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A Quick and Easy 10 Minute Self-Hypnosis Relaxation Exercise

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Hi Lovely!

Have you ever wanted to learn self hypnosis but didn’t know how or thought it was too complicated?

This easy self hypnosis technique is quick and easy to learn.

You can carry out my 10-minute self hypnosis technique almost anywhere*.

If you do it regularly, you will become more relaxed and develop a more balanced perspective.

The best part of my self hypnosis technique is it will help you achieve your goals and create the happiness you desire.

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Make yourself comfortable.

Sit with your hands and legs uncrossed and your head supported.

Gently close your eyes.

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Take a deep breath in.

As you inhale – slowly count backward – 3, 2, 1

As you exhale – slowly count backward – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Repeat 3 more times.


Continue breathing slowly and normally.

Slowly say the following statements to yourself.

After you say each statement, imagine those muscles becoming soft and deeply relaxed.

“All the muscles of my head and neck are soft and deeply relaxed”


“All the muscles of my shoulders, chest and arms are soft and deeply relaxed”


“All the muscles of my stomach and back are soft and deeply relaxed”


“All the muscles of my waist and bottom are soft and deeply relaxed”


“All the muscles of my legs and feet are soft and deeply relaxed”

Don’t worry if you don’t say the words exactly as they are written. It is the intention that is important not the words.


Use your imagination to be in your favorite happy place.

As you start to deeply imagine your happy place, perhaps you might be able to:

see your happy place or

hear your happy place or

smell your happy place or

touch or feel your happy place.

Focus your attention on any one part of your happy place.

Hold your attention there for two minutes.


Say to yourself any positive suggestions that can help you achieve your goal.

For example:

“I am confident and relaxed when I talk in public.”


“I only want to eat healthy and nutritious food.”


“I exercise for 30 minutes every day.”


“I can achieve my ideal weight of _____ stone”

Repeat 10 times.

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Slowing count up from 1 to 10.

Open your eyes and say to yourself three times:

“I am fully alert and completely out of hypnosis.”


Well done you have now completed your 10-minute self-hypnosis exercise!

To achieve maximum results you should complete self-hypnosis every day for one month.

The best times are first thing in the morning or last thing at night, but you can do it on the train or bus going to work if you prefer!

Some people like to listen to relaxing music while they do self-hypnosis.

I hope you found my 10-minute quick and easy self hypnosis exercise useful and it helps you achieve your goals.

I would love to know how you found this self-hypnosis technique so please get in touch.

Learn more about the Power of Hypnotherapy here.

Look for my upcoming masterclass titled: Unlock the Garden of Your Mind to a Path of Less Stress and Transformation.

Limited Belief Meditation to get CLEAR

Welcome to this Mindfulness Meditation on THINKING ABOUT OUR THOUGHTS! 

What you’ll need: Notebook and a Pen 

Thinking about our thoughts.   


Q: What are the things we tell ourselves on a daily basis. 

Q: Are they aligned with what we want? 

Q: Do they align with our inner core values? 

Thoughts create things and things create our reality.  

When we get clearer in our minds - we are better able to see in our mind's eye (our true authentic spirit self) what we truly want - and only then we are able to start to seeing clear actions to close the gaps in what we want that is true and right for us. 

Join me! Tune out and tune in.

Meditation Transcript

Stay inward -  (Its important not to compare our successes). 

What are the stories and limiting beliefs in what we desire?  

So let’s tune out and tune in by taking a moment and think about our thinking.   

 Take a moment with me to sit with yourself to turn inward and identify what may be some limiting beliefs right now that we can shift and get clear on.   

Closing your eyes, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

 Taking the moment to relax and give time and space for your spirits and soul.  Feel your body relax, shoulders and tension in your eyes and jaw to relax. taking this moment for yourself.  opening your breath, even more, breathing out tension and in light through the center of your heart…that’s right.  

Now that you’re relaxed, bring in and allow two thoughts that are loving and true about yourself.  

“I feel calm in the midst of chaos.”

“I’m humorous and don’t take myself too seriously. “   

Great, now thank your true self for them - and now shifting, into 2 things that may be an inner voice that is not kind, to ourselves.  

So bringing up and allowing 2 things that come up now that are not productive or positive mind chatter to yourself.  

“I’m lazy and never get ahead.”  

“Everyone seems ahead of me and I feel behind” 

Great, now thank your truth and having the courage to look at them.  Seeing them side by side in complete neutrality - and understand we are not our thoughts but they are a guide to our inner subconscious.   

 Great….. Waking up from 1 to 5…counting 1. becoming more away, 2 thank you for this time. 3 shifting back into full presence  4 Fully Present 5. Fully awake.    

Now grab a notebook and write the negative thoughts and shit them to a positive one.

 “I dont have enough time” to “ I have all the time I need”   

 For the Positive, this is a sacred space to keep and remember and remind ourselves about our truth.  

This is a bank of love, compassion, and goodness to drink from.  

For more meditations like this, visit the Awaken Beauty Podcast! @awakenbeautyhq

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