I’ve had lots of clients in my chair recently expressing their frustration about their winter hair woe’s: dry scalp/hair, static, frizz, split ends and a general feeling of ‘ehh’ about their locks. Winter can be tough on your hair and you may need to change your tactics with the season.
Dry Scalp and Hair: We all know the cold air outside makes the hair dry and brittle, but don’t think you are escaping damage by hiding indoors; indoor heating can be just as damaging.
The fix: use a shampoo/conditioner with moisturizing properties such as shea or aloe. Up your conditioning treatments if you have thicker fuller hair and those with finer hair consider adding a lightweight leave in conditioner to your hair routine.
Check out our Replenish Shampoo/Conditioner and our aloe vera based Off the Fritz.
Split Ends:
Dry hair causes split ends and you want to nip them in the bud, so to speak. When the hair begins to split at the bottom it will keep splitting until you trim off those ends.
The fix: Call and book a haircut with your stylist now! I can’t express how important it is to keep up with your trims to maintain beautiful healthy looking hair.
Frizz/Fly-a-way: Without the moisture, you may find yourself with some seriously frizzy or fly-a-way hair – even without wearing hat.
The fix: Try our brilliant Outshine, pure argan oil based smoothing gloss; it’s a winter must. For extra soft smooth finish, add to your conditioner or right before you blow dry, continue use as needed. Argan is lightweight which makes this a great product to “layer”.
Dull Color: We tend not to see as much of the sun in the winter and it can wash out your complexion.
The fix: An easy way to rid yourself of the winter hair blues is to refresh your shade or add a few sun-kissed highlights.
Give us a call at Kasia Organic Salon and see how our healthy hair experts can help cure your winter hair blues! 612.824.7611
Author: Valerie, Kasia Hair Health Expert and Stylist