10 day detox

Beautiful Health * Detox Introduction

Have you ever felt you body not feeling right?  Fatigue, body aches, unable to digest the foods you eat?  Maybe unexplained headaches?  Skin is dry, breaking out, hair is falling out at an more frequent rate!? Your body could be developing a buildup of toxins, found in the food we eat, air we breathe and the products we use. Toxins may be heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, or other chemicals that don’t mesh well with our optimal health.

What Exactly are Toxins, and Where Do They Come From?

A toxin is defined as any substance that causes harmful effects to our body.  Normally, the immune system, liver and kidneys work together to remove toxins at the same rate as they are encountered.  When toxin levels are in excess of our body’s capacity to remove them, toxins build up and are stored until they are removed.  We can have toxins stored in our bodies for years without experiencing any negative symptoms, but once the burden of toxins becomes too high, we start to feel ill.  We may feel fatigue, headaches, dry and dull skin, experience an increase in allergies, insomnia, just to name a few possibilities.

Environmental Toxins

* Polluted air from factories

* Auto exhaust

* Solvents (paint and cleaning products)

* Heavy metals

* Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides

* Radiation

* Inhalants

Lifestyle Toxins

* Nicotine

* Alcohol

* Caffeine

* Recreational drugs

* Prescription drugs

* Over-the-counter drugs

* Artificial food additives, colorings and preservatives

* Meats that contain hormones and antibiotics

* Refined foods and sugars

* Dietary choices (fast foods, fried foods)

Internal Toxins

* Bacterial, yeast, fungal overgrowth

* By-products of metabolic reactions (such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hormones)

* Undigested food

* Stress

* Unresolved trauma or abuse (experienced as a child or as an adult)

* Unhappy relationships (with a relative, a spouse, a “significant other”, a boss, a co-worker, a neighbor, etc.)

The Science Behind Phase I and II Liver Detoxification

The liver is an amazing organ.  Besides filtering the blood, storing glucose for energy, breaking down steroid hormones and producing/secreting bile, our liver plays a major role in detoxification.  This critical function relies on a two-step enzymatic pathway for the neutralization of unwanted toxic chemical compounds that our bodies encounter on a daily basis. These two pathways occur in series and are known as Phase I and II detoxification pathways.  When either or both of these pathways are not functioning properly, toxins pass through the liver unaffected and move into our blood circulation where they are deposited in various tissues of our body.  This can lead to symptoms such as digestive system disturbances, toxemia, hormonal changes, low energy, mood changes and high cholesterol

Implementing the Detox!

For 10 days you will follow a   specific eating plan. You will start by gently removing toxic products from your diet.  Days 5-7 are considered the core days where you will be eating very specifically and using the UltraClear product.  After the core days, we gently add back some of the more beneficial food groups. You are eating as this is not a starvation diet. Many suggestions and recipes are provided. After the detox, you will gently re-introduce foods to and be able determine what and how foods affect you. This is very powerful, as many foods cause inflammation, sinus issues, and even affect our emotions. You will notice that you feel great.

The product used, UltraClear, is a medical food designed to meet the heightened nutrient needs of individuals with impaired or compromised detoxification capacity, which may be associated with health conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivity. UltraClear is a low-allergy-potential, natural rice protein formula fortified with a specific blend of vitamins, minerals, and accessory nutrients to help promote healthy, balanced detoxification. UltraClear is also enriched with additional antioxidants to help protect against harmful free radicals that are generated during the detoxification process.

Remember, you do EAT during this process, please do not  include any diet habits less than 900 calories per day.

Contact Kassie with any questions at 612 824 7611.     kassiekuehl@Hotmail.com

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