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How Hidden Mold Can Cause Behind Hair Loss, Fatigue, Insomnia and more. [Ultimate Guide + Tips]

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MOLD can make you CRAZY LAZY and HAZY!

But have you thought about hair loss?

If you or someone you love has been struggling with the challenging and often life-altering side effects that come with toxic mold exposure, you know the journey to recovery can be long and tedious.

Some of you may know that I was affected by hidden mold in my ORGANIC salon for over 6 years, and nearly lost my life.

I’ve also witnessed many clients go through this same story - hidden mold, later to be discovered - and delayed severe health conditions to recover from. I’ve seen this through immune deficiencies, skin rashes to hair loss.

Toxic Mold Exposure: Cause Of Health Symptoms

Toxic mold exposure can cause health symptoms, including hair loss.

First, toxic mold exposure is a hidden cause of many health symptoms, including hair loss.

Second, there can be many factors behind the loss of hair you are experiencing. To find solutions, it is important to get informed and to explore all of the possible reasons behind your hair loss.

To go on, many different types of mold can be found inside and outside of the home. Besides, different variations of mold have a different effect on the body.

Mold produces spores.

These spores are released into the air and they float and make their way around your home. Moreover, the reason it is dangerous for us is that we inadvertently inhale those small spores.

When mold spores enter the body, they trigger an allergic reaction.

As a response to allergens, the human body releases histamines.

>>>>> The goal of histamines is to protect the body from intrusions.

However, histamine release leads to inflammation within the body.

>>>>> Ultimately, this swelling disrupts blood flow within your capillaries, which causes mal-oxygenation of the hair.

All in all, when your hair does not get the oxygen it needs, it is not adequately nourished.

Without the nutrition that it needs, hair becomes brittle and weak, and ultimately it will begin to fall out.

What is mold?

Further, mold is typically found in warm, moist environments. You will find it inside and outside your home. In humid conditions, mold can grow at an extremely rapid rate. It can also become tough to destroy in a wet environment that encourages the growth of mold.

The molds that you must be most cautious of are those that emit mycotoxins. This type of poison can do a lot of damage to your body and your overall health. Black mold is an example of a mold that releases mycotoxins.

What Is Black Mold?

You may have already heard of black mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum). It is black in color and quite easy to identify. At times, it can have a grey/green look to it. You will usually find it growing in warm, moist sections of the home. It likes to grow on surfaces like wood, board, paper, and lint.

Aside from its distinct color, black mold has a distinct odor to it as well. An inspector or someone experienced with mold will recognize the smell right away. Most people describe this smell as being musty.

If you live in a climate that is naturally warm and moist or your home is warm and humid. Mould and its harmful effects are something you should know about and keep an eye open for.

If you are exposed to an environment that is moist and warm, and you are also experiencing hair loss, it is important to consider the possibility that black mold might cause your hair loss.

When you inspect your home for mold, pay special attention to areas of the house that are typically damp. Mould is most often found in places like the bathroom, basement, and also crawlspaces that you rarely enter.

The effect that black mold has on your health and your overall wellness system will very much depend on how long you have been breathing it in. Long-term exposure can lead to increasingly severe health problems.

Treatment for Hair Loss Caused by Mold

Be sure to address any problems with mold in your house as quickly as possible. Typically, symptoms will remain until you are no longer exposed to black mold, but it can be necessary for certain people to detox from mold. This can be done through certain herbs, enzymes, etc. There are DR specialized in the sick-building-syndrome.

What is the best way to remove mold from your home? First, carefully search your entire home for mold. You can take this a step further by contracting a mold testing service.

If mold is found in your home, removing it is a matter of urgency. Be sure to use a HEPA vac in your home on a regular basis. This will reduce mold spore and thus improve your allergies.

Will Hair Grow Back?

f you have experienced hair loss, be encouraged by the fact that this is a condition that can be reversed. More than likely regrowth will be slow, but it will come. The key is to make sure that you are no longer exposed to mold or its spores.

The reason that your hair can regrow after hair loss from mold exposure is that your hair follicles have not died. They are in a dormant state. Once you are no longer exposed to mold, those hair follicles can reactivate and function again.

Symptoms of Exposure to Black Mold

If you live in the moist conditions described above and you recognize the symptoms below, it is important to inspect your home for mold fully:

Chronic coughing

Chronic fatigue

Eye irritation


Mucous membrane irritation (mouth, nose, and throat)


Black mold is a serious problem that should be dealt with as soon as you become aware that there is a problem. Its impact on your health can be troublesome, and this only becomes worse the longer you

Hair Loss from Fungal Infections

Another reason that you could be losing your hair is from fungal infections that are similar to mold.

Fungus causes an infection of the skin’s outer layer.

When you have an infection from a fungal infection, it looks different from hair loss from mold allergies.

Fungal infections create hair loss that is patchy. You will first see a pimple on the scalp, which later turns red. The hair falls out, and the area becomes itchy and flaky. You may also experience inflammation of the skin, and your skin could also peel or become scaly.

Fungal infections spread very easily among individuals. Anyone with a weak immune system has a higher risk of becoming infected. Fungal infections are also often the reason behind hair loss in children.

Other Allergies Cause Hair Loss

Mold is not the only thing that can cause hair loss.

Anything that causes an allergic reaction in your system for too long a period can lead to loss of hair.

Everyday things found in every home can result in allergic reactions. Things like pet dander, dust mites, and their excretion, and even certain biological enzymes in laundry detergent.

Low-Mold Diet Tips

A low mold diet is designed to support your body in healing from mold illness in three ways:

It prevents mycotoxins from accumulating in your body by limiting your exposure to potentially contaminated food sources.

It focuses on restoring nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that are caused by mold exposure.

It boosts your body’s immune function and ability to repair itself by minimizing inflammatory foods that suppress your immune system.

It reduces exposure to refined carbohydrates that feed candida and yeast.

What Foods Should I Avoid on the Low-Mold Diet?

When it comes to following a low-mold diet, you’ll want to strictly avoid foods that are chock-full of sugars and additives. These fuel fungal growth and could exacerbate your symptoms.

You’ll also want to avoid foods that are notorious for being contaminated with mold.

To make it simple, I like to break these down into the following three categories:

Sugar-Laden Foods

Sugars are one of the primary sources of fuel for candida or mold. Sugar, in particular, can be sneaky because it can go by many different names and may be hidden in places you wouldn’t expect – even in foods you might consider “healthy”.

When following the low-mold diet, you should avoid:

  • Table sugar

  • Glucose

  • Lactose

  • Fructose

  • Mannitol

  • Sorbitol

  • Honey

  • Maple syrup

  • Molasses

  • Candy

  • Baked goods

Certain fruits also have a notoriously high sugar content and should be avoided when detoxing from mold.

These include:

  • Pineapples

  • Mangoes

  • Bananas

  • Melons

  • Oranges

  • Grapes

  • Dried fruits and fruit juices

While sugar is typically the biggest dietary culprit that contributes to fungal growth, fast-absorbing carbohydrates and man-made additives can also promote mold growth – which leads us to our next category of foods to avoid.

Packaged and Processed Foods

Processed and pre-packaged foods almost always contain sugars, simple carbs, and/or additives that will fuel fungal growth in the body.

You’ll want to stay away from:

Canned foods: Baked beans, soups, ready-made sauces

Pre-packaged meals: Ready-made meals, breakfast cereals, frozen foods

Processed drinks: Soft drinks, fruit juices, flavored water, energy drinks

Bottled condiments: Vinegar, mayonnaise, pickles, soy sauce, mustard, relish

Try getting in the habit of reading the ingredient list of any product before you buy it. If it has more than five ingredients or is full of things you don’t recognize – it’s probably best to avoid it while on the low-mold diet.

Mold and Yeast Containing Foods

Some examples are:

Cheese and sour milk products: Buttermilk, sour cream, cream cheese, aged cheese

Nuts: Peanuts, cashews, walnuts, Brazil nuts

Dried fruit: Raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, dates, etc.

Grains: Wheat, rice, oats

Packaged and smoked meats: Sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami, smoked fish, ham, bacon

Edible fungi: Mushrooms, truffles

Alcoholic beverages: Beer, wine, cider, liqueur, whiskey, gin, rum, tequila, etc.

Fermented foods should be avoiding in those with histamine intolerance

While this list may seem restrictive, the good news is, there are still plenty of delicious foods allowed on the low-mold diet.

Foods Are Allowed on the Low-Mold Diet

Foods to Eat in Moderation:

Foods you can incorporate into the low-mold diet in moderation include:

Gluten-free grains: Brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, teff, certified gluten-free oats

Starchy vegetables and legumes: Sweet corn, potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, sweet potatoes, squashes, turnips, parsnips

Low-sugar fruits: Berries, apples, pears, peaches, avocadoes

It’s ok to incorporate these foods into your diet on occasion, but try building the majority of your meals around the foods in the next category.

Foods to Eat Freely:

When it comes to the food you consume while following a low-mold diet, quality matters – a lot! When purchasing meat, opt for organic, pasture-raised, and grass-fed options.

When it comes to fish and seafood, wild-caught is always a superior option. And when it comes to any kind of produce, always look for organic.

Foods to indulge in as much as you’d like while on a low-mold diet:

Poultry (pasture-raised, organic only): Chicken, eggs, turkey, quail, pheasant

Fish (wild-caught only): Salmon, tuna, anchovy, sardines, flounder, catfish, caviar

Other meats (grass-fed only): Beef, goat, lamb, buffalo, wild game, rabbit

Raw nuts and seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, pecans, sesame seeds

Leafy greens: Romaine, kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, green and red cabbage

Root vegetables: Carrots, onions, radishes, garlic

Gourd vegetables: pumpkins, squash, eggplants, zucchini

Other vegetables: Cucumbers, brussel sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers

Spices: Pure vanilla, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, pink Himalayan salt, wasabi, horseradish

Herbs: Parsley, cilantro, basil, chives, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon, etc.

Healthy fats: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, ghee, organic butter

Beverages: Filtered water, mineral water, non-fruity herbal teas, fresh vegetable juice

Building your meals around these nutrient-dense, whole foods will equip your body with the nutrients it needs to properly heal and detox.

Mold and Cravings

  • The simpler the carbs, the better. But mould would really prefer you go straight for the sugar.

  • People on long-term steroid medication, mold in the gut becomes a dense biofilm.

  • This biofilm hosts the gut fungus candida - which steals the nutrients for itself, leaving our intestine deprived.

  • Mold sufferers are craving these carbs and sugars because the candida is stealing it!

Getting Rid of Moldy Foods

If you’ve been suffering from the symptoms of toxic mold exposure, chances are you’re chomping at the bit to implement strategies to help alleviate your symptoms. But before you head to the fridge or grocery store and start whipping up a meal, it’s important to assess any food you’re planning on using.

Are There Any Other Ways to Enhance Mold Detoxification?

When you’re fighting mold illness, the symptoms can feel overwhelming and your recovery time may or may not be quick. On top of following the low-mold diet, you can enhance your detoxification and significantly cut your recovery time down by using the following strategies.

Use Detox Binders:

Detox binders are designed to “bind” to toxins in your body so they can be safely eliminated.

The most effective detox binders that I recommend include:

  • Activated Charcoal

  • Upgraded Coconut Charcoal

  • Binders

  • G.I. Detox

Supplements that aid in facilitating detoxification:

  • Glutathione

  • Milk Thistle Extract

  • R-Lipoic Acid

  • Quercetin

  • N-Acetylcysteine

Ways to Prevent Mould From Growing in Your House

Mould can grow on a surface when moisture is there for 24-48 hours. To prevent that from manifesting:

Do not leave wet towels or swimmers on a wooden surface like a wooden chair, wooden tablet, window sill etc.

Clean up right after a spill on wood.

Use the kitchen fan on.

When having a hot (steamy) shower, use the exhaust fan.

Use a dehumidifier on the lower levels of your house and monitor your humidity.

Don’t have cupboard boxes on the floor in store rooms.

Don’t store your possession under your bed. Let there be a free flow underneath.

When building storage units, put it on stilts so there is space underneath.

Build with bricks, not sticks (wood).

Get an air filter. Or use your lungs. However, one you can change, and the other you can’t. Change the filter regularly.

“Dust with gusto” - dust your house.

Dust - one of the easiest ways to feed mold.

How Long Does It Take to Get Mold Out of Your System?

The answer to that question is – it depends. Exactly how long it’ll take you to recover from mold illness depends on three main factors:

1. Length of Exposure:

This is the single greatest factor in determining how long it will take for mold to get out of your system. If you’ve been exposed for long periods of time, such as years, you’re likely to have mold buildup in your body.

Typically, the longer the exposure, the longer the recovery time. This is why removing any sources of mold exposure is the very first step in recovering from mold illness. If you fail to remove the sources of mold exposure – whether environmental or through the foods you eat – you may never be able to fully heal.

2. Type of Exposure:

Nearly 90% of all molds don’t affect the majority of the population due to them being nonpoisonous. But for those with fungal allergies, even these “harmless” molds can cause big problems.

And, if you have fungal allergies and you’re unlucky enough to be exposed to the 10% of poisonous molds – your recovery is expected to take longer than most. This is thanks to the toxic metabolites produced by poisonous molds known as mycotoxins. These mycotoxins can accumulate in your body and cause damage over time.


To learn more about mold, make sure to check out the Awaken Beauty Podcast Episode with Dr Jill where you can dive deep into how you can further protect yourself from mold!


Dr Jill Crista

Dr. Crista’s Website, Instagram & Facebook

Dr. Crista’s Book – Break the Mold

Take the Mold Quiz HERE

Dr Jill Carnihan/Sandra Bloom Article Reference

Testing for Mold

  • Urine test for mycotoxins. Mycotoxins that leave the body. But not for all as some people have impaired detox symptoms they can’t get these toxins transported to the urine.  - Reduces foods high in mycotoxins before doing this test.

    • such as the Great Plains MycoTOX profile and Vibrant Wellness both use good technology.

    • Since sick patients may have their mycotoxins sitting in their cells and not being eliminated, do not take glutathione or binders for 48 hours before the test, so the test shows true levels.

    • Blood tests - including Immune globulin reaction to candida albicans for candida overgrowth.

  • Shoe maker eye test.

  • Stool - can check for fungal overgrowth in the gut, which means fungus burdening all over the body. Don’t take probiotics before this test.

  • organic acid - Great Plains -

  • Natural Killer Cell function test - how active they are. below 7 = deeply affected.

  • MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staph) and the sample should be sent to Microbiology DX in Massachusetts. - For CIRS. Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

Setting COVID-19 Aside ⚠️ Free Webinar on Detoxing RETRO-Viruses!

cellcore bioscences

HELLO beautiful!⠀⠀⠀

Real talk here. 
As we are learning about a particular virus as of late, I want to shine a light on how a hidden and silent TRUE epidemic of retroviruses affects our everyday health. How do you FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE A HIDDEN RETROVIRUS ...  and safely filter it out of your body?  It's complicated, but 100% possible.  

Could a "non-corona" retrovirus be contributing to your ....

- fatigue

- bloating
- allergies

- insomnia

- complex illness, etc?

Microbes can suppress your immune system, reproduce inside your cells, alter your genetic material, hide inside parasites, and make other infections worse.
Viruses target specific cells and tissues in your body. When infected by a virus, a host cell is forced to produce thousands of identical copies of the virus at an extraordinary rate. In some cases, the genetic material of a virus can remain dormant within a cell for years until triggered again.
Fortunately, careful lifestyle choices and detoxification can play a key role in the prevention, management, and treatment of infections.

Here's how I'm standing on the front line and helping women one by one with scientifically proven quantum science technology.
Each week I perform a personalized biofeedback health analysis for members of my High Vibe Health and Beauty membership.  

This enables me to track and see first hand what low-grade infections, viruses, molds, parasites (and more) are present.  

I then create personalized sound healing tones to help energetically irradicate them - bringing the body back into balance.  

And YES!  I even include a rife frequency that helps remove the damn Corona Virus! 

Pretty epic (and sci-fi, right?)
In light of this, I recently recorded a webinar (track back to minute one of the video on the hyperlink) for my members on the important phases of a liver detox, and how Cellcore Biosciences helps take hold of viruses, mold and parasites.   

If you have any questions about how you can relieve the stress bombarding your mind, body and spirit today,  please feel free to reach out by hitting reply. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

How Biofeedback can help support your stress TODAY!   

SO TELL ME .....

Do you find yourself swimming in google or at the store shelf wondering...

  • What products “really work”

  • What products are best for you

  • The best products that provide real solutions and results that are safe, natural and organic. 

Well, what if you could KNOW all of these things...before you waste more money, time and frustration? 

Would you like to spend more time on what you CAN control versus what you cannot control?

What if you had a SURE “path wellness and youthfulness” that would make seeing exactly what your body, mind and spirit need daily  not just realistic…but even EASY? 

What if you never had to “guess” what you need to assure youre removing key stressors every day that just leads to accelerated aging, depression or fatigued…

And instead, you know EXACTLY what you need, what you should consider buying to support your specific needs  (AND all while increasing your vibrational cellular energy)?

The good news is…  You can with the latest quantum science health technology! 

Reach out to to learn more!


Quantum Biofeedback is an empowering tool that helps you enhance youth, longevity and a less stressed state of being.

We now know from energetic and neuroplasticity research that our literal words change our DNA.  With the same application, we can use biofeedback as a focused output frequency that begins to change the DNA.

The biofeedback personalized healing sound tones point to your exact frequency needed to clear or harmonize the stressors in your biofield.  At the deepest biological level, biofeedback is creating cellular harmony, reducing the stress that's in your energy field and thus freeing up and re-energizing your body.

Biofeedback through this program is the newest technology that allows you to gain invisible and additional information about yourself by "peeling back the layers of the onion” to your most optimal health and longevity.  

The feedback of frequencies to your energy field is like "reminding" your energetic body to come back into the most beautiful symphony of homeostasis and balance.

Frequent and consistent imprinting of these customized frequencies into your field will yield the most positive impact.

Implementing the information you learn from your current state of bioenergetic health is invaluable and direct connective point to empower you to implement these details to enhance your lifestyle through emotional insights to focus in your meditation, nutritional choices, clearing your space from other toxic relationship “residue picked up in work/other” and much much more - that will expedite and enhance the harmonization and healing process.

Contact me today to learn more!

The RIGHT Way to Detox. Counting Calories or Counting Chemicals?

Spring is a time where we become more aware of the importance of detoxification due to the changing of the season and the need of the body to shift into new energies and lifestyles. 

From beauty magazines to wellness bloggers, we see many talking about their favorite detoxes. Detoxes for skin, rapid detoxes, juice detoxes, colon cleanses – you name it! It seems everyone has their own take on how to detox your body.

BUT .... is it appropriate, safe, or right for you?

Let’s chat about what it means to truly detox your body. No lemon drinks or apple cider vinegar fasts – this article shares how to truly detox your beautiful bod - through your detox pathways and a look at the different ways you can support them for truly safe and effective detoxification.


First things first. 


Your body has four major detoxification organs, and they are:

  • Your liver
  • Your kidneys
  • Your digestive system
  • Your skin

    Other detoxification pathways include your lungs and lymphatic system but these are the four major organs that can easily be supported for effective and improved detoxification.

We are exposed to tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While everyone should be working to reduce their daily toxin exposure, the truth of the matter is unless you live in a bubble – you can’t possible eliminate all toxin exposure. That being said, no one should rely on detoxification alone – read about how to Reduce Your Daily Toxin Exposure, in my free guide.

When it comes to being healthy, implementing detoxification techniques should be right up there with diet and exercise. This advice goes for everyone, but is especially important for anyone dealing with chronic health issues. Let’s look at the four detoxification organs more closely and learn how you can support each for optimal detoxification that goes beyond a trendy one time spring cleaning. 



1. Detox Through Your Liver

When it comes to your body’s detoxification pathways your liver is the workhorse of organs. The largest solid organ in your body, your liver takes quite the beating as it filters through toxins, proteins, fats, and more.  

Your liver is about the size of a football and is divided into two lobes, which has eight segments. Compared to the rest of your body, your liver requires a lot of blood and contains between 10 to 13 percent of your entire blood supply in it at one time.

Though your liver has a ton of work to do when it comes to detoxifying your body, it’s up for the challenge – provided you give it the support it needs. Detoxification in the liver happens in two-parts – phase 1 and phase 2. Each phase has different requirements, which you can support through diet and supplementation.

You can support Phase 1 liver detox with:

  • B vitamin supplements
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Polyphenols
  • Quercetin
  • Lycopene

You can support Phase 2 liver detox with:

  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium
  • Essential amino acids

Studies have also found that intermittent fasting supports Phase 2 detoxification.

Foods known to positively impact liver detoxification include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Grapefruit
  • Resveratrol
  • Fish oils
  • Green and black tea


2. Detox Through Your Kidneys

You have two kidneys located on either side of your spine just below the ribs. Your kidneys filter between 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day, which produces one to two quarts of urine. Your urine contains excess fluid and waste as a method of detoxification.

Blood is filtered through a million nephrons, where each contains a glomerulus and tubule. These prevent large molecules from passing through while filtering out waste products. Additionally, nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor known to protect the kidneys from oxidative stress. To improve your body’s detoxification processes, you’ll need to be sure to support these important processes.

You can support kidney detoxification with:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Resveratrol
  • Isoflavonoids
  • Astaxanthin

Foods known to boost kidney detoxification include:

  • Coffee
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Seaweed
  • Beets
  • Cranberries



3. Detox Through Your Digestive System

Going to the bathroom is another major detoxification pathway. If you aren’t going regularly or are constipated, this is more than a discomfort – you’re actually not getting necessary waste out.

Also, if you have any digestive issues – like leaky gut for example – your gut detoxification pathway isn’t functioning at its prime and that’s also an issue.

You can support digestive detoxification with:

  • Making sure you address any underlying gut issues. This means healing leaky gut, eliminating gluten and food sensitivities, and anything else that might be preventing your digestive system from functioning optimally.
  • Use detox binders – Detox binders, like activated charcoal and certain clays, can help collect toxins along the digestive tract and help your body eliminate them through your waste.

Foods that can support gut detoxification include anything that supports a healthy microbiome:

  • Probiotic foods including sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like Jerusalem artichoke and garlic

4. Detox Through Your Skin

Your skin plays an important role in biotransformation and detoxification through eliminating toxic substances. Your skin also helps reduce oxidative stress through sweating, it’s metabolizing enzymes, and redox regulation. The best ways to support your skin’s natural detox pathways is by eating nutrient dense foods and sweating more.

You can support detoxification through your skin with:

  • Exercise – One of the best things about exercise is it gets you sweating. Sweating is an important detoxification pathway in your body that only works when it’s turned on. Meaning, if you’re not sweating on a regular basis you aren’t getting the benefits of this detoxification pathway. When you exercise, make sure you sweat so you get the most out of your work out.
  • Infrared saunas – Infrared saunas heat your core temperature and make you really sweat. This has been shown to help your body excrete heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Plus, infrared saunas are incredibly enjoyable. I recommend you look for an infrared sauna near you and incorporate it into your weekly routine today.
  • Dry brushing – Dry brushing actually works through stimulating the lymphatic system but it also can help remove toxins on the surface and exfoliate dead skin too.

If you’re going to jump on the detox bandwagon this spring, I recommend you use methods that actually work. Instead of choosing something trendy, why don’t you incorporate some of these detox techniques into your everyday life so you can reap the benefits of detoxification on a daily level.

Too many people are counting calories and not enough people are counting chemicals and it’s time we paid attention with better detoxification practices.


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Thank you Dr Jill Carnahan for sharing this great information. Find the full article here.



Optimize, Repolarize and Detoxify with Polar Mins! (One of our best kept secrets inside)

Optimize your beautiful health with Polar Mins!   

This is one of my favorite "little secrets" to optimizing both the value of nutrition, and your very own health internally and externally.  Learn more about Polar Mins, and the easy - key assets it brings to your every day life.  

Main Benefits:

  • Polar Mins detoxifies and repolarizes raw, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods.     

  • Helps to remove harmful pesticide residues.

  • Helps with rapid repolarization of your body.

  •   A Geomagnetic, Colloidal Ocean Mineral Concentrate from the South Pole.

  • polar mins  The most complete, electrochemically charged and trace element mineral tonic in the world

  •     A rich, natural and highly concentrated source of all minerals and trace elements from the deep, pristine Southern Ocean near Antarctica

  •     100:1 concentrate: 1 gallon of Polar Mins is equal to the minerals found in 100 gallons of ocean water

  •     Derived by a proprietary sun-evaporation process from ultra-pure Antarctic-originated water; over 97% of the salt (NaCl) has been removed, leaving a pure, highly ionized mineral concentrate

  •     Natural, ionized minerals are the most easily absorbed and are necessary for literally all body functions as well as efficient, deep-seated detoxification *

  •     Excellent as a mineral spray to detoxify and repolarize food

  •     A highly electrically charged mineral concentrate for whole body super-health and wellbeing *

The Origin of Polar Mins

The Southern Ocean surrounding the South Pole. Polar Mins come from one of the purest, most uncontaminated oceans on earth, the Southern Ocean, located near the South Magnetic Pole - the point on the Earth's surface where the geomagnetic field lines are directed vertically upwards - producing unusually excellent mineral ionization.

The highly ionized minerals in Polar Mins assist in breaking down chemical accumulation within the body. These same minerals are also easily absorbed by cells and aids in hydration and flushing out toxins. Only a small amount in a glass of drinking water is needed to deliver these ionized minerals.

How to Detoxify and Re-polarize Food

To detoxify and repolarize raw, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods, fill a spray bottle with 90% purified water and 10% Polar Mins by volume. Shake a few times to mix the ingredients. For each individual food item (such as a tomato, apple, or banana), spray over approximately 4 times, wait 30 seconds and rinse before eating.  For other produce like collard greens and broccoli, spray the simages-1tems or roots in addition to spraying the entire food item, wait for 30 seconds and rinse thoroughly. When soaking nuts, grains, and legumes, add a few drops to the soak water. Make sure to rinse thoroughly.

Since a raw food item is still in a living state, the Polar Mins spray acts as an excellent electrochemical "foliar feed," supplying badly needed ionized minerals to detoxify any toxic components of the food as well as allowing the food item to absorb highly beneficial minerals which helps create electromagnetically superior "structured water" inside its cells. This procedure is excellent even for organic foods which are still typically deficient in mineral content (as compared to optimal mineral levels).

Dermal Mist

The Polar Mins Spray may also be used to "mist" skin areas on the body such as the arms, legs, face, head, hair, etc. Just as raw foods are able to absorb ionized minerals, human skin can easily absorb them as well. Use 1 to 4 sprays at a time on various body areas (spray directly on bare skin) as an excellent energy boost or to supply ionized minerals to specific body areas. To avoid unnecessary detoxification, allow some time between misting (if more than 4 sprays are used).

Keeping Your Plants Healthy

House plants love Polar Mins! For enhanced, more luxuriant plant growth (inside or out), either water them with a 10% solution of Polar Mins once a month or spray them frequently. Plants need ionized minerals, too!

The Phosphate Dilemma

Food grown on land that has been treated with commercial forms of acid-treated phosphates do not incorporate the phosphate into its molecular structure, but instead, trap the phosphate in a free form. In contrast, natural electrochemical colloids (as found in sea minerals) prevent this effect, so the phosphate can be properly arranged within its molecule.

When people eat commercial foods grown with excessive amounts of acid-treated phosphates, they excrete a high percentage in their urine. In contrast, foods grown with colloidal phosphate have a balanced phosphate structure in their cells; when people eat these foods, the body will conserve them and not need to dump them out in the urine. People who go on high levels of raw foods that have been grown on soils treated with acid-treated phosphate will begin to have health concerns with their water balance, creating artificial dehydration.

This is one of the main reasons for steaming or boiling commercially grown vegetables and grains. The heating process releases trapped free phosphates which would be harmful, yet leaves good colloid phosphates already in place to be active when consumed. It is best to throw out the leftover water from steaming or boiling commercial produce because it will be high in free phosphates.

Worldwide research (from Popp, Korzykski, LeBon, Picardi, Sckwenk) has demonstrated the importance of electrochemical compound colloids. Researcher Albert Popp of Germany found that the structure of water is determined by minute quantities of electrochemical compound colloids. The structuring of water in body fluids can enhance or detract from the transmission of blueprint information to DNA. If the water in body fluids is more structured (and therefore will have a higher surface electrical charge), it will have a higher energy potential. This means the water, through the effect of the electrochemical colloids, will be able to transport energy (such as heat, electromagnetic energies) at much higher, more efficient levels in and out of cells - in short, increased cellular energy and function.

Sea minerals are very high in electrochemical compound colloids so when consumed, the body can function at much higher efficiency. Polar Mins are an unusually excellent source of the full spectrum of sea minerals from the deep, pristine sea near Antarctica so they deliver a superior source of colloids for immediate use by the body's cells.

Polar Mins

Serving Size: 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon)
Servings Per Container: about 100
Sodium   90mg
Potassium   116mg
Calcium   0.02mg
Magnesium   422mg
Sulfur   69mg
Carbon   109mg
100% pure Antarctic-derived mineral concentrate  (over 97% of salt has been removed)

All supplements are sold at Kasia, and may be ordered via telephone.  Stop by Kasia Organic Salon for additional questions.    612 824 7611

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This health product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  Health Products USA recommends consulting a physician before taking any health supplements.

How to Support Natural Body Detoxification

Over time, our bodies can start to be brought down by the toxins, chemicals, and waste that build up in our systems. Whether it is from external, environmental factors (like pollution or natural exposure to toxins) or something wrong internally (such as a poor diet ofunhealthy foods), it’s important to maintain your health by ridding these built up toxins.

The topic of "detox" is overwhelming and you will come across nearly 56 million webpages. Let’s skip the sales pitch and find out some simple principles of detoxing, shall we

Natural detox: your body knows how

Your body is detoxifying all the time. The natural processes of metabolism create streams of waste, and we’re also ingesting, inhaling, and absorbing pathogens, chemicals, allergens, and other toxins. Our bodies work continually to deactivate and eliminate these harmful substances.

Natural detox is a collection of responses that occur throughout your body, literally without pause. And the human body is remarkably successful at disassembling and removing the majority of toxic substances and metabolic wastes.

What is the source of body toxicity?

In addition to the old-school toxins we’ve encountered for years, we now have an array of allergens, by-products, wastes, chemicals, and organisms that our bodies simply do not know how to process. It’s true that the human body is amazingly adaptable, but our systems have not yet adjusted to these diverse “foreigners to life,” or xenobiotics. Instead, these outsiders become part of an enormous “toxic load” we carry indefinitely.

Where are all these toxins — old and new — coming from? They’re all around us — in the air, water, food, and environment, and they may be disguised in some clever camouflage:

  • Air, water, and environmental pollutants (including jet fuel residue)
  • Food contaminants, such as pathogens and by-products of certain industrialization processes
  • Chemicals we absorb, inhale, or ingest (from construction materials, furniture and flooring, clothing, cleaning supplies, personal care products, and more)
  • Pharmaceutical medications (antibiotics, HRT, NSAID’s, etc.), recreational drugs, second-hand smoke, and alcohol
  • Radiation and electromagnetic fields
  • Heavy metals, aluminum, and toxic halides
  • Hormones and endocrine disruptors
  • Mold, mildew, and “superbug” pathogens
  • Free radicals

In addition, problems with detoxification can occur right inside us. Because the gastrointestinal tract is your body’s initial interface with a large percentage of the toxins it encounters, any chronic digestive issue can interfere with detox. If you have IBS, for example, you may have trouble detoxifying — but an imbalance in your gut flora can also limit your gut’s natural detox function.

What’s surprising is that we ourselves generate some of the strongest, or most reactive, poisons and toxins. Many lifestyle factors have a grave impact on health, including poor diet, low water intake, lack of exercise, and inadequate rest. But emotions can be poisonous, too. Stress, anxiety, depression, and even “toxic” relationships affect you physically and add heavily to the load your body is trying to detoxify.

Some people have innate limitations in their ability to detoxify. In some cases, these factors can be “pathological” (leading to disease) when left unaddressed. Either they’re born with genetic traits that interfere with healthy liver function (such as a GSTM 1 polymorphism) or normal metabolism of nutrients (for example, an MTHFR polymorphism), or they develop detox issues as a result of lifestyle influences or hormone imbalance during perimenopause.

Even under such challenging conditions, toxicity is not your destiny. There is a tremendous amount you can do — right away — to limit and offset the effects of toxins. And of course, stopping poisonous substances from entering your system in the first place should be a top priority.

Natural detoxification systems — the whole-body concept

Detoxification is accomplished by many internal systems and organs working in unison to identify, deactivate, and eliminate toxic substances. These mundane reactions help clear out toxins and purify your internal environment.

  • Respiration: breathing (gas exchange), coughing, sneezing, clearing mucus
  • Skin: sweating, sebaceous (oil) gland secretion, tears
  • GI system: liver function, intestinal tract function (our “first line” defense), including stool excretion
  • Kidneys: acid/alkaline balancing, urination
  • Circulation and lymph systems: blood flow, lymph circulation, node function

Because all these systems cooperate for whole body detoxification, problems in any one can allow toxins to accumulate, or interferes with the removal of highly reactive compounds, which can then move in and camp out in your organs and tissues.

Let’s take a closer look at how the job of detoxification is divided up.


The liver is the powerhouse of detoxification, since one of its primary functions is to isolate and biotransform toxic molecules so they can be eliminated. With its ability to create various enzymes and chemicals, the liver quickly deactivates most poisons you take in or create. Our special page on liver function shows how you can provide support to keep this critically important organ functioning well.


Your kidneys act as an advance filtering system to catch wastes and toxins circulating in your blood and eliminate them through urination. If this process becomes sluggish or begins to fail, poisonous substances build up, and your health can deteriorate rapidly. Supporting kidney function involves eating an alkalizing diet, with mineral-rich fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of pure water (distilled, filtered, or spring). Alcohol, particularly in excess, can be very hard on the kidneys.

GI tract

When the gut isn’t healthy...

“Leaky gut syndrome” occurs when the lining of the GI tract becomes porous, allowing food particles to directly enter the bloodstream. Such particles are considered toxins by the immune system, so leaky gut can be the starting point for some food allergies and systemic inflammation.

For natural detoxification, there is nothing more important than good digestive health. Your gut is the gateway for most pathogens, but it is also your initial defense against toxins, germs, and unwanted substances. Taking care of the GI tract starts with choosing non-toxifying foods, and results in better elimination — the prime vehicle for toxin removal.

Your GI tract is lined with a mucous membrane that, when healthy, forms an “intelligent” barrier that helps prevent toxins from entering your bloodstream and allows escaped xenobiotics to pass back into the intestines for elimination (called “antiporter” detox). Good GI health through proper diet can help keep this membrane intact and functioning well. A healthy supply of “friendly bacteria” in the gut helps you handle the food you eat and wards off any pathogens lurking in your food. Gut flora can also stop pathogens from re-entering your system until your body can dispose of the intruders.

Fluidity is Key

First things first: fluidity is key! When it comes to detoxifying the body, you want to provide the body with a simple, seamless route for excavation. By and large, removing the waste and toxicity through fluids is the most promising. (Some argue in favor of “sweating it out”, but this will require keeping hydration levels high as well!). Keep these things in mind:

  • Eight 8-oz glasses/day – The normal recommendation is to drink up to eight 8-oz glasses per day. This is quite a bit of water, but it provides the body with just its basic needs for growth, maintenance, and proper health. When detoxing, it’s important to get this and more!
  • Be Strategic – When it come to getting enough fluids, be strategic in your approach. Keep water where you send most of your time, mix up your intakes sources (juice, iced tea, coconut water), and consider setting a timer to get you drinking every few hours.
  • Hydrate through Foods – Of course, you also want to get plenty of water from your foods. Foods like celery are great for getting nutrition along with hydration – make them a part of your hydrating regimen! Check out the citruses and apples in mind, too!

Sustaining a Healthy Body

When it comes to detoxing, be sure to keep in mind that you are what you eat. It’s actually quite likely you’re feeling groggy, weakened, and frustrated because of the food you’ve been eating. That being said, the next time in detoxing naturally is to supply yourself with the nutrients you need to get full nourishment. Follow these simple tips for better eating:

  • Quit the Bad – To start, stop eating the bad foods you’re eating right now! Ward yourself away from processed, refined foods and sugary, non-nutritious ‘meals’ that so often stock the shelves at our local stores. This is also your chance to do some digging with your favorite brands and find out if that snack of yours is contributing to your poor feelings.
  • Eat Whole – In replacement of these incomplete foods, start supplying yourself with whole, nutritious foods. Going organic is also the best choice, as the pesticides and chemicals found in artificial fertilizers may be contributing your poor health. Also, avoid GMO foods altogether. With the considerably controversy behind these foods, as well as the adamant stance of companies to not allow testing or labeling, GMO foods cannot be considered safe.
  • Increase the Raw – Eating more raw food can also be your ticket to better health. As they say, if you cook it, you kill it. Raw foods are more nutritious, have fewer carcinogens, and can help you push out the toxins currently in your body.
  • More Greens – Finally, eat more greens! Getting a few extra servings of fruits and veggies is probably something you need to do anyways, so take your detox as the first opportunity to really implement this change.
  • Stretch it out – With simple stretches, you can improve your digestion system, circulation, and energy level. Take time everyday to sit down, relax, and stretch out the bad that has been building up.

I'ts a Lifestyle

Having a healthy, whole body does not need to be hard- make it simple and make it successful.



Digestive health and how to 'activate' your hydrochloric acid!


These two are absolutely our #1 priority and recommendation for anyone over 30 years old!

PRL Premier HCL Activator is designed to be used with   Premier HCL.

HCL Activator from Premier Research Labs is a botanical supplement that is designed for whole body detox and remethylation support.

Quantum HCL Activator is designed for use with HCL (hydrochloric acid) to liberate its well-known detox capacity of HCL to support the strengthening of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health.


  • Supports whole body cleansing and health
  • All natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.
  • Supports immune, gastrointestinal, arterial and whole body cleansing and health
  • Supports excellent oral and dental detoxification
  • Supports purification and deep-cleansing of the lymphatic system, especially congested tissue

The HCL Detox Program is a great program to support the cleansing of all the bodys organs and glands.

Most people on a western diet have had their stomach’s ability to produce hydrochloric acid (HCL) compromised by age 30 and need an HCL supplement as their most important digestive aid to properly break down their food. Rotting food is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. Heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by a lack of HCL. Without enough HCL, the food starts to rot and produce lactic acid which causes the acid reflux. Anti-acids actually make the condition worse. HCL addresses the cause by helping to digest the meal properly.

HCL also has superior anti-infective properties and can be useful, at higher dosages, with any bacterial infestation. At very high dosages, for a long term (6-18 months) it has the potential to help the body dissolve calcium deposits, which is the underlying issue with arthritis.

Premier HCL Activator when used with Premier HCL, helps to liberate the deep seated detox capacity of HCL to promote peak efficiency of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health. This HCL Detox is a highly effective, inexpensive procedure used by medical pioneers in the 1930s with outstanding results for cleansing all the body's organs and glands. Now you can benefit from this same amazing health procedure and enjoy the added benefits of all natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.

Premier HCL Activator and Premier HCL can support the body with:

  • anti-aging/life extension - help restore a third of your life
  • malaria, tuberculosis, lymes disease, recluse spider bites
  • suppression of oncogenes and reactivation of tumor suppressor genes
  • most efficient cellular detoxification mechanism
  • most efficient vehicle to restore cellular methylation reserves - can achieve the complex transfer and cellular uptake essential for cell re-methylation

Fountain of Youth Bonus:

A marker of aging is the number of methyl groups in the cell. We use up about 1200 per day, if eating a raw food diet or using HCL for digestion after each meal. When eating cooked food without the HCL support, we use up 1800 methyl groups per day. Once gone, the cells are aged and degenerated. So using the Premier HCL Activator along with the Premier HCL can save up to a third of your life. Wow!

But even better news...when you add the HCL Activator to the Premier HCL, you begin a remethylation process. As you recover these methyl groups over time, you regain a portion of your life...and health.

Additionally, some people wonder if the HCL causes your urine pH to be more acidic. It actually helps you become more alkaline. Although it provides the needed digestive acid in the stomach, once processed by digestion, it becomes alkaline in the blood and urine. It also has a stearlizing and anti-infective affect.



Learn more about the essential needs of HCL in your diet HERE.

Contact Kassie at 612 824 7611 for further questions.

All products discussed can be purchased at Kasia Organic Salon.

Reference: Totalhealthsecrets (.) com

Yerba Mate plant effects your Beautiful Health….infused Kasia Tea.

Yerba Mate is an amazing plant….infused  Fair Trade Kasia Tea.

"It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

Yerba Mate is a sought after source of difficult to find important nutrients: Vitamins B-1, B-2, A, riboflavin, carotene, colin, pantothenic acid, inositol and 15 types of amino acids (F. Alikaridis 1987). It also contains significant quantities of the all important iron, potassium, and magnesium minerals, something Green Tea lacks. As noted by The Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific Society, "It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

More about Yerba Mate

Just about everyone has felt the jittery side effects of stimulants at one time or another. Yerba mate, in contrast, appears to give your brain a boost without making you nervous. You feel alert and sharp. Interestingly, it actually works as a tonic for the central nervous system, calming the body and the mind. It has also been shown to improve mood and concentration, reduce anxiety, and prevent mental fatigue.


How it works

There are 196 chemicals in yerba mate that are active in the body including B vitamins; Vitamins A, C, and E; and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and selenium. And mate has 11 polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Plus, it's high in chlorophyll, which gives it its rich green color and may offer additional antioxidant benefits.


But the most important chemical in mate is one by the name of "mateine." Mateine is a xanthine alkaloid. You might have heard of other xanthines, such as caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. Mateine appears to possess the best combination of xanthine properties. Like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike others, it doesn't appear to be addicting. Unlike caffeine, it isn't a strong diuretic, so it's much less likely to dehydrate the body.


Mistakenly, many people think of all xanthines in herbal supplements as caffeine. But whether you call it mateine or mistake it for caffeine, a cup of mate will likely give you quite a lift. For a quick comparison, 50 grams of yerba mate (a typical cup of the tea) with a typical mateine content of 1 to 1.5% by weight contains the equivalent of 500 to 750 mg of caffeine. But a typical cup of coffee contains only 80 to 175 mg of caffeine, and a cup of tea has about half that amount. Thus, we're looking at over twice the "active" ingredient. You might achieve lift off with mate, without the side effects associated with other popular stimulants.


Increased energy and fat burning

The result of the chemical combination in mate may, obviously, be a BIG increase in energy and fat burning. One of the most remarkable abilities of mate appears to be that it gives users energy without the muscle tension associated with caffeine. In fact, all xanthines, with the exception of caffeine, cause smooth muscle relaxation.

Mate may help support long-term energy by maintaining energy production with oxygen for longer periods of time, which burns more calories, improves heart efficiency, and delays buildup of endurance, robbing waste products, such as lactic acid that are created by anaerobic glycolysis (energy production without oxygen). One indicator that it is working to burn more fat is a drop in something called the respiratory quotient (RQ), which indicates a rise in the proportion of fat being oxidized or burned in the body. Science is revealing that it also helps stabilize blood sugar to potentially reduce the risk of diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Other powerful benefits

Improved sleep:

Incredibly, mate does not interfere with sleep. In fact, it improves sleep and increases rapid eye movement (REM) sleep as well as the time spent in deep sleep (delta sleep). Many people report that they require less sleep when using mate because they sleep deeper.

Digestive function and detoxification

Mate has been shown to improve digestion and repair damaged gastrointestinal tissues. It may control constipation by softening stools and stimulating intestinal contractions. Mate also may help detoxify the body by increasing water loss thru urination, digestive movements, and evacuation.

Safe for the heart

While other stimulants, like caffeine and ephedra, are feared to potentially have harmful effects on the heart, mate has been shown to actually be good for the heart. It may increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart during stress or exercise and may lower blood pressure and improve circulation in some people by relaxing blood vessels.


Immune support

Mate appears to boost immunity both by fighting infectious organisms and supporting immune cells, particularly white blood cells, in the body. Vitamins C and E, found in mate, are important for immune support. Unlike other herbs that may continuously stimulate the immune system, mate acts to balance immunity as a tonic. Saponins are also important chemicals in mate, which may be partially responsible for its immune-supporting effects.


Improve lung function Yerba mate also helps relieve allergies by stimulating the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids, which suppress inflammation and overactive immune responses. It also opens the respiratory passages. This is good news for athletes since these benefits aid optimal breathing and get more oxygen into the body. Mate's potential to relax muscles may make it useful for asthma since it appears to dilate the bronchi (gas absorbers in your lungs).


Featuring Kasia Beautiful Health, Artisan Fair Trade Cocoa-Coconut Tea! Learn More HERE! 

Environmental Estrogens Could Be Making You Sick

Xenoestrogens Wreak Havoc On Your 'Beautiful Health'

The article below is an important one, and truly does effect each of our lifestyles individually.  I've had my own  personal journey of being exposed to excess xenoestrogens, resulting in removing myself from the conventional salon industry and all  the chemicals/products used "in it" for so long (thankfully this birthed Kasia Salon).  Still today I am required to detox and rebuild the adrenal system due to toxicity and the havoc it does on the endocrince system long term. 

Please take a read below for more of an understanding of xenoestrogens, and their effect on your "Beautiful Health."

Before discussing xenoestrogens, it is important to note the relationship of estrogen and progesterone.  Estrogen (a group of hormones that, although in significantly higher levels in women, is also present in men) is basically a stimulant that promotes cell growth.  Progesterone (a hormone made by women in the ovaries and men in the testes) is the most protective hormone the body produces and keeps cell growth in check.  There is a delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone, and when that balance is disrupted, the effect is estrogen dominance.  To add to the problem most doctors are prescribing synthetic hormone replacement therapies that have been proven to cause serious health risks, including breast cancer and heart disease.  Do not be discouraged.

Xenoestrogens are man-made compounds that mimic hormones.  They were introduced into the environment by industrial, agricultural and chemical companies.  There are over 100,000 registered chemicals (99% of them are not adequately regulated) for use in the world that have hormonal effects in addition to toxic and carcinogenic effects.

Xenoestrogens cause estrogen dominance which in turn causes a multitude of health issues, including:

    * Breast cancer (the increasing rate of breast cancer in North America has nearly tripled since 1950)

    * Fibrocystic breasts

    * Autoimmune disorders (such as lupus and thyroiditis)

    * Increased blood clotting (increasing the risk of stroke)

    * Allergies (including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion)

    * Acceleration of the aging process

    * Uterine cancer

    * Hair loss

    * Fat gain

    * Memory loss

    * Osteoporosis

    * Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

    * Prostate cancer

    * Thyroid dysfunction

    * Infertility

    * Decreased male sexual performance

    * Decreased sperm count

Xenoestrogens not only affect humans, but also affect our environment.  Several studies have found a feminization of males in every class of vertebrate animals from fish to mammals.  Aquatic animals are especially affected as they live in contaminated water.  Xenoestrogens, through pesticides and herbicides, are also found on the produce we eat.  Are you getting the picture yet?  This epidemic is life threatening as it is not only affecting our health but also affecting our food sources.

Some sources of xenoestrogens include:


    * Personal care products and cosmetics (Contain synthetic chemicals that are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and may be the worst culprit as they are applied on the skin and directly absorbed into the body.)

    * All artificial scents (air fresheners, perfumes, etc. contain phthalates)

    * Detergents (Contain many synthetic chemicals, such as diethanolamine (DEA), which is suspected of increasing the risk of cancer, and sodium hydroxide, which is very caustic and can burn eyes, skin and internal organs.)

    * Birth control pills and spermicides (Birth control pills promote continuously high levels of estrogen, and most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9 which breaks down into nonylphenol, a known xenoestrogen, and can increase the risk of infection.)

    * Commercially raised meat (Beef, chicken and pork are injected with growth hormones.)

    * Plastics, plastic bottles and plastic food wraps (Made with bisphenol-A, a compound used as a bonding agent to make plastics more stable and less breakable.  Several studies have shown bisphenol-A to have severe adverse health effects.)

    * Canned foods (Metal cans contain plastic linings with bisphenol-A to eliminate the metal taste in foods.)

    * Styrofoam cups (made of polystyrene, a by-product of petroleum)

    * Pesticides and herbicides (DDT was banned in the United States but it is still manufactured in the United States and shipped to Third World countries.  (Have you noticed from where a large portion of our produce is coming?)

    * Paints, lacquers and solvents

    * Industrial wastes

We are being attacked by xenoestrogens from everywhere.  In today’s world it is impossible to escape all of them.  But, there are several ways you can begin to eliminate them from your home:

    * Use organic personal care products (soaps, lotions, shampoos, deodorants, etc.)

    * Use organic cosmetics and naturally based perfumes

    * Use natural (bioidentical) progesterone instead of synthetic hormone replacement therapies (HRT) (You need to have your hormone levels checked before beginning any HRT program!)

    * Use condoms without spermicide instead of birth control pills

    * Use simple detergents with less chemicals, and don’t use fabric softeners as they put petrochemicals right onto your skin

    * Avoid air fresheners that contain phthalates

    * Avoid synthetic chemicals

    * Avoid meats that contain growth hormones

    * Buy organic produce that is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers, and wash your food well

    * Use glass or ceramic to store food and water

    * Don’t use plastic goods, as all plastics leach into the environment

    * Don’t microwave food in plastic or styrofoam containers, and avoid using plastic wrap to cover food when microwaving

    * Use natural pest control, and eliminate all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides

Any changes you can make will not only increase your health and wellness, but will help to save our environment.  For a healthier alternative in health care, personal care, cleaning,  please visit, dedicated to promoting only those companies who produce truly natural products.


Here’s the deal—all of these estrogens, regardless of whether you get them from your environment or from yourself; you MUST get rid of them and you MUST protect yourself from them.

Stop in to Kasia Salon to learn more about chemical free & xenoestrogen free services as well as a wide variety of health, beauty, and supplement products that will help stay clear of harmful effects long term for you and your family! 


REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: WHI Follow-up Study Confirms Health Risks of Long-Term Combination Hormone Therapy Outweigh Benefits for Postmenopausal Women, Women’s Health Initiative, National Institutes of Health Xenoestrogens and Their Impact on Breast Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Male Fertility and General Human Health, Peter Merino Xenoestrogens and Women’s Health, Sandra Steinbraber and Kathryn Patton, Infertility Workshop
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