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Autumn Chinese Principles & Shifting Inner Health & Outer Beauty

Autumn Ancient Chinese Principle to Shift our Inner + Outer Being


In traditional Chinese medicine we recognize that humans, like animals and plants, are affected by seasonal changes.

Anything done to the body has equal consequence for the mind and spirit also. If you feel good physically, you will be more balanced emotionally, mentally and spiritually”

Autumn is a time of establishing a rhythmic order and turning inward.  The softer calm and re-centering energy ground us from a restless mind and body.

As Women, we innately “nest” in the fall as we prepare our hearts and home with comfort foods brimming with sensational scents of garlic, fennel and sustaining broths.

Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine

Fall corresponds to the lungs, skin, and large intestine.  The lungs and large intestine are in charge of digestion and elimination.  Fall is the best time to focus on digestive health by integrating a light cleanse.


Full of Inspiration

The fall element consists of metal and is our source of new ideas and is where new emotions take shape, since it’s our inhalation-connection (lung) to the universe.  


“The Large Intestine ‘lets go’ of what is no longer necessary. A healthy balance between the Lung and Large Intestine is demonstrated by a person that can honor commitments, but then let go of a relationship when it is over.”

It’s a time to let go of old ideas, beliefs, and attachments, leaving room for new space to grow and evolve.

Autumn + Skin Health

Skin is our largest organ, but it is the LAST to receive essential building blocks from your daily food choices.  

Essentially the ability to convert the energy and metabolism from the inner intestinal track throughout the rest of the body - is key.  

Why are Dry Skin + Pesky Breakouts are at their worst during Fall?

Frequent dry spots, skin irritation and ailments like blemishes and psoriasis can be at their worst during Autumn months.

Warm and cool air trap the skin’s cellular turn over, met with the natural shifts biorhythm cause inconsistency and much-needed exfoliation and rich oils to replenish the deep layers of the skin.

Your dry, brittle hair and sun-worshipped skin will thank you for it.

Yin + Yang = Cause + Affect

The inability to eliminate through regular bowel movements or continue to move the lymphatic system (we have more lymph than blood).   

If the Lungs are strong, the skin will be more clear, vibrant and firm.


Shopping List Love

Add nourishing {yin foods} to your diet to promote body fluid, soothe the lungs and protect you from dryness.


The taste associated with metal is pungent or spicy.


Wild rice, raw onions, garlic, radish, turnip, kohlrabi, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, scallions, cloves, fennel, anise, dill, mustard greens, horseradish, mustard, basil, nutmeg are considered metal foods.  


Restore your skin and spirit with our leading Evoq Signature Skin Care home rituals brimming with rich oils and minerals.  All essential for restoring the root - to dewy, firm and plump skin - and bright.



How aging accelerates, hows its measured and what you can do about it.

HELLO informed beauty!

Living in a NEW AGE of biohacking, energetic medicine and advanced genetic testing - we are so blessed to have the immense amount of research - solutions and experts we have today to help us feel, look and be are best as we age.

Today, I’m going to geek out and share the latest research on - ACCELERATED aging, hows its measured and what you can do about it.

READY? Let’s jump in.

This article outlines recent research within epigenetic and aging clocks – predictors of biological age based on alterations in a person's DNA methylation profile. 

Methylations are biochemical processes that modify the activity of a DNA segment without changing its sequence. They occur naturally and regulate gene expression to control normal growth and development.  

With age, the methylation state of various DNA sites (often enriched in genes that govern processes like cell death and survival, cellular growth and proliferation, organismal and tissue development, and cancer) may change. These methylation changes are quantifiable and serve as a means to gauge biological age, which is often different from chronological age. 

Put another way, we all know that one person who looks great for their age. Some of these hard-to-quantify qualities we intuitively see in other people (or even ourselves) when it comes to aging often actually correspond with something that can now be quantified and put to a number via epigenetic testing, allowing us to peek behind the DNA curtain at true biological age.

The term "epigenetic clock" is also a collective designation referring to the natural biological mechanisms that drive DNA methylation. 




Epigenetic clocks are predictors of biological age based on alterations in an individual's DNA methylation profile.

 Methylation is a biochemical process that modifies the activity and potential of your DNA without changing its sequence, which occurs naturally and regulates gene expression to control normal growth and development. 

As women age, the methylation state of various genes tends to change and are now a way to help professionals to gauge your epigenetic age (infulenced through lifestyle and stress), which often differs from chronological age.

The term "epigenetic clock" refers to the natural biological process that drives your DNA turnover and rebuilding of cellular health. This individual molecular "footprint" for you also reflects the biological life history of you- as a living organism. 

The information we’ll go over today focuses primarily on predictive epigenetic clocks, with a brief mention of the innate.

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Overview of concepts underpinning epigenetic clocks


Epigenetics is a biological mechanism that regulates gene expression (how and when certain genes are turned on or off). 

I coin this concept as the “80/20” rule.  Your diet, lifestyle, personal care beauty products and environmental exposures is the driver of 80% epigenetic changes throughout an individual's lifespan to influence health and disease. 

For example, epigenetic processes when dysregulated can result in accelerated aging, diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease.[1][2] Scientific evidence suggests that some  genetic changes can be passed from generation to generation, although are mostly influenced by turning “good and bad gene” activity up or down.[3]

Three biochemical processes are thought to drive epigenetic change:

-DNA methylation

-Histone modification

-Non-coding RNA-associated gene silencing.

In conclusion here, the DNA’s ability to fully process through seeing the quality of your methylation, which helps determine the prediction of your biological age via epigenetic clocks.


The topic of methylation is getting its fair share of attention lately, and rightly so. Methylation is a simple biochemical process – it is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another.

When optimal methylation occurs, it has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems, including those relating to:

-DNA production

-Neurotransmitter production


-Histamine metabolism

-Estrogen metabolism

-Eye health

-Fat metabolism

-Cellular energy

-Liver health


The body is a very complex machine, with various gears and switches that need to be all functioning properly to operate optimally. Think of methylation, and the opposite action, demethylation, as the mechanism that allows the gears to turn, and turns biological switches on and off for a host of systems in the body.


CH3 is provided to the body through a universal methyl donor known as SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine). SAMe readily gives away its methyl group to other substances in the body, which enables the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems to perform their functions.

If enough 5-MTHF is present, the methylation cycle will work efficiently.

Folic acid from the diet or supplements must be converted to this active form, 5-MTHF, before it can be used in the body in the methylation cycle.

Unfortunately, approximately 60% of people in the United States have a genetic mutation that makes it challenging for their bodies to create enough 5-MTHF.


In addition to a healthy, whole-food, non-processed food diet, make sure you are eating a lot of these foods:

  • Asparagus

  • Avocado

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Green, leafy vegetables

  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils)

  • Rice

Lifestyle changes include:

  • Engage in regular physical exercise

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

  • Don’t smoke

  • Avoid excessive coffee consumption (not more than five cups daily)


There are seven specific nutrients that can help the methylation cycle achieve optimal performance, even if an individual has a genetic mutation that slows down the methylation cycle.

  1.  5-MTHF (active folate)

  2.  Methylcobalamin (active vitamin B12)

  3.  Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B6)

  4.  Riboflavin 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B2)

  5.  Magnesium

  6.  Betaine (also known as trimethylglycine)

  7.  Vitamin D

Proper methylation influences so many systems in our bodies that it often gets overlooked, which can severely impact how well your body functions. Ask your health-care practitioner for advice if you have any concerns about your CH3 cycle.

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Aging comprises the collective physiological, functional, and mental changes that accrue in a biological organism over time. It is the primary risk factor for many chronic diseases in humans, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and cardiovascular disease. 

Chronological age

An individual's chronological age simply reflects the number of years an individual has been alive. Although scientific milestones correlate that chronological age is an unreliable measure of the aging process.

Epigenetic age

Epigenetic age is based on an individual's DNA methylation health previously discussed. An individual's epigenetic age strongly correlates with their chronological age. However, some exceptions exist. For example, the epigenetic ages of semi-supercentenarians (people who live to be 105 to 109 years old) are markedly younger than their chronological ages.[10]

Biological age

An individual's biological age, sometimes referred to as phenotypic age, provides a measure of the physiological and functional state. It is a calculation of an individual's risk of disease and death compared to individuals of the same chronological age, based on biochemical measures of inflammation and metabolic and immune function.[11]

Age Acceleration   

Age acceleration occurs when an individual's epigenetic age exceeds their chronological age 

and may be the result of either intrinsic or extrinsic factors. 

Intrinsic factors are largely driven by internal physiological and biological factors such as normal metabolism and genetics.

 Extrinsic factors are those associated with lifestyle and environmental exposures, such as diet, chemicals, EMF, UV radiation, and mental health and overall stress.  

 Each is named for the scientist who created the clock or for the clock's output. The most accurate and robust of these clocks are described here.

Research to Determine Real Time Biological Age 

The Hannum clock

Created by Dr. Gregory Hannum, the Hannum clock is a single-tissue calculator of epigenetic age base present in DNA from human blood.[13] 

Use of the Hannum clock also demonstrated that exposure to abuse, financial hardship, or neighborhood disadvantage that occurred around the age of 7.5 years alters methylation patterns, which may influence normal patterns of cellular aging.[15]

Another study investigated the effects of cigarette smoking on aging using the Hannum clock based on methylation findings indicated that not only was smoking associated with accelerated biological aging, but even low levels of exposure elicited strong effects.[16]

The Horvath clocks

The original Horvath epigenetic clock, created by Dr. Steven Horvath, predicts age based on methylation patterns and rates in the DNA of 51 different tissue and cell types.[7]

 The Horvath clock can identify the epigenetic age of a donor with 96 percent accuracy within approximately four years of actual age.[7] Its accuracy extends across multiple tissue types and ages, including children.

Diet and lifestyle factors that influence epigenetic aging

Extrinsic epigenetic aging incorporates factors such as immune cell aging.

Factors associated with slowed intrinsic aging included higher poultry intake, factors associated with slowed extrinsic aging included higher fish intake, higher carotenoid levels (a marker of fruit and vegetable intake), higher education, moderate alcohol consumption, and higher physical activity. 

Factors associated with accelerated intrinsic aging included higher BMI, but metabolic syndrome (which is associated with higher BMI) was linked with both intrinsic and extrinsic accelerated epigenetic aging.[17]

Predicting lifespan and healthspan using a novel epigenetic clock

The recently-identified GrimAge (named creatively for the Grim Reaper) predicts lifespan and healthspan in units of years and tests whether potential lifestyle interventions may slow or reverse biological aging.

DNA methylation PhenoAge: A better predictor of biological age

Dr. Morgan Levine and Dr. Steve Horvath created a multi-tissue clock that calculates an individual's phenotypic age, called DNAm PhenoAge.[11] This clock, sometimes referred to as the "Levine clock," is distinct from other clocks in that it predicts time to death based on DNA methylation as well as biochemical markers of age-related disease, including albumin, creatinine, glucose, C-reactive protein, alkaline phosphatase, and several blood components. Several physiological responses are associated with accelerated phenotypic aging, including increased activation of proinflammatory pathways and decreased DNA repair activities.[11]

The DNAm PhenoAge predicts mortality risk among people of the same chronological age. It was used in a study to estimate the 10-year mortality risk (converted into units of years) in a cohort of people living in the United States (NHANES data), based on nine clinical biomarkers of aging that are highly predictive of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. The findings demonstrated that each one-year increase in DNAm PhenoAge was associated with a 9 percent increase in all-cause mortality, a 10 percent increase in CVD-related mortality, a 7 percent increase in cancer-related mortality, a 20 percent increase in diabetes-related mortality, and a 9 percent increase in chronic lower respiratory disease mortality, even after adjusting for chronological age.

Alcohol, air pollution, and epigenetic aging

One study used the DNAm PhenoAge epigenetic clock to investigate the effects of heavy, chronic alcohol intake on epigenetic age acceleration using clinical biomarkers such as liver function enzymes. 

The study, which estimated DNA methylation age in 331 people with alcohol use disorder, found that the disorder accelerated aging by an average of 2.2 years

Exposure to air pollutants is associated with poor health outcomes and increased risk of disease. A study using the Levine clock to gauge epigenetic age of more than 2,700 white women living in the United States who were exposed to particulate air pollutants found that the women's epigenetic aging was accelerated by as much as six years.[23]

Altering the native epigenetic clock's rate of ticking

In general, the native epigenetic clock's ticking rate across multiple types of tissue from a single individual is fairly consistent. However, the cerebellum tends to age more slowly, while female breast tissue tends to age more quickly.

Interestingly, in vitro evidence suggests that the epigenetic age of adult cells can be reset. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka discovered a group of proteins that can reprogram differentiated (mature) cells into pluripotent stem cells and are physiological hallmarks of aging and prolong lifespan partly by resetting the innate epigenetic clock.[24]

The role of Yamanaka factors was demonstrated in vivo as well, in a mouse model of premature aging in which short-term induction of Yamanaka factors improved markers of aging, including those associated with tumor suppression, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. The same study showed that in older, normal mice, short-term induction of Yamanaka factors mitigated the deleterious effects of pancreatic or muscle injury, which could have implications for age-related metabolic dysfunction or strength losses, respectively.[25]

Epigenetic aging determined by genetic and lifestyle factors

Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to a slower overall clock rate. For example, one study analyzed the DNA methylation levels of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (a type of white blood cell) from semi-supercentenarians and their offspring. The investigators found that the average epigenetic age of the semi-supercentenarians was nearly nine years younger than their chronological age. The epigenetic age of their offspring was approximately five years younger than that of their age-matched controls.[10]

Lifestyle factors and exposures can influence the native ticking rate, as well. For example, an obesogenic diet can increase methylation and the clock's subsequent ticking rate.[26] And, as described above, smoking cigarettes and exposure to particulate air pollutants increases the epigenetic aging rate.[16][23] Some interventions have been identified that may slow the aging rate, however. These measures have been studied for their longevity-enhancing effects and include caloric restriction and administration of rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug.[27]


Epigenetic clocks predict biological age based on molecular markers on an individual's DNA. Several variants of clocks have been identified, and they differ based on the type and number of tissues in which the markers are measured, as well as the final output. 

In general, the epigenetic aging rate across multiple types of tissue from a single individual is fairly consistent, but some exceptions do exist.

The use of epigenetic clocks may have widespread applications in health and society, including forensic science and early prevention and treatment of disease to promote healthy aging.

In the future, rather than asking whether a person's biomarkers look better, soon clinical trials may ask whether the person is simply aging better.

If youre interested about how to reduce stress, increase your telomere health now that you’ve captured this in important information - then reach out to me and I’ll share how we can work together so you can STAY SANE, GET SLEEP and BRING YOUR SEXY BACK.



  1.  ^  Muntean, Andrew G., and Jay L. Hess. Epigenetic Dysregulation in Cancer The American Journal of Pathology 175, no. 4 (October 2009): 1353–61. https://doi.org/10.2353/ajpath.2009.081142. 

  2.  ^  Li, Peipei, Lee Marshall, Gabriel Oh, Jennifer L. Jakubowski, Daniel Groot, Yu He, Ting Wang, Arturas Petronis, and Viviane Labrie. Epigenetic dysregulation of enhancers in neurons is associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and cognitive symptoms Nature Communications 10, no. 1 (May 2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10101-7. 

  3.  ^  Trerotola, Marco, Valeria Relli, Pasquale Simeone, and Saverio Alberti. Epigenetic inheritance and the missing heritability Human Genomics 9, no. 1 (July 2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40246-015-0041-3. 

  4.  ^  Kusui, Chika, Tadashi Kimura, Kazuhide Ogita, Hitomi Nakamura, Yoko Matsumura, Masayasu Koyama, Chihiro Azuma, and Yuji Murata. DNA Methylation of the Human Oxytocin Receptor Gene Promoter Regulates Tissue-Specific Gene Suppression Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 289, no. 3 (December 2001): 681–86. https://doi.org/10.1006/bbrc.2001.6024. 

  5. ^ a b  Field, Adam E., Neil A. Robertson, Tina Wang, Aaron Havas, Trey Ideker, and Peter D. Adams. DNA Methylation Clocks in Aging: Categories, Causes, and Consequences Molecular Cell 71, no. 6 (September 2018): 882–95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2018.08.008. 

  6.  ^  Oh, Gabriel, Sasha Ebrahimi, Matthew Carlucci, Aiping Zhang, Akhil Nair, Daniel E. Groot, Viviane Labrie, et al. Cytosine modifications exhibit circadian oscillations that are involved in epigenetic diversity and aging Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (February 2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-03073-7. 

  7. ^ a b c d  Horvath, Steve. DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types Genome Biology 14, no. 10 (2013): R115. https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2013-14-10-r115. 

  8.  ^  Garagnani, Paolo, Maria G. Bacalini, Chiara Pirazzini, Davide Gori, Cristina Giuliani, Daniela Mari, Anna M. Di Blasio, et al. Methylation ofELOVL2gene as a new epigenetic marker of age Aging Cell 11, no. 6 (October 2012): 1132–34. https://doi.org/10.1111/acel.12005. 

  9.  ^  Lariscy, Joseph T., Robert A. Hummer, and Mark D. Hayward. Hispanic Older Adult Mortality in the United States: New Estimates and an Assessment of Factors Shaping the Hispanic Paradox Demography 52, no. 1 (December 2014): 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-014-0357-y. 

  10. ^ a b  Horvath, Steve, Chiara Pirazzini, Maria Giulia Bacalini, Davide Gentilini, Anna Maria Di Blasio, Massimo Delledonne, Daniela Mari, et al. Decreased epigenetic age of PBMCs from Italian semi-supercentenarians and their offspring Aging 7, no. 12 (December 2015): 1159–70. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.100861. 

  11. ^ a b c  Levine, Morgan E., Ake T. Lu, Austin Quach, Brian H. Chen, Themistocles L. Assimes, Stefania Bandinelli, Lifang Hou, et al. An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan Aging 10, no. 4 (April 2018): 573–91. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.101414. 

  12.  ^  Okazaki, Satoshi, Ikuo Otsuka, Tadasu Horai, Takashi Hirata, Motonori Takahashi, Yasuhiro Ueno, Shuken Boku, Ichiro Sora, and Akitoyo Hishimoto. Accelerated extrinsic epigenetic aging and increased natural killer cells in blood of suicide completers Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 98 (March 2020): 109805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2019.109805. 

  13.  ^  Hannum, Gregory, Justin Guinney, Ling Zhao, Li Zhang, Guy Hughes, SriniVas Sadda, Brandy Klotzle, et al. Genome-wide Methylation Profiles Reveal Quantitative Views of Human Aging Rates Molecular Cell 49, no. 2 (January 2013): 359–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2012.10.016. 

  14.  ^  Tajuddin, Salman M., Dena G. Hernandez, Brian H. Chen, Nicole Noren Hooten, Nicolle A. Mode, Mike A. Nalls, Andrew B. Singleton, et al. Novel age-associated DNA methylation changes and epigenetic age acceleration in middle-aged African Americans and whites Clinical Epigenetics 11, no. 1 (August 2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13148-019-0722-1. 

  15.  ^  Marini, Sandro, Kathryn A. Davis, Thomas W. Soare, Yiwen Zhu, Matthew J. Suderman, Andrew J. Simpkin, Andrew D.A.C. Smith, Erika J. Wolf, Caroline L. Relton, and Erin C. Dunn. Adversity exposure during sensitive periods predicts accelerated epigenetic aging in children Psychoneuroendocrinology , November 2019, 104484. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104484. 

  16. ^ a b  Beach, Steven R. H., Meeshanthini V. Dogan, Man-Kit Lei, Carolyn E. Cutrona, Meg Gerrard, Frederick X. Gibbons, Ronald L. Simons, Gene H. Brody, and Robert A. Philibert. Methylomic Aging as a Window onto the Influence of Lifestyle: Tobacco and Alcohol Use Alter the Rate of Biological Aging Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63, no. 12 (November 2015): 2519–25. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.13830. 

  17.  ^  Quach, Austin, Morgan E. Levine, Toshiko Tanaka, Ake T. Lu, Brian H. Chen, Luigi Ferrucci, Beate Ritz, et al. Epigenetic clock analysis of diet, exercise, education, and lifestyle factors Aging 9, no. 2 (February 2017): 419–46. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.101168. 

  18.  ^  Loomba, Rohit, Yevgeniy Gindin, Zhaoshi Jiang, Eric Lawitz, Stephen Caldwell, C. Stephen Djedjos, Ren Xu, et al. DNA methylation signatures reflect aging in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis JCI Insight 3, no. 2 (January 2018). https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.96685. 

  19.  ^  Malformed reference

  20.  ^  Lu, Ake T., Austin Quach, James G. Wilson, Alex P. Reiner, Abraham Aviv, Kenneth Raj, Lifang Hou, et al. DNA methylation GrimAge strongly predicts lifespan and healthspan Aging 11, no. 2 (January 2019): 303–27. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.101684. 

  21.  ^  Kresovich, Jacob K, Zongli Xu, Katie M O’Brien, Clarice R Weinberg, Dale P Sandler, and Jack A Taylor. Methylation-Based Biological Age and Breast Cancer Risk JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 111, no. 10 (February 2019): 1051–58. https://doi.org/10.1093/jnci/djz020. 

  22.  ^  Luo, Audrey, Jeesun Jung, Martha Longley, Daniel B. Rosoff, Katrin Charlet, Christine Muench, Jisoo Lee, et al. Epigenetic aging is accelerated in alcohol use disorder and regulated by genetic variation in APOL2 Neuropsychopharmacology 45, no. 2 (August 2019): 327–36. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41386-019-0500-y. 

  23. ^ a b  White, Alexandra J., Jacob K. Kresovich, Joshua P. Keller, Zongli Xu, Joel D. Kaufman, Clarice R. Weinberg, Jack A. Taylor, and Dale P. Sandler. Air pollution, particulate matter composition and methylation-based biologic age Environment International 132 (November 2019): 105071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.105071. 

  24.  ^  Takahashi, Kazutoshi, and Shinya Yamanaka. Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors Cell 126, no. 4 (August 2006): 663–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.07.024. 

  25.  ^  Ocampo, Alejandro, Pradeep Reddy, Paloma Martinez-Redondo, Aida Platero-Luengo, Fumiyuki Hatanaka, Tomoaki Hishida, Mo Li, et al. In Vivo Amelioration of Age-Associated Hallmarks by Partial Reprogramming Cell 167, no. 7 (December 2016): 1719–33.e12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2016.11.052. 

  26.  ^  Keleher, Madeline Rose, Rabab Zaidi, Lauren Hicks, Shyam Shah, Xiaoyun Xing, Daofeng Li, Ting Wang, and James M. Cheverud. A high-fat diet alters genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression in SM/J mice BMC Genomics 19, no. 1 (December 2018). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-5327-0. 

  27.  ^  Wang, Tina, Brian Tsui, Jason F. Kreisberg, Neil A. Robertson, Andrew M. Gross, Michael Ku Yu, Hannah Carter, Holly M. Brown-Borg, Peter D. Adams, and Trey Ideker. Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment Genome Biology 18, no. 1 (March 2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1186-2. 

How to Detoxify Harmful Xenoestrogens From your Beauty Rituals | Part 2

Hi dear one!

I hope you’re doing great!  This powerful time together is a carry over [ part 2 ] from our previous conversation about estrogen mimickers called xenoestrogens.  

 Many personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, and body lotions, contain  harmful chemicals. For example, one of the most common chemicals found in personal care products is “Fragrance,” which can be made up of hundreds of various chemical compounds. Fragrances are linked to liver and kidney damage, cancer and endocrine disruption which interferes with your adrenal, thyroid and reproductive glands.

When we use these personal care products we can inhale the toxins as well as absorb them through our skin (the largest organ that connects to the inside of our body). 

It’s simple enough just to say “Opt for natural plant-based alternatives with simple ingredients that have names you recognize…” its just as important to know the why and how to recognize the unwanted ingredients damaging our health.  

Before we move forward, make sure you’re read up on how the pesky chemicals mimicking our estrogens succumb us and cause havoc in the first place! 

For a quick review: 


Xenoestrogens are synthetic substances that mimic estrogen. Unfortunately, unlike estrogen, which the body fully eliminates after its job is done,  xenoestrogens are stored in fat cells where they disrupt the proper functioning of the reproductive system and increase hormone imbalances and the risk of disease in the breast and ovaries. 

Causes of Estrogen Dominance

The body accumulates excess estrogen in two ways:

Endogenously (inside) - We make too much of our own estrogen and it’s not being properly eliminated.

Exogenously (outside) - Excess estrogens enter the body from external sources, such as foods, the environment, toxins, and chemicals, and are not being properly eliminated.

Excess Estrogen Common Catalysts:


Surprise!  The leading cause of endogenous estrogen stems from excessive and prolonged stress which inversely decreases progesterone production to make more cortisol, the main stress hormone. This results in high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone.

Impaired Liver Function – 

Mentioned in part one, we know the liver removes excess hormones from the body, and if not working properly - it leads to estrogen dominance.


A higher count of bad bacteria vs. good bacteria in the gut inhibits the conversion of estrogen into water-soluble molecules.  This causes the estrogens to recirculate back into the bloodstream where it can re-exert its effects. Gut health is very important for the metabolism of all hormones.

Now onto the deeper understanding of  ( Xenoestrogens ) from Personal Care Products

You may be overwhelmed, but trust me - reducing your xenoestrogen exposure through awareness when applied to your beauty products is easier than you think.    The impact is huge, and I have no doubt this will be helpful and clarifying for you and your beautiful health! 

Two Reasons Why Xenoestrogenss Hidden in Skincare Is Harmful

Increase of Cancer Risk

About 40% of all cancers in women are hormonally driven. When estrogen mimickers are present in our beauty products - it increase the overall levels of circulating hormones. This is why it may also increase our risk for certain cancers, specifically breast cancer.

Breast cancer is estrogen-dependent.  Research has shown that xenoestrogens in personal care products can pose an increased risk of breast cancer.


In women, exposure to xenoestrogens can predispose us to estrogen dominant related health conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, and Fibroids and fertility.   

Exposure to xenoestrogens is not the sole cause of these fertility, rather it’s constant exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds, like in your daily skincare routine that affects these conditions.

When becoming pregnant, xenoestrogen exposure can also be harmful.  In mice, exposure to xenoestrogens during pregnancy has been shown to affect the estrogen levels of the developing fetus. Men are perhaps even more susceptible to the negative effects of xenoestrogens on their fertility than women are. 

Xenoestrogens could be contributing factors to the deterioration of these men’s semen quality, resulting in their inability to conceive.

So, if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, xenoestrogens in a beard oil or facial cream should be assessed as a easy way to reduce your exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds.

Herb powders.jpg

Which leads me to how to awaken to xenoestrogens in our personal care and beauty products.


When you consume chemicals internally they are first filtered through the liver before they make their way into the bloodstream, but when you use skincare products that contain xenoestrogens, they may pose risk  through absorption.  


Phthalates: Are round in cosmetics, cleaning products, food packaging, and detergents, PVC plastic, toys, and plastic wrap.

Buyer beware, the worst part about Phthalates is that Phthalates often times hide in the ingredient list under “fragrance.” Companies are able to vaguely label a group of ingredients as simply “fragrance” in order to protect trade-secret ingredients.

  • Phthalate

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

Parabens: found in deodorant, antiperspirant, moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup.

Parabens show up in personal care products because they are antimicrobial agents and preservatives.

  • Ethylparaben

  • Butylparaben

  • Methylparaben

  • And other ingredients ending in “-paraben”

Looking for a “paraben-free” label is the easiest way to avoid exposure to these xenoestrogens in your skincare products.

Formaldehyde: A known carcinogen and irritant found in nail products, hair dye, fake-eyelash adhesives and some shampoos. It has been banned in other countries.

Fragrance: Has hormone-disrupting effects. Fragrance is also connected to headaches, dizziness, asthma and allergies. Instead, use products with natural fragrances only.

Lead: A known carcinogen and hormone disruptor found in certain eyeliners, hair dye and lipsticks.

Mercury: A known irritant and allergen that, with body accumulation over time, can impair the brain and nervous system.

Oxybenzone: An active ingredient in chemical sunscreens that accumulates in fatty tissues and is linked to allergies, hormone disruption and cellular damage. I recommend wearing skin-protective clothing and using natural minerals or zinc products.

DEA/TEA/MEA (Ethanolamines): Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents for shampoos, hair color, body washes, soaps and topical application. It’s been associated with cancer in animal studies.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, SLES): A former industrial degreaser now used to make soap foamy, it’s absorbed into the body.

Diethylene glycol (or DEG): A central nervous system depressant and potent kidney and liver toxin. Sometimes found in fragrances. 

Note: Glycerin and propylene glycol are sometimes contaminated with DEG, which are common ingredients in personal care products.

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Stay Beautiful Inside and Out by Focusing on Nutrition and Detoxification

In conclusion, reoccurring toxins that build up in the body can adversely impact one’s health, hormones, looks and overall well-being.

I suggest checking your beauty-product labels, eating a plant rich diet, frequent exercise and plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body naturally flush out toxins not only keeps xenoestrogens at bay but might also deter blemishes and fine lines that show up on your skin. 

If you are having skin issues or any hormonal imbalance symptoms you should have your hormones tested instead of guessing. The comprehensive hormone panel is an excellent starting place for evaluating hormone function. 

Small changes can add up to big impacts, so keep your eyes open for them and continue making healthy choices where and when you can.

To start making confident and empowering decisions today, head on over to www.evoqbeauty.com where you’ll find Xeno-FREE hair, skin and wellness products galore!  

Awaken Beauty Podcast:
Please like, subscribe if you’re not already part of our tribe and comment what you learned with your 5 star review! 

Want to grab the top most offensive xenoestrogens in youre life? Just head to Awakenbeautyhq.com and find this mini episode with show notes! 

Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care?  Then you know where to go! Head to Evoqbeauty.com. E-V-O-Q beauty.com and enter “AWAKEN” for your very first order! 

XO Love n’ light,   Kassandra

A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

Did you know that your stress levels and hidden chemical-laden skincare products may actually be behind your stubborn weight gain to a myriad of other symptoms?

Here, I share informative hormone health tips that I discuss on the Awaken Beauty Podcast.

We explore what happens as a consequence to our inner and outer ecosystem and daily actions that may be putting us at risk when we have “too much” or an imbalance of Estrogen.

Estrogen is what gives us women our beautiful hips, breast and thighs and keeps our entire body well lubricated. Estrogen also increases the health of our bones, plump skin, mood and much more.

Feeling it?

  • Irregular or heavy periods

  • Water retention

  • Acne Breast swelling and tenderness

  • Headaches

  • Fibrocystic breast changes

  • Weight gain

  • Mood swings

  • Hair loss

Today we review exactly how your estrogen gets out of balance and the critical key actions you can take to become aware and detoxify them!

Listen to the show below (scroll down to watch on Youtube)

How Does Your Estrogen Get Out of Balance?

Based on endocrine research, an imbalance happens in two primary ways.

1. Inability to metabolize hormones.

Not being able to rid our body of excess estrogen is becoming more common and is caused by a myriad of factors including genetics, stress, diet and lifestyle.

These may all contribute to an excess of hormones in the body and known as endogenous (internal).

The leading biomarker to test is if you have a optimal biological function to detoxify efficiently on a daily basis. There are tests to learn more about your personal ability to methylate and what specific detoxification pathways your body engages — good or not so good.

If left unchecked, a long term circulation of hormones can lead to an excess of certain hormones, particularly estrogen, in the body tissue.

2. Exposure to excess hormones in our outer environment.

Exposure to exogenous (external hormones) or hormone like substances can make a woman go crazy - and it’s the consequence of modern day living exposure to hormone like substances on a daily basis.

It’s these excess hormones that are obtained from a coined word knows as “xenoestrogens” that may directly contribute to unhealthy weight gain and other health deficiencies.

How’s this happen? Glad you asked!


Xenoestrogens are a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic our body’s natural hormone, estrogen. Normally our endocrine system releases an appropriate amount of each hormone for the body to function optimally. When’s the last time you’ve felt fully balanced?

This disruption happens because these chemicals bind to or block our natural hormone receptors.

So these xenoestrogens, in particular, get in the way of our estrogen receptors. This keeps our natural estrogen from binding as it normally would.

This leads to higher levels of circulating estrogen free flowing in our bloodstream, known as estrogen dominance

So in a nutshell, the more xenoestrogens we’re exposed to, the more total estrogen we’ll have in our bodies.

Mimicking estrogens effect on weight gain in a couple ways:

First, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals target signaling proteins to make more fat cells which can promote weight gain.

Next, this can further change the energetic balance and the metabolism of ghrelin and leptin, the chemicals which control hunger and satiety. Errored thinking and a double minded confusion then leads to overeating.

Endocrine Disruptors and Estrogen Dominance

Unfortunately our environment is so filled with these chemicals (both inside and outside our home), our bodies are constantly inundated with and exposed to them.

Signs of this estrogenic excess weight are usually found around the abdomen, thighs, breast and the back of the arms.

Instigating the situation even more, excess estrogen processes an enzyme called aromatase, which converts our adrenal steroids (hormones) into estrogen. MORE ESTROGEN!

See the cycle?

It’s a cruel twist of biological fate, that estrogen prompts the formation of more fat cells, and the cycle just perpetuates itself.


How about he role of stress?

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone produced by the adrenal gland and can easily sabotage weight loss. This is a basic biological function intended to protect us from starvation. When we experience high levels of stress, we produce high levels of cortisol, and our bodies store fat, sort of like an emergency backup plan.

So if you’re leading a high stress lifestyle, and wondering why you can shed those pesky pounds despite your best efforts, finding a way to de-stress is a must.

Feeling stressed? You can address overwhelm in a matter of seconds. I trust you’ll love the 7-11 breathwork exercise.

Exercice: Take a moment and close your eyes closed and put your hand on your stomach. As you take it deep breath in for seven and release for a count of 11, allow your stomach to gently push your hand out and in until you’ve changed your state into a calm, clear, clean, quiet, powerful and peaceful mind.

Now that we are clear and calm, let’s go in depth and create a plan on how to improve detoxification for overall wellness and weight management.

5 Steps to Balancing Your Estrogen Naturally

Love Your Liver. Your liver is responsible for metabolizing and releasing estrogen out of the body.

Nutrient density – Eat quality protein
– Eat plenty of garlic and onions
– Take a B complex
– Eat a minimum of 3 cups of cruciferous vegetables weekly

Fix Your Gut.
Once the liver processes estrogen for elimination, it is up to your gut to move it out! If you are experiencing constipation, there is a good chance your estrogen isn't making its way out, but instead, going back into circulation in the body. Figuring out and treating the underlying cause of your digestive issues is crucial in creating optimal hormonal health.

Eat Fiber. Aim for at least 25 grams per day by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Fiber will keep your bowels regular and help eliminate waste, including unnecessary estrogen.
Stress Less.

Sleep! Seven hours is the minimum you should be getting nightly. Your body needs sleep and your hormones demand it.

Remove Products Containing Endocrine Disruptors

Front and center, as a formulator, I can see first hand how estrogen mimicking chemicals are traditionally found in personal care products. As I started formulating over 12 years ago- I made sure none of my skin and hair products were free of hormonal disruptors.

I’ll go deeper into Xenoestrogens in beauty products on a upcoming episode, but for today’s purposes, I want to leave you with a overview of the top 3 offenders you can address immediately.

Ready to take action?

The importance here is to bring awareness to our inner and outer everyday trance of “normalcy” by assessment because I want to make sure that you're informed and you know how to support your hormones in every way possible.

So let’s jump into the power of removing these top three!

3 Most Common Endocrine Disruptors and How to Find Them

1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

BPA is a chemical that has been associated with cancer, including breast cancer. But beware! The chemicals they use to replace BPA are equally concerning in regards to the negative health effects like sabotaging your fertility, causing your weight to climb, and painful periods.

BPA is Commonly Found In:

  • Receipts

  • Plastic bottles and containers

  • Canned foods

  • Food packaging

2. Flame Retardants

Your rest it at night may be in conflict with your hormones!

The tricky thing about flame retardants is that they aren’t just in our couch cushions or mattresses. They are also in our pets beds, find their way into the dust in our home, are in baby car seats, electronics, and on kid’s pajamas.

  • Flame Retardants Are Commonly Found In:

  • Mattress

  • Furniture

  • Pet beds

  • Children’s Car Seats

How to Avoid Flame Retardants:

  • Check the labels on clothes and don’t even touch those synthetic pajamas in the store.

  • Check the labels on furniture before you make a new purchase

  • Purchase flame retardant free mattress

  • Choose pet beds without flame retardant

  • Use a HEPA or other air filter in your home

3. Phthalates

Ever wonder why you hear avoid fragrance when it comes to hormones? That’s because fragrances can be a source of phthalates, which are known to cause harm to reproductive health.

Phthalates Are Commonly Found In:

  • Personal care products

  • Plastic wrap and food storage containers

  • Plastic children’s toys

  • Fragrances in trash bags, diapers, and candles

  • Air fresheners

How to Avoid Phthalates:

  • Read labels and avoid products that list phthalates or fragrance

  • Eat out of glass, rather than plastic storage containers

  • Ditch air fresheners and opt for essential oils instead

  • Buy natural, beeswax candles only (or at minimum fragrance free)

  • Use laundry detergent that doesn’t have artificial fragrance

Eating organic foods as often as possible

Avoiding Xenoestrogens (like personal care products or cleaning products that can disrupt our hormones)

Avoiding further exposure by not eating out of plastic containers and not touching the paper receipts from the grocery store.

Make sure you're getting a variety of fiber-rich foods that can help you carry waste out. And, at the same time, those foods are supporting your overall hormonal system, your nutrient health, and your liver detoxification.

You can also support detoxification and elimination of chemicals that harm your hormones by supplementing with:

  • Diindolylmethane (DIM)

  • Broccoli seed extract

  • Resveratrol

  • Chrysin

  • Calcium D-Glucarate

  • Folate

  • Magnesium

Well ladies, that’s it! I get pretty heated up around hormone disrupting invaders in our life.

Stay tuned to a story shared with Julie Tebben on Episode 11 and how it directly relates to the importance of our beauty and personal care products we use as women, every day.

Here’s a few facts to preface my next mini episode on Xenoestrogens and products.

The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals

While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily

Women with higher levels of personal-care chemicals in their bodies experienced menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels

Ok, Enough for now. I hope you enjoyed this savvy info.

Watch on Youtube!

You can listen to the episode here.

Please like, subscribe if you’re not already part of our tribe and comment what you learned with your 5 star review!

Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care? Then you know where to go! Head to Evoqbeauty.com and enter “AWAKEN” for 25% your very first order!


Dr Jolene Brighten



Building Resilience with Herbal Allies to Support Women and Modern Day Mounting Stress

Hey Beaute’ - thanks for joining me!


When we take small moments and care for ourselves, we get relief from not beating ourselves up for some past transgression or feeling anxious about meeting future expectations.

We get free to experience contentment and to make authentic connections with others and with our world.

Self love looks different for every woman and far from a one-size-fits-all silver bullet.

One thing I DO KNOW, plant medicinals can make all the difference.

HENCE, I’m sure you’ve been aware of the onslaught of CBD companies on the market.

This wonderful herbal allie can get to the root of a myriad of issues and is becoming a widely available and particularly soothing phyto-friend.

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CBD has exploded (and sometimes exploited) in popularity recently and for good reason: not only has it aided so many in managing their disharmonies, diseases, and symptoms, it has provided a held space, a calm center, from which to heal ourselves, from which to love ourselves.

Plant medicine works directly with our endogenous endocannabinoid system (ECS) to down-regulate inflammation, moderate immune response, and maintain overall homeostasis in the body.

Homeostasis is the state of balance and equilibrium our bodies are always striving for, always fine tuning to achieve.

Excessive stress, poor nutrition, and exposure to environmental toxins makes this process more difficult. (PMS, hot flashes, anxiety attack, weight gain, etc).

Much of our trauma, overwhelm, and feelings of frustration or inadequacy manifests somatically, in the body, and CBD helps to unwind some of that tension so we can more effectively find our unique homeostasis.

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As stated, there’s no silver bullet, and it’s hard to know how to start, who to trust and how to even read a ingredient label If you find yourself lost on your unique path, then I have something in store for you!

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Learning about the various cannabinoids interactions within our body has taken me painstacken HOURS and over 2 years to fully comprehend. From how to find the best (truly organic) sources, how it works within our biochemistry, and helping consumer take their blind-folds off to see who’s in it just for the money.

It’s proven itself by helping both myself and hundreds of women I’ve coached using our pharmaceutical grade CBD - to discover and uncover ways in which to love ourselves and get back in a circadian sync - less anxiety, more sleep, reduced pain and more.


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I’m beyond excited! (huge grin over here) To make this happen, I’m going BIG and I’m co-creating a space with the women of Ellementa, the fastest growing Women’s Cannabis Network in the nation as their MN Team Lead (your guide if I may).

This year's mission and events, with the theme of "Advancing Women’s Health and Cannabinoid Knowledge", will launch on March 31st as our first cutting-edge event - exclusive to WOMEN ONLY!

It's an honor to take Ellementa's mission and bring it to MN!

I’ll share more in my next post - so stay tuned! Can’t wait?

I’ll scoot you over to a good ol’ PRESS RELEASE right HERE!


JOIN our EXCLUSIVE FB GROUP to be notified of what’s to come!

I’ll see you soon - Love n’ Light - Kassandra

Is Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water Better?

Hello rays of light!

The issues around water quality are not new, but research that is abrupting the scenes, is. Water quality can detriment a women’s thyroid, to possibly increase fluoride toxicity.

Today’s topic is on the MYTH of pH water, and how H2 Molecular Hydrogen differs.

If you want to tag along via audio, head over to our Youtube channel and LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you can be the ‘early adopter’ you are with all the top shelf science and research delivered straight to your handheld.

So let’s dive in with Dr. Mercola’s teardown on H2 and pH Water!

Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water — Which One Is Better for You?


  • Alkaline water is water that has been separated into alkaline and acid fractions using electrolysis

  • Many promoters and marketers claim alkaline water can correct excess acidity in your tissues, which can then prevent or reverse cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases, yet this is not supported by science

  • The higher the pH, the fewer free hydrogen ions (H+) it has; the lower its pH, the more free hydrogen ions (H+) it has

  • Hydrogen ions (H+) are not to be confused with molecular hydrogen (H2 gas); they are completely different from each other. Molecular hydrogen is a gas with very unique and selective antioxidant effects that specifically target damaging free radicals

  • The alkaline ionized water fad was an unfortunate outgrowth of its successful use coupled with a misunderstanding or ignorance of the therapeutic property of the water (e.g., benefits falsely attributed to alkaline pH and not the actual H2 gas)

Understanding pH

The concept of the acidity or alkalinity of your body — or of water — is based on the pH scale. What is pH? It's simply a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions.10 In fact, the acronym "pH" is short for "potential of hydrogen."

The higher a liquid's pH, the fewer free hydrogen ions (H+) it has; the lower its pH, the more free hydrogen ions (H+) it has. One pH unit reflects a tenfold change in ion concentration, so there are 10 times as many hydrogen ions available at a pH of 7 than at a pH of 8.11

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, and a pH of 7 is neutral. Anything with a pH below 7 is considered acidic, and anything with a pH above 7 is alkaline (or basic).

But the real reason why alkaline water is a scam is that it has no buffers to maintain its pH. The instant the alkaline water hits your very acidic stomach, the pH is neutralized as there are no buffers. Truly alkaline water would have an alkaline buffer like baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which is also our body's natural alkaline buffer.

Some have claimed that as the stomach acid neutralizes the alkaline water, the bicarbonate ions are released into the blood and thus it has an alkalizing effect. This would be true if the alkaline water effectively neutralized all the stomach acid (like baking soda would), but alkaline water doesn't neutralize any significant quantity of stomach acid; the stomach acid completely neutralizes the alkaline water. So, there is no "net alkalizing effect."

Natural water on our planet ranges in pH from around 6.5 to 8.5, depending on surrounding soil and vegetation, seasonal variations and weather, and even time of day responses to sunlight. Human activities further influence the pH of our water, from the barrage of toxic industrial pollutants.

Most aquatic animals and plants have adapted to life in water with a very specific pH and will die from even slight changes. For example, Michigan State University found that when the pH of greenhouse media is too high (greater than 6.5), it increases the chances of micronutrient deficiencies in the plants, and too low of a pH (less than 5.3) results in calcium and/or magnesium and/or manganese toxicity.13

Similarly, Ohio State University Extension Service reports that alkaline water affects a plant's ability to obtain nutrients from the soil and can alter the soil's pH over time.14 Your body also requires a relatively stable pH, or else you'll run into problems. This was demonstrated in a Swedish well water study,15 which found both pH extremes to be problematic.

Notably, pH appears to have a major influence on your mitochondria.16 Research has shown normal cells die under extremely alkaline conditions, as a result of altering mitochondrial function.17

So, as noted by Fenton, "alkaline water is a solution to a problem that doesn't need solving." Indeed, it makes sense that you are designed to drink water that occurs naturally, which excludes alkaline water with pH levels of 9.5 and above.

Early Days of Hydrogen Water Production Shed Light on Alkaline Water Myth

Interestingly, aside from Young taking the acid-ash hypothesis and running with it, there's another piece of history that helps explain why the alkaline water myth gained hold. The Molecular Hydrogen Institute explains the history of electrolyzed reduced water or ERW (the most common term used for alkaline water in the scientific literature):18

"Studies on ERW began in the 1930s in Japan, and in 1965 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approved ERW as a medical substance with potential to improve gastrointestinal symptoms …

Over the ensuing decades, anecdotal and scientific evidence accumulated substantiating many other benefits of ERW such as: protecting DNA from radical damage, increasing glucose uptake, improving diabetes, preventing premature cell death, offering liver protection, preventing lipid oxidation and others. However, it was uncertain as to how ERW was producing these benefits."

Unfortunately, this is how the misunderstanding about pH came about. However, as noted by the Institute, "It is now well-recognized that the primary agent responsible for the benefits is attributed to the dissolved molecular hydrogen gas." So, in a nutshell, the benefits, when there are any, are actually due to the presence of molecular hydrogen, and has nothing to do with the pH of the water. Dr. Kyu-Jae Lee, a hydrogen gas researcher, says:

We later discovered that the benefits in this model were mediated by H2-induced gastric ghrelin secretion via a ß1 adrenergic receptor-dependent pathway. Although hydrogen's effect in Parkinson's disease has now been confirmed in a human clinical trial, more research is necessary to reveal the molecular mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic benefits of H2.


What Is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen (H2) — two hydrogen atoms combined together — is a gas with very unique and selective antioxidant effects that specifically target the most harmful free radicals. It works primarily by improving and optimizing the redox status of the cell when needed.

As a result, you see improvements in superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione levels, for example. Not only does hydrogen selectively reduce the most toxic radicals, but it can help prevent an excess (which becomes toxic) of the free radicals from being produced in the first place.

H2 also activates the Nrf2 pathway when needed. Nrf2 is a transcription factor that, when activated, goes into the cell's nucleus and binds to the antioxidant response element in the DNA. It then induces the transcription of further cytoprotective enzymes such as glutathione, superoxide dismutase catalase, glutathione peroxidase, phase II enzymes, heme-1 oxygenase and many others.

A landmark paper  on molecular hydrogen came out in Nature Medicine in 2007, showing 2 percent hydrogen gas was effective at preventing brain damage from ischemia reperfusion and, as an antioxidant, has powerful therapeutic applications.

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe, and is neutral and nonpolar, which is why its bioavailability is so great. It does not dissociate into its electrons and protons when dissolved in water, so it will not alter the pH of water or your body and has nothing to do with the alkaline water concept.

More than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications have collectively demonstrated that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models. In fact, hydrogen is shown to benefit virtually every organ of the human body, and the reason for this is because hydrogen actually targets and mitigates the root causes of inflammation and oxidation.

Hydrogen Water Versus Hydrogen Peroxide

Due to the similarity in names, many confuse hydrogen water with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and I often get asked if one can get the benefits of molecular hydrogen by drinking hydrogen peroxide in water. This is a dangerous mistake to make, so let me make this point abundantly clear:

Never ingest hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution).

Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution) — the stuff you use to disinfect wounds — is not the same as molecular hydrogen or hydrogen (H2) water. Hydrogen peroxide is for topical use only. You could potentially use it is as a mouth rinse for gingivitis, provided you spit it out and do not swallow, and you can pour a few drops into your ear canal as a remedy to combat cold and flu symptoms. But you should never ingest hydrogen peroxide.

Another common misconception is that adding hydrogen to water will form hydrogen peroxide. As explained by the Molecular Hydrogen Institute:23

"Water has the chemical formula H2O, and hydrogen peroxide has the chemical formula H2O2, which by comparison contains an extra oxygen, not hydrogen. So, it does not, indeed it cannot, form hydrogen peroxide.

The fact is, hydrogen gas does not bond to or react with the water molecules, it just dissolves into the water. It does not create some novel molecule like H4O, which would in fact be chemically impossible to form.

Therefore, hydrogen water and hydrogen peroxide are completely different substances. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide cannot be used to generate H2 gas or make hydrogen-rich water."

Alkaline Versus Alkalinity

Yet another source of confusion is the issue of alkaline versus alkalinity. These two words are not interchangeable, as from a scientific standpoint as they refer to different things. This too may be part of why people have placed such undue value on alkaline water. As explained by Mark Timmons, CEO of U.S. Water Systems:24

"To alkalize your body means that you give the body the ability to maintain a proper pH, but in order to do that you need water with alkalinity not alkaline water. pH merely measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity, not the capacity to neutralize acid … You also don't alkalize your body based upon pH, but rather on alkalinity.

Alkalinity measures the ability to neutralize acid with buffers which are the sum of bicarbonates. Alkalinity is measured in mg/L (milligrams per liter). Alkaline mineral compounds include … calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese [and] iron. So, you need to add alkalinity to your body, but you need to realize that pH has no relation to that alkalinity.

Alkaline Water Is an Unlikely Cancer Preventive

One of the purported health benefits of drinking alkaline water is cancer prevention. However, much of the research really argues against alkalinity when it comes to treating cancer.

According to Robert Gillies, who has studied tumor formation and acidity at the Moffitt Cancer Center,25 tumors make their own acidity by their very nature, and they do this even in an alkaline cellular structure.

Scientists developing anticancer agent prototypes that selectively kill tumor cells by interfering with the regulation of intracellular pH also report that alkaline treatments do not have the desired effect, whereas strongly acidic treatments do!26

Even more interesting is a 2005 study27 by the National Cancer Institute, which revisits the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to treat cancer. They found that, in pharmacologic doses administered intravenously, ascorbic acid successfully killed cancer cells without harming normal cells.

This is yet another example of cancer cells being vulnerable to acidity, as opposed to alkalinity. So, it seems clear that the relationship between alkalinity and cancer has been grossly oversimplified by those jumping to premature conclusions.

Resource: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/12/hydrogen-water-vs-alkaline-water.aspx

Anxiety & Depression. Using CBD for a Happy Go Lucky Life!

Hi!   Get a little anxiety from time to time?  Who doesn't! Living with it daily, is a problem.

I'm staying outside the spiritual and mindfulness  self assessment path on this post - and strictly focusing on the healing benefits of the medicinal plant world that we rely on and share a rich existence with.  

General Anxiety an depression is at all ages and ranges, and has put mental health awareness on the rise.  

Life events, work stressors to menopause hormonal shifts easily effects our brains activity level - in which holds us back from living life at it's best. 

I recently ran across some stressful U.S. statistics:

  • 48% of people say stress and anxiety has a negative effect on their life and work.
  • 78% experience physical symptoms caused by stress and 73% experience psychological symptoms.
  • 48% say stress has increased for them in the last 5 years.

if you’re one of those people, cannabinoid medicine
might be able to help you

Image: Doen

Image: Doen

What Is CBD, and How Does It Work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found exclusively in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a high. Because of its increasing evidence of its numerous health benefits. One benefit seen from many of our CBD users, is the experience of less anxiety.

cbd infographic evoq

Getting Happy - Go - Lucky.     
How tho?  

Experts believe that it reduces anxiety by influencing what’s going on in your brain. Your brain is an astoundingly complex system that controls every interaction in your body.  Every thought and feeling you have is the result of its billions of nerve cells and chemicals, which are constantly interacting together.

Usually, all these chemical reactions go smoothly and you feel happy and healthy, but sometimes the chemicals cause feelings that you don’t want, like anxiety. Experts believe that when this happens, CBD can be used to change the chemistry in your brain and throughout your body, and get things running smoothly again.

Those who had taken cbd experienced significantly less anxiety and discomfort than those who received the placebo.

Evidence: The anecdotal evidence on CBD is abundant, which has brought many men and women to a fork in the road of choosing CBD a try for their anxiety

Receptor Systems in the Brain

>> The brain contains large numbers of highly specialized cells called neurons.

>> Each neuron connects to many others through structures called synapses.

>> These are sites where one neuron communicates to another by releasing chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters.

A neuron’s sensitivity to a specific neurotransmitter depends on whether or not it contains a receptor that “fits” that transmitter.  If a neuron contains receptors that match a particular neurotransmitter, then it can respond directly to that transmitter. All neurons contain multiple neurotransmitter receptors, allowing them to respond to some neurotransmitters but not others.

Plant Medicine & Receptors

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Brain receptors are not only sensitive to neurotransmitters produced naturally within the brain, like dopamine or serotonin, but also chemical messengers produced outside the body, such as plant cannabinoids like THC or CBD.

So when you ingest an edible or tonic, the components travel through your bloodstream, and enter your brain. Once they arrive, these plant-derived compounds influence brain activity by interacting with receptors on neurons. But they don’t interact with all neurons, just the ones that have the appropriate receptors.

CBD and the Receptor Systems [and the misconceptions]

Although it is a cannabinoid, CBD does not directly interact with the two classical cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2).  Instead, it affects signaling through CB1 and CB2 receptors indirectly. This partly explains why, in contrast to THC, CBD is non-intoxicating. In addition to its indirect influence on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD can increase levels of the body’s own naturally-produced cannabinoids (known as endocannabinoids) by inhibiting the enzymes that break them down.

Even more intriguing: CBD also influences many non-cannabinoid receptor systems in the brain, interacting with receptors sensitive to a variety of drugs and neurotransmitters.  

CBD & Opioids

These include opioid receptors, known for their role in pain regulation. Opioid receptors are the key targets of pharmaceutical pain killers and drugs of abuse such as morphine, heroin, and fentanyl.

CBD can also interact with dopamine receptors, which play a crucial role in regulating many aspects of behavior and cognition, including motivation and reward-seeking behavior.

This raises the intriguing possibility that CBD’s ability to influence either opioid or dopamine receptors may underlie its ability to dampen drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms, effects directly relevant to the treatment of addiction.

CBD and a Happy Serotonin System

CBD’s ability to target a specific serotonin receptor, the serotonin 1A receptor, is associated with a remarkable range of therapeutic possibilities.

Professor Roger Pertwee, a pharmacologist from the University of Aberdeen, spoke with Leafly about this aspect of CBD biology.

“It’s apparent ability to enhance the activation of serotonin 1A receptors supports the possibility that it could be used to ameliorate disorders that include: opioid dependence, neuropathic pain, depression and anxiety disorders, nausea and vomiting (e.g. from chemotherapy), and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,” he said. “One big unanswered question is what the human clinical relevance and importance of each of these potential therapeutic uses of CBD, identified solely by examining data from non-human preclinical research, actually is.”

CBD Partnering with Complex Pharmacology

Understanding CBD’s neurological effects is a complicated business, because of the wide variety of receptors with which it interacts.  But that complexity may be the key to its promise as a therapeutic agent.

Motivational disorders like addiction and anxiety are themselves highly complex; they arise from incompletely understood causes that span multiple receptor systems and neural networks in the brain. CBD’s complex, multi-target effects may therefore be crucial to its potential for aiding the treatment of such disorders. Over the coming years, researchers will continue to further understand this complexity and uncover the full scope of CBD’s therapeutic potential.

Evoq CBD

So How Do I Use It?

Unfortunately, since CBD hasn’t been officially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for anxiety, there are no official guidelines on how to use it if you decide to do so. Most experts recommend starting with a low dose, and working your way up slowly, taking note of how it makes you feel. Everybody reacts differently to CBD

Studies state 300-600mg per day brings relief.  

A lot of people do seem to be finding their own sweet spot. In a 2017 survey of 2,400 people from the medicinal cannabis community, researchers found that the majority use CBD products, and the most common medical condition they are using it for is anxiety.

Most of the CBD-users in this study reported that CBD works very well, with 42 percent saying that they have actually stopped using traditional medications now that they use CBD. Great news!

As noted, research validates that starting with 300-600mg can benefit the user. From my experience, this is good starting place to begin building on your specific needs.  Most likely, the body's not just experiencing "anxiety." Theres a root origin that intertwines a myriad of physiological and mental symptoms together.  So in conclusion, as an adaptogen like compound, the receptors feed what is most deficient first.  

Find our Advanced Terpene Rich + Broad Spectrum 300MG CBD HERE

A little more tense?  Our 1000mg CBD + CBG is a HOT SELLER for instant and long lasting benefits.  This tonic is also infused with additional terpenes and an additional cannabinoid profile for incredible healing power and bioavailability. Find that HERE.

.What About the Risks?

The good news is that despite the lack of FDA approval, people commonly take CBD for anxiety and a wide range of other health and wellness benefits, and negative side effects don’t seem to be too common.

Many people prefer CBD—clinically tested or not—to other common anti-anxiety drugs since these other options can cause some fairly unpleasant side effects; things like confusion, muscle weakness, and vomiting. Anti-anxiety medications can also be very addictive. In one 2017 review researchers conclude that the potential side effects of CBD are generally much more tolerable than those from alternative medications.

Here are eight lifestyle antidotes to be aware of when addressing anxiety and stress:

Keep your relationships strong. You may have 1,000 Facebook Friends and 500 LinkedIn connections, but do you have at least a few close relationships with people who care about you and whom you trust? These are people where you have regular interactions in more than 140 character sound-bites: where you speak about what’s really going on with you and find support and encouragement.

Resolve conflicts quickly. Do you have unresolved relationship tension that’s causing stress? Are you holding a grudge? Maybe it’s time to deal with these and move on. Trying to avoid relationship challenges is usually more draining long-term than having that difficult but needed conversation now.

Don’t worry. Worrying is stressful. It saps energy, life, creativity and resilience. We all worry; the key is not getting stuck there. There are several ways out:

Ask for help. One way out of worry may involve asking a boss, mentor or co-worker for advice or for a hand in getting something done. Or maybe you find yourself taking too long to complete a task because you’re over-analyzing it. If so, collaborate with a “doer” to help you get to decision and action. Delegate. Pray. Or all of the above.

Be thankful. It is amazing how remembering to be grateful can positively shift perspective and reduce worry and stress. How might you develop and maintain an attitude of gratitude?

Stay positive. With bad news, difficult circumstances, Debbie Downers and Doug and Wendy Whiners all around us, focusing intentionally on the good can be like swimming upstream. Get time with positive people. And mix inspirational reading and reflection into your day so your thought life and attitude isn’t governed purely by your intake of news and entertainment.

Do what’s important. Some of us are addicted to busyness; and it’s easy to get busy with stuff that’s not really important. Clarifying what is important and where we really want to say “yes” makes it easier to say “no” to distractions that just wind up creating more stress.

Take care of yourself. Find an exercise routine that works for you. Eat well. Get the rest you need. These habits make a huge difference when it comes to increasing your energy and preventing and coping with stress.


Resource: https://www.leafly.com/news/science-tech/what-does-cbd-do

Questions [and answers] to All Your Burning Questions About CBD

Hi there!    CBD Curious?

If you're just getting started on your exploration of Hemp and the growing industry of CBD enhanced products, this this is a great guide on the basics and how it can possibly help what ails YOU.

Canna-pedia | Topics to explore

  • What is CBD?
  • The difference between Hemp and Marijuana?
  • Cannabinoids and the EndoCannaboid system.
  • The Entourage Effect - Always necessary?
  • Are CBD and Hemp Oil Supplements Legal?
  • Where is Hemp grown and cultivated?
  • The difference between CBD Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil.
  • Is it important to use CBD from organic Hemp?
  • Is CBD Legal?
  • The various ways to take CBD.
  • Finding the right dosage of CBD.
  • What is CBD good for treating? What conditions should I use it for?
  • Is CBD Hemp oil safe to use in Children?



Cannabidiol is a phytocannaboid, a phytochemical that is found in the Cannabis sativaplant. There are many plants and naturally occurring substances that produce CBD. The human body produces CBD as well. CBD supplements are derived from the Hemp plant and may come in the form of isolated CBD or CBD Hemp full spectrum plant oils.


Hemp and Marijuana are both cultivated from the Cannabis sativa plant. Industrial Hemp is cultivated from Cannabis sativa. Hemp is bred to be taller and has fibrous stalks. It has minute traces of THC and is high in CBD oils and other phytochemicals. According to the US laws, Hemp must contain less than .3% THC. Our Evoq product line contains 0% THC and organically derived.   

Marijuana may be from either Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. It is cultivated for its flowering buds and is a smaller plant. It is high in THC, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid that makes you feel “high”. Marijuana is used for recreational and medical purposes to induce a state of Euphoria and help with pain. Most of these affects are due to the high THC content.

CBD is in both Marijuana and Hemp. However, the CBD is much higher in Hemp, and is why Evoq formulates with safe, toxic tagalong FREE industrial hemp.  Plus, Hemp has more phytonutrients and phytochemicals that promote health and well-being.


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Cannabidiol, CBD, is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in Cannabis. It is one of the major phytocannabinoids, accounting for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. CBD and the other Cannabinoids interact with a system known as the Endocannboid system.

The Endocannaboid system is a biological system found in the nervous systems of all mammals. It is made up of endocannabinoids, which are fat based neurotransmitters, cannabinoid receptors, and receptor proteins. The ECS helps to regulate many functions in the human body including:

  • Motor function
  • Appetite
  • Sleep
  • Mood and Wellbeing
  • Hormones
  • Metabolism
  • Immune function
  • Memory and Cognition
  • Fertility
  • Pain sensation

The Human body produces cannabinoids and has receptors for them throughout the whole body. There are 2 main types of Cannabinoid receptors in the Nervous system. The CBD1 receptors are in the central nervous system composed of the brain and spinal cord. The CB2 receptors are in the peripheral nervous system and organs.

THC reacts with the CB1 receptors and that is what gives Marijuana is psychoactive affects. Hemp, which has predominantly non-THC cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN and other phytochemicals has a nutritive effect on the ECS and helps to regulate function of mood, inflammation, immunity, sleep, hormones, metabolism, nervous system and appetite.


The use of full spectrum Hemp oil supplements as the source of CBD is often ideal as it promotes what is known as the Entourage Effect, but there is a caveat.  Isolate is incredibly useful and powerful due to it's consistency and synergy when used with other key components (herbs, extracts, stem cells, etc) in a thoughtful formula.   The key here is that CBD is enhanced, and enhances other beneficial extracts in a formula.  

Full spectrum oils have a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals which work synergistically to enhance the benefits of each other. Some of the nutritional components in Hemp supplements include:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Glycosides
  • Vitamins such as A, C, B-1, B-2, B-6, D
  • Phytosterols
  • Minerals such as zinc, magnesium, Iron and calcium
  • Proteins and amino acids
  • Terpenes
  • Flavonoids and other Anti-oxidants

The Entourage effect means that the whole plant use allows the compounds in the plant to work synergistically with each other and magnify the therapeutic benefits of the individual compounds. This is a concept common in many herbal traditions and is believed to be why plants have less negative side effects when used in whole form than as isolated compounds.

When the CBD Hemp oil supplements are unadulterated, organic and NON-GMO, they provide a wonderful full spectrum food supplement that nourishes the ECS of the body.


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CBD Oil Supplements derived from Industrial Hemp are legal as long as they contain no THC or less than .3% THC. CBD oils from Marijuana are a regulated substance and are only legal in states that allow medical marijuana with a prescription or have legalized recreationaL use.

CBD Hemp oil supplements coming from Industrial Hemp are legal to use and buy in all 50 states. CBD from Marijuana is subject to state laws relating to medical and recreational Marijuana use.


Most industrial Hemp is cultivated in Northern Europe and Spain. In recent years, there has been a boom in Hemp cultivation in the United States, but heeds with caution.

Beware especially when stating"organic" on soil thats only been cleared for 2 years.  Many parts of the EU have been regulated for years, and when choosing a supplier in the US or outside the US, all standards apply to making sure they pass every lab test with verification.  Evoq provides a seed to sail documentation system that creates transparency at every level of extraction.  


Hemp seed oils come from cold pressed hemp seeds. They do not have CBD in them. However, they are rich in essential fatty acids and other nutrients. CBD Hemp oil extracts come from Supercritical CO2 extraction of the Hemp Stalks. The CBD Hemp oils are rich in CBD and other phytonutrients.


 It is essential to use only CBD Hemp supplements derived from Organic Non-GMO Hemp. The CBD is an oil and the oils of plants are storage centers for toxins and chemicals. Whenever supplementing with any oils, it is essential to only use products from plants grown with organic and Non- GMO methods.


There are variety of ways to get CBD Hemp Oil into your health and well-being regime:

  • Pills and Capsules
  • Tinctures and Oil droppers
  • Liquids for food and smoothies
  • Beauty Products
  • Topical creams
  • Vaporizers
  • Chewable snacks


It is best to start with lower doses and work your way up. There are various options for different concentrations of CBD. There have not been adverse reactions reported with CBD supplements. Remember, CBD is naturally occurring in the human body. It is always best to use full spectrum Hemp extracts as a food supplement.

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Decades of research indicate that cannabinoids like CBD interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, a complex system that contributes to a variety of biological processes like inflammation responses, relaxation, sleeping, and appetite. By linking with the two main types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, which are found on cells throughout the body, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, helping it in the regulation of homeostasis — the body’s natural state of balance.

The FDA does not allow the suggestion of CBD oils as a treatment for any diseases. I encourage you to do your own research on CBD for conditions that you are interested in. However, I feel that CBD Hemp supplementation should be looked as a food supplement that supports our ECS and promotes well-being and balance.

The exciting research on CBD has opened up a new window into the ECS and its interaction with our Immune systems, nervous systems, and endocrine systems. This is only the beginning of a new field of research and discovery on healing.


CBD Hemp oil supplements are safe to use in all age groups and demographics. It is a food supplement.



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