system

An overstimulated immune system can cause hair loss. Factors that can cause this overstimulation include but are not limited to vaccinations, toxic tooth fillings, bugs, or parasites. It is critical to find out what causes this overactivity in your immune system.

54. Can an Incorrect bite cause your hair to fall?

An incorrect bite is when your jaws don’t fit together properly or if your jaws are too narrow. This can influence the functioning of your brain and your posture. Unfortunately, it may also lead to tension around shoulders, neck and back. This tension can, in turn, result in insufficient circulation in the scalp or brain.

55. Is the toxic ingredient in our beauty and hair care products making us tox-sick?

Unless you want to absorb carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins and hormone disruptors daily,it’s important to remember that natural is the KEY if you don’t want to get TOX-SICK. As you can imagine, industrial chemicals harm the environment and alter your health as well. This leads to auto-immune diseases caused by inflammation in the body.


Holistic solutions to hair loss can be found here!

Reference: Sandra Bloom

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